Motto / Quote
"We live in a world where everything is connected."
Gregg Braden
Short and concise, but comprehensive on-line
GeneralManual for Life Force Energy generator Equipments and Accessories;
powered with- and boosted by integrated genuine Vital / Vitality Generators; Chi Generators & Prana Generators & Orgone Generators
This continuos energy flow can be over-taken and harnessed, and can be used in any desired -no matter if it's physical, etherical, astral or/and mental- activities, and can be used to reach -also- for any desired and programmed trend(s).
More stronger are the integrated Vital Generators; Chi Generators & Prana Generators & Orgone Generators, into the Life Force & Life Energy generator Equipments, more powerful are the -generated and emanated- energy flux-, and more strengh is what you have -all the time- at your disposal.
Even if you do nothing but harness, take over and use -consciously! - the Life Energy & Life Force generated, released and emanated by your Life Energy & Life Force Equipment, you will already in advantage for over the approx. 80-90% who have not heard or did not use this subtle beneficial energy.
But the role and the advantages of the Life Energy & Life Force Equipments goes far beyond-, and far outweighs -only- the energization, re-vitalization and recharging of bodies with this subtle positive and beneficial energy & force -without which it could not even exist.
And, with the help of the appropriate 'Structural linkages' (ex: TC 99 Transfer Couple with -unique- transfer disc, or -better- PBT 2400 Power Booster with -unique- transfer disc) can be transferred at any distance and -practically- without any losses.
But, how can you benefit from this subtle, positive and beneficial energy flow, generated - and emanated -continuously- from your equipment?
Simple & easy!
Please follow below steps and recommendations...
First, power up your Life Force & Life Energy generator Equipment(s).
(Use the correct power plug and adaptor! Powering on: always plug-in first the -right / adequate- jack into the device and only after into the -electricity-network!
When powering off: first turn off the -power- switch (if the device owned it) and unplug the adaptor, and only after unplug the jack from the adaptor).
From that moment, your device and equipment will generate and emit -continuously and without interruptions!- this Vital Energy; dynamic, beneficial and positive Life Energy & Life Force.
Perceive, feel, harness and take over -constiously!-
this flow of Life Energy & Life Force, directly from your Equipment, or with the help of the / your 'structural links'.
Life Energy & Life Force (Chi / Qi, Kí, Prana, Mana, Magnetic Fluid, Od, Orgone, etc.) can be modulated physically and virtually too.
The physical modulation is done by setting the frequency of the integrated Vital / Vitality Generators; Chi Generators & Prana Generators & Orgone Generators into the genuine Life Force & Life Energy generator Equipments, the virtual one can be done with -magickal- symbol or/and a thought-form.
The properly modulated
Life Energy & Life Force can be transferred, and can be received / taken over, no matter how far you are from your equipment; here the physical distance is irrelevant.
USE it (harness it) CONSCIOUSLY in all, or any of your desired activities!
Clearly set your goals that you wish to reach and achieve using this subtile and beneficial energy flow.
Also, if you wish to energize your drinking water (or your daily meal), then place the glass of water (or the respective plate) for a few minutes right next to your Equipment, or -if you have, and if you are use it- on the structural connection (structural link / structural linkage).
While you drink and consume the energized water -and you enjoy its soft and pleasant taste - you can "modulate" it also virtually, through- and with a specific thought form, being able to attach it the adequate and respective information.
The water -having memory- will take-over and carry the respective information, handing it - practically - to all of the cells in your body, with which it comes into contact.
You can also energize your subtile energy centers (chakras) and strengthen your energy shield (aura), for your energetical protection and for not being psychically attacked or negatively influenced.
Load- and charge yourself regularly with this dynamic, positive, noble and pure Vital Energy -Life Energy & Life Force- for your -as for your loved ones as well!- benefit, and to your advantage.
One good and effective sugestion what you can use for several trends to reach your -programmed- targets: strong and consistent life energy & life force (chi / qi, prana, od, orgone) which needs to be consciously(!) received / taken over and consciously(!) used/harnessed in any of desired action.
+1 essential point: take & make the necessary steps also on the physical plane too.
