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LifeEnergy & Vitality for Your protection and Success!

Manifestation Ultimate Lite & Ultimate Pro Radionic Program

Catalog  |  -Actual- Prices


The Manifestation Ultimate LITE Radionics Programfor PC's & MAC's

Now; -in - with -10% Discount Price!
Manifestation Ultimate LITE
Abbreviations: MULRP: Manifestation Ultimate LITE Radionics Program | F10: First 10 | AoD: Alphabet of Desire | AoS: Alphabet of Success | F&WL: Fitness & Weight Loss | Chakras: the 7 main subtle energy center | FSD: Feng Shui Dynamic | Astro: Astrology | ADM: Astro-Dynamic Manifestation | Runes: the Armanen Runes (The Eighteen Sacred Futhork Runes) | Tarot: Cups / Pentacles / Swords / Wands / Major Arcana (Straight and Reversed Position) | K&HT: Kabbalah & Hebrew Talismans | KoS (CS): Key of Solomon (Claviculae Salamonis) | Lem (Lemegeton): the Lesser Key of King Solomon | Abr (Abramelin): The Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage | GV: Grimorium Verum | Dr.F (Dr. Faustus): The Black Raven / The Threefold Coercion of Hell | I-Tarot: Infernal Tarot | SageOTP: Sage Of The Pyramids | Woodoo: Woodoo Symbols | ST: Shinto Talismans  ...plus additional Symbols (as a gift :-))
Handling fee: $19.99  $10 (USD or equivalent in € or £)
Please choose / select, then click / tap on below -PayPal- image!

Ask for a special discount price regarding ANY of the available Symbol Packs, Specific Special Frequencies and Chi Vitality Cards, or any of their combination!

Unique and personalized Manifestation Program Templates for You

Order Manifestation Program Templates for your specifique trends and intensions
$19.90 or equivalent in (EUR) or £ (Pounds), with -20% Discount for the next ones!
Handling fee: $9.90  $3.9 (USD or equivalent in € or £)
Upgrade from Ultimate LITE to Ultimate PRO with 7.5% discount !
$369-99=270-11.5%=$240 USD + handling fee: $19.99  10USD (or equivalent in € or £) or equivalent in any currency

Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipments
with integrated Vitality Generators; Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators®

suggested & recommended Accessories

Radionic Manifestation Programs™ for PC's and Mac's

The Manifestation Ultimate Lite & Ultimate Pro

. .

The newest and -one of the- most flexible Radionic Manifestation Programs !

Running on PC's with Windows operation systems, and also on Apple / Macintosh computers.

The Manifestation Ultimate Programs are designed to help you to:
Manifestation Radionic Program Get Assured Success Faster and Easier
Manifestation Radionic Program The Results are More Effective and Far Reaching than ever before
Manifestation Radionic Program Just set up, connect it with your LifeForce & LifeEnergy Equipments with integrated Orgone Generator® & Prana Generator® & Chi Generator®, run it for a couple of hours and -not only wait- but also expect the results !

 Available with English, German, Spanish, Italian and Hungarian languages!

Connecting the LifeEnergy & LifeForce Equipments with integrated Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators® adds massive life force& life energy (chi, prana, orgone) to your operation, which is extra power to help you in achieving that which you desire.

This is so, because there is continuous power driving towards the results that you programmed into your computer program.
This continuous flow of life energy & life force is made possible with a special structural link that connects your LifeEnergy & LifeForce Equipments boosted with integrated Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators®, the Manifestation Program™ and the 'target' of your operation:
To make this possible, each program comes with a fully individualized unique transfer card and the corresponding file on your program.


The difference between the two Manifestation Ultimate Programs (Lite & Pro) is that with the Lite version you can set only maximum 3 position into one setting, but with the Ultimate Pro this number is 45 !!
      Also, the image & filter packs included are very different.
The Manifestation Ultimate Lite Program installation files includes only a few -magickal- icons and symbols from the "Alphabet of Success" package, Manifestation Ultimate Pro includes hundreds of -magickal- filters, icons and symbols (let's say, almost all).
Of course, you can purchase additionally -also, later- several other package if you like and if you wish!

The Manifestation Ultimate LITE Radionic Program

You can find trend and target settings in most radionics programs on the market.

Manifestation Ultimate Lite & Pro Radionic Program What makes the Manifestation Ultimate Programs much more effective than the rest is the fact that you can add a setting in addition to the "Trend" and "Target" setting and label it as you like:
lifeforce & lifeenergy equipments :: chi generator & orgone generator a basic energy ("Basic Action") setting that boosts the trend-to-target connection with the optimal energy field of a general nature that fits best the purpose of the radionic operation, or
lifeforce & lifeenergy equipments :: chi generator & orgone generator a setting for a trend energy that is exerting an influence upon the environment of the target, which is facilitating a more rapid overall succes, or
lifeforce & lifeenergy equipments :: chi generator & orgone generator a setting for an alternative target.
This alternative target can also be used as a "grounding function". As such it is designed to prevent repercussion to the operator in the event when the trend energy cannot reach the envisioned target for reason of interference, blockage, etc.

