Chi Vitality Card on your mobile / smartphone
Chi Vitality Card on your phone | Price / Order (Subscribe) | Chi Vitality Card
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Brian Tracy
Life Force & Life Energy generator Equipments
powered with- & boosted by Vital / Vitality Generators; Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators®
Very Special Accessories
Chi Vitality Cards® on mobile / smart phones !
Order- and get your Smartphone Chi Vitality Card® for a monthly / yearly fee and put it as wallpaper on to your smartphone.
This Vitality Chi Card is powered by a Life Force & Life Energy generator Equipment boosted by integrated Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator® in our labs.
The Chi Vitality Card is a special Life Force Energy accessory; a special 'structural link' acting as a repeater between you and the Life Energy Equipment where we set it up fo you.
Simply order your Chi Vitality Card from us and follow instructions.
Your personal Chi Vitality Card from your smartphone can provide you with Life Energy & Life Force (Chi, Prana, Od, Orgon, Bio-Energy, etc.),coming from a Life Force & Life Energy generator Equipment powered with- & boosted by integrated Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator®.
In fact, you can pull this energy from the Chi Vitality Card®, which you set up as a wallpaper on your smartphone.
Your -personalised- Chi Vitality Card not only that will elimine the negativ energetic effects of the phone's radiation, but will also energize you and will re-vitalize yourself.
With this setup, Life Energy & Life Force for Your Body and Mind will radiate from your Chi Vitality Card installed on your smartphone, and you can enjoy powerful and long term results.
Also, this setup provides you with protection against the effects of EMF from your smartphone as well as from other sources around you, plus -as we mentioned- it provides you with massive energy for body and mind: you can use a setup of this technology to make your deepest dreams come true, and you can do so wherever you are, right off your smartphone!
To energize and protect yourself, all you need to do is put a Chi Vitality Card as a wallpaper (or background image) onto your smartphone, and this is extremely easy and, besides counteracting the negative effects of electrosmog wherever you are, you are also energized and vitalised!
This life force & life energy (or Chi, Prana, Mana, Od, Orgone, ...) has the function of an EMF shield, which naturally neutralizes the negative effects of the electromagnetic pollution coming from your mobile phone and from other items in your environment, which radiate electromagnetic pollution (such as fluorescent light bulbs, microwave ovens and phone poles in your neghborhood).
Also, your personal Chi Vitality Card from your mobile / smart phone can easily counteract negativ "sha" energies or "DOR".
Most importantly, you can do this without any "sticker" or physical "shields" - many of them being peddled by orgonite® copycats who are totally ignorant even of the the very basics as far as the functions of life energy & life force (chi, prana, od, orgone, bioenergy, etc.) and DOR are concerned: those folks simply are "alternative quantum scalar, ... etBS, material marketers" whose main goal is to make money.
More information about "DOR"...
At the same time, your connection with the Chi Life Energy from the Chi Vitality Card from your smartphone can also provide you with a great boost by energizing your intellectual activity, creativity, sports, fitness, body building and / or weight loss.
See a few "Applications" of the Life Energy & Life Force...
In fact, this is something which those "stickers" and other contraptions, which are widely peddled, cannot do at all.
Moreover, connecting your smartphone to this energy is extremely easy, and, as we mentioned already, this energy on your smartphone also provides you with powerful EMF protection, i.e., this EMF shield counteracts and harmonizes the effects of any micro wave frequencies that are radiating from the cellular phone or from anywhere else.
This is so, because the Life Force & Life Energy generator Equipment boosted by integrated Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator®, which are powering your personal / personalised Chi Vitality Card® at any distance, are the cutting edge equipments and performant devices that can be a significant help in your achieving success and positive permanent change wherever you want to do so.
You can also charge water, beverages, food and supplements within a few minutes, when you put them next to your mobile phone when your -active & valid- Chi Vitality Card is there.
Promote and distribute our Chi Vitality Card and -beside that you will be supplied with this positive subtle energy- you can earn a lot with it!
Life Force & Life Energy generator Equipments Special Accessories
A Very Specific Structural Link
Chi Vitality Cards® / Chi Life Force Energy Card(s)

Special -personalized- Chi Vitality Cards®

Chi Vitality Card + one symbol from the AoD48 pack
Different Powers (ST: Standard, DL: DeLuxe, HD: Heavy Duty) !

