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H2O: The Story of WATER

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“Mental efficiency is contingent upon harmony; discord means confusion; therefore he who would acquire power must be in harmony with natural law.”
Charles F. Haanel - The Master Key System

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H2O: The Story Of WATER

More detailed...

Water is the basis of all life.

You can think of Water as a living being.

AO 2000 AquaOptimizer When it comes from the spring, it certainly is alive, it is the stuff of life, it enlivens!
It is living when coming from clean springs, when it continues in healthy rivers all the way to the ocean, and you can consider the ocean itself as being the largest living organism on the planet.

Right AO 2000 Aqua Optimizer LifeEnergy & LifeForce Equipment, charging, energizing and optimizing a glass of fresh water

We all know that we are appr. 60%-65% water and we know that we cannot live without it.
Therefore the water we drink certainly should be the stuff of life.
We should drink living water, pure and healthy as nature provides it, ideally containing as much life energy & life force as possible.

  This certainly is not the water that we get!

Destruction of the natural state of water by mistreatment and pollution has been one of the earliest sins of humans.
Such destructive behavior usually went hand in hand with the establishment of large population centers.
Naturally then, such large cities were a breeding ground of numerous diseases, such as epidemics of typhoid fever and cholera, that resulted from abuse, mismanagement and over use of water.

Water was no longer the stuff of life.

Already in antiquity, quick fixes for water were part of the civilization and, as in our days, they did not quite take care of the real situation and, in the worst case scenarios, even aggravated the problems. We know of cultures that perished as a result of overuse and abuse of its most precious resource, water.

What we get today?...

Pollution of water and killing it off by mistreatment went rampant in our days. In fact, water before processing -on many parts of the world- is undrinkable in most cases.
Results of water mismanagement in many rivers are plainly visible:
Fish from these waters show increasingly signs of disease, especially various cancers, and some rivers are biologically dead, with the exception, perhaps, of being breeding grounds of bacteria and algae.
There are rivers that have no other function except for being sewers and chemical runoffs at the same time.


What humans do to water ?

. Physical pollution

Humans destroy the natural flow of water by damming it up, straightening rivers, piping, etc. (re. Schauberger) much of which, considering the large populations, seems necessary.

Alternative technologies that enliven water while it comes to us have been developed. It can be done and there is little incentive, or political will, to do so!

. Chemical pollution, which is the only type pollution of which most people in our days are aware.

In fact, the bulk of "quick-fixes" are attempts to take care of this problem.

Water is
. Polluted by agricultural runoff (fertilizers, insecticides, animal waste), etc.
. Polluted by "dilution" of industrial wastes, heavy metals, PCB's, Ketones, solvents, and many other chemicals
. Polluted by waste waters from cities that are poured into the river after having been processed to levels that are considered to be "safe" for the river

. Radioactive pollution

Pollution by "safe levels" of radioactivity In some areas water is additionally polluted by radioactivity (in "safe" doses, of course...).
Those are well-known factors of pollution, and most people are well aware of the fact that there is something deeply wrong with the water that they drink.

. Pollution by EMF (Electro-Magnetic Frequencies)

This is a form of pollution of which few people are aware. It is the result of the "memory" of water.

As if all that which we mentioned above was not enough, there is more to worry about than "just" the pollution by chemicals or radiation.
This is a problem that results from a characteristic of practically all matter, which is especially strong in water:
Water is a carrier of information, it has a "memory".

Therefore, most water that we drink is carrier of the noxious information of pollutants to which it was exposed, no matter how elaborate the "quick fixes" are.
Experimentally it has been shown that such information is present even after extensive 'double distillation' procedures (which, btw. kills water energetically).

In fact, the knowledge that water has a "memory" is quite old.

Long ago, humans found this out as a result of practical experience, and they developed a multitude of methods and techniques to attach such information to water.

By now, we know that such memory can easily be explained as the direct result of the ubiquitous existence and function of life-energy &life-force, of its negative entropy and of the resulting structural links.

