MANIFESTATION Radionic Programs
The 'tip-top' Manifestation Program | The Ultimate Lite & Ultimate Pro Manifestation Programs
The 'tip-top' Manifestation Program Price & Order | The Ultimate Lite & Ultimate Pro Manifestation Programs Price & Order
Catalog | -Actual- Prices
.Max Planck (developer of Quantum Theory)
Life Energy & Life Force Equipments
powered with & boosted by Vitality Generators; Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators®
suggested & recommended Accessories
Power Radionics© MANIFESTATION Programs™
(Computer Software)
Transmit and amplify your intentions to the Universe for successful manifestation using our powerful Life Energy & Life Force Equipments along with one of our our Radionic Manifestation software, which allows you to perform operations from anywhere in the world from a laptop or notebook.
Manifestation Radionic Program
[ Desire & Success Management | Weight Management (Fitness & Weight Loss) | Astro Trend & Astro Dynamic Manifestation | Feng Shui Dynamic & Feng Shui Plus | Rhune Program | Tarot Program
+ others (according to the included filter / symbol pack(s) ]
The Super Manifestation X Radionic Program - Discontinued!
The Ultimate Lite & Ultimate Pro Manifestation Radionic Programs
Very pleased!
Sir, I am very pleased with my new device (RAD 1000). I am writing this review with gratitude. I am already planning to buy 3 other device for my whole family! Thanks and wish you all the best!
Joao P. (Belo Horizonte, Brasil)
Life Force & Life Energy Equipments
powered with- and boosted by genuine Vitality Generators; Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators® Accessories
Power Radionics Manifestation Programs
Trend Programming & Advanced Manifestation Systems
for your -creative- manifestation process and activities, smooth programming, to reach your -programmed- goals and your targets
Using the Radionics Manifestation Programs, together with any of our Life Force & Life Energy Equipment powered with- and boosted by -integrated- Vitality Generators; Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator® which is not -á priori!- radionic device / radionic type, can be obtained a virtual Power Radionic Machine (!)
Downloading information will be sent in email, in max. 48 hours after purchased.

Unique and personalized Manifestation Program Templates for You
$19.90 or equivalent in € (EUR) or £ (Pounds), with -20% Discount for the next ones!
The Manifestation Ultimate LITE Radionics Program™ for PC's & MAC's
Unique and personalized Manifestation Program Templates for You
$19.90 or equivalent in € (EUR) or £ (Pounds), with -20% Discount for the next ones!
Marketing slogan »
Manifestation without life energy & life force? A car engine without fuel!
Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipments
with integrated Vitality Generators; Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators®
suggested & recommended Accessories
The "tip-top" Manifestation Program™
& the Total Manifestation Program™
computer software for PCs
This is one of the most used and -also- most purchased!
The RI 2400 / "tip-top" Manifestation Program™ for your PC
The "tip-top"
Manifestation Program and the Manifestation Program for Weight Management
Remote Life Energy controlling from any distance !!
The "tip-top" Manifestation Program !
As already mentioned, the purpose of the Manifestation Programs is
to establish - long lasting & stable- structural links to targets of your operations such as to other persons or to yourself on the one hand, and
to specific actions (trends) on the other, which you coordinate in the program.
Using life-force & life-energy for manifestation purposes is an advanced method of this technology.
The overwhelming success of this first Digital Radionics Program (RI 2100 & RI 2400) was the reason that led us to design a powerful orgone radionics device that matches this computer program:
the RAD 5 / ATG 5 with its five powerful -external- chi generators® & orgone generators®, all of them with silver tubing pointing toward the -energetic- center of action.
Connect the Manifestation Program with your Life Force & Life Energy Equipment powered with- & boosted by Vitality Generators; Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator®!
This genious but simple method adds massive life energy & life force and this way you can help in manifesting that which you desire.
As mentioned before, the possibility to add- and assure -continuously- massive flux of lifeforce & lifeenergy for manifestation & conscious creation purposes is a very effective and an advanced method of this technology (the Life Energy & Life Force Technology).
This extremely versatile new method evolved as a result of the capability to "solidify" the structural connections (structural links) that you can establish with your inherent powers of abstraction, and it is exactly this capability to solidify the abstractions of your desires, which helps you achieve positive permanent solutions and change.
