»» « 
Down Worldwide Distibution and exclusively importer in the EU (European Union)!
LifeEnergy & Vitality for Your protection and Success!

The complete Price CATALOG | Worldwide Orders ~

Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipments Complete Catalog with Actual Prices  ||  Shipping cost (outside USA) / Worldwide Orders  ||  Recommended Accessories -complete- Catalog Prices: Structural Links | Adapters || Digital Products: Manifestation Radionics Programs | Filters & -magickal- symbols | Special Specific Frequencies | Chi Vitality Card   ||  Services / Customer Support
Special Chi Vitality Card: the cheapest continuous Life Energy source

Order information (please read it) / Currencies / Shipping  |  Catalog / Presentation   |   Free Life Energy & Life Force Transfer Test   |   Recommended Equipments and Accessories   |   Recommended KITs   |   Prices / Orders

Digital Discount KITs

  ~     .

#1 World Leading Life Force & Life Energy Technology

Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipments
powered with and boosted by genuine -integrated- Vital / Vitality Welz Generators; Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators®
& Recommended Accessories


worldwide-orders Worldwide orders   |   Worldwide deliveries

Shipping & delivery costs are not included in piece price -unless otherwise specifically stated-.
Goods are dropshipped directly to our Customers and will be sent from our US Main Warehouse [Atlanta (GA) or Austin (TX)].
Eventually import requirements (outside -contiguous- USA), fees and taxes are entirely Customer / Buyer responsibility!


Recommended KITs to order

Kit I. (Basic KIT - almost mandatory): Life Force & Life Energy generator Equipment(s) powered with & boosted by Vitality Generators; Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators®
      +  corresponding and appropriate Accessories: Power Supplies [DC wall transformer (AC / DC adapter)]  +  Structural Link(s)  +  shipping cost  +  online support (!)
  Kit II.: KIT I. + DIGITAL Product KIT (!)


DIGITAL Product KITs »»

Digital Kit I.: Power Radionic 'Manifestation' program + additional online support
Digital Kit II.: Digital KIT I. + Filters Packs & Symbols
Digital Kit III.: Digital KIT II. Sounds & Frequencies
Digital Kit IV.: Digital KIT III. + Life Energy Chi Vitality Cards - the most complex and complete KIT, and -of course- the best choice !

Order in KITs to SAVE money!

We are not responsible for any custom duty or import tax!
Eventually additional cost and fees are entirely Customer responsibility!
Worldwide orders
Delivery / Shipping address is: outside -contiguous- USA !
After ordering, you can be sure that you will receive our full attention and support, so that you can enjoy all the advantages and benefits of your purchase.
Goods are dropshipped directly from our US Main Warehouse [Atlanta (GA) or Austin (TX)].
Shipping costs are not included in piece price -unless otherwise specifically stated-.
All products made in USA!

Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipments
powered with & boosted by integrated Vitality Generators; genuine Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators®

Catalog & -actual- Prices | Orders

Click on links / images to obtain more information...
Please add 'shipping cost' if needed (see / check below).  

JU 99 CE (Chi Energizer)

Chi Mind Machine
JU 99 CE
 [ Minimum order: 2 pcs! ]

Made in USA!
In case of international shipments the eventually import fees (and related VAT) are entitely Customer responsibility!

LPOG 2000 DL

Low Pulse Orgone Generator 2000 DeLuxe
Chi Mind Machine  +  AO
Free Customer Support*!

LPOG 2400 HD

Low Pulse Orgone Generator 2400 Heavy Duty
Chi Mind Machine  +  AO
LPOG 2400 HD
Free Customer Support*!
$1554 -155  $1399 USD

Performer 2400 HD  /  Sport Performer

Chi Mind Machine  +  Power Radionics  +  AO
Performer 2400 HD
Free Customer Support!

PFC 2000 DL

Precision Frequency Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator® with frequency meter display
Chi Mind Machine  +  Power Radionics  +  AO
PFC 2000
Free Customer Support*!

PFC 2400 HD

Precision Frequency Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator® with frequency counter display
Chi Mind Machine  +  Power Radionics  +  AO
PFC 2400 HD
Free Customer Support*!

RAD 2000

Power Radionics Device  +  AO
RAD 2000 Power Radionics Manifestation Device
$1074 -75 USD  $999 USD

RAD 2400 HD

Top of the Line Power Radionics Manifestation Device  +  Chi Mind Machine & Mind Trainer & Mind Coach  +  AO
Free Customer Support*!
Please add 'shipping cost' in case if needed (please check below).

RAD 5 / ATG 5

Top of the Line Power Radionics Super Manifestation Device  +  Chi Mind Machine & Mind Trainer & Mind Coach  +  AO
rad5 / atg 5
Free shipping & free Customer Support!

ATG 12 / ATGS 12000

Astro Trend Generating Power System | Top of the Line Orgone Chi Power Radionics™ Super Manifestation Device
atg12 / atgs 12000
Use 3 pcs of RAD 5 / ATG 5 instead!
* Free Customer Support is about using the Equipments (technical advices), but did not include or cover the different 'Manifestation Technics & Success Strategies' (exemption: only for RAD 5) !
All products are proudly made in the USA with traditional German Engineering high quality standards (DIN) and include a limited 5 year manufacturer warranty.

Presently 9 people are seeing our online 'Catalog & Order' page!

  ~       .    

» Short -but comprehensive- online MANUAL »»


Shipping, Handling & Delivering Costs
(depending on the total amount of the package)

globe Outside USA |   International shipping | Wordlwide deliveries*

* With a few exception, to countries considered 'unsafe' by the shipping companies regarding the security of delivery
Eventually additional cost and fees are entirely Customer responsibility!
For more exact and accurate shipping cost please contact us before you order.
Note: Due to the lately increasing shipping costs, part of it -as an offered discount and gift- we will bearing it ourselves for you*
* This bonus cannot be combined with other discounts!

1blueb.gif Shipping cost - Int'l shipping (Express mail):  add +$69 USD ($)
    1blueb.gif Shipping cost for orders above $3000: $0 !    
For special -& faster- shipping, or for DHL, FedEx, UPS, etc., please ask about price sending us an email / message.

Important Notes
* Phone Number must be included (shipping company requirement).
** Be sure to add the proper & adequate cost of shipping with your order.
For orders which shipping address is outside USA -eventually- import requirements and all additional costs, together with other fees as well (custom clearance, custom fees, taxes, duties and VAT) are entirely Customer / Buyer duty and responsibility. Please see & check also 'Ordering information'.
      Buy multiple items & KITs and SAVE on shipping cost!      


Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipments -with integrated Vital / Vitality Welz Generators; Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators®


Catalog & -actual- Prices

Structural links (Transfer Couples & Boosters) | Power supplies / Adapters | Manifestation Programs | Filters- & -Magickal- Symbol Packs | Special Frequencies | Chi Vitality Cards

Click on links/images to obtain more information...

Adapters / Adaptors

LifeEnergy  4,5 V DC; 7,5 V DC or 9 V DC Adapters / Adaptors (300-, 500- or 1000 mA); to powering up the equipments

(Shipping cost not included in the piece price!)

Adapter 300 mA
Adapter 500 mA
Price: $19.90  

Adapter 1000 mA / 1A
Adapter 2A

Structural Links | Transfer Couples & Power Boosters

For assured transfer of the Life Force Energy (chi, prana, od, orgone, bioenergy, etc.) at a distance (any distance!) w/o any loss!

Shipping cost not included in piece price!

TC 99

Chakra Transfer Couple | Structural Link
TC 99


Round Aqua Optimizer Power Transfer Couple | Structural Link

PBT 2400 Power Booster

Power Booster with Transfer Disk | Structural Link
PBT 2400 Power Booster


Potency Power Booster
Discontinued !

