»» « 
Down Worldwide Distibution and exclusively importer in the EU (European Union)!
LifeEnergy & Vitality for Your protection and Success!

Recommended KITs and Special -digital- Offers


Marketing slogan »  
Believe in it? Then; you may! With abundant Life Energy & Life Force, you surely can !

  ~     .

#1 World Leading Life Force & Life Energy Technology

Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipments
powered with and boosted by genuine -integrated- Vital / Vitality Welz Generators; Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators®
& Recommended Accessories


Recommended KITs to order

Kit I. (Basic KIT - almost mandatory): Life Force & Life Energy generator Equipment(s) powered with & boosted by Vitality Generators; Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators®
      +  corresponding and appropriate Accessories: Power Supplies [DC wall transformer (AC / DC adapter)]  +  Structural Link(s)  +  shipping cost  +  online support (!)
  Kit II.: KIT I. + DIGITAL Product KIT (!)


DIGITAL Product KITs »»

Digital Kit I.: Power Radionic 'Manifestation' program + additional online support
Digital Kit II.: Digital KIT I. + Filters Packs & Symbols
Digital Kit III.: Digital KIT II. Sounds & Frequencies
Digital Kit IV.: Digital KIT III. + Life Energy Chi Vitality Cards - the most complex and complete KIT, and -of course- the best choice !

Order in KITs to SAVE money!

Services & Customer Support | Worldwide (!) worldwide-orders :: LifeEnergy & LifeForce Equipments

Personal lessons | OnLine Coaching

$78  -35%, Save: $29   $49 / one hour
$39  -25%, Save: $10 $29 / half hour (30 minutes)
$117  -40%, Save: $48   $69 / 1,5 hour (90 minutes)
  $129  -30%   $99 / one hour (60 minutes)

Special -personalized- Chi Vitality Cards®

not just in printed form, but now -also- on your computer, tablet & 'smart phone' / mobile phone !
new Now; with -10% discount !
Chi Vitality Card + gift
Continuous Life Force Energy Source for Your Protection and Success!
The cheapest, safest and -at the same time- the most easy and elegant way for a -continuous- supply of Life Energy (Life Force, Chi / Qi, Prana, Od, Orgon / Orgone, etc.).
Starting from $19 (#3ST) (payable also in other currencies too)!  Activation (and handling) fee $9.99, today = $0.99 or € / £ !
Discount will be shown, applied and deducted right before the payment.
Goods will be sent in email in 24-48 hours after purchase was made.
Various validity time periods (3-, 6-, 9- and 12 months) !

Different Strenghs & Powers (ST: Standard, DL: DeLuxe, HD: Heavy Duty) !

giftGift: plus one week validity!
We are widely open to collaborate with self development coaches who would like to help their customers with (life)energy & vitality or anybody who want to help others -and themself- for a better, meaningful and successful life.
Inquiries by emails for Chi Vitality Cards are welcome!


Special -personalized- Chi Vitality Cards®

Continuous Life Force Energy Source for Your Protection and Success!
The cheapest, safest and -most- elegant -continuous & constant- vitality source!
Now; -for a limited time period- with -10% discount !
Chi Vitality Card   +   symbols
Continuos Life Energy source + a 'symbol / filter' from the 'Alphabet of Desire' symbol pack for the 'virtual modulation' of the Life Energy
Activation fee 9,99USD today = $1.69 (or $ / € / £) !
Discount will be shown, applied and deducted right before the payment.
Ordered goods will be sent in email in 24-48 hours after purchase was made.
Various validity time periods (3-, 6-, 9- and 12 months) !

Different Powers (ST: Standard, DL: DeLuxe, HD: Heavy Duty) !

First select, then click/tap on the PayPal image below!
Send us an email with the name of the symbol you choosed!
lifeenergy One time offer to order this special kit / item (with considerable discount): !
Chi Vitality Card (valid for 3 months, ST type) + Manifestation Ultimate Lite Radionics Program: $119.69 Save: $30.69 $89
Information regarding the download will be sent in max. 48 hours after purchasing was made, in a separate email.
This unique offer will be shown only once per session. Don't loose this favorable possibility and don't waste this auspicious opportunity because afterward you will be sorry and surely will regret it! Order it now!
Motto / Quote  
"Every night before going to sleep, we must ask ourselves: what weakness did I overcome today? What virtue did I acquire?"
Lucius Annaeus Seneca