In fact, this important characteristic of being a carrier of information is more pronounced in water than in most other matter that we know.
This is so, because unlike other carriers of information, such as crystals, water can be ingested with ease.

This means that water is programmed negatively every time when it connects with specific situations or substances, such as pollutants of a chemical nature, mistreatment of a physical nature such as undue pressure and wrong piping (Victor Schauberger demonstrated considerable weakness resulting simply from this type of wrong treatment of water), and it keeps carrying this noxious information.

Especially in recent times the impact of electromagnetic pollution (EMF pollution) became a very powerful contributing factor to the noxious programming of water.

Aqua Optimizer - Living Water This programmability of water is certainly a disadvantage when it comes to clearing up the pollution:
Distillation or reverse osmosis, in a lesser degree filtering, gets rid of most material pollutants, while there is no impact upon the noxious information that this industrially processed and then purified water is carrying.
Before- and during the process of industrial "purification" to create tap water, it is also exposed to massive electromagnetic frequencies; one of its effects is the generating of DOR (Deadly ORgone).

Right AO 2000 Aqua Optimizer LifeEnergy & LifeForce Equipment, charging, energizing and optimizing a beautiful and tasty apple

On the other hand, the "programmability" of water turns out to be an advantage, when it comes to the removing the noxious information.

In fact, with the right tools for this purpose, such as our Life Force & Life Energy generator Equipment, the AquaOptimizerAO 2000, this can be done with ease.
After the removal of this noxious information from processed water, you can use its characteristic as carrier of information to re-vitalize it again to its original state of being the substance of life, which water is supposed to be. (!)


Attempts to correct the situation

Quick Fix #1: Tap water

Chemical, bacterial, etc., pollutants are so strong that industrial processing of the dead- and heavily polluted river water into tap water is a must.

In this process, many of the worst pollutants are removed, chlorine is added to kill bacteria and "healthful" fluoride is added as forced a medication for all, whether people need it or not.

In fact, it is well known that fluoridation of water is a cheap, even lucrative, way to get rid of an industrial waste product.
This industrial processing is the poorest of all patch-ups.
In this type processing, the worst chemical pollutants such as heavy metals are filtered out down to levels that are considered "safe" for human consumption.
Various additives such as "protective chlorine" to kill bacteria and "healthful fluoride" (speak & understand: forced medication for all!) give it a bad taste, so bad, in fact, that most people do not want to drink it. This situation helps pad the pockets of soft drink companies, of course.

Is it drinkable?

Nobody in his or her right mind -who's aware of this- drinks that stuff. Tap water is a far cry from pure living water as we can get it from a clean spring.
Ask the people who are purchasing bottled water what they think of tap water!
And most other people still do not know, for one reason or another, just how much there is wrong with the tap water that they drink, and that these problems are of a scope which is massive indeed!

. The next step - Beyond tap water

Removal of the "safe levels" of heavy metals and noxious chemicals, removal of chlorine and "healthful" fluoride.

This sad situation led to other quick fixes of additional water filtering.
Simple filters get rid of most of the heavy metals and chlorine, while such filters cannot get rid of the "healthful" fluoride.
Distillation and reverse osmosis remove most substances, including fluoride, which at least makes a chemically pure product.

As a consequence of these processes, the natural minerals (trace minerals) in water are lacking as well.
Good mineral supplements are indicated in this case.

. The next step - Beyond purified water

To the various brands of bottled water traces of mineral salts, which the promoters of those products call "electrolytes", are added.
Further processing to enhance the taste of water includes "ozonating", "oxygenating", "alkalizing" (adding traces of baking soda or sodium chlorite, which is bleach in real English), and more.

This purified and processed water is not living water, of course, it is still dead.
Moreover, the noxious information from chemicals, EMF pollution, etc., is still attached (!).
In our transfer-test, you will soon get the evidence that such water simply does not have the taste of living water.

