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LifeEnergy & Vitality for Your protection and Success!

PERFORMER 2400 HD / Sport Performer 2400 Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipment ~

PERFORMER 2400 / Sport Performer HD Chi MIND MACHINE & Mind Trainer  AND -also-  Chi Life Force POWER RADIONICS Life Energy Generator Equipment   |   Pre-setted frequencies   |   Frequency List   |   Frequencies / Uses   |   Price / Order Now

Life Energy & Life Force Equipments & Accessories Catalog
The Complete Price Catalog

Motto / Quote  
"The value of a principle is the number of things it will explain."
Ralph Waldo Emerson


Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipments

powered by- and boosted with integrated Vitality Generators; Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators®

Chi Mind Machine & Mind Trainer :: Neuro-Technology™  AND   Chi Power Radionics Manifestation Device for Wellness & Sport Performance

 Performer 2400 HD / Sport Performer: Chi Mind Machine & Mind Trainer + Power Radionics & Trend Generators + Aqua Optimizer & Food Energizer


The New Performer / Sport Performer 2400 HD

The Performer 2400 HD / Sport Performer is a new Chi Mind Machine & Mind Trainer and also a Chi Life Force Power Radionic Device in same time!

Wellness & Sports Performance Enhancement that Spells Success!

Some people are inclined to call this exceptionally powerful device an energetic steroid, which is perfectly legal and which -at the same time- defies detection !

Sport Performer 2400 HD This extra powerful Life Force& Life Energy Equipment with built-in Vitality Generators; Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator®, -mainly- for Sports & Wellness is a dual HD (Heavy Duty) orgone & prana & chi- generator device, with a 12 position rotary switch for pre-set special sports & wellness related frquencies and a set of three dials and LED display frequency meter, to set precision frequencies in the second generator, which are ranging between appr. 0.5 and 500 Hz.

The Performer 2400 HD is a 'Top of the Line' Special Heavy Duty Life Force & Life Energy Equipment with built-in Vitality Generators; Chi Generator® & Orgone Generator®, that is specifically designed to meet the requirements of persons who are active in large area of wellness & sports; martial arts, competitive sports, fitness training, body building, etc., etc.

You can use it to help boost your performance, and -above all- unlike other performance enhancing methods, it is perfectly legal, it defies detection and it spells success!
  There are some folks who call this exceptional tool of power the ultimate unfair advantage!

The Performer 2400 features a built-in Frequency Module that has been designed for twelve precision low pulse settings.
Each of these frequencies has a special purpose that is important for your power performance.

performer2400hd The purpose of the Life Force & Life Energy Equipment with built-in and integrated Vitality Generators; Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator® is to energize yourself and to add power to all of your actions -also-at a distance (any distance!), such as in combination with a "Manifestation Program" or with an older-type manifestation or -traditional- radionics device, i.e., any device without a built-in Vitality Generators; Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generators®.

Right Performer / Sport Performer 2400 HD Life Energy & Life Force Equipment with Vitality Generators; Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators®: with 12 precise -pre setted- frequencies, and 3 knobs for continuous frequecy setting between appr. 0.5 and 500 Hz with Frequency Display (actual design)

All radionics devices from us (HSCTI & BEC) have built-in Vitality Generators of life force & life energy (Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator®), being a Chi Power Radionic Device.

The Performer 2400 is a Top of the Line Heavy Duty Life Force& Life Energy Equipment with -integrated- Vitality Generators; Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator®
    ...ready to be used and ready to serve you.

Initially, this extra powerful dual-HD (Heavy Duty type) device has been specifically designed to meet the requirements of persons who are active wide area of any sport; in martial arts -for example-, and naturally the Performer is extremely useful in all types of physical-mental activity, for competitive sports, fitness training, and body building, as well as in any other field of physical-mental activity such as yoga, weight loss, tai chi, chi-kung, yoga, martial arts, etc., etc.

You can use it to help boost your performance, and, above all, unlike other performance enhancing methods, it is perfectly legal, it defies detection and, most importantly, it spells success!
As we mentioned already, there are some folks who call this exceptional tool of power the ultimate unfair advantage, and naturally they are also using it!

