Brain Evolution Manual Sensory Perception Training
The scope of this book is personal mind control and development of the 6th sense. This facilitates the development of extra sensory perceptions. This R&D over 2 decades produced a wealth of useful information resulting in exercises and techniques to develop complete control over your brain by your mind which manifest amazing awareness powerful intuition and insight. The techniques flow rapidly when your mind is in control of all the senses and then some as it expands into the psychic realm of knowing. Knowing is different than thinking. Every section contains exercises for personal mind control.
HOW RADIONIC WORKS | 4 Guidelines for Successful Radionic Practice - By John MacDonald
Sensory perception development is the next level of brain evolution for humans. Evolution implies a length of time beyond personal control, this is not true as Adepts and Masters have been present throughout ALL of human history, from myth to factually documented events and everything in between. Why wait on evolution when there are practical things you can do now to advance your sensory perceptions.
The Life Energy is the Solution, for all the Problems of Life
The life energy is the higher quality of thoughts and emotions. The negative thoughts and emotions, pain, sorrow, fear, suffering, insecurity are the lower quality of energy. To overcome the lower quality of energy, you need to transcend the lower energy into the higher one. The solution immerses from the higher flow of energy.
Do you feel out of alignment with the Universe? Don’t worry, it happens to all of us. Even the most seasoned spiritual gurus fall out of alignment sometimes. The important part here is to understand the tools you have available so you can quickly realign with the Universal energy of love. When you are out of alignment with the Universe, you may feel fearful, hopeless, and depressed. But when you are aligned with the loving energy of the Universe, you feel joy, appreciation, and inner peace.
Do you need a miracle right now? Read this blog post and learn how to manifest miracles in 5 steps.
What is a miracle? A miracle is a shift in perspective from fear to love. That is the most basic definition of a miracle from the metaphysical text, A Course In Miracles.
When most people think of miracles, they think of the miraculous events that Jesus performed in the Bible such as walking on water or turning water into wine.
Now, these are indeed acts of miracle but not all miracles need to be of that magnitude.
Besides our thoughts, the quality of our being determines our experience on Earth. We can either let our negative experiences and emotions take the driver seat and manifest more of the same or we can learn our lessons, acknowledge what needs attention, and transform. Here is the process of manifestation in six simple steps, along with a 15-minute exercise you can practice on your own, to call in your dreams and desires.
Prana as a universal energy exists not only within our subtle body channels, but all around. Explore how to sense and consciously direct prana in the body, breath and environment around you.
Do you ever feel stressed, anxious or fatigued for no apparent reason? Well, it might be because your chi is imbalanced. You may have come across the term before but for those of you who haven’t, chi is a spiritual energy that helps us to become physically stronger, mentally focused, energized and revitalised. As well as the physical effects, cultivating your chi will help to keep you to improve your health and wellbeing.
Keep on reading to discover more about chi, why it’s important and how you can balance yours.
Manifestation is a skill that is easy to learn but hard to master. There are 4 common mistakes that people make that block their ability to manifest.
A lot of people get overzealous when they are starting to manifest and practice the Law of Attraction but end up burning out quickly.
Your mind, body, and soul are composed purely of energy.
For this reason, what you feel translates into how you feel. And if you often feel sick, depressed, anxious, or afraid, your energy may be dispersed in too many directions, causing chaotic emotions and reactions. When you become stuck in a lower vibration, you struggle to see your way out. But you can easily raise your energetic level to realign yourself with good health, peace of mind, and the ultimate truth of your potential.
Want to start scripting but don’t know how to start?
Follow this 5-step Law of Attraction Scripting Template to get started.
Scripting is a manifestation technique that involves describing the experience you would like to manifest as if it has already happened.
The greatest gift of silence is that it’s always accessible. Whether you’re a seasoned meditator or new to the practice, you can tap into silence to bring yourself to deeper levels of self-awareness. Below are some of the key benefits and how to access silence in your mediation practice.
Boosting Your Energy With The Law of Attraction In 5 Steps
Feeling sluggish or lethargic is a common complaint, and it’s a problem that can really undermine your quality of life. Perhaps one of the reasons why you wanted to try and work with the Law of Attraction is that you have a strong desire to boost your energy and feel inspired.
Alternatively, perhaps you’ve set a different goal for your Law of Attraction work (such as finding love or financial abundance). But, are aware that you’re vibrating at a low frequency that might make it harder to manifest your dream life.
Whatever your reasons for wanting to boost your energy, here are some strategies and exercises to help you achieve your goal.
The subconscious mind is responsible for 95% of your minds thoughts, actions, emotions and processes. The mind subconscious commands the vast proportion of your life and is accountable for the results and outcomes you receive. It stores every piece of information you obtain and can present you with solutions to any problem.
Whether we realise it or not, we all have an element of control over our own lives and the paths we take.
This means that if we want to achieve a certain goal, manifest a person or become the person we want to be, then we can.
All we need to do is consciously create this for ourselves.
What might seem unachievable now can quickly fall into place when you begin to learn the process of conscious creation and apply it in your own life.
And once you begin to see results, you’ll realise that your potential is infinite!
Are you looking to get into manifesting with the law of attraction? Then you need to read this comprehensive guide on manifesting.
This comprehensive blog post will teach you everything you need to know about manifesting including the Law of Attraction, the Universe, and the 5 steps you can use to manifest everything you want.
Read for the ultimate guide on manifesting.
30 'I Am' Affirmations For Manifestation, Health and Mental Health
Affirmations that start with I am are one of the most powerful things you can do to manifest what you want.
