~ Marketing slogans | Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipments ~
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Life Energy & Life Force Equipments
powered with- and boosted by Vitality Generators; Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators®
Marketing slogans
. Nothing without Life Force !
Life Energy & Life Force Equipments: the best choice to be energized and vitalised!
Everything is energy and the Energy is everything!
From the course of 'The Magick of Personal Development' by Sandor (1996)
Manifestation and/or 'action at the distance' without Life Energy & Life Force? Impossible!
Our Equipments generate -continuously- Life Energy & Life Force!
Put your life and destiny into the best hands: yours -of course-! Power up and set up your new performant Life Energy & Life Force Equipment!
Drink always energized and optimized water! With the Life Energy & Life Force Equipments you can quickly and easily energize your drinking water (and your daily food / meal)!
Order now your new and performant Life Energy & Life Force Equipment to gain all advantages of using the subtle energies (Life Energy & Life Force, or chi / qi, prana, mana, od, orgone, bio-energy, etc.).
Give & allow power, energy & force (Life Energy & Life Force!) to your positive thoughts and creative ideas to manifest them!
We give you energy & vitality! And, at a very affordable price too! >»
Deeper and better meditation & relaxation? Just set your Life Energy & Life Force Equipment to a -correspondent- lower frequency and use your 'structural link' (PBT 2400 or TC 99) to receive and harness the beneficial energy flux generated by your equipment!
Efficient and successful stress relief with the new & performant Life Force & Life Energy Equipments!
Feng Shui energies at your discretion? Anytime and anywhere?? Yes! Now it's possible!
We assure the -absolutely necessary- Life Energy & Life Force (Chi & Prana & Orgone) energy flux to your manifestation! The rest depends on you...
Life Energy & Life Force; the vital fuel for your body and mind!
Life Energy & Life Force (Chi & Prana & Orgone) from a -digital or printed- image?? Yes; our technologically assured Chi Vitality Cards can do that, and can supply this beneficial subtle energy for you! Continuously!
Tai Chi and / or Chi Kung, or even Yoga for hours? Forget it! Just power up your Life Energy & Life Force Equipments and you will be energized in seconds !
Take the beneficial energies generated from your Life Energy & Life Force Equipment with you, wherever you go; just carry with you one part of your transfer couple 'structural link'.
Our formula for manifestation:
[{Stable & correspondent (Structural Link to Target + Structural Link to Trend)} x (Life Energy & Life Force) = MANIFESTATION ]
Radionics and 'magick' have a 'common functioning principle'? Read our explanation and demonstration!
Life Energy & Life Force Equipments boosted by -integrated- Chi & Prana & Orgone Generators, handmade with the high performant Super-Orgonite® formula. Only from us and our authorised distributors!!
The conscious overtake and the continuous and conscious(!) use of the subtle Life Energy & Life Force in ANY of the desired actions, can bring significant advantages to the user and can facilitate the overall success!
Feel the Life Energy & Life Force! Perform our free LifeEnergy & LifeForce (chi / qi, prana, mana, od, orgone, bio-energy, etc.) Transfer Test (what only we can provide)!
Give strength to your thoughts to manifest them!
Feel now -consciously!- the Life Force Energy (chi & prana & orgone-energy)! A free Transfer Test what only we can offer for You!
It's not the "frequencies", but the amount of available Life Force & Life Energy what really counts in the manifestation process!
Radionics x [Chi (LifeEnergy & LifeForce)] = Chi Power Radionics
The main -and most important- components in the Life Energy & Life Force Equipments are the -genuine!- Chi & Prana & Orgone Generators®!
Living water that is super-charged with Life Force & Life Energy (chi / qi, prana, mana, od, orgone, bio-energy, etc.) means beneficial change on every level, more energy and significant improvements of vitality!
Read about the various and different pollution of the water, and learn how you can benefit -every day- of energized & optimized living water!