Remember one important & essential thing: no action at a distance, and no manifestation without a continuous and massive amount of Life Energy & Life Force! The lack of Life Energy & Life Force can seriously compromise the manifestation process itself, and in the absence of the Life Energy & Life Force the -constious- manifestation is impossible !
P.S. Let us remind you the SECRET of successful manifestation: continuos and powerful -subtle- energy flux what should be -consiously!- taken over and -also; consiously- used (on all levels; mental, astral and physical) in any(!) of the desired action, making the necessary steps on the corresponding levels.
» Link to the -PDF- General Manual »» Including the presentation of the Life Energy Equipments and Accessories (also the Manifestation Radionics Programs), introduction to Radionics, Action at a Distance, ADM (Astro Dynamic Manifestation) quick reference guide, NCP (Neuro-Cybernetic Programming™), Success Management, Success Strategies, Potential Solutions - the Wheel of Success, the Fat-buster (Success Strategies in Weight-Control), the Ladder of Success, the Frequency List, etc.
If you are a Life Energy & Life Force Equipment(s) owner, purchased from us, you know already the password to open it(!), if not, please send us an email for it...
According to the Delivery Address, click / tap the
With more than 25 years experience in distribution of Life Force & Life Energy generator Equipments -and different Life Energy Accessories- Customer Support, we proudly offering valuable services,
trying to help- and support you as good- and as efficiently we can...
You can choose also from our on-line courses and learn about the 'Success Strategies'.
Find out the secret of the successful manifestation!
The 'Online support' is highly recommended to all who will order or, already ordered and wish more information, more help and support from us as usuallly (at every order is) offered.
You will see; every minutes worth it! You will also receive information what will never be found it in a written form! Note:
20% of the 'On-line support' cost can be deducted from the -following / next- order(s)!
Can not be combined with other bonus and / or other discounts!
On-line support& Personal Lessons / Online coaching
Worldwide Customers support! Order it now!
Prices in $(USD)or equivalent in €(EUR) or £(Pounds)
Recommended: $78-35%, Save: $29
$49 / one hour
Order now an additional extra hour of our Services and get it at half price (with -50%) $156-53.8%, Save: $82.50$73.50 / two hours
'Knowledge has its price!'
Different prices for different time intervals / time periods. Our World Class Support with the provided information: PRICELESS!
Testimonials It's exciting!
My new equipment (PFC 2400 HD) works like a charm! I can feel the difference of orgone between high- and low frequency. Getting the right radionics rate it's so easy with the super-orgonite stickpad. The first results are already appeared after just couple of days.
Samuel (Auckland, New Zeeland)
Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipments
powered with- & boosted by integrated Vital / Vitality Generators; Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator®
Chi Mind Machines &
Power Radionics™ | Permanent Abstraction & Manifestation Technology
Chi = Qi = Kí = Prana = Od = Magnetic Fluid = Vril = Orgone = Bio-Energy: Life Energy & Life Force Chi Generator® = Prana Generator® = Orgone Generator®
Become acquainted with your device
After unpacking the device and accessories and checking everything, take your time to get acquainted with it. Above all, read the manual and especially the success strategies. The more you feel at ease with your device, the more effective your work with it will be. Most devices come with a transfer couple or with a couple of transfer cards. You can use these transfer couples to stay connected with your device and draw its energy when you are not close to it, and this transfer works full power even when you are thousands of miles away. Put one unit of the transfer couple next to your device while you carry the other one on you. You can attach it to your key chain.
The Power Booster with transfer disk PBT 2400 operates in the same manner, and it increases the output of the device significantly more than the standard transfer couple of the TC series.
1. Feel the Chi & Prana & Orgone Energy Output
Turn the chi & prana & ogone generator on, then hold the center of your palm (either hand) approximately 2 inches (5 cm) in front of the silver tubing of the Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipment powered with & boosted by integrated Vital / Vitality Generators; Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator® or above it. Most likely, you will feel gentle warmth, a tingling, or a cool breeze. What you are feeling at first depends very much on the system of nerve endings that react first. Persons who are skilled with their hands usually feel the cool breeze rather than warmth. Do the same practice of feeling the output with your transfer disk or transfer card. Do the same thing with your wrist.
The Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipment powered with & boosted by integrated Vitality Generator; Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator® ideally should not be on the ground or on a concrete floor for any extended time. If this is the case, there is a possibility that the life energy literally can be “grounded” and less goes into the surroundings. Use a table, a chair, or some other non-metallic stand. If transferring energy to yourself or any person, location is not as relevant.
Very important:
Do not get alarmed if, after getting used to your equipment, you do not feel the output as strongly as you did in the beginning. Once you have energized your body to capacity, it will not draw as much life energy any more as it did in the beginning. Consequently, your nerve endings will no longer react as strongly. Feeling less indicates a diminished flow of chi energy from the Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator® into your body, because you are fully charged, and it does not indicate diminished performance of your Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator®!
Now you can begin to direct the energy towards yourself. Turn on the Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipment powered with & boosted by integrated Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator® with one of the transfer disks, transfer cards or power booster next to it or on top of it. Since life energy transfers at any distance (with the right structural link!), all you need to do is carry the second transfer unit, the second transfer card or the transfer disk of the PBT 2400 with you.
You can also design a transfer diagram on a piece of paper:
For smooth transfer of energies, uniqueness of the transfer diagram is important. With unique transfer diagrams, leakage of energy is less likely. Use a copying machine for exactness!
Design anything, even a scribble, and then make photocopies of the individual designs or scan them: make two printouts, or, in some instances, three. Discard the original diagram after you finished copying. You end up with two designs that will have nothing like it anywhere. Put one diagram in front of your Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator® or anywhere close to it. Take the other one somewhere else, put it on a surface, and check for transfer! Do not put it on your knee, because your body will draw the energy and the palm of your hand may then not be capable of feeling it. The same is the case with transfer cards or transfer disks.Carry the transfer disk or transfer diagram on you for about half an hour. Note the feeling of being energized.
3. Energize Distilled Water
Distilled water is “dead” as far as life energy is concerned. That’s the reason for its bland taste. For the following experiment you need two bottles of distilled water. One bottle you put somewhere, at least 10 ft away from the Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipment powered with & boosted by integrated Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator®. Point your Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator® at the other bottle for about 5 minutes. Compare the taste of the water in the two bottles. You’ll be amazed! The same way you can energize food, herbs, supplements and drinks. Naturally you can use the transfer cards to charge any water fountain by putting the card next to the supply bottle. It takes about 2 hours to fully charge a 5 gallon bottle.
4. Relax Yourself
Turn on your Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator®. Lie down and put the transfer disk (or diagram) onto your chest or simply put it anywhere on your body or next to yourself. Stay in this relaxed state for about half an hour. If you have mastered Autogenic Training (free course -for Life Force & Life Energy generator Equipment(s) owners- available from BEC), you will notice a significant depening of the state of relaxation when you practice in conjunction with your Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipment powered with & boosted by integrated Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator®.
5. Self-Programming
The relaxation practice was your first step towards programming yourself. Now you can continue to use other -radionics & manifestation- programs. Use filters, symbols and/or settings of the manifestation programs for: Creativity, Charisma, Convincing Speech, Leadership, People-Skills, Power to Analyze, Scientific Thinking, etc. Using the weight management manifestation program, you can work on fitness and weight loss. Use transfer setup with cards, transfer couple or power booster and carry the second transfer on yourself. Limit the time to two or three hours at the beginning. Again, you can enhance significantly the effect of your self-programming with the practice of Autogenic Training.
6. Energy transfer with the device
Perform the following experiment:
(1) Take a photo of the interior of a room.
(2) Choose a place somewhere in the room (maybe on top of the table).
(3) Make a mark on the -printed- photo at that place where you want to project the energy.
(4) Put the photo onto the Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipment powered with & boosted by integrated Vital / Vitality Generators; Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator® or next to it, knowing that this is a structural link to the location. Note the power of abstraction that plays an important role in this technique. In principle, you have just created a structural connection.