Performer 2400 hd topview + backview On the other hand, you can use this extremely powerful Life Force & Life Energy Equipment (with integrated Vitality Generators; Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator®) as well for any other type of manifestation work, be it in career, business, relationships, sex, etc., and its dual HD power comes as a decisive advantage.

Furthermore, like all other HD (Heavy Duty) devices, the Performer / Sport Performer 2400 HD has the capability to produce living water the same way as the AO 1100, the AO 2000, the PFC 2400 HD, the RAD 2400 HD, the RAD 5 / ATG 5 and the ATGS 12000 / ATG 12.

This Life Energy & Life Force Equipment (with Vitality Generators; Chi Generators® & Orgone Generator®) of the Performer 2400 features a built-in Frequency Module that has been designed for twelve precision -special- low pulse settings.
Each of these frequencies has a special purpose that is important for your power performance - see the image of the frequency dial.

The other built-in Vitality Generator; Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator® can be set to any frequency of your choice, ranging between 0.5 and 500 Hz.

Both internal Vitality Generators; Chi Generators® & Orgone Generator® from our LifeEnergy & LifeForce Equipment can also be driven by exterior frequency input:
use one or both mono-audio inputs (see above / below) for specific frequency sequences, which can be generated by your computer / PC - simply plug into the sound output of your computer / PC while you are running one of the manifestation programs and your Performer generates orgone-energy (chi, prana, orgone, life-force and life-energy) in the same frequency(!), this way boosting significantly the trend energies that your manifestation program is broadcasting.
The corresponding power switch can be in the "off" position during this operation.

Both, the precision settings with the frequency meter and the frequency input from outside; from your computer / PC or from a CD player / MP3 player (see our Special & Specific Frequencies -or you can make your own, if you wish-) provide this continuous and powerful Life Force & Life Energy flux and quantity from your performant Equipment (due to built-in & integrated Vitality Generators; i.e. Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator®) ans assure it with a versatility, which is appreciated especially by persons whose goal is maximum improvement of their performance power.

Performer 2400
/ Sport Performer
    Your choice of precision frequency settings:

. Very relaxing ("Endorphin frequency"), great for yoga and deep meditation, positive organ-muscle resonances - Relaxation / Yoga + Meditation
performer2400hd 2. "HGH-frequency", helps develop muscle in general, rejuvenation effects, ideal for autogenic training and affirmations, especially when active during sleep or deep mditation, rapid recovery - Autogenics, Affirmations
3. Reduces exhaustion, project subconscious commands and affirmations to help yourself and others being successful - Subconscious Commands
4. Concentration and Precision, especially for golf, target practice, etc., reduces fear in general - Precision & Concentration
5. Vitality, focus on Situation analysis, especially when it is important to establish the best success strategies - Situational Analysis
6. Will power, deep insights that happen almost "by itself" when in meditative state, vitality, enhance skills of remote viewing - Will Power / Deep Insights
7. Grounding, anti-mind control, improved stress tolerance; feeling revitalized like you have spent a day in the country; enhanced learning and acquiring of routines, mind-body coordination, top decisions and creativity - Top Decisions / Creativity (“Earth Resonance”)
8. Optimism and success, mood elevator, sense of well-being & decreased pain, especially for hangover & jet lag, improved learning, centering, increase physical strength, especially for weak muscle groups - Optimism & Success
9. Top intuition, improved learning, feeling well, self confidence, centering - Top Intuition | Super Learning
10. Mind/body unity, energy, vitality, fitness, good to impose subconscious commands on another (body language that projects confidence of winning, etc.), therefore good to win competitions, rejuvenation effects, enhances muscle builders - Balance | Energy + Fitness
11. Leadership, charisma, confidence of victory in sports, increased aggression, "energetic steroid" - Leadership | Charisma
12. Super stamina and endurance; enhanced vigor & alertness - Super Stamina + Endurance

With the output of the PFC 2400 HD plugged into it, you can upgrade your Performer 2400.
Like other HD devices, it features an option of audio input. With this setup, you can work with two precision settings, for instance one for stamina and the other one to make you immune to negative outside influences, plus you can operate with three to four times the power!

The digital frequency display shows the precise frequency to two decimal points for frequencies under 100 Hz and one decimal point for frequencies above 100 Hz, what can be setted with the help of the three dials in the range from approx. 05 – ~500 Hz.