Downloadable Accessories

Manifestation Programs | Symbols | Frequencies | Chi Vitality Cards
Downloadable products are non-refundable.
Goods & download information will be sent after purchase -in a separate email- in max. 48 hours!
For digital / downloadable products & items (including services) refund is not possible!

Power Radionics MANIFESTATION Programs

.   .    

The 'tiptop' Manifestation Program ™ for PCs

Now; with -10% Discount Price!
Abbreviations: MP: Manifestation Program | AoD: Alphabet of Desire | AoS: Alphabet of Success | F&WL: Fitness & Weight Loss | Chakras: the 7 main subtle energy center | FSD: Feng Shui Dynamic | Astro: Astrology | ADM: Astro-Dynamic Manifestation | Runes: the Armanen Runes (The Eighteen Sacred Futhork Runes) | Tarot: Cups / Pentacles / Swords / Wands / Major Arcana (Straight and Reversed Position) | K&HT: Kabbalah & Hebrew Talismans | KoS (CS): Key of Solomon (Claviculae Salamonis) | Lem (Lemegeton): the Lesser Key of King Solomon | Abr (Abramelin): The Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage | GV: Grimorium Verum | Dr.F (Dr. Faustus): The Black Raven / The Threefold Coercion of Hell | I-Tarot: Infernal Tarot | SageOTP: Sage Of The Pyramids | Woodoo: Woodoo Symbols | ST: Shinto Talismans  ...plus additional Symbols (as a gift :-))
Handling fee: $19.99  6.99USD (or equivalent in € or £)
Please choose / select, then click / tap on below -PayPal- image!

The 'tiptop' FULL MANIFESTATION Program™ for PCs
Radionics Manifestation Program
Incl. the Feng Shui Dynamic (FSD) & Fitness / Weight Loss (F&WL) & (ADM) Astro Dynamic Manifestation Programs, and also included ALL the 9 New AOD pack & the AOS Symbol Pack(s)
$339.00 -12%  $299.00  (!) (or equivalent in € / £)  + handling fee: $10
The 'tiptop' TOTAL MANIFESTATION Program™ for PCs
manifestation program -
Incl. the Feng Shui Dynamic (FSD) & Fitness / Weight Loss (F&WL) & (ADM) Astro Dynamic Manifestation Programs, and also included ALL the 9 New AOD & the AOS Symbol Pack(s), the Backgrounds & the Sounds / Frequencies (Mind, Love Magick, Fitness & Weight Loss)
$459.00 -20%   $369.00  (!) (or equivalent in € / £)  + handling fee: $10
You can -additionally- order and add later different images, 'Symbols & Filter packs' & Special Frequencies (!)

Unique and personalized Manifestation Program Templates for You

Order Manifestation Program Templates for your specifique needs, intensions and trends
$19.90 or equivalent in (EUR) or £ (Pounds), with -20% Discount for the next ones!
Handling fee: $9.90  $3.9 (USD or equivalent in € or £)


The Manifestation Ultimate LITE Radionics Programfor PC's & MAC's

Now; -in - with -10% Discount Price!
Manifestation Ultimate LITE
Abbreviations: MULRP: Manifestation Ultimate LITE Radionics Program | F10: First 10 | AoD: Alphabet of Desire | AoS: Alphabet of Success | F&WL: Fitness & Weight Loss | Chakras: the 7 main subtle energy center | FSD: Feng Shui Dynamic | Astro: Astrology | ADM: Astro-Dynamic Manifestation | Runes: the Armanen Runes (The Eighteen Sacred Futhork Runes) | Tarot: Cups / Pentacles / Swords / Wands / Major Arcana (Straight and Reversed Position) | K&HT: Kabbalah & Hebrew Talismans | KoS (CS): Key of Solomon (Claviculae Salamonis) | Lem (Lemegeton): the Lesser Key of King Solomon | Abr (Abramelin): The Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage | GV: Grimorium Verum | Dr.F (Dr. Faustus): The Black Raven / The Threefold Coercion of Hell | I-Tarot: Infernal Tarot | SageOTP: Sage Of The Pyramids | Woodoo: Woodoo Symbols | ST: Shinto Talismans  ...plus additional Symbols (as a gift :-))
Handling fee: $19.99  $10 (USD or equivalent in € or £)
Please choose / select, then click / tap on below -PayPal- image!

Ask for a special discount price regarding ANY of the available Symbol Packs, Specific Special Frequencies and Chi Vitality Cards, or any of their combination!

Unique and personalized Manifestation Program Templates for You

Order Manifestation Program Templates for your specifique trends and intensions
$19.90 or equivalent in (EUR) or £ (Pounds), with -20% Discount for the next ones!
Handling fee: $9.90  $3.9 (USD or equivalent in € or £)
Upgrade from Ultimate LITE to Ultimate PRO with 7.5% discount !
$369-99=270-11.5%=$240 USD + handling fee: $19.99  10USD (or equivalent in € or £) or equivalent in any currency

Symbols & Filter Packs / -Magickal- Grimoires

. ~

The Alphabet of Desire (AOD48)

Filter Packs & -Magickal- Symbols Filter Packs & -Magickal- Symbols
$79.00 -10%, Save: $7.90  $71.10

Alphabet of Success (AOS54)

$89.00 -10%, Save: $8.90  $80.10

Chakra Symbols Pack

$9 -10%, Save: $0.90  $8.10

Astro-Dynamic Manifestation Cards
Astro Boost & Astro Dynamic Manifestation Card Set

Astrology Cards Astro-Dynamic Manifestation Astrology Cards
Included in the Astro-Dynamic Manifestation Program
$39 -10%, Save: $3.90  $35.10

Feng Shui Cards
Dynamic Feng Shui-Plus Card Set

Dynamic Feng Shui Bagua / PaQua Chi Energy Map Dynamic Feng Shui | feng-shui-plus+-mentor
Included in the Feng Shui Dynamic Manifestation Program
$39 -10%, Save: $3.90  $35.10

    ALL -available- Symbols & Filter Packs:    


Special Trend Filter Symbol Packs for virtual modulation of Life Energy & Life Force (Chi & Prana & Orgone)

