Practical Magic
Karl Hans Welz: Magic of the Future > Lesson 6 > Practical Magic
Karl Hans Welz:
Magic of the Future©
In this lesson you will learn a few practices that are part of magic.
Examine these practices in the light of scientific magic as you have acquired in the previous five lessons.
Chances are that you will find your own methods to improve on these methods.
As a further exercise you may purchase any good book that teaches magical rituals and examine them in the light of what you have learned in the preceding lessons.
Practice #41: How to Make a Talisman
The following is a practice that reflects much of the magical work that you are going to do.
You will reuse all of the magical paraphernalia that you are going to prepare in this practice.
The following practices will build on this one, therefore do not skipit.
Eventually you will find ways to do most of the practices without any paraphernalia.
In fact, you could do so right away.
However, we suggest that you follow the instruction in this practice.
This will give you a good basis for your future work.
You need:
- Your magical wand.
By now you should have covered it with Vinyl or with leather. Use the wand to project energy.
You may use a Welz Generator® and put a transfer design inside the wand.
- Two candles.
Preferably beeswax candles. Candle-holders.
- A cup that you may fill with water.
- An incense burner.
- Something representing the material plane.
This may be a crystal or a large pentagram.
- Some incense.
Frankincense is good for our purpose.
- The Sator Arepo talisman that comes with this course.
- The seven magical squares that come with this course.
The Pentacle with the seven magical squares. - The Elemental Polygons (with course), preferably laminated.
- A magical robe.
The robe is a magical utensil that represents your removing yourself from your everyday situations.
A magical utensil has the advantage that it connects you automatically with specific forms of energy.
With the (well prepared) magical utensil present, you can free your conscious attention for focus on the specifics of the magical work that you are doing.
As you progress, you will no longer need to use the robe as well as you will quit using many of the other magical utensils.
You will be able to do so because you will establish connection with the energies of your magical utensils without needing their points of manifestation in the dense material plane.
- Rope, cord, or chalk to make your triangle and circle.
You are going to do by yourself much of the magical work and the projection of magical energy.
Therefore it will be good that you use a model of the
universe that enhances your work.
This model helps you make use of the structural linkages that your mind can establish. In this model, we distinguish three realms.
The first realm is your outer magical realm.
This realm contains all the physical objects that connect with the target of your operation and with the energies of a higher order that you direct toward this target.
It is the set up of your altar.
The second realm is the realm of the universes to which you have established structural links.
This includes the universe (environment in a
generalized meaning) of your target and the magical hierarchies of the energies that you are going to use.
The third realm is an imaginary realm that you create within your mind.
This realm is a structural linkage to the first and second realms.
The third realm allows you to mentally direct the energies that you generate in your magical operation.
It is a workspace within yourself that keeps up a constant connection with the other two realms.
Whatever you do within this space will have effect on the other two realms.
The correct setup of the first and third realms is very important in magical work.
This is so because in both these realms we establish the structural links to the elements of our action before we energize the work with life energy.
An inadequate structural link will distort our magical work or it will make it ineffective all together.
To prepare for your work you go through the following steps:
- Cleanse yourself, even take a bath.
This is a symbolic act by which you remove yourself from the many challenges of everyday life.
Put on the robe. Some followers of the old religion prefer to practice nude.
- Decide which talisman you want to make.
We suggest a simple love talisman with a genius from the sphere of Venus, with the name of "Owina", from Franz Bardon's "Practice of Magical Evocation" where he (Bardon) teaches a system of magic of the spheres that leans on the astrological system.
[ Please treat her / it, with great respect !] - Set up the altar.
Put the universal pentacle in the middle of the altar, in upside down position (the "L" on top).
Charge the universal pentacle. Do the same with all other utensils.
You need to charge utensils only once.
You charge the utensils by projecting life energies into them as you have learned in lesson 2.
Set up the two candles behind the pentacle, about 8 inches (appr. 20 cm) apart.
Put the cup to the left of the candle, the incense burner to the right side.
