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LifeEnergy & Vitality for Your protection and Success!

Filter Packs & -magickal- SYMBOLS

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Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipments suggested & recommended Accessories

Filter Packs
& -magickal- Symbols

Filter Packs &-magickal- symbols
These are sets of well-known and very effective accessories to the Life Energy & Life Force Equipment with integrated Vital / Vitality Generators; Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator®.

These -special- accessories, symbols or filters, function as structural links to a variety of TRENDs, and acts as a "modulators" of lifeforce & lifeenergy (chi, prana, od, orgone, bioenergy).

You can find also very good Icons for different trends (trend-energies) in the 'AOS - Alphabet of Success' and in the 'Creativity' icon packs.
Use them when you will apply the 'Success Strategies'. LifeEnergy & LifeForce Equipment with built-in Chi Generator® & Orgone Generator® Accessories: Filter Packs &-magickal- symbols

They are especially advantageous for the person who are at the beginning of using manifestation techniques and action at a distance.

You can use them with one of the Manifestation Radionics Program, or you can print them (on 4x4 cm size) and put on your Life Energy Generator Equipment, between the device and the 'structural link' (TC 99, RAOPTC and/or PBT 2400) what you are using to transfer the generated life energy (life force, chi, prana, od, orgone, bio-energy, etc.) to you.

  Symbols from Filter Package AOD (Alphabet Of Desire) 

Filter Packs &-magickal- symbols Filter Packs &-magickal- symbols

Recommended & suggested filter packs and -magickal- symbols:
the AOD (Alphabet of Desire), the Stress-Zapper/Energy-Booster Pack, the Sex Pack, the Super Learning & Intelligence Pack, the Business and Money Pack, the Legal Pack, the People Skills Pack, the Attack and Defense Pack, the Gambling Pack, the Chakras Card Set, the Rune Cards, the Tarot Cards, the Astro-Dynamic Manifestation Pack, the Feng Shui Dynamic Pack, etc.
the AOS (Alphabet of Success), Creativity, Weight Loss, etc., etc.

Check also other 'Filters & -magickal- Symbols Packs'  >>>



Special Trend Filter Symbol Packs for virtual modulation of Life Energy & Life Force (Chi & Prana & Orgone)

with 10% - 20% Discount Price!
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Abbreviations   [please check]
Alphabet of Desire: AOD48-N Alphabet of Desire 48 New Pack | AOD30-C: Alphabet of Desire Classic Pack | AOD48-C+N: Alphabet of Desire 48 Classic + New Pack || Stress Zapper & Energy Booster: SZEP-C (Stress Zapper & Energy Booster Pack Classic) | SZEP-N (Stress Zapper & Energy Booster Pack New) | SZEP-C+N (Stress Zapper & Energy Booster Classic + New Pack) || Sex: SXP-C (Sex Pack Classic) | SXP-N (Sex Pack New) | SXP-C+N (Sex Pack Classic + New) || Super Learning & Intelligence: SLIN-C (Super Learning & Intelligence Pack Classic) | SLIN-N (Super Learning & Intelligence Pack New) | SLIN-C+N (Super Learning & Intelligence Pack Classic + New) || Business & Money: BMP-C (Business Money Pack Classic) | BMP-N (Business Money Pack New) | BMP-C+N (Business Money Pack Classic + New) || People Skills: PSP-C (People Skills Pack Classic( | PSP-N: People Skills Pack New | PSP-C+N: People Skills Pack Classic + New || Gambling: GP-C (Gambling Pack Classic) | GP-N (Gambling Pack Pack New) | GP-C+N (Gambling Pack Classic + New) || Legal : LP-C (Legal Pack Classic) | LP-N (Legal Pack Pack New) | LP-C+N (Legal Pack Classic + New) || Attack & Defense: ATD-N (Attack & Defense Pack New) || AOD: AOD-8C (All 8 Alphabet of Desire Classic Packs( | AOD-9N (All 9 Alphabet of Desire New Packs)
      -N = New | -C = Classic  
Alphabet of Success: AoS (Alphabet of Success) | Creativity: Creat (The Creativity Icon Card Set) | Fitness & Weight Loss: FWL (Fitness & Weight Loss)  ||  Alphabet Des Erfolges / Alphabet of Success: ADE: Das 'Alphabet Des Erfolges' Pack - The Alphabet of Success (ADE)  ||  Chakras: Chakras (the 7 main subtle energy center) | Astrology: Astro (Astrology) | Astro-Dynamic Manifestation: ADM (Astro-Dynamic Manifestation) | Feng Shui Dynamic: FSD (Feng Shui Dynamic) | I-Ching: I-Ching (the 7 main subtle energy center)  ||  Armanen Runes: Runes-u [Armanen Runes (The Eighteen Sacred Futhork Runes - upright)] | Runes-r: Eighteen Sacred Futhork Armanen Runes Reversed Cards | Runes-u+r: Eighteen Sacred Futhork Armanen Runes Reversed Cards (upright and reversed) || Tarot: Tarot-Cups (upright + reversed) / Tarot-Pentacles (upright + reversed) / Tarot-Swords (upright + reversed) / Tarot-Wands (upright + reversed) / Tarot-MajorArcana (upright + reversed) / TarotC+P+S+W+MA: Cups + Pentacles + Swords + Wands + Major Arcana (upright + reversed)
      -u = upright | -r = reversed  
Kabbalah: Kb (Kabbalah) | Hebrew Talismans: HT (Hebrew Talismans) | Key of Solomon: KOS (CS) [Key of Solomon (Claviculae Salamonis)] | Lemegeton: Lem (Lemegeton; the Lesser Key of King Solomon) || Abramelin: Abr/pack (Abramelin/pack: The Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage / chapters) | Abramelin : (The Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage -ALL) || Archangels & Demons & Planetary Spirits: ADPS (Archangels & Demons & Planetary Spirits) | Grimorium Verum: GV | Deviltraps: Dt | Crystal Spirits: CS | Germanic Gods: GG | Gnostic Symbols: GS | Destructive Urbain: DU | Dr. Faustus: DrF: (Dr. Faustus; The Black Raven / The Threefold Coercion of Hell) | Infernal Tarot: I-Tarot | Sage Of The Pyramids: SageOTP | Woodoo: Woodoo Symbols | Shinto Talismans: ST | Magickal Symbol Packs: MSP: ALL Magickal Symbol Packs
 ...plus additional Symbols (as a gift :-))  
Handling fee (only today!): $9.99  0.99USD (or equivalent in € or £)
Download information about the ordered goods will be sent in email in 24-48 hours after purchase was made.
Now; Symbol Packs with -10%, -11%, -15% and/or -20% Discount Price!
First select, then click/tap on the PayPal image below!
Ask (in email) for a special discount price regarding ANY combinations of the available Symbol Packs, Specific Special Frequencies and Chi Vitality Cards, and/or any of each- and their combination!