(6) Turn on the power generator.
(7) Go to the place and check for the energy.
You can do the same experiment with a location that is thousands of miles away! The obvious advantage of the life energy generator (Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator®) is that you can reach with it anywhere.
7. Intermediate Self-Programming
Set the Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipment powered with & boosted by integrated Vital / Vitality Generators; Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator® device up with the setting of the trend that you intend to project upon yourself, with the Manifestation Program or by simply writing down your intent and putting the paper next to the Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator®. Carry the transfer disk on you. Then you relax yourself with the help of Autogenic Training and use a formularized resolution, reflecting the desired trend, such as creativity. The setting of the pulse is at a very low level. Practice for 5 to 10 minutes. If you are not familiar with Autogenic Training, simply relax fully, with the trend energy directed at yourself.
8. Project Chi energy to another person, hand or forehead
For this experiment, you need the help of another person. If you do not find a suitable partner, do the same projections upon yourself. Get a picture of that person (or yourself) and make a color scan of it and print it out twice. A black-white scan will do, if it is too much trouble to get a color copy. Take one of the copies and mark the forehead of the person. Put the picture with your generator of life energy, knowing that it links to that person. The person can feel the energy at the forehead. As an alternative, you can do the same thing with a picture of yourself.
Next, take another picture of the same person. Do not mark anything, and focus on the center of the palm (or any other part of that person’s body), and simply focus briefly on the part which you are targeting. Check how the person feels the impact of Chi energy. Again, do the same projection toward yourself.
Next, simply write the name of that person on a piece of paper and the area of the body to which you intend to project Chi energy. Proceed the same way. These operations are examples of solidifying abstractions of your mind, which you are using as structural connections.
9. Relax another person
The next practice is similar to practice #4 and in this case you relax the other person at a distance. Put a picture of that person next to the Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator® or on top of it, think about relaxing the person and write “relaxation” on a separate piece of paper, which you put next to the photo. Turn on your Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator®. Ask that person for feedback. Under no circumstances should you carry a transfer disk, since this will direct most of the energy towards yourself.
10. Intuition, Intelligence, Creativity, Learning Skills, sports performance, etc.
(1) Write down what you intend to achieve.
(2) Set the pulse speed (frequency) of the Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator® to approximately 10 Hz.
(3) Get into a lying position.
(4) Put the transfer disk or transfer diagram in your pocket or lay it on your chest.
(5) Enter the state of Autogenic Training.
(6) Visualize or imagine yourself with the envisioned skills.
(7) After 10 to 15 minutes get up and put the transfer disk into your pocket and go about your business, ideally being involved in activities that require the skills of your programming.
(8) Keep the energy active and transferring to you for at least three hours.
All items are solely for research purposes. Many scientists state that the concepts of universal life energy, life force, chi energy, prana, od, orgone, vril, etc., do not belong to what they assume science should be. Therefore, it is your personal decision whether or not you accept the existence of life energy, or chi energy, and in the effectiveness of any practices that use life energy. This instruction manual contains descriptions of suggested purposes and uses of these devices that are based on the personal opinions of practitioners of life energy technologies, lay persons as well as professionals, which the manufacturer does not necessarily endorse.
Therefore, the manufacturer assumes no responsibility for any damages that may occur as a consequence of such beliefs.
The devices have no therapeutic value at all and should never be used for such purposes. If you are sick and you think that you need healing energies, consult with a physician.
» Link to the -PDF- General Manual »» Including the presentation of the Life Energy Equipments and Accessories (also the Manifestation Radionics Programs), introduction to Radionics, Action at a Distance, ADM (Astro Dynamic Manifestation) quick reference guide, NCP (Neuro-Cybernetic Programming™), Success Management, Success Strategies, Potential Solutions - the Wheel of Success, the Fat-buster (Success Strategies in Weight-Control), the Ladder of Success, the Frequency List, etc.
If you are a Life Energy & Life Force Equipment(s) owner, purchased from us, you know already the password to open it(!), if not, please send us an email for it...
The complete CATALOG with -actual-Prices
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Feel the energy!