Put the crystal or pentagram on the table between the two candles.
Put the four elemental designs (triangle, pentagon, square, and pentagram) around the universal pentacle.
The triangle will be to the top, the pentagon to the left, the square to the bottom, and the pentagram to the right. - Charge the square of Venus and put it in the top section of the center part of the universal pentacle.
- Charge the Sator Arepo Talisman and put it below the square of Venus.
- Lay out the rope or cord in a triangular shape around the arrangement on your altar.
Instead of the rope you may use three small crystals that you imagine connected with lines.
- With your wand follow the outline of the triangle, projecting energy into the lines that the rope defines or into the imaginary lines that you have set up between the three crystals.
In your imagination build a tall pyramid with three sides.
Put the base a bit beneath the surface of your altar.
- Put rope or cord in a circle around you.
Imagine a sphere enclosing you. The circle is part of the sphere.
Later you may totally visualize the circle without using a rope.
- As an added protection you may take your wand and draw four pentagrams in the air.
Visualize them being on the surface of the sphere.
Some people like to add two more pentagrams: one on the bottom part of the sphere and another one above.
- Put the talisman in the center part of the universal pentacle, covering the square of Venus.
- Light the incense.
- Light the candles.
- Project green energy into the triangle.
You may use your wand for the process of projecting. Point your wand toward the triangle.
Use projection techniques that you have learned in previous lessons. - Call in the entity (Owina).
- Imagine the entity charging the talisman. It's up to you how you want to imagine that.
- Thank the entity and tell it to leave.
- Use grounding techniques on the triangle.
Ground all free energies. Energies that are tied to objects will stay there.
- Take talisman and check for charge.
Use palm of your hand or hold talisman about 2 inches (appr. 5 cm) from forehead.
- Remove utensils.
Practice #42: How to Cast a Spell Using an Abramelin Square
For this spell you need in principle the same utensils as you have used to make a talisman.
Then take the Book of Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage.
This book contains letter squares for many different purposes.
Select a letter square that matches best your request.
To prepare for your work you go through the following steps:
- Cleanse yourself, even take a bath.
This is a symbolic act by which you remove yourself from the many challenges of everyday life.
Put on the robe. Some followers of the old religion prefer to practice nude.
- Set up the altar.
Put the universal pentacle in the middle of the altar, in upside down position (the "L" on top).
Set up the two candles behind the pentacle, about 8 inches (appr. 20 cm) apart.
Put the cup to the left of the candle, the incense burner to the right side.
Put the crystal or pentagram on the table between the two candles.
Put the four elemental designs (triangle, pentagon, square, and pentagram) around the universal pentacle.
The triangle should be to the top, the pentagon to the left, the square to the bottom, and the pentagram to the right.
You need a large pan with you that you need to hold the paper when you are burning it. - Put the magical square of the planet that reflects the energy of the Abramelin square that you have chosen in the top section of the center part of the universal pentacle.
- Put the Sator Arepo Talisman below the square of Venus.
- Lay out the rope or cord in a triangular shape around the arrangement on your altar.
Instead of the rope you may use three small crystals that you imagine connected with lines.
- With your wand follow the outline of the triangle, projecting energy into the lines that the rope defines or into the imaginary lines that you have set up between the three crystals.
In your imagination build a tall pyramid with three sides.
Put the base a bit beneath the surface of your altar.
- Put rope or cord in a circle around you.
Take your wand and trace the circle.
Imagine a sphere enclosing you. The circle is part of the sphere.
Later you may totally visualize the circle without using a rope.
- As an added protection you may take your wand and draw four pentagrams in the air.
Visualize them being on the surface of the sphere.
Some people like to add two more pentagrams: one on the bottom part of the sphere and another one above.
- Light the incense.
- Light the candles.
- Take a piece of white paper, approximately 5 inches square, and a pen.
You may use a quill and dove blood ink or dragon's blood ink, depending on the case.
- Draw a circle on the square, about 3 inches diameter or more.