Life Force & Life Energy Equipments powered with- & boosted by Vital / Vitality Generators; Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators®

suggested & recommended Accessories

The Filter Packs & -magickal- Symbols

In the following you find sets of well-known and very effective accessories to the LifeEnergy & LifeForce Equipments powered- and boosted with Vitality Generators; Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators®.

These accessories; symbols or filters, function as structural links to a variety of trends, and acts as a "virtual modulators" of life force & life energy (chi, prana, orgone, bioenergy).

They are especially advantageous for the person who are at the beginning of using manifestation techniques and action at a distance (aad).

See the theory about action at a distance on this web site to gain an understanding why abstractions such as filter cards, symbols and numeric settings (radionic rates - and not 'radionic frequencies!-) are valid structural links.
The Radionic devices, as stated earlier, are universal structural links.

Choose the adeqaute symbol what represents best your programmed 'trend', print it (on 2 x 2 ich / 5 x 5 cm) and put it on top of your Life Energy generator Equipment, between the device and the transfer link you carry with you (TC 99 or/and PBT 2400).

They are not effective & efficient by itself. They need a -continuous- source and adequate amount of life force energy (chi & prana & orgone) such as a Life Energy Equipment and/or -at least- a Chi Vitality Card, to 'virtually modulate' the subtle energy in the direction what they represent and symbolize.

Recommended to be used also in- and with the Radionics Manifestation Programs and / or Chi Vitality Cards

Filter Packs & -Magickal- Symbols | Accessories of the LifeForce & LifeEnergy Equipments (Chi Generators & Orgone Generators) Chi Generator & Orgone Generator Accessories | Filter Packs & Symbols
The Alphabet of Desire Symbol Packs - AoD

Also, now; the all '9 Packs New AoD - Alphabet of Desire' is available -beside English- in French, German, Spanish and Italian languages!

AoD Classic & New Packs

These designs are structural representations (trend links) that account for most basic desires that an individual may have.
Combine the cards and you can set up appropriate energy filters for most anything you plan to do: from Self-Help to skillful Trend Management!

Included in the Manifestation Radionic Program & Manifestation Ultimate Pro!

The New 'Alphabet of Desire' filter- and symbols package, -beside English language- is available also in French-, German- and Italian languages!

Used in combination with the "Alphabet of Success" (please see below), and -of course- together with a continuous Life Force Energy source; like the Life Energy Equipments or/and the Chi Vitality Card- could be a very good & effective combination!

AOD New Packs: AoD48 + Attack & Defense + Business & Money Pack + Energy Pack + Gambling Pack + Legal Pack + People Skills Pack + Sex Pack + Super Learning & Intelligence Pack + Stress Zapper+Energy Pack

AOD Classic Packs: AOD old/classic + Business & Money + Gambling + Legal + People Skills + Sex pack + Stresszapper-Energy + Super Intelligence

* * * * * *

Filter Packs & -Magickal- Symbols | Accessories of the LifeForce & LifeEnergy Equipments (Chi Generators & Orgone Generators) Chi Generator® & Orgone Generator® Accessories | Filter Packs & Symbols Alphabet of Desire Classic - AOD30-C

The Classic 'Alphabet of Desire' is a set of 30 cards with archetypal symbol designs.

Old Classic AOD30 / AODo-C

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SYMBOLS in this pack (Alphabet of Desire Symbols Pack - Classic)
Alphabet of Desire Symbols Pack - Classic:
01correct bad situation.jpg 02meditation.jpg 03astral projection.jpg 04money.jpg 05enhance mental healing.jpg 06business and job.jpg 07improve domestic relations.jpg 08energy.jpg 09spiritual strength.jpg 10physical strength.jpg 11protecion.jpg 12improve sex.jpg 13against addiction and obsession.jpg 14escape danger.jpg 15control anger.jpg 16attract friends.jpg 17avoid unwanted person.jpg 18strengthen existing love.jpg 19change of luck.jpg 20good fortune.jpg 21safe journey.jpg 22divorce or leave lover.jpg 23have a child.jpg 24increase intelligence.jpg 25comfort sorrows.jpg 26win a lawsuit.jpg 27win contest.jpg 28ease worry.jpg 29help a child.jpg 30new love.jpg

Alphabet of Desire (AOD30-C) Pack - Classic

Filter Packs & -Magickal- Symbols | Accessories of the LifeForce & LifeEnergy Equipments (Chi Generators & Orgone Generators) Chi Generator® & Orgone Generator® Accessories | Filter Packs & Symbols New Alphabet of Desire - AOD48-N

The New Alphabet of Desire is a set of 48 cards with archetypal symbol designs.

Available in English, and also in German, Italian, French and Spanish languages...

   Filter Packs & -Magickal- Symbols | Accessories to the LifeForce & LifeEnergy Equipments (Chi Generators & Orgone Generators) Alphabet of Success | Alphabet of Desire | Accessories of the LifeForce & LifeEnergy Equipments (Chi Generators & Orgone Generators) Symbols
New AOD48-N

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SYMBOLS in this pack (Alphabet of Desire Symbols Pack - New)
Alphabet of Desire Symbols Pack - New:
01GainFavors.jpg 02Friendship.jpg 03Charisma.jpg 04ExcellentTeamwork.jpg 05SelfTrust.jpg 06FindJob.jpg 07HelpCompletion.jpg 08BalanceHarmony.jpg 09StressRelief.jpg 10Energy.jpg 11OvercomeFatigue.jpg 12StrengthEnergyVitality.jpg 13SecureSuccess.jpg 14OptimismSuccess.jpg 15SolveProblems.jpg 16GamblingLuck.jpg 17Money.jpg 18NewLove.jpg 19SolidifyLove.jpg 20EroticThought.jpg 21ArtSuccess.jpg 22OvercomeWorry.jpg 23CalmEmotions.jpg 24Protection.jpg 25ReverseEvil.jpg 26DestroyPlots.jpg 27TunedInstincts.jpg 28Concentration.jpg 29Creativity.jpg 30Persuasion.jpg 31LeaveUndesirableSituation.jpg 32AidMeditation.jpg 33IncreaseAbilityToProject.jpg 34MentalHealing.jpg 35ImproveDomesticRelations.jpg 36PhysicalEnergy.jpg 37SpiritualStrength.jpg 38EscapeDanger.jpg 39ControlAnger.jpg 40AvoidUnwantedPerson.jpg 41ChangeOfLuck.jpg 42GoodFortune.jpg 43SafeJourney.jpg 44DivorceLeaveLover.jpg 45IncreaseIntelligence.jpg 46ComfortSorrowsAndSuffering.jpg 47WinLawsuit.jpg 48HelpChild.jpg

Alphabet of Desire (AOD48-N) Pack - New

Filter Packs & -Magickal- Symbols | Accessories of the LifeForce & LifeEnergy Equipments (Chi Generators & Orgone Generators) Chi Generator® & Orgone Generator® Accessories | Filter Packs & Symbols Stress-Zapper & Energy-Booster Pack - SZEP

Symbols Symbols

We live in an era that is a multiple daily challenge to our body, mind, and emotions.
This is so, because the place where we are working is not safe, the food that we are eating is not safe, and the environment in which we are living is not safe. Therefore, the demands of life are often more than our body and mind can handle.
The usual results are enormous stress, lack of energy and overweight.

