How the Planes Relate to Us
Karl Hans Welz: Magic of the Future > Lesson 4 > How the Planes Relate to Us
Karl Hans Welz:
Magic of the Future©
To be conscious of Oneness you need to consciously align all four elements and to be consciously aware of all planes.

You bring your cosmic consciousness in manifestation in the same way as other ideas finally manifest.
The planes are a model that we have established to describe the energies of the universe as we perceive them and as we interact with them.
Manifestation itself you find in the material plane, while trends are part of the planes that are beyond the material one.
The causal plane sets an idea in motion, the mental plane gives it its shape, the astral plane desire, and the material plane allows manifestation.
When we send magical action or trends to a target we use energies of a higher order (not manifested energies that are part of the astral and mental planes) and cause them to manifest at the target.
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