The Performer / Sport Performer 2400 HD are new Chi Mind Machines & Mind Trainers and also Chi LifeForce Power Radionic Devices, in same time!
   . .

The generated Life Energy & Life Force amount generated and emanated by the Life Energy & Life Force Equipment can be modulated physically -by hertzian frequencies- and / or virtually; with the help of corresponding symbols and / or an appropriate & adequate thought form!

   . .

Note: Can be perfectly combined with the Chi Dynamic Feng Shui- and the Astro-Dynamic Manifestation methods!
Expand its operations using special filter cards and magickal symbols for different trends!

   . .

Using it/them with one of our Radionics Manifestation Programs, not only that will obtain a -virtual- radionic device powered with Life Energy & Life Force(!), but also, in this case; you will be able to command it remotely and make specific setting from distance -any distance!- without even touching physically your equipment!

   . .

Take the beneficial and useful Life Energy & Life Force flux generated by your equipment which is operating in your apartment and/or office, anywhere in the word, for your use, -simply- carrying a structural linkage with you (a TC 99 or -better- PBT 2400)!

   . .

You can energize and charge your -daily- foods and drinking water with beneficial Life Energy & Life Force (Chi & Prana & Orgone) with ANY of the Life Energy & Life Force Equipment. You can optimize your drinking water -resulting Liwing Water- with the AO series and the HD type of -integrated- Vitality Generators; (Chi Generator & Prana Generator & Orgone Generator) into the Life Energy & Life Force Equipments. Use a structural link to be able to charge them also by /from -any- distance.

   . .

The price of Life Energy & Life Force Equipments are reflecting their strenght, power and complexity! More powerful equipment; more powerful -integrated- Vitality Generators; (Chi Generator & Prana Generator & Orgone Generator); more generated Life Energy & Life Force (Chi & Prana & Orgone-energy); quicker - and reliable- results!

   . .

Combine it with the -personalised- special Chi Vitality Card to enlarge its application, and to confere more flexibility! Chi Vitality Card: the cheapest way to be fully energized !

The Performer 2400 supplies you with continuous dinamic & positive subtle Life Energy & Life Force, Orgone & Prana & Chi-energy!



Performer 2400 HD  /  Sport Performer

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Marketing slogan »  
Feng Shui energies at your discretion? Anytime and anywhere?? Yes! Now it's possible!

  .     .

Frequency List

With our PFC 2000 & PFC 2400, Performer 2400 HD, RAD 5 / ATG 5 and ATG 12 / ATGS 12000 Life Force Equipments & Life Energy Equipments powered with- & boosted by built-in & integrated Vital / Vitality Generators; Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators®, you can put yourself into any brain wave state by selecting a specific pulse frequency.

  There is a sort of classification for different frequencies...

Brainwave Frequencies - These are frequencies associated with various mental states.
You can coax your brainwaves to a certain frequency, and in doing so, achieve the mental state associated with that frequency.
These frequencies have been tested for use with pulsed chi & prana & orgone-energy with our LifeEnergy & LifeForce Equipments.

Energizing Frequencies - These are frequencies that various parties claim could be used to stimulate some region of the body such as chakras and specific organs.

Natural Phenomena Frequencies - This includes natural frequencies that occur in nature (Schumann's Resonance, for instance), as well as sound tones calculated from the revolution/orbit of the various planets.
The sources of these frequencies claimed that they could affect humans in a variety of ways. This is a fertile field for astrologers to explore.

Below mentioned frequencies are recommended -mainly- for

Frequencies below 1 Hz

0.30 – 0.15 Hz: Mood elevator, against depressive states of mind.
0.5 Hz: Whole brain toner. Very relaxing, especially lower back and head. Energizes the thyroid, reproductive organs, stimulates excretory functions.
0.9 Hz: Feeling of euphoria.