. The next steps - Beyond reconstituted water

The next step is removal of noxious information and, in most cases, adding to the water its original information.
Especially when water has been exposed to industrial processing, polluting, EMF pollution, etc., it is important to cancel out all that negative programming and to revitalize it with beneficial properties.

The result of this work is a marked difference in taste.
This is water that began to be alive again!

By now, the fact that water is a carrier of information, which was a disadvantage in the process of successive pollution, turns out to be an invaluable asset.

Humans knew about this characteristic of water long ago and they have used it throughout history.
Just think of the "holy water" in churches, the power of the springs in holy places such as Lourdes, and homeopathy.
There are various effective methods to achieve these results, i.e., the removal of noxious information and replacing it with something enlivening and positive.

Revitalized water has the characteristics of water as it is supposed to be.

What such water still lacks, is life-energy & life-force (!).
Although controversial in the eyes of many (including the soft drink industry, we suppose), such treatments are valid attempts to get rid of "imprints" of noxious materials (we talked about the "memory" of water before), and some of them can also bring water back to its natural, living, state.
In brief, most of these methods make water drinkable, even addictive.


5. The next steps - Another increasingly popular method:
reconstituted water with life force & life energy (orgone, prana, chi-energy)

Distilled water or other reconstituted water is put into a Reichian orgone accumulator (a device that accumulates life energy & life force from its surroundings -Wilhelm Reich called it orgone-).

With this method, water is saturated with life force & life energy (orgone energy & prana & chi energy).

This water energizes the person who drinks it.
The water tastes better and most people feel the energy boost right away.

One of the main disadvantage of this method is that the noxious information is removed only partially.
For this reason, the typical orgone water has a slight bitter aftertaste.

The second big disadvantage is that the orgone accumulator (orac) when placed in a not healthy environment (i.e. place and location contain DOR -massive- Deadly ORgone energy) charged water could be charged also with DOR.

But, now we have the best viable and most effective solution the elimine also these disadvantages:

6. The next steps - Another increasingly very popular method: Life Force & Life Energy Devices of the Aqua Optimizer™ Series combine the best of the last two (4 and 5) methods!

RAD 5 / ATG 5 LifeForce & LifeEnergy Devices They remove the noxious information,
LifeForce & LifeEnergy Devices They replace it with the original, beneficial water information - as if it came from an energetically healthy mountain spring, and
LifeForce & LifeEnergy Devices They saturate living water with life-energy & life-force

Right RAD 5 / ATG 5: Trend Generator LifeEnergy- & LifeForce Equipment powered by 5 powerful Vitality Generators; Chi Generator & Prana Generator & Orgone Generator, together with the 'Structural Linkage' RAOPRC Transfer Couple with -unique- Transfer Disk, energizing & optimizing & purifying drinking water :: RAD 5 / ATG 5 Chi Mind Machine & MindTrainer AND Power Radionics Manifestation Device

That's exactly what we mean when we talk about true living water.
Everything else is just second best.
Plus, those machines or water drops are outrageously high priced when you compare them to our entry level device, the AO 1100, which is truly a device that fits every budget and which, in fact, is significantly more effective than anything else on the market!


that is charged with LifeForce & LifeEnergy (Chi, Prana, Od, Orgone, BIO ENERGY, etc.)

Living water
that is charged with life force & life energy (Chi-energy & prana) stays fresh much longer as a result of significant microbiological changes towards a healthy environment.

hellgruen Living water has a taste that's excellent, to the point of being addictive - even chlorinated tap water can lose its horrible taste.
hellgruen Living water has a softer "feel" when you reach into it. You will have this extraordinary powerful feeling of being energized after you drink living water Using the devices of the Aqua Optimizer Series, you can achieve a better taste of food and drinks.
RAD 5 / ATG 5 hellgruen Living water enhances the growth of plants. This is plainly visible: stronger plants, more blossoms and larger and better tasting fruit, and more beautiful flowers.
hellgruen Living water can save you laundry powder. Being saturated with life force, it keeps helping the environment even after use.
hellgruen It is attractive to animals. Especially cats feel attracted to water that has been revitalized by means of saturation with life-force & life-energy.
hellgruen Most important of all, you can gain a lot of energy after drinking it!