Life Energy & Life Force can be modulated physically (with hertzian frequencies) and also virtually with -magickal- symbols and by thoughts.
The Life Energy & Life Force Equipments; an easy, but efficient way -4U2- to generate Life Force & Life Energy what can be used in ANY of the desired action!
The carrier of the mobile phone signals are the Electro-Magnetic Frequencies. The carrier of the thoughts and ideas are the Life Energy & Life Force.
Want more energy and vitality? Order now your new Life Energy & Life Force Equipment or your personalised Chi Vitality Card!
Want more energy and vitality? Order now your your personalised Chi Vitality Card or your new Life Force Energy generator Equipment!
Life Energy & Life Force is the creative Power of the Universe. Feel free to use it, start / turn on your equipment!
A functional -working- radionics programming w/o Life Force? Impossible!
Give power to your thoughts to manifest them!
You can do that using your Life Energy & Life Force Equipment!
Life Energy & Life Force Equipments: energy & vitality, material- and spiritual growing...
Success, development, realisations and fulfillment without Life Energy & Life Force? Impossible!!
Life Energy & Life Force Equipments: energy, vitality and protection to you and to your beloved ones.
Protect -energetically- yourself and your family, energize and vitalise them with the help of the Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipments.
Life. Energy. LifeEnergy!
+ 'Equipment' => Life Energy Equipment !!
Life + Energy = Life Energy!
+ Generator => Life Energy Generator!!
+ Equipment => Life Energy Generator Equipment!!!
Life. Energy. LifeEnergy!
+ Generator => LifeEnergy Generator!!
+ Equipment => Life Energy Generator Equipment!!!
Charge yourself in moments with positive and beneficial Life Energy & Life Force and Vitality with the help of Life Energy & Life Force Equipments!
Have you ever felt -consciously- the Life Energy & Life Force? Now you can do it easily! Perform our -free- Life Energy & LifeForce Transfer Test.
Life Energy & Life Force (Chi, Prana & Orgon-Energy) -for you, and for your loved ones; for your benefit success and safety, with a single click!
Do You need some -real good- energy? Then turn on your Life Energy & Life Force Equipment! Do You need more energy? Then turn on the second one also, and keep on running / functioning your Devices! ;-)
Increase your vitality, your safety and self-confidence with the help of the Life Energy & Life Force Equipments!
Life Energy & Life Force Equipments: energy and vitality for your body, soul and spirit!
Think now about your future, your personality's (continuous) development and improvement: order a Life Energy & Life Force Equipment now. Investing in yourself is the best possible investment you can ever make!
Life Energy & Life Force Equipment with integrated Life Energy & Life Force Generator®: continuous Life Energy & Life Force (chi / qi, prana, mana, od, orgone, bio-energy, etc.) supply, an inexhaustible source of energy and vitality.
Turn on your Life Energy & Life Force Equipment and take over - consciously - the generated Life Energy & Life Force, and use it - also consciously - in any activity of your choice, and in ANY desired action!
With a simple and one-time investment, you can gain abundant, beneficial and positive vital Life Energy & Life Force for a lifetime! It is the best investment possible, as you invest in yourself and -implicitly- in your future!
Imagine having the Power to control your Future and your Fate. This is the energy that can be used to achieve anything with its effective & conscious use, therefore; You too can achieve anything you really want!
Imagine having the power to control your Future and your Fate. This is the energy that can be used to achieve anything with its effective use, therefore; You too can achieve anything you really want!
Life Energy & Life Force Equipment: ...Energy and vitality with one simple easy click and elegant gesture / movement!
Life Energy & Life Force Equipments with integrated Life Energy & Life Force Generators: a trustworthy and stable point in this rushed, uncertain world.
I have an unfailing and inexhaustible source of energy! My Life Energy & Life Force Equipment constantly provides me the necessary -beneficial- extra energy and extra vitality!
Focus your energies on the goal what you wish to achieve! The Life Energy & Life Force Equipments can effectively help in the supplying of the necessary vital and creative Energy!
