Charge Objects with Life Energy & Life Force
Karl Hans Welz: Magic of the Future > Lesson 2 > Charge Objects with Life Energy & Life Force
Karl Hans Welz:
Magic of the Future©
Practice #8:
Put any object in front of you.
This may be a small piece of
paper, a candle, a matchbook, a glass of water, or a crystal.
Hold your right hand about one inch above the object.
While inhaling, imagine life energy enter
your body through your left hand.
While you exhale, imagine that the life energy leaves through your right hand and builds up in the object.
Proceed charging the
Then stop charging and feel the life energy of the object with the palm
or wrist of your hand.
You may let your partner feel the life energy in the object. Your partner does the same and you feel the energy.
Practice #9:
Put an object in front of you as in practice #1.
Instead of
projecting life energy & life force into the object use it to build a sphere of life energy around the object.
Have your partner move the hand slowly toward the sphere and feel where the sphere begins.
Let your partner do the same and you feel the energy.
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