Me, and also member of the family, feels the energy generated from my equipment, which we are using for energetic protector, and for wealth. Functioning 24 hours per day.
Carlos and the all family (Guadalajara, Mexico)
Short and concise, but comprehensive on-line Manual for the Chi Vitality Cards & Chi Life Energy Cards;
a very special Accesory of Life Energy & Life Force generator Equipments
This continuos energy flow can be over-taken and harnessed, and can be used in any desired -no matter if it's physical, etherical, astral or/and mental- activities, and can be used to reach -also- for any desired and programmed trend(s).
Even if you do nothing but harness-, take over- and use -consciously! - the Life Energy & Life Force generated, released and emanated by your Chi Vitality Card, you will be already in advantage for over the approx. 80-90% of the people who have not heard about or did not use this subtle beneficial energy.
But the role and the advantages of theChi Vitality Cards goes far beyond-, and far outweighs -only- the energization, re-vitalization and recharging of bodies with this subtle positive and beneficial energy & force -without which it we could not even exist.
But, how can you benefit from this subtle, positive and beneficial energy flow, generated - and emanated -continuously- from your Chi Vitality Card?
Simple & easy!
Please follow below steps and recommendations...
After your Chi Vitality Card was validated and activated (and the necessary setup was made), from that moment, your Chi Vitality Card will emit -continuously and without interruptions!- this -subtle- Vital Energy; the beneficial and positive Life Energy & Life Force.
Perceive, feel, harness and take over -constiously!-
this flow of Life Energy & Life Force, directly from your Chi Vitality Card.
You can test it and print it. The necessary steps are described here.
The printed version can be put it in your wallet or in your pocket. If you wish to receive and harness the beneficial energy from your Chi Vitality Card, keep it close to your body.
If you wish, you can print it black/white or colour (it matters only from esthetical point of view). The Chi Vitality Card size is same as a banking card (3.37 x 2.125 inches or 85.6 x 53.98 mm / millimeters), but -for some reason- some printing programs will not recognize it automatically, so, in this case you will need to give- and imput the right sizes.
Print two copies, cut them carefully on same sizes and glue the back together, in this case you will have on both side the same card. If you wish to protect the vitality card you can also laminate it.
Do the same if you are using symbols together with the Chi Vitality Card.
Life Energy & Life Force (Chi / Qi, Kí, Prana, Mana, Magnetic Fluid, Od, Orgone, etc.) can be modulated physically and virtually too.
The properly modulated
Life Energy & Life Force can be transferred, and can be received / taken over, no matter how far you are from your equipment; here the physical distance is irrelevant.
USE it (perceive it & harness it) CONSCIOUSLY in all, or any of your desired activities!
Clearly set your goals that you wish to reach and achieve using this subtile and beneficial energy flow.
The adequated modulated life energy & life force can be projected anywhere you wish and to anyone you want!
Also, You can easily energize and charge with beneficial -subtle- energies your daily food and liquid (drinking water)!
If you wish to energize your drinking water or your daily meal, then place the glass of water or the respective plate for a few minutes right next to -or, on- your Chi Vitality Card .
While you drink and consume the energized water -and you enjoy its soft and pleasant taste - you can "modulate" it also virtually, through- and with a specific thought form, being able to attach it the adequate and respective information.
The water -having memory- will take-over and carry the respective information, handing it - practically - to all of the cells in your body, with which it comes into contact.
You can also energize your subtile energy centers (chakras) and strengthen your energy shield (aura), for your energetical protection and for not being psychically attacked or negatively influenced.
Load- and charge yourself regularly with this dynamic, positive, noble and pure Vital Energy -Life Energy & Life Force- for your -as for your loved ones as well!- benefit, and to your advantage.
Chi Vitality Card on your mobile / smart phone:
You can use your personal Chi Vitality Card as a background on your mobile phone.
One good and effective sugestion what you can use for several trends to reach your -programmed- targets:
strong and consistent life energy & life force (chi / qi, prana, od, orgone) which needs to be consciously(!) perceived & received / taken over and consciously(!) used/harnessed in any of desired action.