Frequencies between 1 Hz – 10 Hz / 1 Hz - 5 Hz

1 Hz: Feeling of well-being, pituitary stimulation to release growth hormone, helps gain an overall-view of inter-relationships, generally for harmony and balance.
2.5 Hz: Relaxation. Production of endogenous opiates (endorphins).
3 Hz: Increased reaction time.
3.4 Hz: Sound sleep.
3.5 Hz: Feeling of Oneness with everything, language learning improved enhancement of receptivity.
4-6 Hz: Attitude and behavior change.
4-7 Hz: Theta: recall, fantasy, imagery, creativity, planning, dreaming, switching thoughts, Zen meditation, drowsiness.

Additional frequencies between 1 Hz – 10 Hz

4 Hz: Extrasensory perception, remote viewing, strengthens memory, physical stimulation, faster recovery after physical training.
4.5 Hz: Dream states, shamanic consciousness, vivid imagery.
4.6 Hz: Emotional impulsivity.
4.9 Hz: Introspection, relaxation, meditation, deep sleep.
5 Hz: Learning, unusual problem solving enhanced.
5.25 Hz: Strong imagery, vivid images.
5.5 Hz: Moves beyond knowledge to knowing, shows vision of needed growth and direction, inner guidance and readiness to evolve spiritually.
5.75 Hz: Improves the power of creative fantasies.
5.8 Hz: Diminishes fear, works against being scattered.
6.0 Hz: Long term memory stimulation.
6.3 Hz: Good for mental and astral projections, remote viewing, language skills, improved memory.
6.5 Hz: Accelerated learning.
6.75 Hz: Inner calmness.
6.88 Hz: Inner balance and calmness.
7.0 Hz: Mental and astral projection, telekinesis, mind projection.
7.5 Hz: Creativity, inward focus, discovery of “purpose” in life, creative thought, facilitates contact with spirit guides; facilitates entry into meditation, lucid dreaming.
7.83 Hz: Earth Resonance, grounding, “Schumann Resonance,” counteracts mind control, accelerated learning, more tolerance of stressful situations.
8-10 Hz: Learning new information.
8.0 Hz: Past life regression, hypnoid states, reduces stress,
diminishes states of anxiety, strong relaxation, connection with past lives enhanced.
8.3 Hz: Mental imagery, clairvoyance, ESP.
9.0 Hz: Awareness of causes of body imbalance and ease in finding the means for balance.
9.16 Hz: Enhances the skills of resolving conflicts.
9.5 Hz: Capability to grasp information of all kinds with greater ease.
9.6 Hz: Mean dominant frequency associated with the earth’s magnetic field, relaxes the face (great for lotions!).
10 Hz: Enhanced release of serotonin and mood elevator, universally beneficial, counteracts effects of hangover and jet lag. Frequency for Silva Mind control.

Frequencies between 10Hz – 20Hz

10.5 Hz: Relaxed alertness, stabilizer in general, mind-soul-communication, heart chakra.
10.6 Hz: Relaxed and alert.
11 Hz: Calm and relaxed thinking, paying attention, stress reduction.
12 Hz: Centering, mental stability, transitional point, time seems faster, throat chakra.
12.3 Hz: Powers of visualization.
13-30 Hz: Normal wakefulness.
13 Hz: Ajna Chakra, powers of visualization and to conceptualize.
14.1 Hz: Alert focusing, vitality, concentrating on tasks, Earth Frequency, intelligence enhanced, good for physical training.
15.4 Hz: Cortex, intelligence.
16.4 Hz: Crown Chakra, Transcendence,
20 Hz: To overcome fatigue and to energize. Fitness training, stress
reduction, mental projection of subconscious
(non-conscious) commands.

Frequencies between 20Hz – 100Hz

22.0 Hz: Astral traveling.
25 Hz: Self confidence, confidence of victory in sports.
27.5 Hz: lowest note an a piano MP2.
32 Hz: Desensitizer; enhanced vigor and alertness.
33 Hz: Christ consciousness, hypersensitivity, Pyramid frequency (inside).
35 Hz: Awakening of mid-chakras, balance of chakras.
38 Hz: Endorphin release.
40 Hz: Dominant when problem solving in fearful situations, especially
where fast action is required.
50 Hz: Slower cerebral rhythms.
55 Hz: Tantra, Kundalini.
62 Hz: Feeling of physical vigor.
63 Hz: Astral projection.
70 Hz: Mental and astral projection.
72 Hz: Emotional spectrums.
80 Hz: Awareness and control of right direction.
83 Hz: Third eye opening for some people.
90 Hz: Good feelings, security, well-being, balancing.
98 Hz: Hara-center.