Special Trend Filter Symbol Packs for virtual modulation of Life Energy & Life Force (Chi & Prana & Orgone)

with 10% - 20% Discount Price!
[ open / close ]  X 
Abbreviations   [please check]
Alphabet of Desire: AOD48-N Alphabet of Desire 48 New Pack | AOD30-C: Alphabet of Desire Classic Pack | AOD48-C+N: Alphabet of Desire 48 Classic + New Pack || Stress Zapper & Energy Booster: SZEP-C (Stress Zapper & Energy Booster Pack Classic) | SZEP-N (Stress Zapper & Energy Booster Pack New) | SZEP-C+N (Stress Zapper & Energy Booster Classic + New Pack) || Sex: SXP-C (Sex Pack Classic) | SXP-N (Sex Pack New) | SXP-C+N (Sex Pack Classic + New) || Super Learning & Intelligence: SLIN-C (Super Learning & Intelligence Pack Classic) | SLIN-N (Super Learning & Intelligence Pack New) | SLIN-C+N (Super Learning & Intelligence Pack Classic + New) || Business & Money: BMP-C (Business Money Pack Classic) | BMP-N (Business Money Pack New) | BMP-C+N (Business Money Pack Classic + New) || People Skills: PSP-C (People Skills Pack Classic( | PSP-N: People Skills Pack New | PSP-C+N: People Skills Pack Classic + New || Gambling: GP-C (Gambling Pack Classic) | GP-N (Gambling Pack Pack New) | GP-C+N (Gambling Pack Classic + New) || Legal : LP-C (Legal Pack Classic) | LP-N (Legal Pack Pack New) | LP-C+N (Legal Pack Classic + New) || Attack & Defense: ATD-N (Attack & Defense Pack New) || AOD: AOD-8C (All 8 Alphabet of Desire Classic Packs( | AOD-9N (All 9 Alphabet of Desire New Packs)
      -N = New | -C = Classic  
Alphabet of Success: AoS (Alphabet of Success) | Creativity: Creat (The Creativity Icon Card Set) | Fitness & Weight Loss: FWL (Fitness & Weight Loss)  ||  Alphabet Des Erfolges / Alphabet of Success: ADE: Das 'Alphabet Des Erfolges' Pack - The Alphabet of Success (ADE)  ||  Chakras: Chakras (the 7 main subtle energy center) | Astrology: Astro (Astrology) | Astro-Dynamic Manifestation: ADM (Astro-Dynamic Manifestation) | Feng Shui Dynamic: FSD (Feng Shui Dynamic) | I-Ching: I-Ching (the 7 main subtle energy center)  ||  Armanen Runes: Runes-u [Armanen Runes (The Eighteen Sacred Futhork Runes - upright)] | Runes-r: Eighteen Sacred Futhork Armanen Runes Reversed Cards | Runes-u+r: Eighteen Sacred Futhork Armanen Runes Reversed Cards (upright and reversed) || Tarot: Tarot-Cups (upright + reversed) / Tarot-Pentacles (upright + reversed) / Tarot-Swords (upright + reversed) / Tarot-Wands (upright + reversed) / Tarot-MajorArcana (upright + reversed) / TarotC+P+S+W+MA: Cups + Pentacles + Swords + Wands + Major Arcana (upright + reversed)
      -u = upright | -r = reversed  
Kabbalah: Kb (Kabbalah) | Hebrew Talismans: HT (Hebrew Talismans) | Key of Solomon: KOS (CS) [Key of Solomon (Claviculae Salamonis)] | Lemegeton: Lem (Lemegeton; the Lesser Key of King Solomon) || Abramelin: Abr/pack (Abramelin/pack: The Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage / chapters) | Abramelin : (The Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage -ALL) || Archangels & Demons & Planetary Spirits: ADPS (Archangels & Demons & Planetary Spirits) | Grimorium Verum: GV | Deviltraps: Dt | Crystal Spirits: CS | Germanic Gods: GG | Gnostic Symbols: GS | Destructive Urbain: DU | Dr. Faustus: DrF: (Dr. Faustus; The Black Raven / The Threefold Coercion of Hell) | Infernal Tarot: I-Tarot | Sage Of The Pyramids: SageOTP | Woodoo: Woodoo Symbols | Shinto Talismans: ST | Magickal Symbol Packs: MSP: ALL Magickal Symbol Packs
 ...plus additional Symbols (as a gift :-))  
Handling fee (only today!): $9.99  0.99USD (or equivalent in € or £)
Download information about the ordered goods will be sent in email in 24-48 hours after purchase was made.
Now; Symbol Packs with -10%, -11%, -15% and/or -20% Discount Price!
First select, then click/tap on the PayPal image below!
Ask (in email) for a special discount price regarding ANY combinations of the available Symbol Packs, Specific Special Frequencies and Chi Vitality Cards, and/or any of each- and their combination!

