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Fitness & Recreation

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Using the Chi Energy & Prana Energy & Orgone Energy emanated from the Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipments with built-in and integrated Vitality Generators; Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators®

Applications of Life Energy & Life Force;
and -implicitly- of the Life Force & Life Energy Equipments with -integrated- Vitality Generators; Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator® for...

Weight loss & Weight control

Fitness & Recreation

The Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipments with built-in Vitality Generators; Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators® are the ideal tools for any type workout and weight control, especially with the appropriate frequencies.

You can either use the devices of the JU series, the LPOG series, the Performer 2400 or the PFC 2400.
You find a list of frequencies in the manuals and in the descriptions of the LPOG 2400 series and the Performer 2400 Life Force & Life Energy Equipments (the Chi Mind Machines).

Sport Performer 2400 The actual strength of your equipment can be a crucial factor in these exercises. (!)
The strenght of the Life Energy & Life Force Equipment is depending on the power of the Vitality Generators; Chi Generator & Prana Generator & Orgone Generator. (!)
More power, more life-energy & life-force (chi, ki, prana, od, orgone, bioenergy, etc.), more- and quicker results and success!!

LifeEnergy & LifeForce generator Equipments   Performer / Sport Performer 2400 HD Life Force & Life Energy generator Equipment with integrated Vitality Generators; Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators®

By now you know that you can use the Life Force & Life Energy Equipments with built-in Vitality Generators; Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators® to help you achieve your goals of fitness and weight control.

What follows here are success strategies and some important facts that can help you decisively in achieving these goals.

Knowing facts about these success strategies for weight control and fitness can certainly help you to get the physique that you have always wanted!

Weight control is a typical example of negative outcome where there is a clash between will and imagination/expectation.

In fact, like flies around carrion, huge industries are thriving around that rather sad situation by shamelessly exploiting those same persons whom they claim to help.

Fat is part of us. It is storage of energy reserves that can be used in times of inadequate food supply.
As a temporary measure, this seems fine and natural, yet gross overweight has long been proven to be a considerable health risk.
Therefore, if you want to lose weight, you simply use up your reserves, no less and no more is required!

LPOG 2400 DL This seems very simple, and yet, most people have serious problems in their attempts to get rid of their excess pounds.

It is possible that humans do not have much of a genetic protection against over-eating, and most certainly most of them not act this way.
That, at least, is what some people contend.

LifeEnergy & LifeForce generator Equipments   LPOG 2400 DL Chi Mind Machine Life Force & Life Energy generator Equipment with integrated Vitality Generators; Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators®

Perhaps that's correct and not a lead-in publicity stunt to ready the general population for some rather esoteric methods of genetically engineered “treatment.”

To consider another facet of this rather sad situation of gross overweight certainly has proven to be more useful.
First of all, there are enough people out there who "manage" to maintain a fairly normal body weight even in times of plenty.
Secondly, countries where there is ample food advertising show an excessive tendency towards gross overweight in huge parts of their populations, while in countries with plenty of food supply, but much less food advertising and less fast food joints, such a problem exists to a much lesser extent.
This is a situation that does not necessarily support the assumption (or cop-out) of the "genetic scapegoat."

In the US some 75% of non-drug-related TV commercials are geared towards food, almost always the rather unhealthy and fattening fast food garbage.
Even in soap operas the "heroes" with whom the viewers so happily identify are eating quite a bit. If it did not work, the food industry would not go to the massive expenses of working on expectations and imagery of the audiences.
As a consequence of it working well, people are eating more, get fatter, and continuously feed the coffers of a ruthless industry of death and disease.

Therefore, counteracting the impact of food commercials has to be the first and foremost strategy to help an overweight person. (!)
You can get a good start when energizing and balancing your body, which in turn works on your mental energies, self confidence and decisiveness.

Considering the thousands of commercials coming from the slim-down industry, you will not notice a single one that describes the impact of food advertising or warns against it.
Besides plain ignorance of the facts, strong vested interests may prevent the slimming-industry's advertisers and executives from addressing that problem.

It is certainly more profitable to thrive on guilt-feelings of the very fat and not so very fat people to whom such commercials are geared than working towards removing the root causes of gross obesity.
Such action, in fact, would reduce the customer-base and market share of those outfits.

People may then also become aware that, of course, it's not some esoteric fat-burning formulas, ultra fast slimming fake-foods that are loaded with chemical junk, self-assertions, costly weight-controllers diets, surgery, 10-minutes a day exercise machines, etc. that lead to lasting success.

Quite to the contrary, simply using-up the stored energy (speak: fat), either by being more active or by supplying the body with less energy reserves (speak: food), or both, appears to be the most effective method!

The only recommendation during such times would be that the person takes sufficient vitamins and minerals, so that there is no lack of essential substances that are needed for the proper functioning of the body: look for real vitamins rather than synthetic fake formulas!

Let's sum it up...

Potential problems

1. Clash of expectation / imagination with will power.

2. The expectation of being powerless, which is mostly promoted indirectly by the food industry, but also as a "hidden expectation" in the slim-fast-down industry, will prevail over the will of the individual to lose fat.
Have you ever noticed that absurdly fat person sipping on a shake of slim-down-quick junk first, then gorging him or herself on half a gallon of ice cream and three MacDoo-Doo Burgers?

