Chi VITALITY Card usage
Chi Vitality Card usage | Price / Order (Subscribe)
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Lucius Annaeus Seneca
#1 Leader in Orgone - Chi - Prana - Technology!
Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipments
powered with & boosted by Vital / Vitality Generators; Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators®
CHI Vitality CARD | Chi Energy Cards Usage
Testing steps are same as in case of the Free Life Energy & LifeForce Transfer Test... »
After You received the ordered unique & personal Chi Vitality Card® (Chi Energy Card)...
If you are not between that appr. 10-15% of the people who can feel this subtle energy through the screen of the monitor or smart phone, then...
1. Print it !
You can print it color or black & white (of course, from esthetic point of view, colored Chi Card is more advantageous).
The dimension of the Chi Vitality Card (Chi Energy Card) is set to match the dimensions of a credit card 85.60 × 53.98 mm or 3.370 × 2.125 in, but some printing programs would not recognise it, so maybe, you would need to set it manually at this dimension.
2. Test it !
Put the Chi Vitality Card (Chi Energy Card) on a table or any other -wood- surface (not metal). It should be a minimum of 2 ft (60cm) away from your body or any other larger living organism, so it should not be on your knee or in direct contact with any large living organism.
2.1. Now relax, close your eyes for a few seconds, and hold the center of the palm of either of your hands approximately one inch (2-3 cm) above the printout of the Chi Vitality Card (Chi Energy Card).
Be sure that the open hand is relaxed, not "stretched out"!
Corect position of the body and the hand / palm
You may be surprised to feel something almost immediately: either a slight tingling in your hand, a gentle cool breeze, or -as is the case with most people- an agreeable sensation of warmth in the center of your palm that can spread out from the palm...
You have just felt life-energy & life-force (chi, prana, od, orgone, bioenergy), perhaps for the first time in your life !
Nerve endings are stimulated of the group of nerves that are most used. Most people feel gentle warmth, while highly kinetic people who have more than average dexterity feel the cool breeze. Some feel combos or /perhaps- tingling. You can also test with your wrist – and most persons feel a cool breeze there.
Then taste again. You will be surprised!
If you have a water fountain in your office or home, take a copy of the life energy transfer card and slide it between bottle and base – then leave it there for about 1 hour. The whole bottle will be super charged with life energy, plus all negative information will be removed, which causes a significant change in taste, as you have already experienced with the water that you tasted in the cup or glass.
You can charge with Life Energy & Life Force your drinking water and -of course- your food too.
3. Use it !
You can use the Life Energy & Life Force (Chi, Prana, Od, Orgone, BioEnergy, etc.) emanated from- and by your unique personal Chi Vitality Card (Chi Energy Card) in any of your action that requires the usage of this positive and creative energy. And -since are no action that would not involve this mystical energy- result that the range of applications is limited only by the imagination of the user / the person who use the Chi Card.
{ You can feel the Life Force & Life Energy emanating your your unique personal Chi Vitality Card (Chi Energy Card), because we activate- and validate it, and because it is in front -or on- of one of our very powerful and performant Life Force & Life Energy generator Equipment powered with- & boosted by Vital / Vitality Generators; by Chi Generators & Orgone Generators in our laboratories located in Atlanta (GA), USA }.
Next, you can use your life energy transfer card to provide yourself with energy, with lots of energy.
Simply carry the Chi Vitality Card with you, put it into a billfold, wallet, pocket or anywhere else close to your body, and within 20-30 minutes you will be fully -super- charged with life energy & life force, and most people feel this super-charge.
They project a lot more energy, they feel more alert and consequently they can perform much better in anything they are doing.
If you are involved in sports or fitness training, you certainly will notice this powerful burst of chi -orgone- energy.
The life energy transfer card (Chi Vitality Card® / Chi Energy Card) acts like an energetic steroid. Most importantly, this type energy boost is perfectly legal, plus it defies detection. (!)
Infuse yourself with unlimited chi-energy!
You can charge yourself -or/and any other person- with LifeEnergy & LifeForce using your Chi Vitality Card (Chi Energy Card).
Harness and undertake the Life Force & Life Energy being close to you (to your body). If you do not wish to receive the LifeForce & LifeEnergy emanating your your unique personal Chi Vitality Card, just put it away from you (at least 1,5-2m).
You can 'modulate' the Life Force & Life Energy for any purpose -to reach your programmed goals & targets-: please see the 'Life Force & Life Energy generator Equipments Accessories' page: the -Magickal- Symbol Packs, the 'Special Frequencies' page and the Manifestation Programs page.
We have proved that you can use this performant technology to harness- and direct Life Force & Life Energy (Chi, Prana, Life Force, Life Energy, Od, Orgone, Bio-Energy) to be more efficient and to reach your programmed goals & targets!
More information about this subtle energy transfer -at any distance, without any loss!- you can find on the 'Free Transfer Test' web page... »»
Webpages related to the 'Free Life Energy Transfer Test' page:
Free Transfer Test - sent by email
Free Transfer Test - performed!
Special Chi Vitality Card!!
Marketing slogan
The Chi Life Energy Vitality Card assure the -so- necessary Life Force to your manifestation, even while you sleep!
Special -personalized- Chi Vitality Cards®

Different Strenghs & Powers (ST: Standard, DL: DeLuxe, HD: Heavy Duty) !

Inquiries by emails for Chi Vitality Cards are welcome!
#1 Leader in Orgone - Chi - Prana - Technology!
Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipments
powered with- & boosted by -genuine- Vitality Generators; Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators®
Very special LifeEnergy & LifeForce Equipment Accesory: the CHI Vitality CARD
Chi Vitality Card® - after order
After ordered, the personalised Chi Vitality Card(s) will be set-up and programmed, and -same time- will be activate and validate.
The Chi Vitality Card(s) will be sent to you in email, and we will try to send it in max. 48 hours / 2 days.
(You should check your "spam" folder too, in case that your email system decide it that -having an attachement- this is a 'spam' for it).
Only at us !
You will received from us a Chi Vitality Card what you can put / save on your mobile / 'smart' phone.
Test it, and... use it!
After your 'Subscription' ends, or the active time period -for which was ordered- ends (and was not extended in the correspondent time - until the Chi Vitality Card was valid and active-), your Chi Vitality Card will not emit life energy & life force (chi & prana & orgone-energy, etc.) anymore, and for your own safe you should not use it anymore and you should distroy it (deleted from your phone and / or -if it was printed out- it should be teared into small pieces).
Life Force & Life Energy generator Equipments Special Accessories
A Very Specific Structural Link
Chi Vitality Cards® / Chi Life Force Energy Card(s)

Special -personalized- Chi Vitality Cards®

Chi Vitality Card + one symbol from the AoD48 pack
Different Powers (ST: Standard, DL: DeLuxe, HD: Heavy Duty) !


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Stephen Richards
Marketing slogan
Charge yourself in moments with positive and beneficial Life Energy & Life Force and Vitality with the help of Life Energy & Life Force Equipments!
John Wooden
LIFE ENERGY Generator Equipments
Energy & Vitality to You and for Your Success!