Frequencies of 100 + Hz

105 Hz: Overall view of complex situations.
108 Hz: Total knowing.
111 Hz: Beta endorphins and cell regeneration.
126.22 Hz: Sun.
136.1 Hz: Sun: light, warmth, joy.
140.25 Hz: Pluto: power, crisis & changes.
141.27 Hz: Mercury: intellectuality, mobility.
144.72 Hz: Mars: activity, energy, freedom, humor.
147.85 Hz: Saturn: separation, sorrow, death.
183.58 Hz: Jupiter: growth, success, justice, spirituality.
194.71 Hz: Earth: stability, grounding.
207.36 Hz: Uranus: spontaneity, independence, originality.
211.44 Hz: Neptune: the unconscious, secrets, imagination, spiritual love.
221.23 Hz: Venus: beauty, love, sexuality, sensuality, harmony.
247 Hz: Feeling of peacefulness.
250 Hz: Elevate and revitalize.
272 Hz: 33rd octave of Earth year.
384 Hz: “Gurdjieff vibration“ associated with root chakra.
396 Hz — Releases Fear / (colour: Red ) – Liberating Guilt and Fear
417 Hz — Eases and Initiates Change / (colour: Orange) – Undoing Situations and Facilitating Change
420.82 Hz: Moon: love, sensitivity, creativity, femininity, anima.
494 Hz: Spiritual awakening.
523 Hz: Fear and panics.
528 Hz — Healing and DNA Repair / (colour: Gold) – Transformation and Miracles (DNA Repair)
639 Hz — Heals Relationships / (colour: Green) – Connecting / Relationships
698 Hz: Strong feeling of love.
741 Hz — Finding Creative Expression and Solutions / (colour: Blue) – Awakening Intuition
794 Hz: Strong will power.
852 Hz — Spiritual Homecoming / (colour: Purple) – Returning to Spiritual Order
880 Hz: Strong imagination.

* * * * *

0.37 – 2.15 Helps against obsession and addiction
0.40 – 10 Against Confusion
0.45 – 10 Relaxation, against muscle pain
0.5 Very relaxing

1-3 / 3,5 Delta deep, dreamless sleep, trance state, non-REM sleep
1.0 Feeling of well-being, pituitary stimulation to release growth hormone; overall view of inter-relationships; harmony and balance
1.45 Tri-thalamic entrainment format, creates entrainment between hypothalamus, pituitary and pineal
2.5 pain relief, relaxation, production of endogenous opiates
3.4 Sound sleep
3.5 Feeling of unity with everything, accelerated language retention; enhancement of receptivity

4-7 Theta Recall, fantasy, imagery, creativity, planning, dreaming, switching thoughts, Zen meditation, drowsiness
4-6 attitude and behavior change
4 Extrasensory perception
5.0 Unusual problem solving
5.5 Moves beyond knowledge to knowing, shows vision of growth needed
6.0 Long term memory stimulation
7.0 Mental and astral projection
7.5 Inter-awareness of self and purpose, guided meditation, creativity, contact with spirit guides; entry into meditation
7.83 Earth Resonance, grounding, “Schumann Resonance”

8-13 Alpha Relaxed, tranquil and non-drowsy, inward awareness, bodymind
8-10 Learning new information
8-14 Qi Gong
8.0 Past life regression
8.3 Pick up visual images of mental objects
9.0 Awareness of causes of body imbalance and means for balance
9.41 Pyramid frequency (outside)
9.6 Mean dominant frequency associated with the earth’s magnetic field
10 Enhanced mood elevator, universally beneficial, useful for hangover and jet lag, used for nicotine withdrawal
10.5 Mind/body unity, firewalking; potent stabilizer and stimulating
10.6 Relaxed and alert
12.0 Centering, doorway to all other frequencies
13-30 Normal wakefulness
14-16 Associated with sleep spindles on EEG during second stage of sleep
14.0 Awake and alert