3. Paying customers remain paying customers for both branches of industry, provided that they remain fat!

Potential solutions

1. Reduce impact of advertising from both industries.
The best method is to develop inner strategies and mental mechanisms of expectations that create exactly the opposite of what the designers of the commercials intend to do.
If possible, boycott all their products.
This is definitely not intended as a message for "them;" it is a working tool for you to trigger a change of attitude in your mind.

2. Develop a set of expectations and inner imagery that favors weight control.

3. Finally, develop strategies to use up the energy reserve of the body, i.e., the layers of fat.
Do this only after points 1 and 2 have been activated and completed successfully, otherwise this will be too difficult a task, even useless!

4. These success strategies can be set in motion very effectively when you are working on your attitude with the help of a balanced mind, which you can achieve with the help of your LifeForce & LifeEnergy Equipment (with generator of life energy, orgone or chi-energy).

5. When optimizing water and food with your life-energy generator, the food becomes more satisfying, consequently the desire to eat more than necessary is reduced, and using your will power combined with a balanced mind is easier .

Suggested procedure

1. Work on food advertising:
Think about it with a balanced mind, write down your ideas, and analyze food advertising that you see from this new perspective.

2. Develop a concentrated intent to have the perfect weight.
Work on the attitude and the confidence that you can do it!

3. Enjoy food!
Enjoy it every time you eat it, enjoy every bite, and enjoy it only in quantities that fit the plan and at pre-determined times.
It is also useful not to enjoy it at other times while you are on the plan.

4. Adjust the plan to what your body can handle with ease.
For some people just one pound a week is optimal, others can handle a lot more.
Put an inner-eco-check into your setup.
Ideally consult with a physician or health professional as to what goal you want to set.

5. Set up a follow-up plan that corrects the habits for good.

Recommended Life Energy & Life Force Equipments with integrated Vitality Generators; Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators®

The JU 99 / TF 99 CE - Total Fitness Chi Energizer™. Great device to get started!
Moreover, the AO 2000 Aqua Optimizer can help you in fitness, weight control and sports.
The PFC 2000 and the Sport Performer 2400: the best for your purpose!

Add energy (Life Energy!) & vitality to your creative thoughts & desired trends to manifest it !
Buy now Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipments with built-in & integrated Vitality Generators; Chi Generator & Orgone Generator!
Please see our "CATALOG & Order" web/page to choose the right Power Device for you.




It's exciting!
My new equipment (PFC 2400 HD) works like a charm! I can feel the difference of orgone between high- and low frequency. Getting the right radionics rate it's so easy with the super-orgonite stickpad. The first results are already appeared after just couple of days.
Samuel (Auckland, New Zeeland)


Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipments powered with & boosted by integrated Vitality Generators; -genuine- Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator® made with Super Orgonite® and -recommended- Accessories
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Recommended KITs to order

Kit I. (Basic KIT - almost mandatory): Life Force & Life Energy generator Equipment(s) powered with & boosted by Vitality Generators; Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators®
      +  corresponding and appropriate Accessories: Power Supplies [DC wall transformer (AC / DC adapter)]  +  Structural Link(s)  +  shipping cost  +  online support (!)
  Kit II.: KIT I. + DIGITAL Product KIT (!)


DIGITAL Product KITs »»

Digital Kit I.: Power Radionic 'Manifestation' program + additional online support
Digital Kit II.: Digital KIT I. + Filters Packs & Symbols
Digital Kit III.: Digital KIT II. Sounds & Frequencies
Digital Kit IV.: Digital KIT III. + Life Energy Chi Vitality Cards - the most complex and complete KIT, and -of course- the best choice !

Order in KITs to SAVE money!

Marketing slogan »  
Want more energy and vitality? Order now your your personalised Chi Vitality Card or your new Life Force Energy generator Equipment!


Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipments
powered with & boosted by Welz Generators (Vital / Vitality Generators); Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators®

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Welz Chi Generator®, Chi Generator®, Chi Generator®, Orgone Generator®, Prana Generator®, Orgonite®, Structural Link® and Chi Card® are registered trademarks of Hyper Space Communications and Technologies International. Patents Pending.

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Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipments
powered with and boosted by genuine -integrated- Vital / Vitality Welz Generators; Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators®
& Recommended Accessories


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LIFE ENERGY Generator Equipments

Energy & Vitality to You and for Your Success!

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LIFE ENERGY Generator Equipment: Energy & Vitality for your -energetic protection & success!  |  CHI Manager: Managing succesfully the subtile energies  |  Life Energy & LIFE FORCE: The Absolut Power of the Universe!  |  Life Force Power RADIONICS: Radionics Devices, Trend Generating Systems & Manifestation Programs  |  Life Force MAGICK: New, modern -and efficient!- Techno-Magick  |  Life Force & Life Energy generator Equipments: Genuine Life Force generator Equipments  |  Chi LIFE ENERGY Equipments for EU: CHI LifeEnergy & LifeForce generator Equipments for the European Union residents  |  ORGONE Generator: Chi & Prana & Orgone Generators  |  Life Energy BLOG: Interesting entries & posts  |  KH Welz: Magic of the Future (scientific course)  |  Special Chi VITALITY Card: the cheapest -continuous- energy source for you to succeed!  |  Tarjeta Chi de VITALIDAD: ¡Energía y vitalidad en tu bolsillo!  |  Welz Generator.com / Welz Generator.eu  |  Chi FENG SHUI Dynamic : Feng Shui Chi energies always in your service: a new, modern, easy & efficient way!  |  Chi MIND Machines & Mind Trainers: Meditation & Relaxation & re-Vitalisation & Stress relief & Speed learning / Personal growing & Peak performances

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