That's where the Stress Zapper & Energy Booster Pack comes to your relief, and it certainly can be a significant help -also- in weight loss!

Use this set of tools one to two hours a day, and you will notice a significant difference in how you feel: relaxed and invigorated! More importantly, you can get a lot more done than before and you are going to get it done well!

A combination with Autogenic Training is excellent for this purpose.
For the person ionvolved in sports, body building and exercises, this is extraordinary performance enhancement that defies detection!

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SYMBOLS in these packs (Stress Zapper & Energy Booster Packs)
Stress-Zapper & Energy-Booster Pack (SZEP-New):
01MuscleStrength, 02RejuvenationRecovery, 03CellRegenerationFastRecovery, 04EnergyVitality, 05SpeedAggression, 06 Relaxation Stress Relief, 07Emotional Calm and Strength, 08Overcome Fatigue, 09 Discipline in Training, 10Boost Muscle Exercises More Reps, 11Boost Specific Sports Skills, 12 Improved Coordination, 13Boost Precision, 14Caution during High Performance, 15Increased Fat Burning, 16Counteract Food Advertising, 17Enjoy Regular Workouts, 18 Make Dietary Discipline Enjoyable, 19Restful Sleep, 20 Autogenic Training Booster

Stress-Zapper & Energy-Booster Pack (SZEP-Classic):
01stressrelief, 02centeringyourself, 03totalrelaxat, 04calmdown, 05restfulsleep, 06calmanguish, 07energyboost, 08energizeworkouts, 09activemuscles, 10keeproutines, 11selecttools, 12physstrength, 13fatburning, 14disciplineexercis, 15eatingdisciplin, 16foodselection, 17lineffectfoodads, 18loveactivity, 19boostsportskill, 20mentalsport, 21sportactivity, 22improvecoord, 23sportagression, 24sportcaution
Stress Zapper & Energy Booster Packs - New
Stress Zapper & Energy Booster Pack - Classic

Filter Packs & -Magickal- Symbols | Accessories of the LifeForce & LifeEnergy Equipments (Chi Generators & Orgone Generators) Chi Generator & Orgone Generator Accessories | Filter Packs & Symbols The Sex Pack - SXP

Symbols Symbols

The Sex-Pack is designed to bridge the gap between you and total sexual ecstasy with the partner that fits you best!
It is a set of archetypal links with the trends that you can apply in most situations that arise in a relationship. For instance, the sex pack can help you find this special person who is the love of your life.
Describe the person whom you want to meet and put the filters of the sex/pack to work!

If you like to cause someone you know to look more favorably at you, select the appropriate filters to draw that special person towards you and boost it with the life energy & life force from the Chi Generator & Prana Generator & Orgone Generator integrated into your equipment !

If you need to rekindle an existing relationship and bring variation into your sex life, the Sex-Pack has the right filters for this purpose!
There is something for every taste and for every desire in this extraordinary set of archetypal designs!

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SYMBOLS in these packs (Sex Packs)
Sex Pack (New):
01ThrillinglyRomantic, 02IrresistibleToOthers, 03MagneticAppeal, 04ProjectStrength, 05ProjectSecurity, 06WildAbandonLust, 07PowerEroticFemale, 08PowerEroticMale, 09BoostSexualArousal, 10EroticThought, 11Friendship, 12AttractPartner, 13NewLove, 14SolidifyExistingLove, 15SpecialLove, 16ForAdulteries, 17MaritalLove, 18Breakup, 19Hostility, 20EmotionalOutbursts

Sex Pack (Classic):
01speclove, 02lovunmarrwoman, 03attractwomen, 04lovengagwoman, 05affecmarrpers, 06lovbywidow_er, 07lovebyrelative, 08lovewifhusb, 09affecthighpers, 10affectjudge, 11friendsheccles, 12friendship, 13affecmalsuperi, 14affecfemsuperi, 15frdshfamouspers, 16adulteries, 17knowlovesecr, 18causelust, 19wildlust, 20carnallust, 21controlarousal, 22eroticbeauty, 23highpowererotic, 24lovepermanence
Sex Pack - New
Sex Pack - Classic

Filter Packs & -Magickal- Symbols | Accessories of the LifeForce & LifeEnergy Equipments (Chi Generators & Orgone Generators) Chi Generator & Orgone Generator Accessories | Filter Packs & Symbols Super Learning & Intelligence Pack - SLIN

Symbols Symbols

The Super Learning and Intelligence Pack is designed to help increase mental skills!
Use Self-Management Techniques to help boost intelligence and intuition.

This exclusive package can make all learning and acquiring of new skills what it should be: relaxing, easy, and fun!
Ideal in combination with any low pulse orgone & prana & chi frequencies and any LifeEnergy & LifeForce Equipments powered with- and boosted by -genuine- Chi & Prana & Orgone Generators !

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SYMBOLS in these packs (Super Learning & Intelligence Packs)
Super Learning & Intelligence Pack (New):
01PoetryWritingSkills.jpg 02MusicTalent.jpg 03VisualArts.jpg 04BasScientUnderstanding.jpg 05HighScience.jpg 06MathematicalSkills.jpg 07CreativeHighTech.jpg 08Invention.jpg 09PassTests.jpg 10WisdomKnowledge.jpg 11BoostIntelligence.jpg 12NewConceptsQuick.jpg 13FunInLearning.jpg 14LearnFast.jpg 15LearnLanguages.jpg 16IncreaseMentalEnergy.jpg 17AchievingConsistency.jpg 18PowerfulIntuition.jpg 19CommunicateInspiration.jpg 20Creativity.jpg

Super Learning & Intelligence Pack (Classic):
01boostintellig.jpg 02learningfun.jpg 03learnfast.jpg 04powerfintuit.jpg 05quickcomprehens.jpg 06creativinspir.jpg 07poetryskills.jpg 08musictalent.jpg 09paintingskills.jpg 10drawinggraphics.jpg 11sculptureskills.jpg 12movieskills.jpg 13literaryskills.jpg 14publicspeaking.jpg 15learnlaguages.jpg 16salesskills.jpg 17scienceunderst.jpg 18highscience.jpg 19mathskills.jpg 20techandengineer.jpg 21inventionskills.jpg 22passtestease.jpg 23boostmontenergy.jpg 24philosunderst.jpg
Super Learning & Intelligence Pack - New
Super Learning & Intelligence Pack - Classic

Filter Packs & -Magickal- Symbols | Accessories of the LifeForce & LifeEnergy Equipments (Chi Generators & Orgone Generators) Chi Generator & Orgone Generator Accessories | Filter Packs & Symbols Business and Money Pack

Filter Packs & -Magickal- Symbols | Accessories of the LifeForce & LifeEnergy Equipments (Chi Generators & Orgone Generators) Business and Money Pack Symbols

Pave your road to spectacular success with the help of this exciting set of Tools!

