Project Life Energy & Life Force Into Others
Karl Hans Welz: Magic of the Future > Lesson 2 > Project Life Energy & Life Force Into Others
Karl Hans Welz:
Magic of the Future©
Practice #10:
Practice #11:
Stretch your arm out and point your fingers as in preceding practice.
Do NOT point toward your partner. Point anywhere else.
Again you do the drawing and projecting in the rhythm of your breath.
This time however you imagine the flow of life energy entering the forehead or any other body part of your partner. Then your partner does the same on you.
Practice #12:
Both arms are in a comfortable position.
No pointing or
drawing position, simply comfortable seating.
Using drawing and projecting techniques, again project onto the forehead of your partner. Then change positions.
Practice #13:
Take the wand and point it toward the area between the eyes of your partner.
Do not any drawing and projecting through your own body.
Then project on other body parts.
Practice #14:
Proceed as in practice #2.
Point the wand anywhere but focus on the body areas of your partner.
Imagine the flow from the end of your wand into the body of your partner.
What you do in every case is draw life energy & life force from the universe and direct it toward a person or an object.
It is good to divert (in your imagination) a bit of life energy into your own body while you are drawing and projecting.
This way you get stronger in the process.
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