+1 essential point: take & make the necessary steps also on the physical plane.
Remember one important & essential point/thing: no action at a distance, and no manifestation without a continuous and massive amount of Life Energy & Life Force! The lack of Life Energy & Life Force can seriously compromise the manifestation process itself, and in the absence of the Life Energy & Life Force the -constious- manifestation is impossible !
With the help of the Chi Vitality Card we are offering you a continuous flux and an uninterrupted flow of pure, positive and beneficial Life Energy & Life Force (Chi / Qi, Prana, Mana, Od, Magnetic fluid, Vril, Orgon / Orgone, bio-energy, etc.).
The rest; depends on you! ;-))
So, use it responsibly and use it successfully !
Let us remind you the "SECRET" of successful manifestation: continuos and powerful -subtle- energy flux what should be -consiously!- taken over and -also; consiously- used (on all levels; mental, astral and physical) in any(!) of the desired action, making the necessary steps on the -all- corresponding levels.
According to the Delivery Address, click / tap the
With more than 25 years experience in distribution of Life Force & Life Energy generator Equipments -and different Accessories-,
we proudly offering valuable services,
trying to help- and support you as good- and as efficiently we can...
You can choose also from our on-line courses and learn about the 'Success Strategies'.
Find out the secret of the successful manifestation!
The 'Online Customer Support' is highly recommended to all who will order or, already ordered and wish more information (more help and support from us as usuallly -at every order is- offered).
You will see; every minutes worth it! You will also receive information what will never be found it in a written form! Note:
20% of the 'On-line support' cost can be deducted from the -following / next- order(s)! Can not be combined with other bonus and / or other discounts!
On-line support & Personal Lessons / Online coaching Worldwide Customers support
Order it now!
Prices in $(USD)or equivalent in €(EUR) or £(Pounds)
Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipments powered with- and boosted by Vital / Vitality Welz Generators; the Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators® handmade with Orgonite® & Super Orgonite®
Restful sleep! Technically speaking, in a couple of weeks I
got back my habitual energy level, I am much better, and my 'bad' dreams are gone too. Now I need to keep this high energy level, so I am also meditate at least twice per day. Thank you for the symbols, they where useful. I can sleep in one turn 5-6 hours, without waking up. Jocelyn (Perth, Australia)
Life Force&Life Energy GeneratorEquipments powered with & boosted by integrated Vitality Generators; -genuine- Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator® made with SuperOrgonite® and -recommended- Accessories ~ Shipping cost and offered Services ~
Chi Vitality Cards® / Chi Life Force Energy Card(s)
Powerful & continuous flow of Chi(Life)Energy & Vitality for you, -directly- in your pocket and / or billfold; at the best & lowest price! Now also available on your computer / laptop, tablet / iPad and on the mobile phone(s)!
A continouos life force energy source in your wallet not just in printed form, but -now also- on your computer / laptop, tablet / iPad and your mobile phone!
The cheapest, safest and -at the same time- the most easy and elegant way for a -continuous- supply of Life Energy(Life Force, Chi / Qi, Prana, Od, Orgon / Orgone, etc.).
We are widely open to collaborate with self development coaches who would like to help their customers with (life)energy & vitality or anybody who want to help others -and themself- for a better, meaningful and successful life.
Inquiries by emails for Chi Vitality Cards are welcome!
A very good opportunity to order(only now, but just for a limited period of time) !
A continuous Life Force Energy source plus a trend management program for the 'virtual modulation' of these benefic subtle energies for your safety and success!
Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipments
powered with & boosted by (Vital / Vitality Generators);Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators®
Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipments powered with and boosted by genuine -integrated-Vital / Vitality Welz Generators;Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators®
Recommended Accessories
Motto / Quote
"Each thought we have emits energy. That energy either brings us closer to the supportive flow of the Universe or resists it."
Gabrielle Bernstein
Marketing slogan
Wanna know why all kind of manifestation -ultimately- fail?
The main reason is the lack of the subtle energy what should operates the process.
Do you want energy at your discretion? Then order your Life Energy Equipment or buy your personal Chi Life Energy Vitality Card!