18-22 Beta Outward awareness, sensory data
20 Against fatigue, energizing
32 Desensitizer; enhanced vigor and alertness
33 Christ consciousness, hypersensitivity, Pyramid frequency (inside)
35 Awakening of mid-chakras, balance of chakras
38 Endorphin release
40 Dominant when problem solving in fearful situations
50 Slower cerebral rhythms
55 Tantra, kundalini
63 Astral projection
70 Mental and astral projection
72 Emotional spectrum
80 Awareness and control of right direction
83 Third eye opening for some people
90 Good feelings, security, well-being, balancing

* * *

Sports [Hz]

0.5 very relaxing, against headache, for lower back pain, organ-muscle resonances
(0.1 - 1) lucid dreaming
(0.1 - 3) increased immune function - Endorphin

1.05 Helps hair grow + get its color back;
pituitary stimulation to release growth hormone (helps develop muscle, recover from injuries, rejuvenation effects, speeds recovery time), regeneration - lactic acid
Wholesome relaxation to help recovery

4.0 Reduction in levels of exhaustion. (extra reps)
Those who suffer from Chronic Fatigue exhaust very easily.
When moved to 4-Hz these individuals showed marked improvement in the length of time between the occurrence of exhaustion after certain exercises were completed
Associated with object naming, an important aspect of memory.
Extrasensory perception; Encephalin production - Back

5.9 golf, shooting, precision (reduce) Fear, Dizziness; Concentration and Precision

6.88 Associated with collarbones (Effects=vitality, overall balance, stability), Belly - Front

7.69 Associated with shoulders (Effects=strength of the arms, expansion, teaching), Arms and Shoulders

7.83 Schumann earth-ionosphere resonance, grounding, anti-jetlag, anti-mind control, improved stress tolerance.
leaves you feeling revitalized like you've spent a day in the country. psychic healing experiments;; reports of accelerated healing/enhanced learning - "the earth's natural brainwave"

10 - enhanced release of serotonin & mood elevator, universally beneficial, Acts as an analgesic, especially for hangover & jet lag.
clarity, normalcy, anti-convulsant, Motor impulse coordination (Motor Control cortex);
Learning a foreign language; Centering, sense of well being & decreased pain (caused by increase in beta-endorphins); Adrenal Stimulant;
Significant improvements in memory, reading & spelling are reported (in conjunction with 18 HZ) rhythm resync, activate kidneys, raise body temp, Acts as an analgesic

10.5 mind/body unity, legs

20.0 - energy Schumann Resonance Imposing subconscious commands on another (thought center), growth hormone (helps develop muscle, recover from injuries, rejuvenation effects); Adrenal Stimulant

25.0 confidence of victory in sports Increased Aggression

32 Desensitizer; enhanced vigor & alertness, more reps, overall training. Stamina and Endurance

* * *

Note 1:
use these -hertzian- frequencies with "positive scepticism" and on your own risk...  ;-)

Note 2:
All those who have experience in using the LifeEnergy & LifeForce Equipments powered with integrated Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators®, noticed that the most important and primordial is the power of the generated LifeEnergy & LifeForce (chi, ki, mana, prana, od, orgone, bioenergy, etc.), everything else -including frequencies- are secondary.

 . .

Different -recommended- uses

12 Hz

  • for those who have to cope / deal energetically several times during a day (instead of a cup of coffee)
  • for those persons who must be active also in the afternoons (medical doctors, engineers, lawyers, managers, etc.), and for those who need to work in 2 - 3 shifts
  • energetic refreshment & vitality

Recommended: between 12 A.M and 3 P.M. (it's like you have a 10-15 minutes napping, chill-out & full relax)

7.83 Hz Shumann resonance (Earth's frequency)

  • when you feel really tired (feel like you're almost KO :-))
    Recommended: around 6 P.M. - 7 P.M. or anytime before when you feel so
  • after sustained physical effort (training, fitness, aerobic)
  • after intellectual effort (to save information in the long-term memory)
  • for local effects
  • accelerated learning, against mind control, increased tolerance level

7 Hz

  • for short-term memory problems ("where are my keys?", "did I closed / locked the door?" , "where I parked my car?")
  • for a better-, and more focused concentration / learning
  • before exams, business meetings, etc.
  • astral projection

Recommended: between 3 P.M. - 6 P.M.