Also, with the Manifestation Ultimate PRO you can set 45 different positions (trend and/or target) in one settings.(!)

Plus you can run as many operations simultaneously as you like.
Using lifeforce & lifeenergy for manifestation purposes is an advanced method of this technology.

In fact, you can run several programs simultaneously, whenever the need arises.
How many simultaneous operations you can perform depends mainly on the amount of lifeforce & lifeenergy that your Orgone Generator® & Prana Generator® & Chi Generator® integrated into the LifeForce & LifeEnergy Equipment produces.

Naturally, with a more powerful LifeForce & LifeEnergy Equipment (an HD Series device), you can perform three to four operations simultaneously.

Recommendation: order this one (the Ultimate LITE) and -after- upgrade to "Ultimate PRO"!

The Manifestation Ultimate PRO Radionic Program

This is one of the most recommended !

Manifestation Ultimate Pro Radionic Program Same as the 'Ultimate Lite', but the Manifestation Ultimate PRO Radionic Program goes up to 45 positions (!!), and this makes the software extremely flexible, very useful and advantageous.

Actually, you can run as many radionics operations simultaneously as you like, and your computer permits.

But, please remember one very important aspect:
how many simultaneous operations you can perform depends mainly on the amount of lifeforce & lifeenergy that your Orgone Generator® & Prana Generator® & Chi Generator® integrated into the LifeForce & LifeEnergy Equipment produces and generates. (!)

For simultaneous operations, the RAD 5 or -better yet- the ATG 12 / ATGS 12000 are ideal Life Energy & Life Force Equipments powered with- and boosted by Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators®. The Manifestation Ultimate-Pro Radionic Program
With the ATG 12 you can run up to 12 simultaneous, very complex and very powerful radionic -or magickal- operations!!

Also, you can use sound files (in .mp3 format) in your programation!
  See the Special Specific Frequencies page. (!)

You find these extremely important settings only in our Ultimate Manifestation Programs™ !!

The Manifestation Program for Fitness & Weight Management (Weight Loss)
Integrated into the Ultimate Manifestation Program - same program as Ultimate Manifestation, with adequate & correspondent (F&WL: Fitness & Weight Loss) Filter Package & Symbols (!)

Customer support is available for this product (only for computers with Windows OS)!
Before installing, you should read unconditionally the "_READ_Me-1.txt" and "_READ_Me-2.txt" files (which you will receive in the downloaded .zip file)!

The Manifestation Ultimate -Lite & Pro- Radionic Programs™ are protected by internal settings against any form of illegal use, use of unauthorized and/or bootlegged copy or any other program that contains ideas adapted from this program, whether purchased from and unauthorized dealer or received otherwise. It is certainly a bad idea and dangerous to misjudge the potentially grave consequences of such action!


If Customer Support was ordered and/or was requested (if available); in order to help you with installation or in programming, you would need to have installed the latest 'Team Viewer' program (can be downloaded for free from here).



The Manifestation Ultimate LITE Radionics Programfor PC's & MAC's

Now; -in - with -10% Discount Price!
Manifestation Ultimate LITE
Abbreviations: MULRP: Manifestation Ultimate LITE Radionics Program | F10: First 10 | AoD: Alphabet of Desire | AoS: Alphabet of Success | F&WL: Fitness & Weight Loss | Chakras: the 7 main subtle energy center | FSD: Feng Shui Dynamic | Astro: Astrology | ADM: Astro-Dynamic Manifestation | Runes: the Armanen Runes (The Eighteen Sacred Futhork Runes) | Tarot: Cups / Pentacles / Swords / Wands / Major Arcana (Straight and Reversed Position) | K&HT: Kabbalah & Hebrew Talismans | KoS (CS): Key of Solomon (Claviculae Salamonis) | Lem (Lemegeton): the Lesser Key of King Solomon | Abr (Abramelin): The Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage | GV: Grimorium Verum | Dr.F (Dr. Faustus): The Black Raven / The Threefold Coercion of Hell | I-Tarot: Infernal Tarot | SageOTP: Sage Of The Pyramids | Woodoo: Woodoo Symbols | ST: Shinto Talismans  ...plus additional Symbols (as a gift :-))
Handling fee: $19.99  $10 (USD or equivalent in € or £)
Please choose / select, then click / tap on below -PayPal- image!

Ask for a special discount price regarding ANY of the available Symbol Packs, Specific Special Frequencies and Chi Vitality Cards, or any of their combination!