with 10% - 20% Discount Price!
[ open / close ]  X 
Abbreviations   [please check]
Alphabet of Desire: AOD48-N Alphabet of Desire 48 New Pack | AOD30-C: Alphabet of Desire Classic Pack | AOD48-C+N: Alphabet of Desire 48 Classic + New Pack || Stress Zapper & Energy Booster: SZEP-C (Stress Zapper & Energy Booster Pack Classic) | SZEP-N (Stress Zapper & Energy Booster Pack New) | SZEP-C+N (Stress Zapper & Energy Booster Classic + New Pack) || Sex: SXP-C (Sex Pack Classic) | SXP-N (Sex Pack New) | SXP-C+N (Sex Pack Classic + New) || Super Learning & Intelligence: SLIN-C (Super Learning & Intelligence Pack Classic) | SLIN-N (Super Learning & Intelligence Pack New) | SLIN-C+N (Super Learning & Intelligence Pack Classic + New) || Business & Money: BMP-C (Business Money Pack Classic) | BMP-N (Business Money Pack New) | BMP-C+N (Business Money Pack Classic + New) || People Skills: PSP-C (People Skills Pack Classic( | PSP-N: People Skills Pack New | PSP-C+N: People Skills Pack Classic + New || Gambling: GP-C (Gambling Pack Classic) | GP-N (Gambling Pack Pack New) | GP-C+N (Gambling Pack Classic + New) || Legal : LP-C (Legal Pack Classic) | LP-N (Legal Pack Pack New) | LP-C+N (Legal Pack Classic + New) || Attack & Defense: ATD-N (Attack & Defense Pack New) || AOD: AOD-8C (All 8 Alphabet of Desire Classic Packs( | AOD-9N (All 9 Alphabet of Desire New Packs)
      -N = New | -C = Classic  
Alphabet of Success: AoS (Alphabet of Success) | Creativity: Creat (The Creativity Icon Card Set) | Fitness & Weight Loss: FWL (Fitness & Weight Loss)  ||  Alphabet Des Erfolges / Alphabet of Success: ADE: Das 'Alphabet Des Erfolges' Pack - The Alphabet of Success (ADE)  ||  Chakras: Chakras (the 7 main subtle energy center) | Astrology: Astro (Astrology) | Astro-Dynamic Manifestation: ADM (Astro-Dynamic Manifestation) | Feng Shui Dynamic: FSD (Feng Shui Dynamic) | I-Ching: I-Ching (the 7 main subtle energy center)  ||  Armanen Runes: Runes-u [Armanen Runes (The Eighteen Sacred Futhork Runes - upright)] | Runes-r: Eighteen Sacred Futhork Armanen Runes Reversed Cards | Runes-u+r: Eighteen Sacred Futhork Armanen Runes Reversed Cards (upright and reversed) || Tarot: Tarot-Cups (upright + reversed) / Tarot-Pentacles (upright + reversed) / Tarot-Swords (upright + reversed) / Tarot-Wands (upright + reversed) / Tarot-MajorArcana (upright + reversed) / TarotC+P+S+W+MA: Cups + Pentacles + Swords + Wands + Major Arcana (upright + reversed)
      -u = upright | -r = reversed  
Kabbalah: Kb (Kabbalah) | Hebrew Talismans: HT (Hebrew Talismans) | Key of Solomon: KOS (CS) [Key of Solomon (Claviculae Salamonis)] | Lemegeton: Lem (Lemegeton; the Lesser Key of King Solomon) || Abramelin: Abr/pack (Abramelin/pack: The Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage / chapters) | Abramelin : (The Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage -ALL) || Archangels & Demons & Planetary Spirits: ADPS (Archangels & Demons & Planetary Spirits) | Grimorium Verum: GV | Deviltraps: Dt | Crystal Spirits: CS | Germanic Gods: GG | Gnostic Symbols: GS | Destructive Urbain: DU | Dr. Faustus: DrF: (Dr. Faustus; The Black Raven / The Threefold Coercion of Hell) | Infernal Tarot: I-Tarot | Sage Of The Pyramids: SageOTP | Woodoo: Woodoo Symbols | Shinto Talismans: ST | Magickal Symbol Packs: MSP: ALL Magickal Symbol Packs
 ...plus additional Symbols (as a gift :-))  
Handling fee (only today!): $9.99  0.99USD (or equivalent in € or £)
Download information about the ordered goods will be sent in email in 24-48 hours after purchase was made.
Now; Symbol Packs with -10%, -11%, -15% and/or -20% Discount Price!
First select, then click/tap on the PayPal image below!
Ask (in email) for a special discount price regarding ANY combinations of the available Symbol Packs, Specific Special Frequencies and Chi Vitality Cards, and/or any of each- and their combination!

Special specific Frequencies

Available as downloads (.mp3 OR .wav format zipped file)!  Download information will be sent in a separate email in mx. 48 hours after the purchase was made!


Special specific Sounds & Frequencies for virtual modulation of Life Energy & Life Force (Chi & Prana & Orgone)

Special specific Sounds & Frequencies

Mind: Mind Frequencies | Love: Love Magick | FWL: Fitness & Weight Loss  ||  Chakra: Chakra Sounds | IA: Interaction | Mental: Mind & Mental Frequencies | Minerals | Money | Psychic | Runes: Runes / octaves | Runes12o: Runes - All 12 octaves | Rune-t: Rune tones | Runes(12o+t): Runes (12 octaves) + Rune tones | Sports | WL: Weight Loss  ||  ALL FP: All Frequencies Packs
 ...plus an additional Symbol (as a gift :-))  
Handling fee: $9.99  0.99USD (or equivalent in € or £)
Download information about the ordered goods will be sent in email in 24-48 hours after purchase was made.
Now; Special Specific Sounds & Frequencies with -10%, -15% and/or -20% Discount Price!
First select, then click/tap on the PayPal image below!
Recommended to be used by itself or with a Radionics Manifestation Program!
Note: wav format is used in the tiptop/ classic Radionics Manifestation Program and the mp3 sound file format in the Manifestation Ultimate Lite & Ultimate Pro Radionics Programs
Ask (in email) for a special discount price regarding ANY combinations of the available Specific Special Frequencies, Symbol Packs, and Chi Vitality Cards, and/or any of each- and their combination!

...at last, but not least!

A Very Special Life Energy Accessory: the Chi Vitality Card*


Special -personalized- Chi Vitality Cards®

not just in printed form, but now -also- on your computer, tablet & 'smart phone' / mobile phone !
new Now; with -10% discount !
Chi Vitality Card + gift
Continuous Life Force Energy Source for Your Protection and Success!
The cheapest, safest and -at the same time- the most easy and elegant way for a -continuous- supply of Life Energy (Life Force, Chi / Qi, Prana, Od, Orgon / Orgone, etc.).
Starting from $19 (#3ST) (payable also in other currencies too)!  Activation (and handling) fee $9.99, today = $0.99 or € / £ !
Discount will be shown, applied and deducted right before the payment.
Goods will be sent in email in 24-48 hours after purchase was made.
Various validity time periods (3-, 6-, 9- and 12 months) !

Different Strenghs & Powers (ST: Standard, DL: DeLuxe, HD: Heavy Duty) !

giftGift: plus one week validity!
We are widely open to collaborate with self development coaches who would like to help their customers with (life)energy & vitality or anybody who want to help others -and themself- for a better, meaningful and successful life.
Inquiries by emails for Chi Vitality Cards are welcome!


Services & Customer Support: Worldwide (!) worldwide-orders :: LifeEnergy & LifeForce Equipments

Personal lessons | OnLine Coaching

With more than 25 years experience in distribution of Life Force & Life Energy generator Equipments -and different Life Energy Accessories- Customer Support, we proudly offering valuable services, trying to help- and support you as good- and as efficiently we can...
You can choose also from our on-line courses and learn about the 'Success Strategies'.
Find out the secret of the successful manifestation!
The 'Online support' is highly recommended to all who will order or, already ordered and wish more information, more help and support from us as usuallly (at every order is) offered. You will see; every minutes worth it! You will also receive information what will never be found it in a written form!
Note: 20% of the 'On-line support' cost can be deducted from the -following / next- order(s)!
Can not be combined with other bonus and / or other discounts!

On-line support & Personal Lessons / Online coaching

Worldwide Customers support !
Order it now!

Prices in $ (USD) or equivalent in (EUR) or £ (Pounds)
$78  -35%, Save: $29   $49 / one hour
Order now an additional extra hour of our Services and get it at half price (with -50%)
$156  -53.8%, Save: $82.50   $73.50 / two hours
$39  -25%, Save: $10 $29 / half hour (30 minutes)
  $117  -40%, Save: $48   $69 / 1,5 hour (90 minutes)

Emergency Session

  $129  -30%   $99 / one hour (60 minutes)
'Knowledge has its price!'
Different prices for different time intervals / time periods. Our World Class Support with the provided information: PRICELESS!


Digital Products & GOODS with Discounts and Price Reductions

Digital & Downloadable Life Energy Generator Equipments Accessories


Goods and download information will be sent in email in max. 48 hours after purchase was made.
For digital / downloadable products & items (including services) refund is not possible!