This is so, because there is continuous power driving towards the results that you programmed into your computer, and this means that you can also harness continuous power driving towards the results that you programmed into your Radionics Manifestation Program.
This continuous flow of life-force & life-energy is made possible with a special structural link that connects your Life Force & Life Energy Equipments powered with & boosted by Vitality Generators; Orgone Generator® & Prana Generator® & Chi Generator®, the Manifestation Program™, the trend and the target of your operation:
To make this possible, each program comes with a fully individualized unique transfer card and the corresponding file on your program that connect your life-force & life-energy equipment ( with chi generator® & prana generator® & orgone generator®) directly with the functions in your Manifestation program™.
With "Save" and "Load", "Background" setting and "sound" options (!).
Customer support is available for this product!
The Manifestation™ Programs are designed to help you to:
Get Assured Success Faster and Easier
Results are More Effective and Far Reaching than ever
Just run it for a couple of hours / daily, and -not only wait, but also- expect results !
The 'RI 2400' is a Power Manifestation Program, and this is so, because you can connect it structurally with a Life Energy & Life Force Equipments powered with & boosted by Vitality Generators; Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator®, which adds Energy & Force & Strenght & Power to your operations for manifestation.
The Manifestation Radionic Program with 5 setting positions, changeable background and possibility to use sounds. ...And with "Save" and "Load" options / function (!)
The Manifestation™ Program goes beyond mere trend- and target settings by including up to 5 more positions, which you can name individually such as "basic action", "alternative target" (can be used for grounding in case of repercussion) and "trend in the environment".
You can find trend- and target settings in most radionics programs on the market.
What makes this Manifestation Program much more effective than the rest, is the fact that we included four settings in addition to the "Trend" and "Target" settings in the average radionics program.
So, as you ca see, it is included another four positions in addition to the more obvious "Trend" and "Target" positions:
a position for a basic energy ("Basic Action") setting that boosts the trend-to-target connection with the optimal energy field of a general nature that fits best the purpose of the radionic operation and the advanced life-force & life-energy operation.
You can get an idea as to what you can do when looking at the examples and templates.
(2) a setting for a trend energy, a position allowing you to set up a trend energy that is exerting an influence upon the environment of the target ("Trend Environ.", which is facilitating a more rapid overall succes,
(3) a setting for an alternative target. This alternative target can also be used as a "grounding function".
This position is designed to generate a link, or projection, to an alternate target ("Altern. Target").
Whenever indicated, you can use this alternative target position as a "grounding function."
As such it is designed to prevent repercussion to the operator (yourself) in the event when the trend-energy cannot reach the envisioned target for reason of interference, blockage, etc.
...and (4) an orgone -chi- transfer function to energize the Power Radionics™ Manifestation Program (each program has an integrated individual transfer diagram card included!)
This is a very important position for the life-force & life-energy transfer, the purpose of which is to energize and assure the -so needed and- necessary energy flux for the Manifestation Program:
each program comes with an individual transfer diagram, or structural link: which you set up into the "chi transfer" / "orgone transfer" positions.
The connection of your Manifestation Program with your Life Energy & Life Force Equipments powered with & boosted by Vitality Generators; Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator®, is a -unique- Chi Transfer Card and diagram -what can be laminated-, which you put -very- close to your life-energy & life-force device.
You find these extremely important settings only in our Power Radionics™ Manifestation Programs.
The obvious lack of overall flexibility makes any other radionics program on today's market naturally inferior to the Manifestation Programs™ from HSCTI & BEC.
You can use the program by itself, but it is recommended to be use especially when you connect it to Vitality Generators; Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator® which are integrated into your Life Force & Life Energy generator Equipment.(!)
It works best in conjunction with a Life Energy Equipment, i.e. an orgone- & chi power radionics™ device:
the RAD 2000 or the RAD 2400 HD, especially, with the RAD 5 / ATG 5 -with its 5 exterior heavy duty orgone- & prana- & chi generators®!-, one for each setting of the NW Manifestation CD.
In fact, the RAD 5 / ATG 5 is a Super Manifestation Machine that was fashioned after the -overall success of the- tiptop RI 2400 Manifestation Program.
Chi, Prana, Orgone & Bio-Energy => Life Energy & Life Force
Manifestation Techniques and 'Action at a Distance'
Study the diagrams below to know how it works.