Be always full with energy and vitality! Take-over -consciously!- the Life Energy & Life Force generated and radiated from your new Life Energy & Life Force Equipment and use it as it's better for you!!
The Life Energy & Life Force Equipments help- and support you to take control of your life and destiny, to achieve your goals faster, and highly realize yourself and reach your overall success and well-being.
Have you ever felt -consciously!- the Life Energy & Life Force (chi / qi, prana, mana, od, orgone, bio-energy, etc.), or -like so many others- only read about it in books, or have you heard of it in -different- courses or seminars? Now is your chance to experience it! Free of charge -of course-!
Did you know that without the right amount of Life Energy & Life Force, any of your -mental / brain control- programming (in terms of manifestation) is -almost- useless?
Calm, concentration and self-confidence with the conscious use of Life Energy & Life Force generated by the Life Energy & Life Force Equipments.
Virtual modulation of the energized drinking water with a thought-form charged by the Life Energy & Life Force Equipment.
Water and food energization and optimization, fast and easy, from any distance!
Boost your creativity and solve a problem quickly and efficiently by using the Life Energy & Life Force!
Give energy & force (Life Energy & Life Force), and provide strength, power and vitality to your positive thoughts and to your creative ideas, for their realization and manifestation!
Energize- and charge yourself with positive Life Energy & Life Force! Use your Life Energy & Life Force Equipment!
Successes, achievements, abundance, prosperity and personal development and fulfillment without Life Energy & Life Force? Impossible! So, start- and use your new Life Energy & Life Force Equipment!
Charge yourself in just a few seconds with positive, creative and beneficial Life Energy & Life Force, and feel all its benefits!
Why would you meditate - and why would you sit for hours in various twisted positions, when you can re-charge with beneficial Life Energy & Life Force much faster, safer and more convenient(!) with the help of the genuine Life Energy & Life Force Equipment? Life Energy & Life Force for people in a hurry, but smarter ones! :-)
Energy, protection and safety with the help of the Life Energy & Life Force Equipments!
Energize your drinking water and your food - even from a distance! - with vital positive and beneficial Life Energy & Life Force!
Do you need more energy? Simple! Just turn on your Life Energy & Life Force Equipment and take-over -consciously'- the generated Life Energy & Life Force!
More energy for manifestation? Yes, of course! Start- and use your Life Energy & Life Force Equipment to increase your chances of overall success in the manifestation process and in any of your desired action / activity!
Power Radionic Devices with -integrated- Life Energy & Life Force (chi & prana & orgone) Generators? YES, absolutely! Only from us !!
Life Energy & Life Force x (Equipment + (Generator)) = Life Energy & Life Force Generator Equipment !
1. With the efficient and conscious use of the Life Energy & Life Force (chi / qi, kí, prana, mana, od, magnetic fuid, orgon / orgone, bio-energy, etc.) many advantages, profits and privileges can be obtained.
2. The Life Energy & Life Force Equipments generates -continuously- Life Energy & Life Force. Period!
Believe in it? Then; you may! With abundant Life Energy & Life Force, you surely can !
We offer you two hours full of energy and vitality! -Now- for free!
Did you know? During functioning, the Life Energy & Life Force Equipments generate and emanate -continuously- the beneficial Life Energy & Life Force, which you can use and harness in any desired action and activity!
Drink always energized water! With the help of the Life Energy & Life Force Equipments you can energize and charge it till saturation- drinking water in just a few seconds! Consume- & drink it with pleasure!
Modulate the Life Energy & Life Force (chi / qi, prana, mana, od, orgon, etc.) generated and emanated from the the Life Energy & Life Force Equipments (with integrated Chi & Prana & Orgone Generators) with various symbols from the different filter packs, such as the 'Alphabet of Desires' and the 'Alphabet of Success'!
