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The Four Elements & the Four Planes

Karl Hans Welz: Magic of the Future > Lesson 4 > The Four Elements & the Four Planes



Karl Hans Welz:
Magic of the Future©

Magic of the Future: The Four Elements & the Four Planes

Magic of the Future

The four elements together with the four planes are an excellent framework within which we can order the vast amount of phenomena in the magical universe.

This framework allows us to access any type of HOE (High Order Energy) we want to access.

The model that we are about to describe is useful and comprehensive.
But, again, we need to point out that we can make an infinite amount of other models that are equally valid.

Before we are going to describe the four planes, we give you a brief description of the four elements.

As you know, the metaphysical elements have little to do with the chemical elements.

These elements are basic qualities rather than basic substances as the chemical elements are.
The basic qualities of the metaphysical elements, relate to our sensory experience and they are a projection of this sensory experience into the realms of finer density.

Once we experience these realms of finer density, we are aware that the concepts of elements are generalizations that are convenient for our work.

The four sensory experiences that are at the root of the concept of the four elements are:
hot and cold, dry and humid.

The pair, hot and cold, we refer to as positive and negative.
Dry and Humid we refer to as electric and magnetic.

It is very important that you learn the following table:

Magic of the Future: The Four Elements | Fire Magic of the Future: The Four Elements  | Water Magic of the Future: The Four Elements  | Air Magic of the Future: The Four Elements  | Earth

Fire       Water       Air       Earth

Fire and Water are the two primary elements, opposite polarities, so to say.
Air and Earth are considered to be secondary, or mixtures of the first two.
This is a manner of viewing it.

Some researchers see air as an interaction between the two basic principles of fire and water.
They consider earth to be the synthesis of the three.

The symbolism of Divine trinities "above" the worlds of manifestation somewhat reflects this view.

You find this symbolism in many pagan religions as well as in the Christian religion which is in principle a paganized Jewish religion.

Electric and Magnetic relate to the phenomena of electromagnetic energy and life energy.

The fire element is electric-positive.
On the material plane it is energy, or light, in its conventional meaning.

The earth element is electric-negative.
It is structured light, or "frozen light" as some researchers say.
Modern physics somewhat supports this theory.

The air element is magnetic-positive.
On the material plane it is active life energy, or free life energy.

The water element is magnetic-negative, or structured life.

If we relate the four elements to the material plane, we can easily order the four elements.

Earth and Water belong to the dense material plane while air and fire are part of the etheric plane.

The labels "positive" and "negative" are references to density.

The elemental references as being "fire, air," etc., are pictures to make us understand easier the basic qualities.

The references to electromagnetism and life energy, dense (structured) and volatile (etheric, non-structured) conform more with the realities of modern physics and magic of the future than would do the partition into five elements that includes the "akasha element" in leaning on Hindoo philosophy.

The four elements are a good representation of the physical realities of light energy (electromagnetic energy) and life energy.

Let's repeat here:

Magic of the Future: The Four Elements | Fire

volatile light, etheric electromagnetism, hot and dry, positive electric

Magic of the Future: The Four Elements  | Water

condensed life energy, structured orgone (prana, chi), cold and humid, negative magnetic

Magic of the Future: The Four Elements  | Air

volatile life energy, etheric orgone (prana, chi), hot and humid, positive magnetic

Magic of the Future: The Four Elements  | Earth

dense ("frozen") light, structured electromagnetism, cold and dry, negative electric

The four elements supply us with an excellent model for the planes of existence and in correlation with it planes of experience within ourselves.

The earth element refers to that which is conscious, or the material planes.

The water element refers to the human emotions and to the astral plane.

The air element refers to the human mind and the mental plane, while the fire element refers to the human will and the causal plane.

Magicians see some "entities" or energies of a higher order (HOE) that correlate to the four elements.

These traditional elementals are the salamanders for the fire element, the sylphs are spirits of the air element, the undines are spirits of the water element, and the gnomes are spirits of the earth element.

In a technological sense we may view spirits as energies of a higher order that are made to manifest (personify) in the etheric plane.

In the following we are giving you a set of correlations for each element.
These correlations will suffice for our present work.

The Planes

The planes of existence correlate with the elements.

You must familiarize yourself well with this model in order to work toward consciousness of One with the techniques that we are showing you in the course of Cosmic Consciousness.

You may perceive these planes as "higher" planes or as "inner" planes.
As you progress with your work you will get to understand that thisdistinction between "higher" and "inner" has only limited relevance.

Oneness with the Divine will ultimately elevate you into realms where a distinction between "inner" and "higher" become meaningless.

Magic of the Future: The Four Planes | Material Plane
Magic of the Future: The Four Planes | Astral Plane Magic of the Future: The Four Planes | Mental Plane Magic of the Future: The Four Planes | Causal Plane

Magic of the Future

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Magic of the Future: The Four Planes | The Material Plane

Magic of the Future

The material plane is the plane where you find all that is tangible and where you find these things that you become conscious of.

Each one of the higher planes has a material component which is the realm where it can become becomes conscious to you.

For convenience we subdivide the material plane into two levels:
the etheric plane and the dense material plane.

The etheric plane is the plane that contains free chi and free light energy.
The dense material plane is the realm that is structured.

Although we make such a distinction, there is no sharp boarder between the two planes, but a continuous transition.

Free chi and free light are only at the threshold of chaos.
The more manifest these energies become the denser are their appearances.

Also, there is nothing that is purely chi and there is nothing that is purely light, there is nothing that is totally dense and there is nothing that is totally unstructured.

The labels that we use are describing extremes that are beyond our existence.
It is the mixture of the elements that make things existing while the pure element by itself cannot have any existence.

The material plane is far more complex than the space-time continuum that modern physics attempts to describe.

Life energy does not follow the laws of the three dimensional universe that we measure, but it has its own type of "space."
The main characteristic of that space is structural linkage.



Magic of the Future: The Four Planes | The Astral Plane

Magic of the Future

The astral plane contains matrices of that which is tangible, or material.

It is the world of formation.

The energies of the astral plane are of a more subtle nature than the energies of the etheric and material planes.

It is a world of desire, of emotions.

A spirit that has the desire to manifest dwells in the astral.
For its manifestation a material focus is necessary.

A human being can direct a spirit to gain an etheric form.

If a magician does that consciously we call it an evocation of the spirit.

We can also project part of our energy field into the astral world and travel there.

This way we can gain contact with entities without them needing to materialize in an evocative process.
In this course you will learn to explore the elemental realms astrally.



Magic of the Future: The Four Planes | The Mental Plane

Magic of the Future

The mental plane contains thoughts and mental matrices.

These energies are still more subtle than the astral energies.

They relate to the human mind.

Another name for the mental planes is world of creation.

You may view the mental plane as a universe of thought for which our brain is the perceiving sensory organ.



Magic of the Future: The Four Planes | The Causal Plane

Magic of the Future

This plane is the realm of the will, the world of emanation.

It contains the spark that brings things into manifestation by causing them to take the characteristics of each plane that they pass through: first a mental pattern, then an astral body of desire, and eventually an etheric or dense material shape.

Magic of the Future

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