Here you can see:
The diagram of a typical operation at a distance that lacks the supply of life-energy & life-force, usually because the practitioner is unaware of the importance of Life-Force & Life-Energy.
Some life-force is drawn from the surroundings or the equipment and practitioner. Results are possible.
This type operation has a high rate of failure!
In some more traditional approaches killing ("sacrificing") a chicken or other animal to release its lifeforce & lifeenergy is still practiced.
Could provide good results!
The continuous supply of life-force & life-energy keeps the projected trend-energies going.
Results can come faster and easier.
Success can be possible also in situations where everything else seems to fail!
Very Good & Reliable Results!
It is digitally connected with your Life Energy & Life Force Equipment powered with & boosted by Vitality Generators; Orgone Generator® & Prana Generator® & Chi Generator® for powerful action!
Extremely Flexible and Successful!
With our performant Life Energy & Life Force Equipment, with integrated genuine Vitality Generators; Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators®, we have conducted double blind experiments.
We have demonstrated that equivalent structural links (abstractions such as arbitrarily set rates in a radionics device, or archetypal symbols) allow transfer of life-force & life-energy (chi, prana, od, orgone, bioenergy, etc.) as effectively as near-identical links do.
On the other hand, traditional practitioners could have told us the same thing all along thousands of years ago!
All their work and experience have been based on the principle of life-force & life-energytransfer at any distance.
They had the experience; therefore, they needed no experimental proof.
Consequently, you can gain the ultimate flexibility:
Your Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator® integrated into your genuine Life Force & Life Energy Equipment, can be on one continent, for instance in your home or business location (oofice), your program can be run on your laptop that you carry with you when travelling, even on another continent, and the target(s) of your operation can be on a third continent. (!)
The Manifestation Program makes it possible for you to run as many radionics operations as you want simultaneously.
In fact, you can run several programs simultaneously, whenever the need arises.
How many simultaneous operations you can perform depends mainly on the amount of life-force & life-energy that your Orgone Generator® & Prana Generator® & Chi Generator® perfectly integrated into the Life Force & Life Energy Equipment produces.
Naturally, with a more powerful Life Force & Life Energy Equipment (an HD Series device: PFC 2400 HD, RAD 2400 HD, Performer 2400 HD), you can perform three to four operations -or more- simultaneously.
Actually, with a RAD 5 / ATG 5 and ATG 12 / ATGS 12000, you can run as many radionics -manifestation- operations simultaneously as you want and your computer permits.
In fact, the RAD 5 / ATG 5 is a Super Manifestation Machine that was fashioned after the -overall success of the- RI 2400 Manifestation Program.
For simultaneous operations, the RAD 5 / ATG 5 or better yet the ATG 12 / ATG 12000 are ideal Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipments with their 5- and 12 powerful and efficient -exterior!- Vitality Generators; Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators®.
With the ATG 12 / ATG 12000 -for instance- you can run up to 12 simultaneous -radionic &- manifestational operations!
The 'Total' Manifestation Radionics Program is certainly a great help for persons who experience some difficulties in getting a 'stick' on the rubbing plate, or stick pad, of their radionics device. (!)
It comes with the very popular AOD pack (Alphabet of Desire symbols pack & images) included -- a smorgasbord for every serious operator(!), but -of course- you can order -and you can use- additionally symbol packages.
Especially the qualified and professional magician will appreciate that addition of the talismans of the Key of Solomon the King, the Abramelin Squares, the talismans of the Faust Grimoire, of the Sage of the Pyramids, of the Goetia, and a great many more!
"Techno-Magick" on your computer / lap top!
Any operator -using our Manifestation Radionic Program & Computer Software- could become -and will become- a "techno-magician"!!
Whenever you run several operations simultaneously, you should set up an additional operation, with the same transfer diagram, into which you enter under "target":
all targeted persons/businesses of the simultaneous operations; and
under "trend" you enter:
equal distribution of life-force & life-energy (chi & prana & orgone).
You may or may not put any images into these positions, and you can leave the other three positions empty.
[For more -additional- information please consider to order 'online customer support' for inside information].
For simultaneous operations, the RAD 5 / ATG 5 -or better, yet- the ATG 12 / ATG 12000, because of their more power, are ideal Life Force & Life Energy Equipments with integrated Vitality Generators; Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators®.
With the ATG 12 / ATG 12000 you can run up to 12 simultaneous manifestation operations full power !