Special -personalized- Chi Vitality Cards®

Continuous Life Force Energy Source for Your Protection and Success!
The cheapest, safest and -most- elegant -continuous & constant- vitality source!
Now; -for a limited time period- with -10% discount !
Chi Vitality Card   +   symbols
Continuos Life Energy source + a 'symbol / filter' from the 'Alphabet of Desire' symbol pack for the 'virtual modulation' of the Life Energy
Activation fee 9,99USD today = $1.69 (or $ / € / £) !
Discount will be shown, applied and deducted right before the payment.
Ordered goods will be sent in email in 24-48 hours after purchase was made.
Various validity time periods (3-, 6-, 9- and 12 months) !

Different Powers (ST: Standard, DL: DeLuxe, HD: Heavy Duty) !

First select, then click/tap on the PayPal image below!
Send us an email with the name of the symbol you choosed!


Special -personalized- Chi Vitality Cards®

Continuous Life Force Energy Source for Your Protection and Success!
The cheapest, safest and -most- elegant -continuous & constant- vitality source!
Now; -for a limited time period- with -10% discount !
Chi Vitality Card   +   Symbols
Continuos Life Energy source + a 'symbol / filter' from the 'Alphabet of Success' symbol pack for the 'virtual modulation' of the Life Energy
Activation fee 9,99USD today = $3.39 (or $ / € / £) !
Discount will be shown, applied and deducted right before the payment.
Ordered goods will be sent in email in 24-48 hours after purchase was made.
Various validity time periods (3-, 6-, 9- and 12 months) !

Different Powers (ST: Standard, DL: DeLuxe, HD: Heavy Duty) !

First select, then click/tap on the PayPal image below!
Send us an emailemail with the name of the symbol you choosed!

Validity: 3, 6, 9 and 12 months | Power: ST, DL, HD type. More info...»
Activation fee $9.99 = 3.39 $ / € / £ !
Discount will be shown, applied and deducted right before the payment.
Goods will be sent in email in max. 24-48 hours after purchase was made.
First; please choose & select, then click -or- tap on below PayPal image!


Chi Vitality Card  +  Feng Shui Symbols Pack

Life Energy Chi Vitality Card #12HD (Active and valid for 12 months, Strength & Power: HD type) + Feng Shui Card Set
Chi Vitality Card  +  Dynamic Feng Shui Dynamic Feng Shui | feng-shui-plus+-mentor
Price:  $138 -15%, Save: $20   $119.00

yellowball Chi Vitality Card #6ST (valid- and active 6 months, ST type) + the "7 Chakras" Symbols Package
Chi Vitality Card + Chakra
$49 -12%   43 USD ($), or equivalent in (EUR) or £ (Pounds)
Activation / validation & handling fee: $9.99  $5 (USD or equivalent in € or £)


Life Energy Chi Vitality Card  +  ASTRO Symbols Pack

Life Energy Chi Vitality Card #12HD + Astrology Cards
Chi Vitality Card  +  Astrology Cards Astrology Cards
Price:  $138 -15%, Save: $20   $119.00
Life Energy Chi Vitality Card #12HD + Astro Dynamic Manifestation
Chi Vitality Card  +  Astro-Dynamic Manifestation
Price:  $138 -15%, Save: $20   $119.00

Excellent -unique- opportunity (only now) !
hellblau | Chi Vitality Card Personalised Life Energy VITALITY Chi Card #12 (valid- and active 12 months, HD type)  +  the 'tiptop' MANIFESTATION Programfor PCs (including ALL the -new-9 packs of AOD - Alphabet of Desire symbol packs)  +  ALL magickal symbol packs: Abramelin (20 packs), Archangels & Demons & Planetary Spirits, Claviculae Salamonis, Lemegeton, Grimorium Verum, Deviltraps, Dr. Faustus (The Black Raven / Threefold Coercion of Hell), Infernal Tarot, Crystal Spirits, Germanic Gods, Gnostic Symbols, Destructive Urbain, Sage Of The Pyramids, Hebrew Talismans, Kabbalah, Shinto Talismans, Woodoo.
 $1199 -40%, Save: $500(!).  $699 (!) USD ($), or equivalent in (EUR) or £ (Pounds)
Click below -PayPal- image to order!
A continuous Life Force Energy source plus a trend management program for the 'virtual modulation' of these benefic subtle energies for your safety and success!
  Excellent -unique- opportunity (only now, just for a limited period of time) !  
1helgruen | Chi Vitality Card Personalised Life Energy VITALITY Chi Card #5 (valid- and active 5 months, HD type!)  +  the MANIFESTATION Programfor PCs (including the 'AOD 48' - Alphabet of Desire symbol pack):
 $248  -20%, Save:$49  $199 USD ($), or equivalent in (EUR) or £ (Pounds)
Chi Vitality Card  +  manifestation program - marketing success
hellblau | Chi Vitality Card Personalised Life Energy VITALITY Chi Card #12 (valid- and active 12 months, HD type!)  +  the 'tiptop' MANIFESTATION Programfor PCs (including ALL the -new- 9 packs of AOD - Alphabet of Desire symbol packs):
 $468  -15%, Save:$69 $399 USD ($), or equivalent in (EUR) or £ (Pounds)


Chi Vitality Card(with 12 month validity, strong HD type) + Manifestation Ultimate LITE Radionic Program (incl. 'Alphabet of Success' Icon Symbol Pack)

Chi Vitality Card | Life Energy & Life Force + Manifestation Ultimate Lite
$199-15%, Save: $30  $169 USD or equivalent in (EUR) or £ (Pounds), or any other currency
Handling fee: $19.99  12.50USD (or equivalent in € or £)
Contact us before ordering!!

globe Worldwide orders!

Digital KIT #C21:

Continuous & powerful Life Energy source with an easy and useful software to manage your intentions and -desired- 'trends' together with the included symbols and -special- frequencies for the virtual modulation of the Life Energy to reach your programmed goals sooner and easier!
Chi Vitality Card  + Manifestation Ultimate LITE   [ + symbols + Symbols + Frequency | mind ] + phone
hellblau | Chi Vitality Card Personalised Life Energy VITALITY Chi Card #12HD (valid- and active 12 months, HD type strenght!, activation fee included!)  +  the Ultimate Manifestation LITE Radionics Program for PCs & MACs (including the ALL the 9 packs of the New Alphabet of Desire -AOD- symbol packs + the Alphabet of Success icon pack + the 'Mind' Special Frequencies .mp3 files) + one hour of customer support (with two custom tailored 'Templates'):
$485  -28%, Save: $136(!)  $349 USD ($), or equivalent in (EUR) or £ (Pounds)
Handling fee: $19.99  0.36USD (or equivalent in € or £)
Click / tap on PayPal image to order

globe Worldwide orders accepted!