- Inside the circle draw a diamond shape.
The four corners of the diamond touch the circle.
- Inside the diamond draw the Abramelin Square of your choice.
- Inside the four segments between the outline of the circle and the diamond you may write the four letters of the Divine name of Yod He Vau He.
You may write the letters in capitals (YHVH).
Write the Y in the right top segment, the H in the left top, the V in the left bottom, and the second H in the right bottom.
- Inside the diamond, but outside the Abramelin square write the names of the persons who are targets of the spell.
- Rub a bit of your saliva on the four corners of the paper.
- Put the paper inside the triangle.
- Project energy into the triangle.
- Imagine the energy condensing on the paper.
- Check the paper for power with methods that you have learned in lesson #2.
- If necessary continue to charge until you feel good about the result.
- Take the paper and hold it to the flame of one of the two candles.
Then put the burning paper into the pan that you have prepared for that purpose.
- After the paper has burned close your ceremony.
There is no need to dwell further on the spell, since you have sent off the energy and it will take its own way.
This process compares to dropping a letter into a mailbox:
the mail will take care of it.
Ground the remaining energies and remove utensils.
Practice #43: How to Clear a Person
Clearing of a person is a standard practice for magicians.
There are many reasons for which a clearing may become necessary.
Persons who are involved in magical practice but who do not have yet the authority to control energies of a higher order ("spirits") may become possessed.
The entity that has a good mental capability seeks to gain a permanent point to manifest.
This process is like a stone falling to the ground.
It's a natural characteristic of any entity, even a "good" one.
It's preferable not to be possessed by any entity - neither by a demon nor by an angel.
A human being with its Divine spark is born to have control at all
Possession by a demon, an angel, or a channeled entity is against human nature.
Consequently human beings have a desire to rid themselves from these entities.
There are many ways in which possession can occur.
Sometimes temporary possession is used as an effective magical practice.
Usually the persons who work with the means of temporary possession protect themselves before doing so.
This is the case in many traditional religious practices that include temporary possession.
Many of the "channels" do not realize the dangers of possession.
Furthermore, they do not know how to protect themselves.
Light" is highly insufficient against skilled beings that wait in the astral plane for manifestation in the material world.
Another way a person can become possessed is by means of attaching an entity to that person.
A mild form of possession can be consistent negativity of the person.
Such an attitude builds up an entity whose only interest is to preserve this state of negativity.
This is so because it gets its life from the negativity of the person.
Possession becomes a problem when the person cannot get out of this state naturally. In such cases a clearing is needed.
Clearings can be done in many ways.
The person may be strengthened to a
point where self clearing is possible.
Another way is to attack the entity within the person and either destroy it or remove it.
Kin to this way is the method to disrupt the structure of the entity by connecting destructive energy to its structural link.
Finally we can use another entity that is stronger to get rid of the possessing entity.
Here too, we have two ways to deal with the
The better of the two is in the case where the person who clears has control over the entity that clears.
The other method is the way of the clerical
The possessing entity is replaced with the collective egregor (god) of the religion to which the cleric belongs.
The clearing that we are going to describe in the following requires from the practitioner that he or she is well in control of any entity.
If this is not the case, the practitioner may become possessed.
It will be also useful if you can visualize well the symbol below.
It is a blasting glyph.
This is a design that shatters any kind of entity as you direct it against it.
If you wield it toward the entity you need to direct the top part (the three points) toward the entity.
To clear a person you start by surrounding the person with a bubble.
Have this bubble about two feet away from the person.
The next thing you do is to focus into the center of the person, around the solar plexus area.
From there you expand slowly a bubble.
You may have studded this bubble with blasting glyphs.
This procedure makes the touching of the bubble a deadly thing for any entity that is between it and the outer bubble.
Expand the bubble more and more until it touches the outer sphere. You may run into some obstacles in your procedure.
It will be good if you practice with simple clearing of negativity.
Only after a lot of practice should you go on to work in more heavy duty clearing situations.
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