Designed to improve your efficiency, creative skills, intuition and logic in business and to get this feel of money that is so crucial for your overall success!

This set contains also an arsenal of tools that are helpful in your dealings with other people: business partners, opponents, associates, employees, professionals, etc.

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SYMBOLS in these packs (Business & Money Packs)
Business & Money Pack (New):
01PersuasionPower.jpg 02PragmatismVision.jpg 03Teamwork.jpg 04TravelSuccess.jpg 05SuccessfulCompletion.jpg 06FavorsByAppeal.jpg 07BusinessSecrets.jpg 08TrueFalseFriends.jpg 09BrainstromingSessions.jpg 10FindTroubleAreas.jpg 11ForesightEvaluation.jpg 12InspireWorkforce.jpg 13ArtSuccess.jpg 14BusinessSuccess.jpg 15Money.jpg 16ClosureConclusion.jpg 17AdvertisingSuccess.jpg 18SelfConfidence.jpg 19SecureSuccess.jpg 20Succeed Effortlessly.jpg

Business & Money Pack (Classic):
01foresight.jpg 02secrets of associates.jpg 03reveal areas of trouble.jpg 04reveal achilles heal.jpg 05reveal potential of success.jpg 06know true from false friends.jpg 07intellectual progress.jpg 08vision and creativity.jpg 09inspire workers.jpg 10workinaccessible places.jpg 11brainstroming.jpg 12clear negativits and hostility.jpg 13master skill fast.jpg 14access knowhow.jpg 15access business science.jpg 16grasp manuals.jpg 17efficient advertising.jpg 18secrets of success applied.jpg 19findgoodinvestments.jpg 20findlargeinvestments.jpg 21find valuable real estate.jpg 22reveal secrets.jpg
Business & Money Pack - New
Business & Money Pack - Classic

Filter Packs & -Magickal- Symbols | Accessories of the LifeForce & LifeEnergy Equipments (Chi Generators & Orgone Generators) Chi Generator & Orgone Generator Accessories | Filter Packs & Symbols Legal Pack
- LP

Filter Packs / Symbols Symbols

Covers situations that come up in legal matters.

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SYMBOLS in these packs (Legal Packs)
Legal Pack (New):
01Legal Success.jpg 02Attract Important Witnesses.jpg 03EliminateWitnesses.jpg 04AttractGoodLawyer.jpg 05AttractBadLawyer.jpg 06AffectionOfJudge.jpg 07SuccessfulBribe.jpg 08MakePersonLookGood.jpg 09MakePersonLookBad.jpg 10SowHostilityAndDiscord.jpg 11InfluenceOthers.jpg 12GainImportantEvidence.jpg 13EliminateEvidence.jpg 14PowerOfPersuasion.jpg 15DiscoverSecretsOfOthers.jpg 16KnowTrueFromFalseFriends.jpg 17TuneIntoSecretOperations.jpg 18FindOtherWays.jpg 19AvoidLawsuit.jpg 20SelfConfidenceCharisma.jpg 21AvoidMistakes.jpg 22fouluplawyer.jpg 23LawyerClientHostility.jpg 24HatredOfJudge.jpg

Legal Pack (Classic):
01thingspast.jpg 02knowpottrends.jpg 03enemysecrets.jpg 04enemypast.jpg 05knowriches.jpg 06secretcommun.jpg 07secretoperatio.jpg 08secretoflove.jpg 09elimlawsuit.jpg 10elimevidence.jpg 11forposeviden.jpg 12workevid.jpg 13sowhostility.jpg 14creatediscord.jpg 15anyvengeance.jpg 16causelosses.jpg 17getgoodlawyer.jpg 18getbadlawyer.jpg 19eliminatelawyer.jpg 20fouluplawyer.jpg 21generatelust.jpg 22forlove.jpg 23affectiofjudge.jpg 24trufriomfalsfrnds.jpg

Legal Pack - New
Legal Pack - Classic

Filter Packs & -Magickal- Symbols | Accessories of the LifeForce & LifeEnergy Equipments (Chi Generators & Orgone Generators) Chi Generator & Orgone Generator Accessories | Filter Packs & Symbols People Skills Pack

Filter Packs & Symbols Filter Packs & Symbols

It's excellent strenght and power that helps you in dealing with people, partnerships, public speaking, politics, etc.

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SYMBOLS in these packs (People Skills Packs)
People Skills Pack (New):
01Leadership.jpg 02Insights.jpg 03AssertioveConvincing.jpg 04MagneticAppeal.jpg 05QuickCorrectResponse.jpg 06IrresistibleToOthers.jpg 07ExcellentCommunicationSkills.jpg 08Popularity.jpg 09PublicSpeakingSuccess.jpg 10PoliticalSkillsLeadership.jpg 11NegotiationSkills.jpg 12OthersPerformForYou.jpg 13IntuitiveInsights.jpg 14ShowOptimismjpg.jpg 15ProjectCharisma.jpg 16LeadWithEnthusiasm.jpg 17PersuasionDemagogics.jpg 18Teamwork.jpg 19AttractFriends.jpg 20EnjoyPeople.jpg

People Skills Pack (Classic):
01charisma.jpg 02projectpower.jpg 03selfassertive.jpg 04winwinsituat.jpg 05othersperform.jpg 06attractfriends.jpg 07charismspeech.jpg 08logicdebate.jpg 09demagogpower.jpg 10quickresponse.jpg 11publicspeak.jpg 12communicskil.jpg 13trufalsfriends.jpg 14otherssecrets.jpg 15lovesecrets.jpg 16intuitionstrong.jpg 17checkpropos.jpg 18streetwise.jpg 19enemytofriend.jpg 20createfriendship.jpg 21sowhate.jpg 22busnleadership.jpg 23politleadership.jpg 24generleadership.jpg

People Skills Pack - New
People Skills Pack - Classic

Filter Packs & -Magickal- Symbols | Accessories of the LifeForce & LifeEnergy Equipments (Chi Generators & Orgone Generators) Chi Generator & Orgone Generator Accessories | Filter Packs & Symbols Gambling Pack - GP