Digital KIT #A19:

Continuous & powerful Life Energy source with an easy and useful software to manage your intentions and -desired- 'trends' together with the included symbols and -special- frequencies for the virtual modulation of the Life Energy to reach your programmed goals sooner and easier!
Chi Vitality Card  +  manifestation program - marketing success   [ + symbols + Symbols + Frequency | mind ] + phone
hellblau | Chi Vitality Card Personalised Life Energy VITALITY Chi Card #12HD (valid- and active 12 months, HD type strenght!, activation fee included!)  +  the 'tiptop' MANIFESTATION Radionics Program for PCs (including the ALL the 9 packs of the New Alphabet of Desire -AOD- symbol packs + the Alphabet of Success icon pack + the 'Mind' Special Frequencies .wav files) + one hour of customer support (incl. two custom tailored 'Templates'):
$555  -29%, Save: $156 (!)  $399 USD ($), or equivalent in (EUR) or £ (Pounds)
Handling fee: $19.99  0.36USD (or equivalent in € or £)


The complete CATALOG with -actual- Prices  check

Please select / choose according to the 'Delivery / Shipping Address' of the ordered package

Your Delivery Address is: Select / choose according to your shipping / delivery address!

note Important note:
At Inventor's & manufacturer's request, piece prices should be same, everywhere in the world, at all Distributors, on all websites! If, by accident, you will find lower prices on some other website(s), it means that is something "unclear" and you should treat it with "positive scepticism and healthy suspicion". Lower prices not always mean 'cheaper' -on the contrary!-. Email us if you find this kind of -dubious- website(s).
The Customer support will be given by the person / Distributor from whom was purchased. Unfortunately, we can not give customer support for those who purchased from other sites, only for a fee. We are offering free customer support only to our customers.


Marketing slogan »  
Energize your drinking water and your food - even from a distance! - with vital positive and beneficial Life Energy & Life Force!


Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipments powered with & boosted by integrated Vitality Generators; Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators®

| General Information

We always strive to serve our valued and respected Customers at the highest level !

Goods can be ordered

yellowball.gif :: LifeForce- & LifeEnergy Equipments and Chi Generator & Orgone Generator via PayPal: click on the Pay trough PayPal, with debit- or credit card
(or; paypal | lif energy & life force (chi, ki, prana, mana, od, orgone, bioenergy), or Make payments with PayPal - it's fast, free and secure!) icon. To view the content of the basket, click on the paypalicon.

We use PayPal to ensure a secure checkout process for our customers.

paypal You do not need a PayPal account to complete your order.
If you don't have a paypal account, click on the second option on checkout. The option says: "Don't have a paypal account? Pay with your debit or credit card as a PayPal guest". paypal Transactions are entirely secured by Paypal.
When ordering through PayPal, -since shipping companies requested- please do not forget to specify your phone number.
You can pay with your credit card using paypal !

We Are PayPal Verified for Your Protection !


e-mail | Life Energy Equipment and / or Pay trough PayPal, with debit- or credit card
Order by email with Bank transfer,  and / or  via PayPal (on the PayPal secured site!).
(Sorry, no COD's!)
We will confirm the order in a short email in 24 (max. 48) hours after order was received.

Customer information

Customer is fully responsible for the clear and exactness of the information provided regarding the order, he/she need to provide clear and valid information about name, delivery address, phone number*, etc.
Seller asume no responsibility for any incorrectly provided delivery address.
(With PayPal orders, the goods will be delivered to the confirmed address by PayPal).


By mail or ExpressMail (GLS and/or DPD).
Shippings also possible with DHL and / or Fedex.
Shipping cost depends on 'Delivery address'. For shipping prices please see the 'Shipping Costs' detailed on 'Price List & Order' page.


Prices are NETTO prices .

& Currencies

Payment accepted in $ [USD] and/or [EUR]. Customers / Buyers can pay in any currencies, PayPal will convert to USD or EUR at PayPal daily -advantageous- rates.

Worldwide orders & worldwide shipping

worldwide-orders :: LifeEnergy & LifeForce Equipments Prices expressed in USD ($) ['Price List - USD'] in the main Price Catalog are netto prices, with wordwide delivery (except few contries! -contact us for this information-), eventually import and/or customs fee (and also VAT) are not included!
Goods are sent -directly- from the Inventor & Manufacturer, from USA (drop shipped), so -eventually- import requirements (custom clearance, custom fee, duties and VAT) are -entirely- Customer responsibility (!)

Orders from inside EU & shipping inside EU (European Union)

EU - European Union :: Order - LifeEnergy & LifeForce Equipments (with built-in Chi Generators® & Orgone Generators®)

We also facilitate orders coming from inside EU (European Union): as main Distributor & Associate in the joint company of Inventor & Manufacturer in Europe (Bio-Energy Corp.), and part of team leadership, we are importing the goods from our USA Central Headquater, and we send the goods to our european Customers from our EU Headquaters & Warehouse (located inside EU - in Budapest, Hungary), already customs cleared and duties paid, for their ease, comfort & -assured- convenience !
Prices (the European Price List) can be expressed or in EURo or in US Dolars (just to eliminate the USD / EURO exchange rate fluctuation) and are dedicated and offered only for EU customers (with delivery address inside European Union).
These catalog prices are including import- and customs fees -but not the shipping price inside EU. Goods are delivered to customers from our Main EU Central Warehouse (so, no -bureaucratic- hassle at the custom offices, no longer shipping time, no time delays, and no additional fees!).

The prices for EU (European Union) reflect the costs of importing the devices, customs fees and VAT (value added tax, which is included in the price).
When ordered from within the EU, these prices are all-inclusive, the device will be shipped to the customer directly from our EU branch, and consequently you will not be exposed to bureaucratic hassles, fees, time delays, etc., that are all too familiar to persons who are receiving merchandise from outside the EU.
An alternative would be for the customer to tell the distributor that he/she prefers the device to be shipped from the USA, in which case it is the customer responsibility to pick up the devices and to take care of all the customs formalities and fees, pay for the VAT, and -also- any other bureaucratic requirements, which are connected with imports as well as shipping and handling costs.
Therefore the EU catalog is specially made for EU residents, and consequently it reflects the EU pricing.
The devices will be shipped from our branch (Main Central Warehouse for EU) in Budapest, Hungary. No additional fees and no import bureaucracies!

& Delivery Terms

Prices & Delivery Terms are EXW / FCA**.
**Shipping & delivering prices are NOT included in the piece price (unless otherwise expressed specified). See/check for exceptions, or contact us for additional information.

Delivery Time

Merchandise will be mailed within seven working days after received the -total- payment.
(Express mail: shipping out the goods in 3 - max. 5 days).

Damaged goods
due to shipping/delivering

If Customer will notice any damage after the good was received from shipping/delivering company, it is Customer's responsibility and duty to make official complain to the shipping company. Of course, we will totally support him/her in this regard.

/ Guarantees

Manufacturer replaces, repairs, or exchanges defective devices within two years from date of purchase, provided that the problem did not result from inappropriate use.
Product Warranty will be void if seal label or cover is removed or damaged.
This warranty does not include AC adapters (which are added for free - only in USA).

/ Refunds

In case of returning (and -eventually- refund requesting), this need to be done within 14 days after ordered goods was received, only in the original box is accepted and protection sygil must be intact, otherwise is not accepted and refund claim will be rejected. All related costs will be beared by Customer.
In eventually case of refund, banking- and/or paypal fees could be deducted.
For canceling an order, also all -eventually- fees and losses will be beared by Customer, including the shipping back costs. No refunds for damaged goods (including inappropriate using) and softwares and/or any digital merchandise which can be sent on- and by email.

Instruction Manual

All equipments have a comprehensive instruction manual which -also- can be downloaded.
We have an online short general Manual also.

Customer Support & Customer Service

As long as you own the equipment(s) purchased -directly- from us.
You will receive the Customer Support from the -authorised- Sales Agent/Agency and/or Distributor from where you ordered the goods.
We can not provide help & support -unfortunately- for customers who bought- and ordered goods from another Distributors, only for a fee, so, we can offer Customer Support surcharge also for Customer who bought not from us.
Our valued Customers will receive- and will benefit, of course!, our -high quality- support for free.

Important Notes:
* Phone Number must be included (shipping companies request it).
** Be sure to add cost of shipping (if necessary).
*** Everyone who order, must accept above rules and conditions.

We gratefully THANK YOU for purchasing from us!