ÉletEnergia Készülék "The 7 chakras" symbols package
$9.00 -10%
Downloadable zip file

yellowball Chi Vitality Card #6ST (valid- and active 6 months, ST type) + the "7 Chakras" Symbols Package
Chi Vitality Card + Chakra
$49 -12%   43 USD ($), or equivalent in (EUR) or £ (Pounds)
Activation / validation & handling fee: $9.99  $5 (USD or equivalent in € or £)



Astrology Cards Astrology Cards
Price: $39.00 -10%

Astro Dynamic Manifestation

Astro-Dynamic Manifestation
Price: $39.00 -10%

FengShui Cards

Dynamic Feng Shui-Plus Card Set
Dynamic Feng Shui Bagua / PaQua Chi Energy Map   Dynamic Feng Shui | feng-shui-plus+-mentor
Price: $39.00 -10%

Validity: 3, 6, 9 and 12 months | Power: ST, DL, HD type. More info...»
Activation fee $9.99 = 3.39 $ / € / £ !
Discount will be shown, applied and deducted right before the payment.
Goods will be sent in email in max. 24-48 hours after purchase was made.
First; please choose & select, then click -or- tap on below PayPal image!

lifeenergy One time offer to order this special kit / item (with considerable discount): !
Chi Vitality Card (valid for 3 months, DL type) + Manifestation Ultimate Lite Radionics Program: $129.69 Save: $30.69 $99
Information regarding the download will be sent in max. 48 hours after purchasing was made, in a separate email.
This unique offer will be shown only once per session. Don't loose this favorable possibility and don't waste this auspicious opportunity because afterward you will be sorry and surely will regret it! Order it now!
Motto / Quote  
“We are today the result of our past thinking.”
Charles F. Haanel - The Master Key System


Special specific Sounds & Frequencies for virtual modulation of Life Energy & Life Force (Chi & Prana & Orgone)

Special specific Sounds & Frequencies

Mind: Mind Frequencies | Love: Love Magick | FWL: Fitness & Weight Loss  ||  Chakra: Chakra Sounds | IA: Interaction | Mental: Mind & Mental Frequencies | Minerals | Money | Psychic | Runes: Runes / octaves | Runes12o: Runes - All 12 octaves | Rune-t: Rune tones | Runes(12o+t): Runes (12 octaves) + Rune tones | Sports | WL: Weight Loss  ||  ALL FP: All Frequencies Packs
 ...plus an additional Symbol (as a gift :-))  
Handling fee: $9.99  0.99USD (or equivalent in € or £)
Download information about the ordered goods will be sent in email in 24-48 hours after purchase was made.
Now; Special Specific Sounds & Frequencies with -10%, -15% and/or -20% Discount Price!
First select, then click/tap on the PayPal image below!
Recommended to be used by itself or with a Radionics Manifestation Program!
Note: wav format is used in the tiptop/ classic Radionics Manifestation Program and the mp3 sound file format in the Manifestation Ultimate Lite & Ultimate Pro Radionics Programs
Ask (in email) for a special discount price regarding ANY combinations of the available Specific Special Frequencies, Symbol Packs, and Chi Vitality Cards, and/or any of each- and their combination!
lifeenergy One time offer to order this special good / kit / item / product (with considerable discount) only TODAY (): !
Chi Vitality Card #3ST (validity: 3 months, ST type): $19
Discount: $9 for the second- and the next ones...
Minimum order: -at least- 2 pcs(!), maximum order: max. 10pcs!
Information regarding the download will be sent in max. 48 hours after purchasing was made, in a separate email.
This unique offer will be shown only once per session. Don't loose this favorable possibility and don't waste this auspicious opportunity because afterward you will be sorry and surely will regret it! Order it now!