Subscription: $7.79 / month [ Promotional price !*]
(Renews until you cancel)

* Unsubscribing (OR if PayPal cannot process the following recurring payment) before 3 full months, an additional $6.69 fee will be charged!
I understand it and I accept it!
Chi Vitality Card™
not just in printed form, but now -also- on your computer, tablet & 'smart phone' / mobile phone !
* Chi Vitality Card(s) will be sent in max. 2 days after order was received, in a separate email (check your "Spam" folder if you did not see it in your "Inbox").
** Let us know the name you would like to have on the Chi Vitality Card.
Brian Tracy
What only we can provide for You, and what only we can offer to You:
The CHI Vitality CARD® / Chi Energy Cards
Life Force & Life Energy generator Equipments
powered with- & boosted by Vital / Vitality Welz Generators; Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators®

Vitality CHI CARDs® & Chi Energy Card
Secures a Continuous Supply of Chi Energy (Life Force & Life Energy) with all its Benefits!
Your Vitality Chi Card® is powerful (Life)Force & Energy & Vitality in your pocket, wallet or billfold (size of a credit card)! For You, the Chi Vitality Card® secures a continuous supply of Chi Energy with all its Benefits!
Free Vitality Chi Card for testing! Free Chi Life Energy Transfer Test
Test it, check it, and... use it! Take-over and use it consciously! (Check the online Chi Vitality Card Manual!)
the -cheap & price affordable- Chi Vitality Card / Chi Energy Card !
With this continuous extra powerful transfer of Chi Energy & Prana & Orgone Energy (Life Force & Life Energy), you can now have all the energy you need to begin taking control of money, profession, business, relationships, physical energy for sports, fitness and weight loss, and life itself!
Especially when you are using the Chi Vitality Card® + Manifestation Program Combo!
In addition to this, you can now use your Chi Vitality Card® as Your Personal Pocket Mind Machine that requires absolutely no headphones or -ridicoluos- goggles or other -unconfortable- accesories!
This exciting new technology has been possible as a result of the characteristics of Chi-energy & Prana & Orgone-energy (LifeForce & LifeEnergy) in general, and the Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator® in particular:
the transfer of Chi Energy & Prana & Orgone Energy (Life Energy& Life Force) at any distance (without any loss) by way of "structural links", or structural connections.
Your personal Chi Vitality Card® (Chi Energy Card) is such a -complex- structural connection with powerful Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators® which are integrated into the Life Force Energy generator Equipments, functioning in our labs.
Consequently, it provides and secures for you a continuous supply of Chi Energy & Prana Energy & Orgone Energy (Od, Magnetic Fluid, Bio-Energy, etc.) with all its benefits!
Therefore Your Chi Vitality Card® (Chi Energy Card) is powerful chi-energy (life-energy & life-force, kí, prana, od, orgone-energy, etc.) well and -secure- source in your wallet (or pocket)!
Chi Vitality Card®: the cheapest way to be energized !
ALL valid and active Chi Vitality Cards are in connection (direct structural link) with one of our Heavy Duty type Life Energy & Life Force Equipments, which provide the continuous Life Energy & Life Force (Chi & Prana & Orgone) for the Chi Vitality Card, which can be -constiously- overtake and can be used in any of desired action for your help, -energetical- protection and -overall- success !
What?! Continuous (Life)energy from a piece of paper or from an image?? Unbelievable!!
Yes! We can do it and we can -proudly- provide it to you and also proove it for you! Try it now for free!
Discover a hidden technique to feel energized and revitalized.
Increase your personal supply of chi energy now by carrying a Chi Vitality Card®.
With your personal Chi Vitality Card®
within a very short time of getting used to this extremely useful and powerful new technology (Technology of Life Energy & Life Force), you can have now all the -so necessary- energy, vitality and strategies that are needed to...
Achieve Assured Success Faster and Easier
Get Results that are More Effective and Far Reaching than ever before
Take control of love, money, leadership and life itself !
You can Activate your Chi Vitality Card right NOW !!
Due to special setting we manage to setup, you can choose from 3 types of Power for your Chi Vitality Card:
ST: 'Standard' type of power & strongness