I use my new AO 2000 for many purpose: energy for myself, and energize and optimize my food. Together with two pairs of RAOPTC I energize also my daily soup and the fruits and vegetables what I consume. I put one RAOPTC into the refrigerator and the food stays much more longer fresher!
Nathalie (Southampton, England / UK)


Important information about
Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipments
powered with- and boosted by integrated Vitality Generators; Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators®

Catalog & Price List

General presentation...

Buy now genuine and original Life Force & Life Energy Equipments powered with with integrated (built-in and exterior) Vital / Vitality Generators; Chi Generator & Prana Generator & Orgone Generator, directly from the Inventor & Manufacturer !

In each- and all of Life Energy & Life Force Equipments is integrated -at least one!- performant Vital / Vitality Generator; Chi & Prana & Orgone Generator made with Super-Orgonite!

The Catalog prices reflects the complexity of each Equipment, and -more important!- the strenght and the power of the -integrated- Chi & Prana & Orgone Generator(s)!

The Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipments powered with- and boosted by Vitality Generators; Orgone Generators® & Prana Generators® & Chi Generators® are Powerful Tools for You to help you achieve...

lifeforce & lifeenergy equipments :: chi generator & orgone generator Assured Success Faster and Easier
lifeforce & lifeenergy equipments :: chi generator & orgone generator Results that are More Effective than ever before
lifeforce & lifeenergy equipments :: chi generator & orgone generator Positive Permanent Solutions
lifeforce & lifeenergy equipments :: chi generator & orgone generator ... at the Flip of a Switch!

Here you can get the most powerful advanced technology for

lifeforce & lifeenergy equipments :: chi generator & orgone generator Self-Improvement, Balance, Intellectual Skills
lifeforce & lifeenergy equipments :: chi generator & orgone generator Fitness, Sports, Weight Loss, Body Building
lifeforce & lifeenergy equipments :: chi generator & orgone generator Trend Management, Control of Destiny
lifeforce & lifeenergy equipments :: chi generator & orgone generator Mind Control, Popularity and Charisma

It's fun, it's exciting, and you certainly can be laid back and relax while you expect assured success!

In this CATALOG, you find information about -genuine & original-:

Life Force & Life Energy Equipments powered with & boosted by integrated Vitality Generators; Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators®

They are ideal devices to energize yourself and other people, and to add power to all your activities, also, actions at a distance (in fact; at any distance!), and you can do this as well in combination with a Manifestation program or with a Power Radionics Device with built-in & integrated Vital / Vitality Generators; Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator® into the Life Force & Life Energy generator Equipment (please read below).

The Life Force & Life Energy generator Equipments powered by integrated Vital / Vitality Generators; Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator®, can be used also in conjunction with following technics & methods:

lifeforce & lifeenergy equipments :: chi generator & orgone generator Personal growing and Self-development (efficient meditation & relaxation)
lifeforce & lifeenergy equipments :: chi generator & orgone generator Chi Power Radionics & Power Radionics Manifestation Programs
lifeforce & lifeenergy equipments :: chi generator & orgone generator Feng Shui Dynamic
lifeforce & lifeenergy equipments :: chi generator & orgone generator Water- and food energizing and optimization
lifeforce & lifeenergy equipments :: chi generator & orgone generator Astro-Boost (ADM: Astro-Dinamic Manifestation)
lifeforce & lifeenergy equipments :: chi generator & orgone generator Life Force Magick (Techno-Magick) & Tarot Spells
lifeforce & lifeenergy equipments :: chi generator & orgone generator Rune Readings and Rune Magick

Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipments powered with- and boosted by integrated Welz Generators; -Vital / Vitality Generators- Chi Generators®, Orgone Generators®, Prana Generators® as:

LifeForce- & LifeEnergy Equipments and Chi Generator & Orgone Generator Aqua Optimizers

Aqua Optimizer Equipments: Water- and Food Energizers | Living Water.
Energize- and optimize food- and drink (drinking water: living water) at any distance

LifeForce- & LifeEnergy Equipments and Chi Generator & Orgone Generator Chi Mind Machines

Chi Mind Machines & MindTrainers & Mind Coach: Meditation, Relaxation & re-Vitalisation Devices (Neuro-Technology & Low Frequency Technology), used also in conjunction with Feng Shui Dynamic and Astro-Dynamic Manifestation methods.

Power Radionics

Radionics + Life Energy & Life Force = Power Radionics
Technology to make abstractions permanent (please see the Manifestation Devices).

The purpose of a Chi Power Radionics Device is to establish -stabile and non-fluctuant- structural links.
The purpose of a Life Force & Life Energy generator Equipment powered with Vitality Generators; Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator® is the generating of -continuous and powerful flux of- life force & life energy (chi energy, prana or orgone) to assure energy, force and power to desired actions.

Naturally, all Life Force & Life Energy generator Equipment, mind machines and radionics devices from us have a built-in / integrated Vitality Generator; Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator®, to secure for you the power that is necessary for effective action at a distance!

yellowball.gif :: LifeForce- & LifeEnergy Equipments and Chi Generator & Orgone Generator Chi & Prana & Orgone Boosted Radionics™ = Power Radionics Devices

  yellowball.gif :: LifeForce- & LifeEnergy Equipments and Chi Generator & Orgone Generator Power Trend-Generators™ (Manifestation Devices)

  yellowball.gif :: LifeForce- & LifeEnergy Equipments and Chi Generator & Orgone Generator Power Astro-Trend Generators(ATG 12 / ATGS 12000)

Note: do not get fooled by "clever" marketers who are selling mere orgone accumulating devices (such as pendants and blobs of orgonite®, up to bucket size and larger) that they falsely and misleadingly label as “orgone generators®” or devices that generate life force or life energy. They are either too stupid to be aware and to know the difference between an accumulator and a generator, or they -just simply- lie and want to cheat!

Life Force
& Life Energy Equipments powered with- and boosted by integrated Vitality Generators; Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators®


yellowball.gif :: LifeForce- & LifeEnergy Equipments and Chi Generator & Orgone Generator Structural Links | Transfer Couples / Power Boosters

for secured and 100% transfer of integrated Vital / Vitality Generators; Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator® into the Life Force & Life Energy generator Equipments generated life force & life energy, ki, prana, or orgone-energy or chienergy flux, at any distance, without loss!
The Transfer Couples (TC 99, RAOPTC), The Power Boosters, etc.

yellowball.gif :: LifeForce- & LifeEnergy Equipments and Chi Generator & Orgone Generator The Manifestation Programs (computer software)

Manifestation Program As is the case with the Radionics Device, the purpose of the Manifestation Program is to establish direct and stabile "structural links".
The purpose of a Life Force & Life Energy generator Equipment with integrated Vital / Vitality Generators; Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator® is the generating of life force & life energy (chi, prana, mana, od, animal magnetism, bioenergy or orgone-energy).

In fact, the Manifestation Programs are Power Radionics™ software Programs, because you connect them structurally with your Life Force & Life Energy generator Equipment powered by integrated Vitality Generators; Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator®, which adds Strenght & Power to your Manifestation work & operation.

yellowball.gif :: LifeForce- & LifeEnergy Equipments and Chi Generator & Orgone Generator -Magickal- Symbols & Filter Packs

acts as "modulators" of Life Force & Life Energy (chi / qi, prana, mana, od, magnetic fluid, orgon / orgone, vril, bio-energy, etc., etc.)

yellowball.gif :: LifeForce- & LifeEnergy Equipments and Chi Generator & Orgone Generator Special specific Frequencies

for Herzian, audio modulation of the generated Life Energy & Life Force generated by the integrated Vitality Generators; Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator® and emanated from the Equipment

aqua optimizer - living water  :: LifeForce- & LifeEnergy Equipments and Chi Generator & Orgone Generator

Living Water Aqua Optimizer Life Force & Life Energy generator Equipments and the Structural Links

chi generator  :: LifeForce- & LifeEnergy Equipments
Chi Mind Machine Life Force & Life Energy generator Equipments and the Manifestation Programs

radionic  :: LifeForce- & LifeEnergy Equipments
Life Force Power Radionic Devices and the Feng Shui Plus & Astro-Dynamic Manifestation Programs

LifeEnergy & LifeForce Equipments

LifeEnergy & LifeForce Equipments
Life Force & Life Generator Energy Equipments powered with- and boosted by integrated Vitality Generators; Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators®


yellowball :: LifeEnergy & LifeForce Equipments (Chi Generator & Orgone Generator) Discounts & Price reduction

For -eventually- (daily, weekly or monthly) discounts and price reductions, please kindly check regularly the Price Catalog / Order webpage, or -better- contact us !