Motto / Quote  
“An attitude of positive expectation is the mark of the superior personality.”
Brian Tracy

A continuous Life Force Energy source plus a trend management program for the 'virtual modulation' of these benefic subtle energies for your safety and success!
  Excellent -unique- opportunity (only now, just for a limited period of time) !  
1helgruen | Chi Vitality Card Personalised Life Energy VITALITY Chi Card #5 (valid- and active 5 months, HD type!)  +  the MANIFESTATION Programfor PCs (including the 'AOD 48' - Alphabet of Desire symbol pack):
 $248  -20%, Save:$49  $199 USD ($), or equivalent in (EUR) or £ (Pounds)
Chi Vitality Card  +  manifestation program - marketing success
hellblau | Chi Vitality Card Personalised Life Energy VITALITY Chi Card #12 (valid- and active 12 months, HD type!)  +  the 'tiptop' MANIFESTATION Programfor PCs (including ALL the -new- 9 packs of AOD - Alphabet of Desire symbol packs):
 $468  -15%, Save:$69 $399 USD ($), or equivalent in (EUR) or £ (Pounds)


The 'tiptop' Manifestation Program ™ for PCs

Now; with -10% Discount Price!
Abbreviations: MP: Manifestation Program | AoD: Alphabet of Desire | AoS: Alphabet of Success | F&WL: Fitness & Weight Loss | Chakras: the 7 main subtle energy center | FSD: Feng Shui Dynamic | Astro: Astrology | ADM: Astro-Dynamic Manifestation | Runes: the Armanen Runes (The Eighteen Sacred Futhork Runes) | Tarot: Cups / Pentacles / Swords / Wands / Major Arcana (Straight and Reversed Position) | K&HT: Kabbalah & Hebrew Talismans | KoS (CS): Key of Solomon (Claviculae Salamonis) | Lem (Lemegeton): the Lesser Key of King Solomon | Abr (Abramelin): The Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage | GV: Grimorium Verum | Dr.F (Dr. Faustus): The Black Raven / The Threefold Coercion of Hell | I-Tarot: Infernal Tarot | SageOTP: Sage Of The Pyramids | Woodoo: Woodoo Symbols | ST: Shinto Talismans  ...plus additional Symbols (as a gift :-))
Handling fee: $19.99  6.99USD (or equivalent in € or £)
Please choose / select, then click / tap on below -PayPal- image!

The 'tiptop' FULL MANIFESTATION Program™ for PCs
Radionics Manifestation Program
Incl. the Feng Shui Dynamic (FSD) & Fitness / Weight Loss (F&WL) & (ADM) Astro Dynamic Manifestation Programs, and also included ALL the 9 New AOD pack & the AOS Symbol Pack(s)
$339.00 -12%  $299.00  (!) (or equivalent in € / £)  + handling fee: $10
The 'tiptop' TOTAL MANIFESTATION Program™ for PCs
manifestation program -
Incl. the Feng Shui Dynamic (FSD) & Fitness / Weight Loss (F&WL) & (ADM) Astro Dynamic Manifestation Programs, and also included ALL the 9 New AOD & the AOS Symbol Pack(s), the Backgrounds & the Sounds / Frequencies (Mind, Love Magick, Fitness & Weight Loss)
$459.00 -20%   $369.00  (!) (or equivalent in € / £)  + handling fee: $10
You can -additionally- order and add later different images, 'Symbols & Filter packs' & Special Frequencies (!)

Unique and personalized Manifestation Program Templates for You

Order Manifestation Program Templates for your specifique needs, intensions and trends
$19.90 or equivalent in (EUR) or £ (Pounds), with -20% Discount for the next ones!
Handling fee: $9.90  $3.9 (USD or equivalent in € or £)
  A very good opportunity to order (only now, but just for a limited period of time) !  
A continuous Life Force Energy source plus a trend management program for the 'virtual modulation' of these benefic subtle energies for your safety and success!
Chi Vitality Card  +  manifestation program - marketing success
hellblau | Chi Vitality Card Personalised Life Energy VITALITY Chi Card #12 (valid- and active 12 months, HD type!)  +  the 'tiptop' MANIFESTATION Programfor PCs (including ALL the -new- 9 packs of AOD - Alphabet of Desire symbol packs):
 $468-15%, Save:$69   $399 USD ($), or equivalent in (EUR) or £ (Pounds)
Motto / Quote  
"In recent times, more and more human thinking has come to assume that the idea of a universal natural law and the idea of 'God' are pointing to one and the same reality."
Wilhelm Reich