You find these extremely important settings only in our Manifestation Programs™ !!
You can choose the background image that best matches the action and you have an option of one of the many sound frequencies, including low frequencies (brain wave frequencies), frequencies for physical activity, frequencies to boost mental powers, and many-many more.
The Manifestation program™ is protected by internal settings (structural links) against any form of illegal use, use of unauthorized and/or bootlegged copy or any other program that contains ideas adapted from this program, whether purchased from and unauthorized dealer or received otherwise. It is certainly a bad idea and dangerous to misjudge the potentially grave consequences of such action!
(1) backgrounds - it has a collection of backgrounds that you can install into the program, depending on the type operation that you are setting up.
(2) chi-orgone-transfer - here you should have installed your -unique- transfer card.
Put the hard copy of the card on your Vitality Generators; Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator® integrated into the genuine Life Force & Life Energy Equipment , during the operation of your program or programs.
(3) images - this folder contains a collection of ikons that represent the operations and actions that you are setting up.
(4) saved - here you can find templates for many different purposes.
(5) sounds -
in the sound directory you find frequencies for multiple purposes in sub directories .
Into the blue colour fields below the positions, you can qualify and describe exactly what you want to happen.
The "alternate target" position was used in this design to expand the trend.
Once the operation is set up, you can click the “Start” button and the transfer image starts moving from position to position, merging with each of the images in the positions.
With 'Backround' and 'Sound', and -also- with "Save" and "Load" options / function (!).
To gain experience, first test as many templates as possible and adjust them to your needs by putting the right wording into the blue boxes and exchanging some of the icons by clicking on the image positions and installing new icons.
After having gaines this initial experience, you can start designing your own operations.
Later you can install additional icons.
After setting up an operation, run it for about two-three hours.
Then with the "thought form" or set of solidified abstractions operating, wait for a couple of days. Then repeat the operation, perhaps adjust a bit to the changing situation.
If no inroads at all, change your Success Strategies and, based on this, set up an operation reflecting a new success strategy.
For addition information please read about the Life Energy & Life Force Applications used for Weight Management!
Customer support is available for this product!
. .
If Customer Support was ordered and/or was requested (if available); in order to help you with installation or in programming, you would need to have installed the latest 'Team Viewer' program (can be downloaded for free from here).
The Manifestation Program for Fitness & Weight Management (Weight Loss)
Integrated into the "tiptop" Manifestation Program!
The "tip-top" Manifestation Program™ for your PC
The "tip-top" Manifestation Program and the Manifestation Program for Fitness & Weight Management
- same program as Manifestation, with adequate & correspondent Filter Package & Symbols (!)
Manifestation Program Templates
You can opt for custom Manifestation Program Templates to your needs made according to your wish, intensions, desired -and programmed- trends.
Marketing success | Solidify Love
Leadership | Boost SpeedLearning
Boost Psychic Skills | Good Management
Aura Repair | -Sexual- Attraction
Stress Relief | Sales / Selling a Car
Attract Male Partner | Body Building & Workouts
Money Setup | Boost Sexual Performance
Boost Vitality | Stress Relief
Unique and personalized Manifestation Program Templates for You
$19.90 or equivalent in € (EUR) or £ (Pounds), with -20% Discount for the next ones!
Manifestation Programs
1. The 'Tip-Top' Radionics Manifestation Program
2. The 'FULL' Radionics Manifestation Program
3. The 'TOTAL' Radionics Manifestation Program
A. The FSD (Feng Shui Dynamic) Radionics Manifestation Program: includes the FSD (Feng Shui Dynamic) symbol pack
B. The ADM (Astro Dynamic Manifestation) Radionics Manifestation Program: includes the ADM (Astro Dynamic Manifestation) symbol pack
C. The FWL (Fitness / Weight Loss) Radionics Manifestation Program: includes the FWL (Fitness / Weight Loss) symbol pack

Unique and personalized Manifestation Program Templates for You
$19.90 or equivalent in € (EUR) or £ (Pounds), with -20% Discount for the next ones!