    Contact /  EMAIL  »»




Marketing slogan »  
Boost your creativity and solve a problem quickly and efficiently by using the Life Energy & Life Force!


Recommended KITs to order

Kit I. (Basic KIT - almost mandatory): Life Force & Life Energy generator Equipment(s) powered with & boosted by Vitality Generators; Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators®
      +  corresponding and appropriate Accessories: Power Supplies [DC wall transformer (AC / DC adapter)]  +  Structural Link(s)  +  shipping cost  +  online support (!)
  Kit II.: KIT I. + DIGITAL Product KIT (!)


DIGITAL Product KITs »»

Digital Kit I.: Power Radionic 'Manifestation' program + additional online support
Digital Kit II.: Digital KIT I. + Filters Packs & Symbols
Digital Kit III.: Digital KIT II. Sounds & Frequencies
Digital Kit IV.: Digital KIT III. + Life Energy Chi Vitality Cards - the most complex and complete KIT, and -of course- the best choice !

Order in KITs to SAVE money!

Best Customer Support!
I am so grateful for the great customer support I received! Quick, understandable and valuable asnwers to my -many- questions! Finally, this was the final impulse for my excellent decision to order my equipment. Professional support started from the ordering process (through online chat) and sales follow-up (assistance and advice how to use my new equipment). Thanks a lot!
Amelia (Portland, United States)


Different classification &

Recommended Life Force Energy generator Equipments

powered with- & boosted by integrated Vital / Vitality Welz Generators; Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator®  for

Water Optimalization
Food Energizing (Aqua Optimizers & Living Water)

LifeEnergy AO 1100, AO 2000, LPOG 2400 DL, LPOG 2400 HD, PFC 2400 HD, RAD 2000, RAD 2400 HD, RAD 5 / ATG 5, ATG 12 / ATGS 12000

Chi Mind Machines & Mind Trainers :: Neuro-Technology
for Meditation & Relaxation, Stress-relief, speed learning, personal development & growing, etc.

LifeEnergy Life Force & Life Energy generator Equipments with
- One - fix, pre setted - frequency: LifeEnergy JU 99 LifeEnergy AO 1100, AO 2000

- 6 pre-setted, and adjustable frequency: LifeEnergy JU 1000 LifeEnergy LPOG 2400 DL LifeEnergy LPOG 2400 HD LifeEnergy PFC 2000 LifeEnergy PFC 2400 HD

Chi Power Radionics :: Permanent Abstraction Technology
for Manifestation, Self-improvement, Trend Management, Success Strategies, etc.

LifeEnergy Life Force & Life Energy generator Equipments
- with 3 knobs: LifeEnergy RAD 1000
- with 3 knobs + frequency setting: LifeEnergy RAD 2000
- with 3 knobs + frequency setting + frequency display: LifeEnergy PFC 2000 LifeEnergy PFC 2400 HD
- with 2 x 3 knobs + frequency settings option: LifeEnergy RAD 2400 HD
- with 5 x 3 knobs, plus frequency settings option (LED display): LifeEnergy RAD 5 / ATG 5
- with 12 x 3 knobs, plus frequency settings option + frequency display (LED display): LifeEnergy ATG 12 / ATGS 12000

Trend Generators
& AstroTrend Generators

LifeEnergy Life Force & Life Energy generator Equipments with
- 5 x 3 knobs, plus frequency settings option (LED display): LifeEnergy RAD 5 / ATG 5
- 12 x 3 knobs, plus frequency settings option (LED display): LifeEnergy ATG 12 / ATGS 12000

Power Magick
& Techno-Magick

LifeEnergy Life Force & Life Energy generator Equipments:
  LifeEnergy RAD 2000 LifeEnergy PFC 2400 LifeEnergy RAD 2400 HD LifeEnergy RAD 5 / ATG 5

AstroBoost & Astro Dynamic Manifestation

LifeEnergy Life Force & Life Energy generator Equipments
- One - fix, pre-setted - frequency: LifeEnergy JU 99 LifeEnergy AO 1100 LifeEnergy AO 2000
- 6 pre-setted, and adjustable frequency: LifeEnergy LPOG 2400 HD LifeEnergy PFC 2000 LifeEnergy PFC 2400 HD (with digital LED / LCD display) LifeEnergy RAD 2400 HD
- Trend- and AstroTrend Generators: LifeEnergy RAD 5 / ATG 5 LifeEnergy ATG 12 /ATGS 12000

Feng Shui Dynamic
& Feng Shui Plus

LifeEnergy Life Force & Life Energy generator Equipments
- With one - fix, pre-setted - frequency: LifeEnergy AO 2000 LifeEnergy JU 99
- With 6 pre-setted, and adjustable frequency: LifeEnergy JU 1000 LifeEnergy LPOG 2400 HD LifeEnergy PFC 200 LifeEnergy PFC 2400 HD (with digital LED / LCD display) LifeEnergy RAD 2000 LifeEnergy RAD 2400 HD

  ...and the Life Force & Life Energy generator Equipments recommended


LifeEnergy & LifeForce Equipments & Accessories Power Supplies / Adaptors

LifeEnergy & LifeForce Equipments & Accessories 110-220 V AC,  4.5-9 V DC,  (300-, 500-, 1000mA, 2A)

LifeEnergy & LifeForce Equipments & Accessories Structural Links

LifeEnergy & LifeForce Equipments & Accessories TC 99 Transfer Couple
LifeEnergy & LifeForce Equipments & Accessories  RAOPTC Round AquaOptimizer Transfer Couple
LifeEnergy & LifeForce Equipments & Accessories  PBT 2400 Power Booster
LifeEnergy & LifeForce Equipments & Accessories  PBTBH

Digital Accessories

LifeEnergy Manifestation Radionics Programs

LifeEnergy  Manifestation Program
LifeEnergy  Super-Manifestation Radionic Program
LifeEnergy  Ultimate Lite & Ultimate Pro Manifestation Radionic Program

LifeEnergy -Magickal & Astrological- Symbols and Icons Packs

LifeEnergy  Alphabet of Desire
LifeEnergy  Alphabet of Success
LifeEnergy  Chakras
LifeEnergy  Tarot
LifeEnergy  etc., etc., etc.

LifeEnergy Special specific Frequencies

LifeEnergy for Mind
Life Force & Life Energy generator Equipments for Love
LifeEnergy for Fitness & Weight Loss

LifeEnergy Special -personalised- Life Energy Chi Vitality Card

The cheapest, safest and -at the same time- the most easy and elegant way for a -continuous- supply of Life Energy (Life Force, Chi / Qi, Prana, Od, Orgon / Orgone, etc.).  A very special 'structural link' as a continouos life force energy source in your wallet not just in printed form, but -now also- on your computer / laptop, tablet / iPad and your mobile phone!