DL: 'De Luxe' type of power (appr. 3 - 4 stronger than the 'Standard' one)
HD: 'Heavy Duty' type of power (appr. 10 - 12 stronger than the 'De Luxe' one)
By now, most certainly you know that it is your Power that carries your decision; it obeys your command as much as it helps you to get what you want.
And, You know by now, that you can wield this power more effectively with the capability of action at a distance!
All of our Special Chi Vitality Cards are directly linked to powerful (ST, DL and -mainly- HD type) Life Energy & Life Force Equipments powered with & boosted by Vital / Vitality Generators; Chi Generator & Prana Generator & Orgone Generator, which provide the continuous beneficial Life Energy & Life Force (Chi & Prana & Orgone energy).
Harness it and use it -consciously!- in any of your desired action!
The Chi Vitality Card®
can be your -sure & secure- source of energy, force, vitality and power, which helps you to act at a distance -any distance!-, to make your dreams come true, and to give and secure to your actions the support to succeed, to get what you wish and what you want.
Most importantly, it is extremely versatile, and it is very affordable.
imagine something that is extraordinary.
Imagine that you can now project a large amount of continuous life force & life energy (Chi energy & Prana Energy & Orgone energy) to any one or more of the areas in your life or goals that you want to improve and strengthen.
Naturally, with the help of the Chi Vitality Card® (Chi Energy Card), you significantly reduce the time and the effort that it normally takes and, of course, you can have much more control over these areas.
So, as you already know and and acknowledge, your power is dependent on your available Life Force & Life Energy.
Consequently, you are now capable to control it where and when you want to do so.
Obviously, this translates to the ultimate:
you have more Power (chi energy & life force) and consequently you have more control over your realm and reality than others around you.
This is the secret of your Power to control and to manifest your reality with success!
This exciting new technology can mean for you the difference between average results and TOTAL SUCCESS !
In fact, you can safely call this exciting new technology the ultimate unfair advantage!
Unfair, because lengthy training and costly weekend seminars promising elusive success become secondary, very secondary, when compared with your real success of your manifestation techniques towards prosperity, satisfying and happy relationships, higher personal energy levels, personal satisfaction, etc.
You will actually be equipped with a powerful tool that is certainly the most potent technology of effective impact and successful manifestation, and, most importantly, you can benefit from this extremely useful tool, which at a most affordable price !
For you, this can well be the first time that learning about a technology will be more than useful, because you can use it right away.
This extra powerful new technology can be a natural step in the right direction towards this extremely satisfying success that you were striving to achieve in the past. This is so, because here you will find a powerful new technology to boost your methods of manifestation to the max.
It is here that you can probe the deepest in your journey to the top.
Here you can find an easy and very effective way to help you improve all your prospects for the future.
It is specifically designed to provide you with powerful subtle energies, which means to enhance your performance in all areas of your life, especially those that you feel need to be strengthened.
Whatever the line of your work or field of endeavor is, be it business, politics, -high performance- sports, education, spiritual matters, personal growing, or anything else, this extremely powerful and effective combination of your Chi Vitality Card® (Chi Energy Card) with the Manifestation Program are designed for a great many uses that can help you achieve successful outcome whenever you use it.
Your Chi Vitality Card® & Chi Energy Cards Provides -continuosly- Energy in Three Main Areas of Life Experience
Water and your Environment
It counteracts the negative effects of electromagnetic pollution from the environment, such as cell phones, flourescent lights, etc., by transforming the resulting DOR ("Deadly ORgone" as dr. Wilhelm Reich called this negative form of very stale anti-life-energy) back into healthy life energy (Orgone, Chi energy, Prana).