Most of us are not aware that we are manifesting the things we don’t want through our I am statements.
We say things like, “I am tired, I am broke, I am depressed,” and then we wonder why we attract those negative outcomes into our reality.
Affirmations help you gently replace the negative thoughts in your head with positive thoughts.
Positive affirmations for mental health are a good way to gently replace negative thoughts and help to view yourself with more love and kindness.
The Emotional Guidance Scale is the perfect solution when you want to proactively get yourself out of an emotional downward spiral.
Some common advice we receive when we’re feeling anxious or stressed out are things like “just try to think positively” or “everything will be alright“.
While these sayings are nice, sometimes you need something more tangible to help you raise your vibration and feel better. This is where the Emotional Guidance Scale comes in.
You’ve probably been told that money can’t buy everything.
While this is true, we often overlook all the things that can’t be bought.
It isn’t always enough to be told that the most valuable things in life are free. Sometimes, we need more specific reminders.
If you’re struggling to name something money can’t buy, take a look at this list.
It can help put things in perspective and increase your appreciation for the little things.
You can control what information, thoughts and visions enter your subconscious mind through your conscious mind. Whatever your conscious mind believes and accepts is impressed into your subconscious mind. Therefore, if you want to control your subconscious mind, it begins with awareness of what is accessing the mind from your environment.
You can control what information, thoughts and visions enter your subconscious mind through your conscious mind. Whatever your conscious mind believes and accepts is impressed into your subconscious mind. Therefore, if you want to control your subconscious mind, it begins with awareness of what is accessing the mind from your environment.
Do you want to receive intuitive guidance from your higher self?
Read this blog post and learn how to connect with your higher self in 3 steps.
Your higher self is your spirit, which is the essence of who you are.
Your physical form consists of three parts: body, mind, and spirit.
Manifestation Tips For Beginners (With 6 Easy Steps)
Manifesting through the power of the law of attraction, the law of vibration or the universe is an incredible talent to develop. You can have almost anything you desire or wish once you realise it’s real benefits. Like any new skill, you need to understand and learn the basics before you can attract your wishes, and these beginners tips can supercharge your results fast.
Want to use your sexual energy to manifest what you want? Follow this blog post to learn how to manifest using sexual energy in 5 steps.
How does sexual energy help with manifesting? Sexual energy is incredibly high vibrational so it helps you manifest by raising your energy into vibrational alignment with the feelings you would like to experience.
Sexual energy feels very good so it helps you return into alignment with the Universe and remember your higher self.
Do you want to manifest love quickly into your life? There are a few things you can do to speed up your manifestation of love and romance.
When it comes to manifesting, remember that it is all about your energy.
A simple shift in your thoughts and feelings can go a long way.
Here are five things you should do if you want to manifest love into your life.
If you want to manifest what you want, you should incorporate these manifestation techniques and methods into your life.
These manifestation techniques are practical, easy, and fun.
The main benefit of these exercises is to make you feel good by lifting your vibration so you can allow your manifestations to come into form.
The majority of us want more wealth, better health, or to strengthen our relationships. The law of attraction is a lot more than just wishing, and it will come to you. You need to be positive and have the belief it will happen. There is no doubt the law attraction is real, but before you can reap the benefits, you need to understand its works.
What To Do When The Law Of Attraction Doesn’t Work
Read on to discover the top five reasons why the Law of Attraction doesn’t work for some people, and to learn how you can develop an action plan to combat each block.
The philosophy of feng shui is a practice of arranging the pieces in living spaces in order to create balance with the natural world. The goal is to harness energy forces and establish harmony between an individual and their environment.
What does everyone in the modern world need to know? 12 Rules For Life by Jordan Peterson gives you the answer to this most difficult of questions through the combination of hard-won truths of ancient tradition with the stunning revelations of cutting-edge scientific research.
Life force energy animates our physical form and flows through, within and around us always. Known to every wisdom lineage – Aka to the Egyptians, Prana to the Hindu, Qi to the Chinese – it is this vital force that gives us life and when directed with conscious intent, brings deeper meaning to our lives.
Do you want to manifest more abundance into your life? Try these 10 prayers for abundance to attract more wealth and financial stability into your life.
Praying is the best way to directly communicate with the Universe and shift your energy from fear to faith.
Prayers work because they are acts of surrender.
When you pray, you are showing your trust in the Universe.
88 Money Affirmations For Wealth and Abundance
Want to attract more abundance into your life? Use these 88 money affirmations to manifest wealth today.
You are a powerful co-creator and you can manifest your dreams by creating a vision for your life and deliberately choosing beliefs, feelings and actions that support that vision. If you need some inspiration, here are 15 magical ways to manifest your desires.
70 (7 x 10) Chakra Affirmations For Your 7 Chakras
Balance your chakras with these chakra affirmations.
Chakras are the energy centers of your body. There are 7 chakra points located at different spots along your body.
Each Chakra has a specific name and color and they are each associated with certain emotions or feelings.
Use chakra affirmations to heal a specific chakra and bring your entire body’s chakra into balance.
WHY MANIFESTATIONS DON'T WORK ?? ...and what can be done to make it work?
The main cause of the failure of the manifestation process is the lack- or the absence of the fuel which the manifestation process need.
There is no manifestation without a sufficient amount of vital life energy!
These interesting posts & writings (except those ones what we -or our colleagues- had written) do not reflect entirely -perhaps, just partly!- our thoughts and beliefs, and also we are not agree with many sentences and parts of them, but we considered them worth publishing and reading. So, please read them with open minded, but with also a -healthy- positive skepticism.
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Peter F. Drucker
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