Friendship & Sympathy | Love
Life Energy Catalog | -Actual- Prices
Applications of Life Force & Life Energy Equipments
with Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator®
Using the Life Energy & Life Force;
and the Life Force & Life Energy Equipments with integrated Vitality Generators; Chi Generators® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generators® to...
Boost Love Relations & Emotions or... to Breakup
~ Friendship & Symphaty ~
Love and Relations are a very complex field of work with Power Orgone Radionics™.
Outright love work
To find a new love is relatively easy, provided that the person has enough sense to project that which a potential partner wants to notice.
Orgone & Chi Radionics can help you develop the right attitude and attract a partner that fits best.
Part of this can be work to break up an existing relation, perhaps to get rid of a competitor.
Here too, you can make a difference between average outcome and spectacular success with the appropriate 'Success Strategies' and -of course- an enough (big, powerful & continuous) amount of life energy & life force (chi / qi, prana, mana, od, orgon / orgone, bio-energy, etc.).
You can use love work in business situations too.
Here, of course, a relationship is not the ultimate goal.
Much more, is it important that such feelings cause the 'target' / targeted person to decide according to the wishes of the person who did the work.
In some of these cases, working towards friendship is more appropriate and effective.
Don't forget: most decisions in business are not based on logic, but on irrational factors such as personal preferences, love, membership in the same -golf- club and the like. (!)
The JU 99 CE could be adequate, but devices of more strength (the HD type) are designed for faster results and they offer much more flexibility, which is especially of importance in highly complex situations (like the PFC 2400 HD, the RAD 2400 HD or -even better- the RAD 5 / ATG 5 Trend Generator).
Call our customer service -or send email- to get help in specific and very complex situations.
Important Considerations
1. Get rid of obsession and use the life energy & life force generated from your LifeEnergy & LifeForce Equipment and Manifestation -Radionic- Program to rid yourself of it.
Again, use the LifeEnergy & LifeForce Equipment with integrated Vitality Generators; Chi Generator & Prana Generator & Orgone Generator in combination with manifestation techniques (and programing the Manifestation Radionic Program) to build up that 'aura' (i.e. human life-energy field).
Ask our help regarding the successful manifestation technics.
3. Develop a powerful charisma and power of attraction with the help of your LifeForce & LifeEnergy Equipment.
4. Find and analyze interferences that can block the outcome of your operation.
Again, use manifestation techniques and proceed step by step.
5. Never put the person wanting the love spell (you or someone for whom you do the work) on the equipment together with the target person. (!)
Always do it one-way, otherwise the main energy push goes towards the person wanting the work done, making him or her still more obsessed!
This is the crucial mistake that many magicians are making - usually they blame their customers or a fictitious "spell" put against them or the person they want for the failure rather than their own inadequacies.
Clearing such a spell "professionally," of course, brings in additional money from a customer who otherwise would have looked somewhere else.
A strong & powerful -HD type- Life Force & Life Energy generator Equipment with integrated HD type Vitality Generators; Chi Generator & Prana Generator & Orgone Generator (like the PFC 2400 HD, the RAD 2400 HD or -even better- the RAD 5 / ATG 5 Trend Generator), and the Manifestation Program, or -ideally- the Super Manifestation Program or the Ultimate Manifestation Pro Radionics Program, can be a decisive help.
Buy now genuine Life Energy & Life Force Equipments with built-in & integrated Vitality Generators; Chi Generator & Prana Generator & Orgone Generator to boost your intensions and -also- for your help and success!
Please see our "Catalog & Order" web/page to choose the most adequate device for you (and for your purposes and goals).
Chi Vitality Card
Thank you for the Vitality Chi Card, I receive it I don't need to print it, I feel also on my mobile phone. My girlfriend was amazed that she also instantly felt it!
Mugurel (Iași, Romania)
Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipments powered with & boosted by integrated Vitality Generators; -genuine- Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator® made with Super Orgonite® and -recommended- Accessories
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Complete CATALOG & -actual- Prices / Order(s)
Ask our help & support if you think you would need it.
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Please select / choose according to the 'Delivery / Shipping Address' of the ordered package
Recommended KITs to order
Kit I. (Basic KIT - almost mandatory): Life Force & Life Energy generator Equipment(s) powered with & boosted by Vitality Generators; Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators®
corresponding and appropriate Accessories:
Power Supplies [DC wall transformer (AC / DC adapter)]
+ Structural Link(s) + shipping cost + online support (!)
Kit II.:
KIT I. + DIGITAL Product KIT (!)
DIGITAL Product KITs »»
Digital Kit I.:
Power Radionic 'Manifestation' program + additional online support
Digital Kit II.: Digital KIT I. + Filters Packs & Symbols
Digital Kit III.: Digital KIT II.
Sounds & Frequencies
Digital Kit IV.: Digital KIT III. + Life Energy Chi Vitality Cards - the most complex and complete KIT, and -of course- the best choice !
Marketing slogan »
Life Energy & Life Force can be modulated physically (with hertzian frequencies) and also virtually with -magickal- symbols and by thoughts.
Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipments
powered with & boosted by
(Vital / Vitality Generators); Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators®
Internal Pages
accessible for Life Energy & Life Force Generator Equipment owners »
All contents Copyright 1996 - 2025 © by HSCTI Inc. & BEC unless otherwise specified. All Rights Reserved!
Welz Chi Generator®, Chi Generator®, Chi Generator®, Orgone Generator®, Prana Generator®, Orgonite®, Structural Link® and Chi Card® are registered trademarks of Hyper Space Communications and Technologies International.
Patents Pending.
#1 World Leading Life Force & Life Energy Technology
Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipments
powered with and boosted by genuine -integrated- Vital / Vitality Welz Generators; Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators®
Recommended Accessories
The official & complete CATALOG with -actual- Prices | Orders 
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Masaru Emoto
Marketing slogan
Take the beneficial energies generated from your Life Energy & Life Force Equipment with you, wherever you go; just carry with you one part of your transfer couple 'structural link'.
Stephen Richards
Marketing slogan
The Welz Generator & the Life Energy Equipment & the Vitality Card; ...if you want to improve your life.
LIFE ENERGY Generator Equipments
Energy & Vitality to You and for Your Success!