The Manifestation Ultimate LITE Radionics Programfor PC's & MAC's

Now; -in - with -10% Discount Price!
Manifestation Ultimate LITE
Abbreviations: MULRP: Manifestation Ultimate LITE Radionics Program | F10: First 10 | AoD: Alphabet of Desire | AoS: Alphabet of Success | F&WL: Fitness & Weight Loss | Chakras: the 7 main subtle energy center | FSD: Feng Shui Dynamic | Astro: Astrology | ADM: Astro-Dynamic Manifestation | Runes: the Armanen Runes (The Eighteen Sacred Futhork Runes) | Tarot: Cups / Pentacles / Swords / Wands / Major Arcana (Straight and Reversed Position) | K&HT: Kabbalah & Hebrew Talismans | KoS (CS): Key of Solomon (Claviculae Salamonis) | Lem (Lemegeton): the Lesser Key of King Solomon | Abr (Abramelin): The Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage | GV: Grimorium Verum | Dr.F (Dr. Faustus): The Black Raven / The Threefold Coercion of Hell | I-Tarot: Infernal Tarot | SageOTP: Sage Of The Pyramids | Woodoo: Woodoo Symbols | ST: Shinto Talismans  ...plus additional Symbols (as a gift :-))
Handling fee: $19.99  $10 (USD or equivalent in € or £)
Please choose / select, then click / tap on below -PayPal- image!

Ask for a special discount price regarding ANY of the available Symbol Packs, Specific Special Frequencies and Chi Vitality Cards, or any of their combination!

Unique and personalized Manifestation Program Templates for You

Order Manifestation Program Templates for your specifique trends and intensions
$19.90 or equivalent in (EUR) or £ (Pounds), with -20% Discount for the next ones!
Handling fee: $9.90  $3.9 (USD or equivalent in € or £)
Upgrade from Ultimate LITE to Ultimate PRO with 7.5% discount !
$369-99=270-11.5%=$240 USD + handling fee: $19.99  10USD (or equivalent in € or £) or equivalent in any currency


Chi Vitality Card(12 month validity, strong HD type) + Manifestation Ultimate LITE Radionic Program
(incl. '
Alphabet of Success' Icon Symbol Pack + first ten symbols from the Alphabet of Desire Filter Pack)

Chi Vitality Card | Life Energy & Life Force   +   Manifestation Ultimate Lite
$199-10%   $179 USD or equivalent in (EUR) or £ (Pounds), or any other currency
Handling fee: $19.99  15.90USD (or equivalent in € or £)
Contact us before ordering!!


Manifestation Ultimate PRO Radionic Program + Chi Vitality Card™ (with 12 month validity, ST type)

Manifestation Ultimate Pro Radionic Program   +   Chi Vitality Card | Life Energy & Life Force
 $448  -10,8%, Save: $48.31  $399.69

Motto / Quote  
"The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

globe Worldwide orders!

Digital KIT #C21:

Continuous & powerful Life Energy source with an easy and useful software to manage your intentions and -desired- 'trends' together with the included symbols and -special- frequencies for the virtual modulation of the Life Energy to reach your programmed goals sooner and easier!
Chi Vitality Card  + Manifestation Ultimate LITE   [ + symbols + Symbols + Frequency | mind ] + phone
hellblau | Chi Vitality Card Personalised Life Energy VITALITY Chi Card #12HD (valid- and active 12 months, HD type strenght!, activation fee included!)  +  the Ultimate Manifestation LITE Radionics Program for PCs & MACs (including the ALL the 9 packs of the New Alphabet of Desire -AOD- symbol packs + the Alphabet of Success icon pack + the 'Mind' Special Frequencies .mp3 files) + one hour of customer support (with two custom tailored 'Templates'):
$485  -28%, Save: $136(!)  $349 USD ($), or equivalent in (EUR) or £ (Pounds)
Handling fee: $19.99  0.36USD (or equivalent in € or £)
Click / tap on PayPal image to order

globe Worldwide orders accepted!