The Life Energy & Life Force Equipments : a secure source, an inexhaustible and abundant wellspring of Life Energy & Life Force (chi / qi, prana, mana, od, orgon)! Anytime, anywhere!
Using the Radionics Manifestation Programs, together with any of our LifeEnergy & LifeForce Equipment powered with- and boosted by -integrated- Vitality Generators; Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator® which is not -á priori!- radionic device / radionic type, can be obtained a virtual Power Radionic Machine (!)
Easier and safer radionics rate setting with the Super-Orgonite® stickpad.
LED display on many of the Life Energy & Life Force Equipments to be able to set the exact frequencies you want!
Modern & revolutionary -techno-Magick with the Life Energy & Life Force Equipments and the Manifestation Program!
We assure you the necessary plus energy & vitality to succeed!
The frequency you set-up on the equipment is the frequency which modulates -the flux- of the radiated and emanated Life Energy & Life Force generated by the integrated Chi & Prana & Orgone Generator(s)!
Through our performant Life Energy & Life Force Equipments we provide you with energy, force, power and vitality. Use it with care and with responsibility!
Karl Welz invented and built -first time in human history- a -totally functional!- Orgone Generator (Chi Generator or Prana Generator). After one year he invented the Orgonite, perfecting it in Super Orgonite®. Our -genuine- Life Force & Life Energy generator Equipments can generate and emanate -contiously- these subtle energies (orgone, prana, chi/qi, etc.) that can offer and give a lot of advantages and can bring success and fulfillment in your life.
Manifestation without life energy & life force? A car without engine!
Manifestation without life energy & life force? A car engine without fuel!
The Life Energy & Life Force is the essential component in the manifestation process. Our equipments -during functioning- generate continuously LifeEnergy & LifeForce !
You could know lot of 'manifestation technics', but if you can not give- and assure power & force (life force and life energy) to your manifestation, the process will surely fail!
(Life)Energy & vitality for your protection and to your -overall- success and manifestation !
What do you think; how can be someone more successful? without- or with a considerable amount of Life Energy & Life Force (Chi & Prana & Orgone)? We think that the answer is obvious.
Manifestation without life energy & life force? Like an engine without fuel!
Continuous powerful Life Energy & Life Force at your disposal for a quarter per day??
Yeah; it's possible now with our Chi Vitality Cards !! Try it; check it; order it !
Performant Mind Machines without -ridiculous- goggles, earphones and headsets?! Sure, only from us!
You can use the generated Life Energy & Life Force for anything you want! So; use it!
The Life Energy & Life Force is the fuel of life. You can always have your fuel tank full! Use the Chi Vitality Cards or the Life Energy Equipments!
Add energy (Life Energy) & vitality to your creative thoughts & desired trends to manifest it !
If you want more energy;
What?! Continuous flow of (Life)energy from a piece of paper or from an image?? Unbelievable!!
Yes! We can do it and we can -proudly- provide it to you! Try it now for free!
Yes, frequency can be significant..., but the most important is the strenght & the power of the life energy field what can be used!
Did you know? With our 'structural links' (the Transfer Couple TC 99, the RAOPTC and the PBT 2400 Power Booster) you can transfer the generated life energy & life force (chi & prana & orgone-energy) at any distance, without any loss, no matter how far are you from your Life Energy & Life Force Equipment !
Need more energy? Use your Life Force & Life Energy Equipment and / or your personalised Chi Vitality Card!
Recharge your -subtle body- batteries with pure, positive and beneficial Life Energy & Life Force (a.k.a. chi, prana, od, magnetic fluid, vril, orgone, bio-energy, etc.) emanated from you powerful and performant device or your personal Chi Vitality Card!
Have a good vibe using your new & performant Life Force & Life Energy Equipment (and / or your personalised Chi Vitality Card!)!
There is no manifestation without Life Energy & Life Force!
And Life Energy & Life Force from where? From the Chi Vitality Card or from your LifeEnergy & LifeForce Equipments with integrated Vitality Generators; Chi & Prana & Orgone Generators!