Symbols Filter Packs & Symbols

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SYMBOLS in these packs (People Skills Packs)
Gambling Pack (New):
01SelfConfidence.jpg 02 Positive Attitude Towards Gambling and Winning.jpg 03 Run Gambling like a business.jpg 04 Ease worries, fear and tensio.jpg 05 Block Magick coming from others.jpg 06 Correct intuition, correct insights.jpg 07 success with systems and workouts.jpg 08 Boost psychic skills.jpg 09 select honest bookies.jpg 10 Blackjack and Poker skills.jpg 11 Roulette Skills.jpg 12 Casino skills in general.jpg 13 Dog Racing skills.jpg 14 horse betting skills.jpg 15 Sports betting skills.jpg 16 State Lotteries skills.jpg 17 Private Gambling Skills.jpg 18 stock market gambling skills.jpg 19 Cause opponents to be nervous, desperate.jpg 20 Cause losing streaks in opponents.jpg

Gambling Pack (Classic):
01emotstrength.jpg 02controlanger.jpg 03pickfour.jpg 04dograces.jpg 05easeworries.jpg 06genlottery.jpg 07biginhorses.jpg 08smallinhorses.jpg 09pickthree.jpg 10easetension.jpg 11escapedanger.jpg 12helpchild.jpg 13lcukingeneral.jpg 14honestbookie.jpg 15casinogeneral.jpg 16casinocraps.jpg 17slotmachines.jpg 18roulette.jpg 19casinopoker.jpg 20casinocraps.jpg 21pokerprivate.jpg 22anybetting.jpg 23anygambling.jpg 24stockmarket.jpg

Gambling Pack - New
Gambling Pack - Classic

Filter Packs & -Magickal- Symbols | Accessories of the LifeForce & LifeEnergy Equipments (Chi Generators & Orgone Generators) Chi Generator & Orgone Generator Accessories | Filter Packs & Symbols Attack and Defense Pack

Filter Packs & -Magickal- Symbols

An excellent help for protection, designed to calm any attacker down.

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SYMBOLS in this pack (Attack & Defense Pack)
Attack & Defense Pack (New):
01CalmTurbulence.jpg 02ReverseEvil.jpg 03Protection.jpg 04DestroyPlots.jpg 05SolveProblems.jpg 06BlastingGlyph.jpg 07DevilTrap.jpg 08PositivePragmaticAttitude.jpg 09HinderSorcerersFromOperating.jpg 10DiscoverAnyMagick.jpg 11UndoMagic.jpg 12HaveArmyAppear.jpg 13Breakup.jpg 14EmotionalOutbursts.jpg 15ChaosBomb.jpg 16CauseInsanity.jpg 17Hostility.jpg 18ConfusionPoorDecision.jpg 19CauseUncontrollableLust.jpg 20ProtectionAgainstMagic.jpg

Attack and Defense Pack - New

All eight Classic AoD (Alphabet of Desire)
      (8 Packs Classic AoD)

    Now, can be ordered also as a one package!

8 Symbol Packs Classic AoD 'Alphabet of Desire'

new New!
Filter Packs & -Magickal- Symbols | Accessories of the LifeForce & LifeEnergy Equipments (Chi Generators & Orgone Generators) Chi Generator & Orgone Generator Accessories | Filter Packs & -Magickal- Symbols All nine New AoD (Alphabet of Desire) Packs

      (9 Packs New AoD)

    Now, can be ordered also as a one package!

9 Symbol Packs New AoD 'Alphabet of Desire'

Filter Packs & -Magickal- Symbols | Accessories of the LifeForce & LifeEnergy Equipments (Chi Generators & Orgone Generators) Chi Generator & Orgone Generator Accessories | Filter Packs & Symbols The Astrology Pack / Astro Cards

Astro Signs  |  Planets / Planetary Squares
Astro Symbols Astro Symbols

Astrology symbols of planets, houses and signs, house disk [ elements / houses / planets / signs ].
  Specifically designed for setting up astrology-based trend energies.

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SYMBOLS in this pack (Astrology Pack / Astro Cards)
Astrology Pack / Astro Cards:
Elements: Air.jpg Earth.jpg Fire.jpg Water.jpg
Houses: 1stHouse.jpg 2ndHouse.jpg 3rdHouse.jpg 4thHouse.jpg 5thHouse.jpg 6thHouse.jpg 7thHouse.jpg 8thHouse.jpg 9thHouse.jpg 10thHouse.jpg 11thHouse.jpg 12thHouse.jpg
Planets: jupiter.jpg mars.jpg mercury.jpg moon.jpg neptune.jpg pluto.jpg saturn.jpg sun.jpg uranus.jpg venus.jpg
Signs: aquarius.jpg aries.jpg cancer.jpg capricorn.jpg gemini.jpg leo.jpg libra.jpg pisces.jpg sagittarius.jpg scorpio.jpg taurus.jpg virgo.jpg

Astrology Pack / Astro Cards

Filter Packs & -Magickal- Symbols | Accessories of the LifeForce & LifeEnergy Equipments (Chi Generators & Orgone Generators) Chi Generator & Orgone Generator Accessories | Filter Packs & Symbols ADM-Pack
with House Disk (Astro Dynamic Manifestation)

ADM Symbols Astro-Dynamic Manifestation

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SYMBOLS in this pack (Astro-Dynamic Manifestation ADM)
Astrology Pack / Astro Cards:
01stHouse.jpg 02ndHouse.jpg 03rdHouse.jpg 04thHouse.jpg 05thHouse.jpg 06thHouse.jpg 07thHouse.jpg 08thHouse.jpg 09thHouse.jpg 10thHouse.jpg 11thHouse.jpg 12thHouse.jpg AstrologicalHouses.jpg p_jupiter.jpg p_mars.jpg p_mercury.jpg p_moon.jpg p_neptune.jpg p_pluto.jpg p_saturn.jpg p_sun.jpg p_uranus.jpg p_venus.jpg s_aquarius.jpg s_aries.jpg s_cancer.jpg s_capricorn.jpg s_gemini.jpg s_leo.jpg s_libra.jpg s_pisces.jpg s_sagittarius.jpg s_scorpio.jpg s_taurus.jpg s_virgo.jpg

Astro-Dynamic Manifestation ADM Pack

Filter Packs & -Magickal- Symbols | Accessories of the LifeForce & LifeEnergy Equipments (Chi Generators & Orgone Generators) Chi Generator & Orgone Generator Accessories | Filter Packs & Symbols The Feng Shui Dynamic & Feng Shui Plus Cards

Filter Packs & Symbols

Bagua and all eight Feng Shui energies - the eight energies three fold for multiple applications

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SYMBOLS in this pack (Feng Shui Plus [(Feng Shui Dynamic FSD)]
Feng Shui Plus / Feng Shui Dynamic FSD:
Bagua-Background.jpg career_prospects.jpg children_and_creativity.jpg education_and_knowledge.jpg fame_and_recognition.jpg health_and_family.jpg mentor_and_helpful_people.jpg romance_and_marriage.jpg wealth_and_prosperity.jpg