Digital KIT #A19:

Continuous & powerful Life Energy source with an easy and useful software to manage your intentions and -desired- 'trends' together with the included symbols and -special- frequencies for the virtual modulation of the Life Energy to reach your programmed goals sooner and easier!
Chi Vitality Card  +  manifestation program - marketing success   [ + symbols + Symbols + Frequency | mind ] + phone
hellblau | Chi Vitality Card Personalised Life Energy VITALITY Chi Card #12HD (valid- and active 12 months, HD type strenght!, activation fee included!)  +  the 'tiptop' MANIFESTATION Radionics Program for PCs (including the ALL the 9 packs of the New Alphabet of Desire -AOD- symbol packs + the Alphabet of Success icon pack + the 'Mind' Special Frequencies .wav files) + one hour of customer support (incl. two custom tailored 'Templates'):
$555  -29%, Save: $156 (!)  $399 USD ($), or equivalent in (EUR) or £ (Pounds)
Handling fee: $19.99  0.36USD (or equivalent in € or £)


Recommended and most purchased -digital- goods, products and KITs
Special Offers


Special -personalized- Chi Vitality Cards®

Continuous Life Force Energy Source for Your Protection and Success!
The cheapest, safest and -most- elegant -continuous & constant- vitality source!
Now; -for a limited time period- with -10% discount !
Chi Vitality Card   +   symbols
Continuos Life Energy source + a 'symbol / filter' from the 'Alphabet of Desire' symbol pack for the 'virtual modulation' of the Life Energy
Activation fee 9,99USD today = $1.69 (or $ / € / £) !
Discount will be shown, applied and deducted right before the payment.
Ordered goods will be sent in email in 24-48 hours after purchase was made.
Various validity time periods (3-, 6-, 9- and 12 months) !

Different Powers (ST: Standard, DL: DeLuxe, HD: Heavy Duty) !

First select, then click/tap on the PayPal image below!
Send us an email with the name of the symbol you choosed!

The complete CATALOG with -actual- Prices  check

Please select / choose according to the 'Delivery / Shipping Address' of the ordered package

Your Delivery Address is: Select / choose according to your shipping / delivery address!
lifeenergy One time offer to order this special kit / item (with considerable discount): !
Chi Vitality Card (valid for 3 months, ST type) + Manifestation Ultimate Lite Radionics Program: $119.69 Save: $30.69 $89
Information regarding the download will be sent in max. 48 hours after purchasing was made, in a separate email.
This unique offer will be shown only once per session. Don't loose this favorable possibility and don't waste this auspicious opportunity because afterward you will be sorry and surely will regret it! Order it now!
Beneficial Life Energy for a lifetime!

Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipments Life Force
powered with- and boosted by Vital / Vitality Welz Generators; the Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators® handmade with Orgonite® & Super Orgonite®

Order now to gain all advantages and benefits what this mystical Life Energy & Life Force (and -implicitly- the Life Force & Life Energy Welz generator Equipments) can provide and could offer !

...and Accessories Life Force Accessories

Structural Links & Power Boosters   |   Adapters & Power Supplies

Digital -downloadable- Accessories:

Manifestation Radionics Programs   |   -Magickal- Symbols   |   Special specific Frequencies

Special Life Energy Equipment Accessory: the Chi Vitality Card »»

  ...and Services Life Energy Services

Customer Support & Coaching  »»

    email Email :: Contact...    

The official & complete CATALOG with -actual- Prices | Orders  continue
- click here -

LIFE ENERGY Generator Equipments

LIFE ENERGY Generator Equipments

Energy & Vitality to You and for Your Success!

  .       ~    

LIFE ENERGY Generator Equipment: Energy & Vitality for your -energetic protection & success!  |  CHI Manager: Managing succesfully the subtile energies  |  Life Energy & LIFE FORCE: The Absolut Power of the Universe!  |  Life Force Power RADIONICS: Radionics Devices, Trend Generating Systems & Manifestation Programs  |  Life Force MAGICK: New, modern -and efficient!- Techno-Magick  |  Life Force & Life Energy generator Equipments: Genuine Life Force generator Equipments  |  Chi LIFE ENERGY Equipments for EU: CHI LifeEnergy & LifeForce generator Equipments for the European Union residents  |  ORGONE Generator: Chi & Prana & Orgone Generators  |  Life Energy BLOG: Interesting entries & posts  |  KH Welz: Magic of the Future (scientific course)  |  Special Chi VITALITY Card: the cheapest -continuous- energy source for you to succeed!  |  Tarjeta Chi de VITALIDAD: ¡Energía y vitalidad en tu bolsillo!  |  Welz Generator.com / Welz Generator.eu  |  Chi FENG SHUI Dynamic : Feng Shui Chi energies always in your service: a new, modern, easy & efficient way!  |  Chi MIND Machines & Mind Trainers: Meditation & Relaxation & re-Vitalisation & Stress relief & Speed learning / Personal growing & Peak performances

en   MX es   MD ro   hu   eu