Unique and personalized Manifestation Program Templates for You

Order Manifestation Program Templates for your specifique trends and intensions
$19.90 or equivalent in (EUR) or £ (Pounds), with -20% Discount for the next ones!
Handling fee: $9.90  $3.9 (USD or equivalent in € or £)
Upgrade from Ultimate LITE to Ultimate PRO with 7.5% discount !
$369-99=270-11.5%=$240 USD + handling fee: $19.99  10USD (or equivalent in € or £) or equivalent in any currency


The Manifestation Ultimate LITE Radionic Programfor PCs & MACs

Manifestation Ultimate Lite & Pro Radionic Program
  $119.99 + handling charges: $10 (or equivalent in € / £)
with the first 10 symbols from the 'Alphabet of Success' Filter Pack included . You can order-additionally- different 'Symbols & Filter packs', as many as you wish(!)
Contact us before ordering!! Customer Support is not included in the piece price!

Upgrade from Ultimate LITE to Ultimate PRO (with a considerable discount) !


Chi Vitality Card(with 12 month validity, strong HD type) + Manifestation Ultimate LITE Radionic Program (incl. 'Alphabet of Success' Icon Symbol Pack)

Chi Vitality Card | Life Energy & Life Force + Manifestation Ultimate Lite
$199-15%, Save: $30  $169 USD or equivalent in (EUR) or £ (Pounds), or any other currency
Handling fee: $19.99  12.50USD (or equivalent in € or £)
Contact us before ordering!!


Chi Vitality Card(12 month validity, strong HD type) + Manifestation Ultimate LITE Radionic Program
(incl. '
Alphabet of Success' Icon Symbol Pack + first ten symbols from the Alphabet of Desire Filter Pack)

Chi Vitality Card | Life Energy & Life Force   +   Manifestation Ultimate Lite
$199-10%   $179 USD or equivalent in (EUR) or £ (Pounds), or any other currency
Handling fee: $19.99  15.90USD (or equivalent in € or £)
Contact us before ordering!!


Manifestation Ultimate LITE Radionic Program + Chi Vitality Card™ (with 12 month validity, ST type)

Manifestation Ultimate Lite   +   Chi Vitality Card | Life Energy & Life Force
$198 -10%, Save: $19   $179 w/o validation fee and handling charges: $10 (or equivalent in € / £)
Handling fee (only today!): $0.10 (or equivalent in € / £)

globe Worldwide orders!

Digital KIT #C21:

Continuous & powerful Life Energy source with an easy and useful software to manage your intentions and -desired- 'trends' together with the included symbols and -special- frequencies for the virtual modulation of the Life Energy to reach your programmed goals sooner and easier!
Chi Vitality Card  + Manifestation Ultimate LITE   [ + symbols + Symbols + Frequency | mind ] + phone
hellblau | Chi Vitality Card Personalised Life Energy VITALITY Chi Card #12HD (valid- and active 12 months, HD type strenght!, activation fee included!)  +  the Ultimate Manifestation LITE Radionics Program for PCs & MACs (including the ALL the 9 packs of the New Alphabet of Desire -AOD- symbol packs + the Alphabet of Success icon pack + the 'Mind' Special Frequencies .mp3 files) + one hour of customer support (with two custom tailored 'Templates'):
$485  -28%, Save: $136(!)  $349 USD ($), or equivalent in (EUR) or £ (Pounds)
Handling fee: $19.99  0.36USD (or equivalent in € or £)
Click / tap on PayPal image to order


The Manifestation Ultimate PRO Radionics Program™ for PCs & MACs

Manifestation Ultimate Pro Radionic Program
$399.00  $379.00
AoD -Alphabet of Success- Filter Icon Pack included!
You can -additionally- order different 'Symbols & Filter packs'and different Sounds & Frequencies (!)
Customer Support (only for PC's) is included in the piece price! Contact us before order !

The complete CATALOG with -actual- Prices  check

Please select / choose according to the 'Delivery / Shipping Address' of the ordered package

Your Delivery Address is: Select / choose according to your shipping / delivery address!

Life Force & Life Energy Equipments powered with- and boosted by genuine Vitality Generators; Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators® Accessories

Power Radionics Manifestation Programs

Trend Programming
& Advanced Manifestation Systems for your -creative- manifestation process and activities, smooth programming, to reach your -programmed- goals and your targets

Using the Radionics Manifestation Programs, together with any of our Life Force & Life Energy Equipment powered with- and boosted by -integrated- Vitality Generators; Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator® which is not -á priori!- radionic device / radionic type, can be obtained a virtual Power Radionic Machine (!)

Downloading information will be sent in email, in max. 48 hours after purchased.



Life Force
& Life Energy generator Equipments powered with & boosted by integrated Vitality Generators; Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators®


Recommended Accessories for all types of Life Energy & Life Force Equipments™ powered with- and boosted by genuine integrated Vitality Generators; Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator®   Recommended Accessories

! One time opportunity (now!) to order it:
Chi Vitality Card #12HD:  $99 -30%, Save: $29,7 $69.3
Maximum order quantity: 10 pieces!

The official & complete CATALOG with -actual- Prices | Orders  continue
- click here -

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