Feng Shui Plus / Feng Shui Dynamic FSD Pack

Filter Packs & -Magickal- Symbols | Accessories of the LifeForce & LifeEnergy Equipments (Chi Generators & Orgone Generators) Chi Generator & Orgone Generator Accessories | Filter Packs & Symbols Seven Chakras Card Set

Chakra Symbols

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SYMBOLS in this pack (Chakras)
Chakras Cards:
Crown.jpg Eye.jpg Heart.jpg Navel.jpg Root.jpg Spleen.jpg Throat.jpg

Chakras Pack

Filter Packs & -Magickal- Symbols | Accessories of the LifeForce & LifeEnergy Equipments (Chi Generators & Orgone Generators) Chi Generator & Orgone Generator Accessories | Filter Packs & Symbols I Ching


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SYMBOLS in this pack (I-Ching)
I-Ching Cards:
0.gif 00basis.jpg 00basis1.jpg 00basis2.jpg 00basislarge.jpg 01 Heaven.jpg 02 Earth.jpg 03 Germination.jpg 04 immaturity-rebellion of youth.jpg 05 Waiting.jpg 06 Conflict.jpg 07 The Army.jpg 08 Coherence and Unification.jpg 09 Border or Taming.jpg 10 Appearance or Behavior.jpg 11 peace and Prosperity.jpg 12 Stagnation or Standstill.jpg 13 Team with Humans.jpg 14 Posession of Big Things.jpg 15 Modesty.jpg 16 Enthusiasm.jpg 17 succession, adaptation, harmonization.jpg 18 replacement or restoration of natural decay.jpg 19 Approaching Greatness.jpg 20 contemplation.jpg 21 biting through.jpg 22 grace or beauty.jpg 23 scattering or breaking apart.jpg 24 return.jpg 25 innocence.jpg 26 Taming Power of the Mighty One.jpg 27 Corner of Mouth.jpg 28 Overweight of the Great One.jpg 29 the abysmal.jpg 30 attaching fire.jpg 31 young lovers.jpg 32 persistence.jpg 33 giving in or retreat.jpg 34 the power of the Mighty One.jpg 35 progress or increase.jpg 36 darkening of the light.jpg 37 clan or family.jpg 38 opposition or opposites.jpg 39 blockages.jpg 40 liberation.jpg 41 decrease or ruin.jpg 42 Gain or increase.jpg 43 Breakthrough or dissolving.jpg 44 obliging or temptation.jpg 45 collection or joining.jpg 46 progress or advancement.jpg 47 hostility or threat.jpg 48 fountain of life.jpg 49 rebellion, change.jpg 50 chalice of universal order.jpg 51 excitation or shock.jpg 52 keeping still or introspection.jpg 53 gradual progress or evolution.jpg 54 girl marrying or submission.jpg 55 highest fulfillment of abundance.jpg 56 the traveler or wanderer.jpg 57 gentle penetrating influence.jpg 58 serene lake.jpg 59 disintegration and reunion.jpg 60 limitations or putting in order.jpg 61 inner truth from the Highest Self.jpg 62 small and gentle.jpg 63 after the completion or after the end.jpg 64 before perfection.jpg

I-Ching Pack

Filter Packs & -Magickal- Symbols | Accessories of the LifeForce & LifeEnergy Equipments (Chi Generators & Orgone Generators) Chi Generator & Orgone Generator Accessories | Filter Packs & Symbols The Rune Cards

Filter Packs & -Magickal- Symbols

The creative energies of the universe
- Do not order unless you have some basic knowledge about the Runes

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SYMBOLS in this pack (Runes)
Armanen Runes (The Eighteen Sacred Futhork Runes - upright + reversed):
01fa.jpg 02ur.jpg 03thorn.jpg 04os.jpg 05rit.jpg 06ka.jpg 07hagal.jpg 08nod.jpg 09is.jpg 10ar.jpg 11sig.jpg 12tyr.jpg 13bar.jpg 14laf.jpg 15man.jpg 16yr.jpg 17eh.jpg 18gibor.jpg runetalisman.jpg

Armanen Runes Pack - upright
Armanen Runes Pack - reversed

Filter Packs & -Magickal- Symbols | Accessories of the LifeForce & LifeEnergy Equipments (Chi Generators & Orgone Generators) Chi Generator & Orgone Generator Accessories | Filter Packs & Symbols The Tarot Cards

Tarot cards
Cups / Major Arcana / Pentacles / Swords / Wands
- Do not order unless you have some basic knowledge about the Tarot
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SYMBOLS in this pack (Tarot)
Cups | Major Arcana | Pentacles | Swords | Wands: 14 cards (upright + reversed)
Tarot Cups
Tarot Swords
Tarot Wands
Tarot Major Arcana Pack
Tarot Pentacles
new !

Filter Packs & -Magickal- Symbols | Accessories of the LifeForce & LifeEnergy Equipments (Chi Generators & Orgone Generators) Chi Generator & Orgone Generator Accessories | Filter Packs & Symbols The 'Alphabet of Success' Icon Pack

Symbols -Magickal- Symbols

Special Symbols & Filter Cards icons  (comes with our new Manifestation Ultimate Pro Radionic Program, together with the AOD - Alphabet of Desire Symbols Filter Pack)

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SYMBOLS in this pack (Alphabet of Success Pack)
Alphabet of Success Pack :
01_Gain_Favors.jpg 02_Help_Completion.jpg 03_Successful_Strategies.jpg 04_overall_success_in_general.jpg 05_Success_with_Arts.jpg 06_Success_with_Music.jpg 07_Overcome_Competition.jpg 08_Viable_Opportunities_opening_up.jpg 09_Secure_Success.jpg 10_Safe_Journey.jpg 11_avoid_unwanted_person_or_situation.jpg 12_change_of_luck.jpg 13_good_fortune.jpg 14_for_protection.jpg 15_Project_Charisma.jpg 16_Excellent_Teamwork.jpg 17_to_overcome_worries.jpg 18_Pragmatism_Adaptability.jpg 19_Intelligent_Decisions.jpg 20_Public_Appeal.jpg 21_leadership.jpg 22_optimism_and_success.jpg 23_Self_Confidence.jpg 24_Secure_SuccessManaging_Skills.jpg 25_Start_New_Ventures.jpg 26_Project_Power.jpg 27_Public_Speaking_Communicator.jpg 28_Efficiency_Time_Management.jpg 29_Project_Wealth.jpg 30_Win_a_Lawsuit.jpg 31_gambling_and_stock_market.jpg 32_Find_a_Job.jpg 33_Boost_Finances.jpg 34_Balance_Harmony.jpg 35_Inner_Peace.jpg 36_Relaxation_Recovery.jpg 37_Concentration_Powers.jpg 38_Stress_Relief.jpg 39_Overcome_Fatigue.jpg 40_Physical_Energy.jpg 41_Inner_Equilibrium_and_Balance.jpg 42_Vitality_Physical_Strength.jpg 43_Powerful_Intuition.jpg 44_Boost_Intelligence.jpg 45_Innovative_Ideas_Creativity.jpg 46_Maximum_Brainl_Power.jpg 47_Attract_Friends.jpg 48_for_friendship_with_a_person.jpg 49_improve_domestic_relations.jpg 50_To_help_a_Child.jpg 51_a_new_love.jpg 52_Attracting_Women.jpg 53_attracting_a_man.jpg 54_Thrillingly_Romantic.jpg 55_solidify_a_love.jpg 56_Marriage.jpg