6.3 Hz

  • direct access to the subconscious, increase your creativity
  • improve language skills, learn foreign languages
  • remote viewing

3.5 Hz

  • deep relaxation
  • to start up the process of self-healing (eg. flu)
    (Recommended: with max. 4h before bedtime / before go to sleep)
  • -language- learning, improve receptivity
.  .



Performer 2400 HD  /  Sport Performer

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Smoother skin!
Using my PBT, I energized my bathwater. After a couple of times I noticed that my skin was smoother and softer, the blue spots from my legs disappeared much sooner than usual. I started to energize and charge my body lotions, shower gels and body creams I am using.
Lorna, Baltimore (MD), USA


Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipments

powered by- and boosted with integrated Vitality Generators; Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators®

Performer / Sport Performer 2400 HD

Sport Performer 2400 HD
Life Energy & Life Force Equipment with HD type integrated built-in Vitality Generators; Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators®: Performer / Sport Performer 2400 HD

Performer / Sport Performer 2400 HD Life Energy & Life Force Equipment powered with & boosted by Vitality Generators; Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators®: with 12 precise -pre setted- frequencies, and 3 knobs for continuous frequency setting between appr. 0.5 and 500 Hz with LED Frequency Display

performer 2400 hd dial
The Performer / Sport Performer 2400 HD Life Energy & Life Force Equipment Frequency Dial

Performer 2400
The Performer / Sport Performer 2400 HD Life Energy & Life Force Equipment with integrated Vitality Generators; Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators®  +  'Structural Link' PBT 2400 HD Power Booster with -unique- Transfer Disk, energizing some vitamin pills and food supplements put on the well, and -same time- a fresh, tasty and juicy apple and charging with Life Energy & Life Force (Chi / Qi & Prana & Mana & Od & Orgone & Bio-Energy, etc.) modulated with 'super stamina and endurance; enhanced vigor & alertness'

Performer 2400
The Performer / Sport Performer 2400 HD Life Energy & Life Force Equipment with integrated Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators® (Vitality Generators)

Performer 2400 HD
The Performer / Sport Performer 2400 HD Life Energy & Life Force Equipment with built-in genuine Vitality Generators; Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators® with 12 precise -pre setted- frequencies, 3 knobs for continuous frequecy setting between appr. 0.5 and 500 Hz with LED Frequency Display, stick pad from Super-Orgonite® and two -stainless steel- wells



Performer 2400 HD  /  Sport Performer

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Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipments
powered with- & boosted by -genuine- Vitality Generators; Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators®

Chi Mind Machines & Mind Trainers

Meditation & Relaxation Devices :: NeuroTechnology™ :: Extremely Low Frequencies

AO 1100 | AO 2000   |   JU 99 CE | JU 1000 | LPOG 2400 DL | LPOG 2400 HD | PFC 2000 & PFC 2400 HD | Performer 2400 HD / Sport Performer   |   RAD 2400 HD | RAD 5 / ATG 5 | ATG 12 / ATGS 12000


Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipments
powered with- & boosted by -genuine- Vitality Generators; Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators®

Chi & Prana & Orgone Boosted Power Radionics & Permanent Abstraction Technology
Manifestation Devices

RAD 1000 | RAD 2000 | RAD 2400 HD   |   PFC 2000 & PFC 2400   |   Performer 2400 HD / Sport Performer   |   RAD 5 / ATG 5  |  ATG 12 / ATGS 12000



Marketing slogan »  
The Welz Generator & the Life Energy Equipment & the Vitality Card; ...if you want more from your life.

Beneficial Life Energy for a lifetime!

Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipments Life Force
powered with- and boosted by Vital / Vitality Welz Generators; the Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators® handmade with Orgonite® & Super Orgonite®

Order now to gain all advantages and benefits what this mystical Life Energy & Life Force (and -implicitly- the Life Force & Life Energy Welz generator Equipments) can provide and could offer !

