Animal Magnetism
Karl Hans Welz: Magic of the Future > Lesson 2 > Animal Magnetism
Karl Hans Welz:
Magic of the Future©
He used the term "magnetizing" because he chose the term "animal magnetism" (or "magnetic fluid") for life energy.
The practice of magnetizing is relatively simple.
One person lies down, with light or (ideally) no clothing.
The other person passes one or both hands over the body of the person who is magnetized at a distance of one to two inches.
Lead the magnetic strokes from the extremities to the center of the body, i.e., the area of the navel:
from head to center, from toes to center, from hands to center.
When returning to the back you do so in a wide arch, sometimes shaking out the hands.
If you do not visualize the energy being sent to any part of the body, then the body will send the energy where it is most needed.
Magicians use the same method to generate life energy.
They project it then onto a talisman or into a magical operation.
Practice #15:
Practice the magnetizing and feel the energy in the body.
Practice #16:
Magnetize and direct the energy to a specific part of the body.
Practice #17:
Magnetize and direct the energy from the center of the body to an object.
Practice #18:
Magnetize, but use your wand instead of your hands.
If you
have two wands available, use both wands.
From Mesmers research and other observations follows another important characteristic of life energy:
You can generate life energy by moving fields of life energy relative to each other.
This happens clearly in the practice of magnetizing, but also in group practices such as walking or dancing in circles.
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