'Alphabet of Success' Icons Pack

Filter Packs & -Magickal- Symbols | Accessories of the LifeForce & LifeEnergy Equipments (Chi Generators & Orgone Generators) Chi Generator & Orgone Generator Accessories | Filter Packs & Symbols The 'Creativity' Icon Pack


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SYMBOLS in this pack (Creativity)
Creativity Cards:

Creativity Pack

Filter Packs & -Magickal- Symbols | Accessories of the LifeForce & LifeEnergy Equipments (Chi Generators & Orgone Generators) Chi Generator & Orgone Generator Accessories | Filter Packs & Symbols The 'Fitness & Weight Loss' Icon Pack


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SYMBOLS in this pack (Fitness & Weight Loss FWL)
Fitness & Weight Loss:
Sub_Conscious_Success_Certainty, Decisively_Goal_Conscious, Total_Success_Expected, Positive_Self_Image, Eliminate_Doubts_and_Worries, Decisive_Optimism, Perfect_Timing_and_Scheduling, Food_Satisfies, Understand_Individual_Needs, Boost_Overall_Activity, More_Calories_Burned, Vitality_and_Vigor, Enjoy_Healthy_Fasting, Rapid_Recovery_after_Workout, Enjoy_Healthy_Workout, Enjoy_Healthy_Diet, Physical_and_Mental_Energy, Stress_Relief, Subconscious_Junk_Rejection, Food_Advertising_Ineffective, Pragmatic_Adaptation, Weightloss_Strategies, Intelligent_Decisions, Overall_Habit_Change, Suppress_Appetite New_Positive_Self_Image, Select_Optimal_Supplements, Excellent_Team_Work.

Fitness & Weight Loss Pack

Filter Packs & -Magickal- Symbols | Accessories of the LifeForce & LifeEnergy Equipments (Chi Generators & Orgone Generators) Chi Generator & Orgone Generator Accessories | Filter Packs & Symbols Das 'Alphabet Des Erfolges' Pack
    (The Alphabet of Success - German Language, now available with English translations)

Alphabet Des Erfolges / 07Intelligenz

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SYMBOLS in this pack (Alphabet Des Erfolges | Alphabet of Success Pack)
Alphabet Des Erfolges | Alphabet of Success Pack :
01Entspannung-RELAXATION.jpg 02Ausgeglichenheit_Harmonie-BALANCE AND HARMONY.jpg 03Lösung von Problemen-SOLVING PROBLEMS.jpg 04Verjüngung-REJUVENATION-REGENERATION.jpg 05Energie und Kraftaufbau-ENERGY AND STRENGHT.jpg 06Regeneration.jpg 07Intelligenz-INTELLIGENCE.jpg 08Charisma.jpg 09Durchsetzungsvermögen-ASSERTIVENESS.jpg 10Karriere und Beruf-CAREER AND PROFESSION.jpg 11Geschäftsverbesserung-BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT.jpg 12Vermehrung von Geld und Besitz-INCREASE IN MONEY AND POSESSIONS.jpg 13Neue Freundschaften Gewinnen-MAKING NEW FRIENDS.jpg 14Freundschaften Vertiefen-DEEPENING FRIENDSHIPS.jpg 15Eine Neue Liebe Gewinnen-FINDING A NEW LOVE.jpg 16Für Wahre Liebe-FOR TRUE LOVE.jpg 17Sexuelle Erfüllung-SEXUAL FULFILLMENT.jpg 18Anerkennung-RECOGNITION.jpg 19Zuversicht-CONFIDENCE.jpg 20Erfolg auf Reisen-SUCCESS ON TRAVELS.jpg 21Für Glück im Allgemeinen-FOR LUCK (IN ALL).jpg 22Prüfungen Bestehen-PASSING EXAMS.jpg 23Meditation und Entspannung-MEDITATION AND RELAXATION.jpg 24Für Schutz-FOR PROTECTION.jpg

'Alphabet Des Erfolges | Alphabet of Success' Symbols Pack

etc., etc...

Filter Packs & -Magickal- Symbols | Accessories of the LifeForce & LifeEnergy Equipments (Chi Generators & Orgone Generators) Chi Generator & Orgone Generator Accessories | Filter Packs & Symbols Magickal symbols and filter packs | Grimoires

Can be ordered now:

The Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage* | The Key of Solomon the King (Clavis Salomonis / Claviculae Salamonis) / The Lesser Key of Solomon (Lemegeton Clavicula Salomonis) | Grimorium verum | Deviltraps | Doctor Johannes Faust's Miracle and Magic Book or The Black Raven, or also called the Threefold Coercion of Hell | Infernal Tarot | Crystal Spirits | Germanic Gods | Gnostic symbols | Destructive Urbain | Sage of the Pyramids | Planet Spirits | Hebrew Talismans | Kabbalah | Shinto Talismans | Woodoo
etc., etc...

* The Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage:
past and future, info propositions, spirits appear, visions, familiar spirits shape, learn alchemy, cause tempests, again magick, find secrets, unnoticability, astral shape, love magick, hate discord, appearance, the worst, destructive, discover the thefts, open locks doors, get money, armed men appear, etc...

Contact us if you have question before order...

The Symbol & icon packs and images™ are intelectual properties protected by international law of copyright, and also are protected by powerful internal settings against any form of illegal use and use of unauthorized and/or bootlegged copy or any other system / program that contains ideas adapted from this program, whether purchased from and unauthorized dealer or received otherwise. It is certainly a bad idea and dangerous fact to misjudge the potentially grave consequences of such action!



Life Force & Life Energy generator Equipments powered with- & boosted by Vital / Vitality Generators; Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators® Accessories

-Magickal- Symbols & Filter Packs

Acts as -virtual- "modulators" of Life Energy & Life Force (chi, ki, mana, prana, od, orgone, bioenergy, etc.)   Symbols & Filter Packs
(-Magickal- Symbols & Filter Packs are available now only as downloads in zipped packages!)


Filter Packs
& Symbols

Now (for a limited time); with -10% Discount Price!

Download information will be sent in a separate email in max. 48 hours after purchase!