ORGONize your life with the Life Force & Life Energy generator Equipments boosted by Vitality Generators; Chi & Prana & ORGONE Generators!
How sensitive are you to subtle energies? Have you ever -consciously- sensed and felt the Life Energy & Life Force? Now you can try it. It's free. » Free Life Energy Test
Welfare, prosperity and -energetical- protection by using CONSCIOUSLY the subtle Life Energies.
There is no manifestation without Life Energy!
Manifestation without Life Energy? Impossible!
Manifestation without Life Energy? Impossible!
Use the personal Chi Vitality Card(s) to assure (life)energy to your manifestations!
Want to know the SECRET of successful manifestation? We can give you in 5 simple words: enough Life Energy to succeed!
Fully energized a whole month with less then a 'quarter' per day? No way! :-)
But yes!! Now it is possible with our Chi Vitality Cards!
More creativity and inspiration by using CONSCIOUSLY the subtle Life Energies.
The Chi Life Energy Vitality Card assure the -so- necessary Life Force to your manifestation, even while you sleep!
The Chi Life Energy Vitality Card assure the -so- necessary Life Force to your manifestation, even while you sleep!
Wanna know why all kind of manifestation -ultimately- fail? The main reason is the lack of the subtle energy what should operates the process. Do you want energy at your discretion? Then order your Life Energy Equipment or buy your personal Chi Life Energy Vitality Card!
What really count in the manifestation process is the available life force & life energy quantity (and quality). Everithing else (frequencies, intension, qualification, competency, etc.) is secondary.
Our Life Energy Equipments generates- and our Chi Vitality Cards emanates -continuosly- life force & life energy!
Just plug in your new Life Energy generator Equipment and you will always have life force (chi & prana & orgone / orgone-energy) at your disposal!
Do You need -some- beneficial (life)energy? Contact us!
Do You need more (life)energy? Do you need -energetic-protection? Read about what the Life Force Energy Generator Equipments can do for you!
Do You want more success in your life? Use -consciously!- the life force energy emanated from your Life Force Energy Generator Equipments can do for you!
A free Transfer Test what only we can offer for You: feel now -consciently!- the Life Force Energy (chi & prana & orgone-energy)!
The Welz Generator & the Life Energy Equipment & the Vitality Card; ...if you need more success in your life.
The Welz Generator & the Life Energy Equipment & the Vitality Card; ...if you want -even- more energy.
The Welz Generator & the Life Energy Equipment & the Vitality Card; ...if you want to live your life.
The Welz Generator & the Life Energy Equipment & the Vitality Card; ...if you want to sleep better.
The Welz Generator & the Life Energy Equipment & the Vitality Card; ...if you want to change your life in a better.
The Welz Generator & the Life Energy Equipment & the Vitality Card; ...if you want to change your lifestyle.
The Welz Generator & the Life Energy Equipment & the Vitality Card; ...if you need more vitality.
The Welz Generator with the HD Type / RAD 5 Life Energy Equipment & the Vitality Card; ...if you want and need more power!
The Welz Generator & the Life Energy Equipment & the Vitality Card; ...if you want to improve your life.
The Welz Generator & the Life Energy Equipment & the Vitality Card; ...if you need more self-confidence.
The Welz Generator & the Life Energy Equipment & the Vitality Card; ...if you want more charisma.
The Welz Generator & the Life Energy Equipment & the Vitality Card; ...if you want to boost your memory.
The Welz Generator & the Life Energy Equipment & the Vitality Card; ...if you want to boost your creativity.
The Welz Generator & the Life Energy Equipment & the Vitality Card; ...if you want to be more clever ;-))
The Welz Generator & the Life Energy Equipment & the Vitality Card; ...if you want to bring magick in your life.
The Welz Generator & the Life Energy Equipment & the Vitality Card; ...if you need to bring more success in your life.