The 'tiptop' Manifestation Program
™ for PCs
Also: Feng Shui Dynamic | Fitness / Weight Loss | Astro Dynamic Manifestation Program
[ According to the included Symbol Pack(s) ! ]
[ According to the included Symbol Pack(s) ! ]

The New AoD48 (Alphabet of Desire) OR ADM (Astro Dynamic Manifestation) OR FSD (Feng Shui Dynamic) OR FWL (Fitness / Weight Loss) filter- & symbols pack is included. You can -additionally- order different 'Symbols & Filter packs' and Sound files (!)
The 'tiptop' FULL MANIFESTATION Program™ for PCs
Incl. the Feng Shui Dynamic (FSD) & Fitness / Weight Loss (F&WL) & (ADM) Astro Dynamic Manifestation Programs

The 'tiptop' TOTAL MANIFESTATION Program™ for PCs
Incl. the Astro Dynamic Manifestation (ADM) & Feng Shui Dynamic (FSD) & Fitness / Weight Loss (F&WL) Manifestation Programs

Marketing slogan »
There is no manifestation without Life Energy & Life Force!
And Life Energy & Life Force from where? From the Chi Vitality Card or from your LifeEnergy & LifeForce Equipments with integrated Vitality Generators; Chi & Prana & Orgone Generators!
Life Energy & Life Force Equipments
powered by Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators®
suggested & recommended Accessories
The 'Super Manifestation' Radionics Program
Customer Support suspended !
Use the other -available- 'Manifestation Programs' instead !
WELCOME TO the Super Manifestation™ Program!
This extraordinary program offers you the ultimate flexibility!
In fact, its unique design allows you to emulate any manifestation program on the market, be it, radionic, miracle, spiritual, magical, etc.
Therefore, the Super Manifestation™ Program is exciting new technology that is specifically designed for you so that you have the most powerful and versatile tool to achieve TOTAL SUCCESS !!
In fact, this extraordinary and powerful technology of manifestation upon which you are about to embark was the result of a thorough understanding of ancient knowledge in the light of modern science.
This ancient knowledge can now be explained with ease in the light of the new science of orgone/physics, or the physics of lifeforce & lifeenergy (chi, prana, bioenergy):
By now we know that actions at a distance resulting in influences upon nature and human beings, or trends of destiny, are the result of the properties of life-force & life-energy:
namely of negative entropy (reversed entropy) and direct transfer at any distance. (!)
In fact, this theoretical basis of action at a distance has been well established by Karl Hans Welz, the inventor of the Chi Generator® & Pranna Generator® & Orgone Generator®.
Based on this path breaking new understanding of action at a distance combined with his truly revolutionary invention, the Chi Generator® & Orgone Generator®, which is a generator of life force & life energy (chi, prana, od, orgone, bioenergy, etc.) that has never been seen on this planet before, he developed new methods and equipment that makes it possible for you to actually create any trend-energy towards anything that you desire.
In fact, by now this extremely powerful technology of taking control of your life and destiny is as easy as 1-2-3!
Above all, the Super Manifestation™ program, with all its versatility, ultimate flexibility and power is extremely user friendly and to set it up for any specific purpose is as easy as 1-2-3!
It comes with many templates and it boasts a multitude of backgrounds to choose from.
The program is designed for operation with a Chi Generator® & Prana Generator & Orgone Generator® integrated in ALL our Life Force & Life Energy Equipments.
The Super Manifestation Program™ for PCs

Customer Support suspended!
Marketing slogan »
Have a good vibe using your new & performant Life Force & Life Energy Equipment (and / or your personalised Chi Vitality Card!)!
Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipments
with integrated Vitality Generators; Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators®
suggested & recommended Accessories
Radionic Manifestation Programs™ for PC's and Mac's
The Manifestation Ultimate Lite & Ultimate Pro
The newest and -one of the- most flexible Radionic Manifestation Programs !
Running on PC's with Windows operation systems, and also on Apple / Macintosh computers.
The Manifestation Ultimate Programs are designed to help you to:
Get Assured Success Faster and Easier
The Results are More Effective and Far Reaching than ever before
Just set up, connect it with your LifeForce & LifeEnergy Equipments with integrated Orgone Generator® & Prana Generator® & Chi Generator®, run it for a couple of hours and -not only wait- but also expect the results !
Available with English, German, Spanish, Italian and Hungarian languages!
This is so, because there is continuous power driving towards the results that you programmed into your computer program.