AoD 48: Alphabet of Desire (AoD Pack 48)
Classic (30): $69.00-10%
New (48): $79.00-10%
Both Packs (Classic & New): $148.00-15%, Save: $22.20  $125.80

: Sex Pack
Classic (24): $29.00-10%
New (20): $39.00-10%
Both (Classic & New): $68.00 -15%, Save: $10.20  $57.80

: Stress Zapper  &  Energy Booster Pack
Classic (24): $29.00 -10%
New (20): $39.00 -10%
Both (Classic & New): $68.00 -15%, Save: $10.20  $57.80

: Super Learning & Intelligence Pack
Classic (24): $29.00 -10%
New (20): $39.00 -10%
Both (Classic & New): $68.00 -15%, Save: $10.20  $57.80

BMP: Business Money Pack
Classic (24): $29.00 -10%
New (20): $39.00 -10%
Both (Classic & New): $68.00 -15%, Save: $10.20  $57.80

LP: Legal Pack
Classic (24): $29.00 -10%
New (20): $39.00 -10%
Both (Classic & New): $68.00 -15%, Save: $10.20  $57.80

PSP: People Skills Pack
Classic (24): $29.00 -10%
New (20): $39.00 -10%
Both (Classic & New): $68.00 -15%, Save: $10.20  $57.80

GP: Gambling Pack
Classic (24): $29.00 -10%
New (20): $39.00 -10%
Both (Classic & New): $68.00 -15%, Save: $10.20  $57.80

ATD: Attack & Defense Pack -- $39.00
New (20): $39.00 -10%

All Classic AoD Packs: All Eight (AoD) Classic Packs -- $312.00 -20%, Save: $62.40  $249.60
All New AoD Packs: All Nine (AoD) New Packs -- $391.00 -20%, Save: $78.20  $312.80

: Astrology-Pack -- $39.00 -10%

ADM 20: ADM-Pack with House Disk -- $39.00 -10%

Chakra : Seven Chakras Card Set -- $9.00 -10%

Feng Shui: FengShui-Plus Card Set -- $39.00 -10%

I-Ching: I-Ching Card Set -- $39.00 -10%

Armanen Runes: The Runes Card Set -- $39.00 -10%

Armanen Runes: The Reversed Runes Card Set -- $39.00 -10%
Armanen Runes: Upright and Reversed $78.00-15%, Save: $11.70 -- $66.30

Tarot (incl. reversed): The Tarot Card Set -- $39.00 -10% / set
Major Arcana:
Tarot (Cups & Pentacles & Swords & Wands & Major Arcana): $195.00-15%, Save: $29.25  $165.75

'ADE' Pack: Das 'Alphabet Des Erfolges' -- $39.00 -10%

Das 'Alphabet Des Erfolges' Pack: The Alphabet of Success (ADE) -- $39.00 -10%
German Language, now available with English translation (!)

Icon Symbols & Filter Packs

Creat: The Creativity Icon Card Set (8) -- $19.00 -10%

W & F: The Weightloss & Fitness Icon Card Set (28) --  $29.00 -10%

AoS: The Alphabet of Success Icon Card Set (56) -- $89.00 -10%

Magickal symbol packs

Recommended symbols for Magick


The Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage - 20 pack x $9.99-10% =  $199.80
$9.99/pack - Can be ordered by packs...


The Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage - ALL packs:   $199.80-15%, Save: $29.97 = $169.83
$39.00 -10%
Grimorium Verum
$39.00 -10%
$9.00 -10%
Infernal Tarot
$69.00 -10%
Crystal Spirits
$29.00 -10%
Germanic Gods
$29.00 -10%
Gnostic Symbols
$9.00 -10%
$19.00 -10%
Shinto Talismans
$79.00 -10%
$9.00 -10%
Available as downloads (packed in .zip files)!
Order different and correspondent symbol & filter packages for your purpose and to your needs, send email for special discount and different package & symbols combination...
Check also the 'Radionics Manifestation Programs' which have already containing some of the Symbols packages... (!)
Contact us also if you need any special symbol, and could not find it in one of our package...

Magickal Symbol Packs

Abramelin (20 packs), Archangels & Demons & Planetary Spirits, Key of Solomon - Claviculae Salamonis, Lemegeton, Grimorium Verum, Deviltraps, Dr. Faustus (The Black Raven / Threefold Coercion of Hell), Infernal Tarot, Crystal Spirits, Germanic Gods, Gnostic Symbols, Destructive Urbain, Sage Of The Pyramids, Hebrew Talismans, Kabbalah, Shinto Talismans, Woodoo.
$664.00 -15%

ALL Filters & Symbol Packs
$2150.63 -21%, Save: $451.63 = $1699


Marketing slogan »  
Life + Energy = Life Energy!
  + Generator => Life Energy Generator!!
    + Equipment => Life Energy Generator Equipment!!!


Life Force
& Life Energy generator Equipments powered with & boosted by integrated Vitality Generators; Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators®


Recommended Accessories for all types of Life Energy & Life Force Equipments™ powered with- and boosted by genuine integrated Vitality Generators; Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator®   Recommended Accessories

Validity: 3, 6, 9 and 12 months | Power: ST, DL, HD type. More info...»
Activation fee $9.99 = 3.39 $ / € / £ !
Discount will be shown, applied and deducted right before the payment.
Goods will be sent in email in max. 24-48 hours after purchase was made.
First; please choose & select, then click -or- tap on below PayPal image!


The official & complete CATALOG with -actual- Prices | Orders  continue
- click here -

LIFE ENERGY Generator Equipments

LIFE ENERGY Generator Equipments

Energy & Vitality to You and for Your Success!

  .       ~    

LIFE ENERGY Generator Equipment: Energy & Vitality for your -energetic protection & success!  |  CHI Manager: Managing succesfully the subtile energies  |  Life Energy & LIFE FORCE: The Absolut Power of the Universe!  |  Life Force Power RADIONICS: Radionics Devices, Trend Generating Systems & Manifestation Programs  |  Life Force MAGICK: New, modern -and efficient!- Techno-Magick  |  Life Force & Life Energy generator Equipments: Genuine Life Force generator Equipments  |  Chi LIFE ENERGY Equipments for EU: CHI LifeEnergy & LifeForce generator Equipments for the European Union residents  |  ORGONE Generator: Chi & Prana & Orgone Generators  |  Life Energy BLOG: Interesting entries & posts  |  KH Welz: Magic of the Future (scientific course)  |  Special Chi VITALITY Card: the cheapest -continuous- energy source for you to succeed!  |  Tarjeta Chi de VITALIDAD: ¡Energía y vitalidad en tu bolsillo!  |  Welz Generator.com / Welz Generator.eu  |  Chi FENG SHUI Dynamic : Feng Shui Chi energies always in your service: a new, modern, easy & efficient way!  |  Chi MIND Machines & Mind Trainers: Meditation & Relaxation & re-Vitalisation & Stress relief & Speed learning / Personal growing & Peak performances

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