The Welz Generator & the Life Energy Equipment & the Vitality Card; ...if you want to drink energized & optimalized water.
The Welz Generator & the Life Energy Equipment & the Vitality Card; ...if you are looking for your soul mate.
The Welz Generator & the Life Energy Equipment & the Vitality Card; ...if you want to find your soul mate.
The Welz Generator & the Life Energy Equipment & the Vitality Card; ...if you think that you deserve a better life.
The Welz Generator & the Life Energy Equipment & the Vitality Card; ...if you want more from your life.
The Welz Generator & the Life Energy Equipment & the Vitality Card; ...if you decided to change your life in better.
The Welz Generator & the Life Energy Equipment & the Vitality Card; ...if you want to take your life in your hands.
The New Welz Chi Generator® is more than a generator of life force & life energy (chi & prana & orgone). It is a way of life !!
In fact, it is exclusively designed to make Your deepest desires become tangible reality!
The Life Energy & Life Force Equipments; the best choice for opening a wonderful new path in your life!
* * *
Marketing slogan »
What do you think; how can be someone more successful? without- or with a considerable amount of Life Energy & Life Force (Chi & Prana & Orgone)? We think that the answer is obvious.
Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipments powered with & boosted by integrated Vitality Generators; -genuine- Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator® made with Super Orgonite® and -recommended- Accessories
~ Shipping cost and offered Services ~
Complete CATALOG & -actual- Prices / Order(s)
Ask our help & support if you think you would need it.
The complete CATALOG with -actual- Prices
Please select / choose according to the 'Delivery / Shipping Address' of the ordered package
Recommended KITs to order
Kit I. (Basic KIT - almost mandatory): Life Force & Life Energy generator Equipment(s) powered with & boosted by Vitality Generators; Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators®
corresponding and appropriate Accessories:
Power Supplies [DC wall transformer (AC / DC adapter)]
+ Structural Link(s) + shipping cost + online support (!)
Kit II.:
KIT I. + DIGITAL Product KIT (!)
DIGITAL Product KITs »»
Digital Kit I.:
Power Radionic 'Manifestation' program + additional online support
Digital Kit II.: Digital KIT I. + Filters Packs & Symbols
Digital Kit III.: Digital KIT II.
Sounds & Frequencies
Digital Kit IV.: Digital KIT III. + Life Energy Chi Vitality Cards - the most complex and complete KIT, and -of course- the best choice !
Marketing slogan »
The conscious overtake and the continuous and conscious(!) use of the subtle
Life Energy & Life Force in ANY of the desired actions, can bring significant advantages to the user and can facilitate the overall success!
Life Force & Life Energy generator Equipments Special Accessories
A Very Specific Structural Link
Chi Vitality Cards® / Chi Life Force Energy Card(s)
Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipments
powered with & boosted by
(Vital / Vitality Generators); Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators®
Internal Pages
accessible for Life Energy & Life Force Generator Equipment owners »
All contents Copyright 1996 - 2025 © by HSCTI Inc. & BEC unless otherwise specified. All Rights Reserved!
Welz Chi Generator®, Chi Generator®, Chi Generator®, Orgone Generator®, Prana Generator®, Orgonite®, Structural Link® and Chi Card® are registered trademarks of Hyper Space Communications and Technologies International.
Patents Pending.
#1 World Leading Life Force & Life Energy Technology
Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipments
powered with and boosted by genuine -integrated- Vital / Vitality Welz Generators; Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators®
Recommended Accessories
The official & complete CATALOG with -actual- Prices | Orders 
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Wallace D. Wattles
Marketing slogan
LED display on many of the Life Energy & Life Force Equipments to be able to set the exact frequencies you want!
Marketing slogan
The Welz Generator & the Life Energy Equipment & the Vitality Card; ...if you need more vitality.
LIFE ENERGY Generator Equipments
Energy & Vitality to You and for Your Success!