Right RAD 5 / ATG 5: TREND Generator Life Energy- & Life Force Equipment powered by 5 powerful exterior Vitality Generators; Chi Generator & Prana Generator & Orgone Generator, together with the PBT 2400 HD Power Booster Transfer Couple with Transfer Disk, energizing & optimizing & purifying drinking water :: Power Radionics Manifestation Device

You can make living water (water that has been revitalized to its natural energetic state and saturated with chi energy - life energy & life force) with ease:
Simply put a bottle of water of your choice (store bought or filtered) next to a device of Life Force & Life Energy generator Equipment with integrated Vitality Generators; Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator®, from the Aqua Optimizer™ Series for a few minutes.
Then enjoy! 



Marketing slogan »  
The Welz Generator & the Life Energy Equipment & the Vitality Card; ...if you decided to change your life in better.

  .     .

Recommended Life Energy
& Life Force Equipments

with integrated Vitality Generators; Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator®

for Water OptimalizationFood Energizing (Aqua Optimizers & Living Water):

LifeEnergy & LifeForce Equipments AO 1100, AO 2000
  LifeEnergy & LifeForce Equipments LPOG 2400 DL, LPOG 2400 HD, Performer 2400 HD / Sport Performer, PFC 2000 & PFC 2400
     LifeEnergy & LifeForce Equipments RAD 2000, RAD 2400 HD, RAD 5 / ATG 5, ATG 12 / ATGS 12000

  ...and Life Energy & Life Force Equipment Accessories

LifeEnergy & LifeForce Equipments Structural Links:
  LifeEnergy & LifeForce Equipments & Accessories TC 99 Transfer Couple
  LifeEnergy & LifeForce Equipments & Accessories  RAOPTC Round AquaOptimizer Transfer Couple
  LifeEnergy & LifeForce Equipments & Accessories  PBT 2400 Power Booster
  LifeEnergy & LifeForce Equipments & Accessories  PBTBH

LifeEnergy & LifeForce Equipments Manifestation Radionics Programs:
  LifeEnergy & LifeForce Equipments & Accessories  Manifestation Program
  LifeEnergy & LifeForce Equipments & Accessories  Super-Manifestation Radionic Program™
  LifeEnergy & LifeForce Equipments & Accessories  Ultimate Lite / Pro Manifestation Radionic Program

LifeEnergy & LifeForce Equipments -Magickal & Astrological- Symbols and Icons Packs
LifeEnergy & LifeForce Equipments  Alphabet of Desire
LifeEnergy & LifeForce Equipments  Alphabet of Success
LifeEnergy & LifeForce Equipments  Chakras
LifeEnergy & LifeForce Equipments  Tarot
LifeEnergy & LifeForce Equipments  etc., etc., etc.

LifeEnergy & LifeForce Equipments Special -personalised- Life Energy Chi Vitality Card
The cheapest, safest and -at the same time- the most easy and elegant way for water & food energizing with a -continuous- supply of Life Energy (Life Force, Chi / Qi, Prana, Od, Orgon / Orgone, etc.).  A very special 'structural link' as a continouos life force energy source in your wallet not just in printed form, but -now also- on your computer / laptop, tablet / iPad and your mobile phone!



Awesome Service!
That one and a half hour spend online listen and learn about this new life force technology and about my new life energy equipment (PFC 2400) was the most beneficial and best spent in this year. Opened a totally new way to perceive, see and feel the word. The transfer couple of my energy booster (PBT 2400 HD) is always with me. :-)
Jean-Jaques (Lyon, France)



Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipments powered with & boosted by integrated Vitality Generators; -genuine- Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator® made with Super Orgonite® and -recommended- Accessories
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