The Chi Vitality Card® (Chi Life Energy Card) installed on the 'smart phones', not only diminish and eliminate the negative -em- energies from the mobil phones, but also -in same time- energize and vitalize the person who is using it.
You can use your Chi Vitality Card® to optimize and super-charge food, supplements and vitamins.
Physical Energy and Well-Being
You can use your personal Chi Vitality Card® to have a lot more energy for sports, sports competition, body building and fitness training.
This can help you achieve your goals faster and more efficiently.
In fact, some persons in competitive sports call the Chi Vitality Card® (Chi Energy Card) an "energetic steroid" that defies detection.
Many persons noticed that food that is enlivened and charged with life energy & life force (Chi, Prana, Od, Orgone) becomes more satisfying, and consequently, their unhealthy appetite for junk food and their desire to overeating was significantly reduced or completely eliminated: a factor that can help with any method of weight management.
Body-and-Mind Activities
Furthermore, it supplies you with massive energy to increase intellectual acuity, intuition, speed learning, artistic inspiration, and training for remote viewing.
Now, you can have the mental energy that is so important to achieve peace of mind, self confidence, and to be successful in manifestation techniques.
Now it is easier than ever before for you to build success strategies(!), with the help of which you can achieve your goals in business, money and relationships with others, because You can use your Chi Vitality Card® (Chi Energy Card) as your personal pocket-mind-machine, and this pocket-mind-machine has a significant advantage over all run-of-the-mill mind machines: the Chi Vitality Card® provides you with continuous energy and it works extremely effectively without you ever needing to wear any of those cumbersome headphones or goggles. (!)
Check for the new performant Mind Machines! »
Your Chi Vitality Card® (Chi-Energy Card) is
Action at a Distance to achieve Positive Permanent Changes !
The Chi Vitality Card: made possible by the 'Structural Linkage' theory and -mostly!- the Life Force Technology: the Life Energy Equipments powered with & boosted by Chi & Prana & Orgone Generators made with Super Orgonite - invented and developed by Karl Hans Welz!
The purpose of your Chi Vitality Card® is to
provide energy, force (life energy & life force!), stamina and vitality, and
help you in all aspirations to the good things in life: power, wisdom, knowledge, success in business and personal relations, peace of mind, personal development, and many more.
It is an easy to understand method that is accessible to every person who has the will and the open mind use it, and we are going to show you that this extremely powerful technology makes use of life force & life energy (chi energy, prana, od, orgone, bio-energy, etc.) and structural links to generate specific trends, i.e., to generate inclination, motivation and action towards envisioned goals.
Now you can generate such trends for yourself as well as for others (for example; to your beloved ones).
In the FREE Transfer TEST, we are going to show you how this works and how you can use this technology to put you on your road towards your personal success.
Use it, have fun and have success ! Use it with lot of success!
Marketing slogan
Life Energy & Life Force (Chi & Prana & Orgone) from a -digital or printed- image?? Yes; our technologically assured Chi Vitality Cards can do that, and can supply this beneficial subtle energy for you! Continuously!
Life Force & Life Energy generator Equipments Special Accessories
A Very Specific Structural Link
Chi Vitality Cards® / Chi Life Force Energy Card(s)

Digital KIT #C21:

Marketing slogan »
Welfare, prosperity and -energetical- protection by using CONSCIOUSLY the subtle Life Energies.
The official & complete CATALOG with -actual- Prices | Orders 
- click here -
Deepak Chopra
Marketing slogan
Life Energy & Life Force is the creative Power of the Universe. Feel free to use it, start / turn on your equipment!
Gabrielle Bernstein
Marketing slogan
What really count in the manifestation process is the available life force & life energy quantity (and quality). Everithing else (frequencies, intension, qualification, competency, etc.) is secondary.
Our Life Energy Equipments generates- and our Chi Vitality Cards emanates -continuosly- life force & life energy!
LIFE ENERGY Generator Equipments
Energy & Vitality to You and for Your Success!