Motto / Quote  
"The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall."
Ralph Waldo Emerson


Perform our free online '(Life)Energy Transfer Test' to feel and perceive the subtle Life Energy & Life Force (chi, ki, prana, mana, od, orgone, etc.)

life-energy test Before placing your order, we recommend you to perform our -free and unique- Life Force & Life Energy Transfer Test, to feel and perceive -consciously!- the Life Force & Life Energy (chi, ki, prana, mana, od, orgone, bioenergy, etc.), and to gain evidence that Life Force & Life Energy -with the help of adequate 'Structural Links'- can be transferred to distance -any distance!- without any -significant- loss !

In order to help you to choose the right  and adequate Life Energy & Life Force Equipment for You and for/to your purpose and goals, please contact us directly by phone, or; you can contact us online by email or by chat...



Marketing slogan »  
Power Radionic Devices with -integrated- Life Energy & Life Force (chi & prana & orgone) Generators? YES, absolutely! Only from us !!


Worldwide -one of the- best*
Services & Customer Support

Personal lessons - OnLine Support
Teaching & Coaching

We are offering valuable high quality Services and -online- Customer Support.
Private instruction on using Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipments, Vitality Welz Generators; Chi Generators & Orgone Generators, Manifestation techniques, Trend programming, Orgone Radionics, Chi Power Radionics, and -using- the Radionics 'Manifestation' Program (Software). Personal lessons - OnLine Support | Teaching & Coaching

With more than 30 years experience in using the Life Energy & Life Force (Chi & Prana & Mana & Od & Orgone, etc.) and more than 25 years experience in -effectively- using the Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipments -and different Accessories, we are proud to offer you our Customer Support as valuable services, and we are trying to help- and support you as good- and as efficiently we can...

You will find answers to your questions and secret information and knowledge will be revealed for you, what you will not find on any of our websites.

In just one (or couple of) lesson(s) we/I can teach your all/everything you need to know to get started on the path to radionics & manifestation mastery.

Learn about the Law of 'Cause and Effect' ("Karma"), the Law of Energy, and how to apply the 'Law of Attraction' to your radionics set-up and manifestations.
Learn also how to set up and operate the/your Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipments powered with- & boosted by Vitality Generators; Chi Generators & Prana Generators & Orgone Generators, radionics devices, and software.

You will learn the techniques that have brough success to all of our students & customers.

Find out the secret of the successful manifestation!

Now, you can learn 'success strategies' and successful manifestation techniques via personal instructions, have your questions answered, and achieve clarity on how to use the equipments/devices and software properly to achieve success.

Personal lessons - OnLine Support | Teaching & Coaching Once you have placed your order, you will be contacted for scheduling of your personalized lesson.

  Highly recommended for all who ordered or will order Life Energy Generator Equipments (powered with & boosted by Vitality Generators; Chi Generators & Prana Generators & Orgone Generators) !

Knowledge is power (but has its price)!

For Customers who already ordered (and who are owner of Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipments), is offered a -10% discount !

   »»  Can be ordered by paypal, in email or -also- from the 'Catalog / Price List' webpage...
Order it now through PayPal (see below) !

For all those who's order / purchase level is above $1600 -if they wish so- will receive free -as a bonus!- half hour of online Customer Support! [ See also Online Contact possibilities. ]

* According to Customers feed-back; the best & valuable Customer Support in last year and the previous ones too !
  Check and read the 'Testimonials / Feed-back' page also. 

sol_clipart.gif (166 bytes) Only untill end of this month [ March, 2025 ]: (!)
Pay twice for one hour, and you will have/receive -instead of 2-; 3 full hours of 'Online help & support', which can be split it in two- or three separate sessions!
(Validity of the' Customer help & support order': 90 days after the payment was made).

  Book now a Service Session  »»  


This is for those tho wish to speak with us as soon as possible. Same day service is not guaranteed, but we will make every effort to speak with You as soon as possible and we will prioritize Your call to meet Your need within 24 hours.

Speak LIVE, over the phone, skype, FaceTime or WhatsApp, with us. We can quickly identify & walk You through any adjustments that need to be made in Your Manifesting Technics & Routine. You can expect direct explanation regarding shifts you need to make in your technique & Step By Step Instructions on a new Manifesting Strategy for Your situation, moving forward and moving ahead to reach your goals.

  Book An Emergency Session  »»  

»» For additional information, please CONTACT us

  Check also the available online courses... »»  



Services & Customer Support: Worldwide (!) worldwide-orders :: LifeEnergy & LifeForce Equipments eu

Personal lessons | OnLine Coaching

With more than 25 years experience in distribution of Life Force & Life Energy generator Equipments -and different Accessories-, we proudly offering valuable services, trying to help- and support you as good- and as efficiently we can...
You can choose also from our on-line courses and learn about the 'Success Strategies'.
Find out the secret of the successful manifestation!
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Note: 20% of the 'On-line support' cost can be deducted from the -following / next- order(s)!
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$39 -25% 29 / half hour
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$117 -40%    69 / 1,5 hour (90 minutes)

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Calm, concentration and self-confidence with the conscious use of Life Energy & Life Force generated by the Life Energy & Life Force Equipments.

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Move forward?
I am using my equipment for more than couple weeks, but I do not see any results on my project; my ex boyfriend did not called me on phone, and I could not met him too. More of it, just heard that he is started to seeing another girl! Maybe I need to cut all relations with him, and move forward?
Greta (Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland)


Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipments
powered with & boosted by Welz Generators (Vital / Vitality Generators); Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators®

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All contents Copyright 1996 - 2025 © by HSCTI Inc. & BEC unless otherwise specified. All Rights Reserved!
Welz Chi Generator®, Chi Generator®, Chi Generator®, Orgone Generator®, Prana Generator®, Orgonite®, Structural Link® and Chi Card® are registered trademarks of Hyper Space Communications and Technologies International. Patents Pending.

Top... :: LifeEnergy & LifeForce Equipments with built-in Chi Generators® & Orgone Generators®

Marketing slogan »  
The Welz Generator & the Life Energy Equipment & the Vitality Card; ...if you want to boost your creativity.


Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipments powered with & boosted by integrated Vitality Generators; -genuine- Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator® made with Super Orgonite® and -recommended- Accessories
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LIFE ENERGY Generator Equipments

LIFE ENERGY Generator Equipments

Energy & Vitality to You and for Your Success!

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LIFE ENERGY Generator Equipment: Energy & Vitality for your -energetic protection & success!  |  CHI Manager: Managing succesfully the subtile energies  |  Life Energy & LIFE FORCE: The Absolut Power of the Universe!  |  Life Force Power RADIONICS: Radionics Devices, Trend Generating Systems & Manifestation Programs  |  Life Force MAGICK: New, modern -and efficient!- Techno-Magick  |  Life Force & Life Energy generator Equipments: Genuine Life Force generator Equipments  |  Chi LIFE ENERGY Equipments for EU: CHI LifeEnergy & LifeForce generator Equipments for the European Union residents  |  ORGONE Generator: Chi & Prana & Orgone Generators  |  Life Energy BLOG: Interesting entries & posts  |  KH Welz: Magic of the Future (scientific course)  |  Special Chi VITALITY Card: the cheapest -continuous- energy source for you to succeed!  |  Tarjeta Chi de VITALIDAD: ¡Energía y vitalidad en tu bolsillo!  |  Welz Generator.com / Welz Generator.eu  |  Chi FENG SHUI Dynamic : Feng Shui Chi energies always in your service: a new, modern, easy & efficient way!  |  Chi MIND Machines & Mind Trainers: Meditation & Relaxation & re-Vitalisation & Stress relief & Speed learning / Personal growing & Peak performances

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