This continuous flow of life energy & life force is made possible with a special structural link that connects your LifeEnergy & LifeForce Equipments boosted with integrated Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators®, the Manifestation Program™ and the 'target' of your operation:
To make this possible, each program comes with a fully individualized unique transfer card and the corresponding file on your program.
The difference between the two Manifestation Ultimate Programs (Lite & Pro) is that with the Lite version you can set only maximum 3 position into one setting, but with the Ultimate Pro this number is 45 !!
Also, the image & filter packs included are very different.
The Manifestation Ultimate Lite Program installation files includes only a few -magickal- icons and symbols from the "Alphabet of Success" package, Manifestation Ultimate Pro includes hundreds of -magickal- filters, icons and symbols (let's say, almost all).
Of course, you can purchase additionally -also, later- several other package if you like and if you wish!
The Manifestation Ultimate LITE Radionic Program
You can find trend and target settings in most radionics programs on the market.
a basic energy ("Basic Action") setting that boosts the trend-to-target connection with the optimal energy field of a general nature that fits best the purpose of the radionic operation, or
a setting for a trend energy that is exerting an influence upon the environment of the target, which is facilitating a more rapid overall succes, or
a setting for an alternative target.
This alternative target can also be used as a "grounding function". As such it is designed to prevent repercussion to the operator in the event when the trend energy cannot reach the envisioned target for reason of interference, blockage, etc.
Also, with the Manifestation Ultimate PRO you can set 45 different positions (trend and/or target) in one settings.(!)
Plus you can run as many operations simultaneously as you like.
Using lifeforce & lifeenergy for manifestation purposes is an advanced method of this technology.
In fact, you can run several programs simultaneously, whenever the need arises.
How many simultaneous operations you can perform depends mainly on the amount of lifeforce & lifeenergy that your Orgone Generator® & Prana Generator® & Chi Generator® integrated into the LifeForce & LifeEnergy Equipment produces.
Naturally, with a more powerful LifeForce & LifeEnergy Equipment (an HD Series device), you can perform three to four operations simultaneously.
Recommendation: order this one (the Ultimate LITE) and -after- upgrade to "Ultimate PRO"!
The Manifestation Ultimate PRO Radionic Program
Actually, you can run as many radionics operations simultaneously as you like, and your computer permits.
But, please remember one very important aspect:
how many simultaneous operations you can perform depends mainly on the amount of lifeforce & lifeenergy that your Orgone Generator® & Prana Generator® & Chi Generator® integrated into the LifeForce & LifeEnergy Equipment produces and generates. (!)
For simultaneous operations, the RAD 5 or -better yet- the ATG 12 / ATGS 12000 are ideal Life Energy & Life Force Equipments powered with- and boosted by Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators®.
With the ATG 12 you can run up to 12 simultaneous, very complex and very powerful radionic -or magickal- operations!!
Also, you can use sound files (in .mp3 format) in your programation!
See the Special Specific Frequencies page. (!)
You find these extremely important settings only in our Ultimate Manifestation Programs™ !!
The Manifestation Program for Fitness & Weight Management (Weight Loss)
Integrated into the Ultimate Manifestation Program - same program as Ultimate Manifestation, with adequate & correspondent (F&WL: Fitness & Weight Loss) Filter Package & Symbols (!)
Customer support is available for this product (only for computers with Windows OS)!
Before installing, you should read unconditionally the "_READ_Me-1.txt" and "_READ_Me-2.txt" files (which you will receive in the downloaded .zip file)!
The Manifestation Ultimate -Lite & Pro- Radionic Programs™ are protected by internal settings against any form of illegal use, use of unauthorized and/or bootlegged copy or any other program that contains ideas adapted from this program, whether purchased from and unauthorized dealer or received otherwise. It is certainly a bad idea and dangerous to misjudge the potentially grave consequences of such action!
If Customer Support was ordered and/or was requested (if available); in order to help you with installation or in programming, you would need to have installed the latest 'Team Viewer' program (can be downloaded for free from here).
The Manifestation Ultimate LITE Radionics Program™ for PC's & MAC's
Unique and personalized Manifestation Program Templates for You
$19.90 or equivalent in € (EUR) or £ (Pounds), with -20% Discount for the next ones!
The Manifestation Ultimate LITE Radionic Program™ for PCs & MACs

$119.99 + handling charges: $10 (or equivalent in € / £)
with the first 10 symbols from the 'Alphabet of Success' Filter Pack included . You can order-additionally- different 'Symbols & Filter packs', as many as you wish(!)