...and Accessories Life Force Accessories

Structural Links & Power Boosters   |   Adapters & Power Supplies

Digital -downloadable- Accessories:

Manifestation Radionics Programs   |   -Magickal- Symbols   |   Special specific Frequencies

Special Life Energy Equipment Accessory: the Chi Vitality Card »»

  ...and Services Life Energy Services

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Smoother skin!
Using my PBT, I energized my bathwater. After a couple of times I noticed that my skin was smoother and softer, the blue spots from my legs disappeared much sooner than usual. I started to energize and charge my body lotions, shower gels and body creams I am using.
Lorna, Baltimore (MD), USA


Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipments powered with & boosted by integrated Vitality Generators; -genuine- Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator® made with Super Orgonite® and -recommended- Accessories
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Recommended KITs to order

Kit I. (Basic KIT - almost mandatory): Life Force & Life Energy generator Equipment(s) powered with & boosted by Vitality Generators; Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators®
      +  corresponding and appropriate Accessories: Power Supplies [DC wall transformer (AC / DC adapter)]  +  Structural Link(s)  +  shipping cost  +  online support (!)
  Kit II.: KIT I. + DIGITAL Product KIT (!)


DIGITAL Product KITs »»

Digital Kit I.: Power Radionic 'Manifestation' program + additional online support
Digital Kit II.: Digital KIT I. + Filters Packs & Symbols
Digital Kit III.: Digital KIT II. Sounds & Frequencies
Digital Kit IV.: Digital KIT III. + Life Energy Chi Vitality Cards - the most complex and complete KIT, and -of course- the best choice !

Order in KITs to SAVE money!

Marketing slogan »  
Life Energy & Life Force Equipments with integrated Life Energy & Life Force Generators: a trustworthy and stable point in this rushed, uncertain world.


Life Force & Life Energy generator Equipments Special Accessories
A Very Specific Structural Link

Chi Vitality Cards® / Chi Life Force Energy Card(s)

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Discount will be shown, applied and deducted right before the payment.
Goods will be sent in email in 24-48 hours after purchase was made.
Various validity time periods (3-, 6-, 9- and 12 months) !

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We are widely open to collaborate with self development coaches who would like to help their customers with (life)energy & vitality or anybody who want to help others -and themself- for a better, meaningful and successful life.
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  A very good opportunity to order (only now, but just for a limited period of time) !  
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Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipments
powered with & boosted by Welz Generators (Vital / Vitality Generators); Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators®

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accessible for Life Energy & Life Force Generator Equipment owners »

All contents Copyright 1996 - 2025 © by HSCTI Inc. & BEC unless otherwise specified. All Rights Reserved!
Welz Chi Generator®, Chi Generator®, Chi Generator®, Orgone Generator®, Prana Generator®, Orgonite®, Structural Link® and Chi Card® are registered trademarks of Hyper Space Communications and Technologies International. Patents Pending.

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#1 World Leading Life Force & Life Energy Technology

Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipments
powered with and boosted by genuine -integrated- Vital / Vitality Welz Generators; Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators®
& Recommended Accessories


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LIFE ENERGY Generator Equipments

Energy & Vitality to You and for Your Success!

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LIFE ENERGY Generator Equipment: Energy & Vitality for your -energetic protection & success!  |  CHI Manager: Managing succesfully the subtile energies  |  Life Energy & LIFE FORCE: The Absolut Power of the Universe!  |  Life Force Power RADIONICS: Radionics Devices, Trend Generating Systems & Manifestation Programs  |  Life Force MAGICK: New, modern -and efficient!- Techno-Magick  |  Life Force & Life Energy generator Equipments: Genuine Life Force generator Equipments  |  Chi LIFE ENERGY Equipments for EU: CHI LifeEnergy & LifeForce generator Equipments for the European Union residents  |  ORGONE Generator: Chi & Prana & Orgone Generators  |  Life Energy BLOG: Interesting entries & posts  |  KH Welz: Magic of the Future (scientific course)  |  Special Chi VITALITY Card: the cheapest -continuous- energy source for you to succeed!  |  Tarjeta Chi de VITALIDAD: ¡Energía y vitalidad en tu bolsillo!  |  Welz Generator.com / Welz Generator.eu  |  Chi FENG SHUI Dynamic : Feng Shui Chi energies always in your service: a new, modern, easy & efficient way!  |  Chi MIND Machines & Mind Trainers: Meditation & Relaxation & re-Vitalisation & Stress relief & Speed learning / Personal growing & Peak performances

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