Contact us before ordering!! Customer Support is not included in the piece price!
The Manifestation Ultimate LITE Radionic Program™ for PCs & MACs

with the first 10 symbols from the 'Alphabet of Success' Filter Pack included . You can order-additionally- different 'Symbols & Filter packs', as many as you wish(!)
The Manifestation Ultimate PRO Radionics Program™ for PCs & MACs

AoD -Alphabet of Success- Filter Icon Pack included!
You can -additionally- order different 'Symbols & Filter packs'and different Sounds & Frequencies (!)
Customer Support (only for PC's) is included in the piece price! Contact us before order !
The right setup?
Finally I find the right setup with my Manifestation Program! I made some mistakes first time when I set it up, and I was not concrete enough on my "Main Trend". Also, as you explained, now I can take much easier the right radionic rate too. Thanks a lot for your help!
Result are appearing and goals getting achieved!
Grüß, Werner (Leipzig, Germany)
Life Force & Life Energy Equipments
powered with- and boosted by genuine Vitality Generators; Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators® Accessories
Power Radionics Manifestation Programs
Trend Programming & Advanced Manifestation Systems
for your -creative- manifestation process and activities, smooth programming, to reach your -programmed- goals and your targets
Using the Radionics Manifestation Programs, together with any of our Life Force & Life Energy Equipment powered with- and boosted by -integrated- Vitality Generators; Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator® which is not -á priori!- radionic device / radionic type, can be obtained a virtual Power Radionic Machine (!)
Downloading information will be sent in email, in max. 48 hours after purchased.
Life Force & Life Energy generator Equipments
powered with & boosted by integrated Vitality Generators; Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators®
Recommended Accessories for all types of Life Energy & Life Force Equipments™ powered with- and boosted by genuine integrated Vitality Generators; Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator®
The complete CATALOG with -actual- Prices
Please select / choose according to the 'Delivery / Shipping Address' of the ordered package
Marketing slogan
Take the beneficial energies generated from your Life Energy & Life Force Equipment with you, wherever you go; just carry with you one part of your transfer couple 'structural link'.
Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipments powered with & boosted by integrated Vitality Generators; -genuine- Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator® made with Super Orgonite® and -recommended- Accessories
~ Shipping cost and offered Services ~
Complete CATALOG & -actual- Prices / Order(s)
Ask our help & support if you think you would need it.
The complete CATALOG with -actual- Prices
Please select / choose according to the 'Delivery / Shipping Address' of the ordered package
Recommended KITs to order
Kit I. (Basic KIT - almost mandatory): Life Force & Life Energy generator Equipment(s) powered with & boosted by Vitality Generators; Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators®
corresponding and appropriate Accessories:
Power Supplies [DC wall transformer (AC / DC adapter)]
+ Structural Link(s) + shipping cost + online support (!)
Kit II.:
KIT I. + DIGITAL Product KIT (!)
DIGITAL Product KITs »»
Digital Kit I.:
Power Radionic 'Manifestation' program + additional online support
Digital Kit II.: Digital KIT I. + Filters Packs & Symbols
Digital Kit III.: Digital KIT II.
Sounds & Frequencies
Digital Kit IV.: Digital KIT III. + Life Energy Chi Vitality Cards - the most complex and complete KIT, and -of course- the best choice !
Marketing slogan »
Energize- and charge yourself with positive Life Energy & Life Force! Use your Life Energy & Life Force Equipment!
Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipments
powered with & boosted by
(Vital / Vitality Generators); Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators®
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accessible for Life Energy & Life Force Generator Equipment owners »
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Welz Chi Generator®, Chi Generator®, Chi Generator®, Orgone Generator®, Prana Generator®, Orgonite®, Structural Link® and Chi Card® are registered trademarks of Hyper Space Communications and Technologies International.
Patents Pending.
#1 World Leading Life Force & Life Energy Technology
Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipments
powered with and boosted by genuine -integrated- Vital / Vitality Welz Generators; Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators®
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Stephen Richards
Lucius Annaeus Seneca
Marketing slogan
The Welz Generator & the Life Energy Equipment & the Vitality Card; ...if you want to change your lifestyle.
LIFE ENERGY Generator Equipments
Energy & Vitality to You and for Your Success!