Worldwide Distibution and exclusively importer in the EU (European Union)!
LIFE ENERGY& LIFE FORCE (Chi & Prana & Orgone) ~
[ chi / qi (chinese), kí / khi (japanese), prana (hindus), mana (polinesians), hike (egyptians), ruach (hebrew), pneuma (greek), spiritus / quintessentia vitæ (latins), life energy / life force/ life force energy, bio-energy (western countries / western civilisation) ]
Motto / Quote
"You are the only person who thinks in your mind! You are the power and authority in your world."
Louise L. Hay
Life Force Energy, and theLife Force & Life Energy generator Equipments
There is a mystical energy that fill-in every particle of the Universe and -permanently- surrounds us, which is the basis of life from which all was emanated.
We are constantly penetrated and surrounded always by invisible energies (EMF, gravity, etc.), including an omnipresent, creative and mystical one, from which all was emanated and -among others- can assure (physical and mental) health, personal development, happiness, inner peace, balance, harmony and wellbeing.
Using consciously(!) this subtile energy form in any of your desired action, can offer lot of benefits and many advantages: increased vitality, better health, better personal relations, and a more happier, successful and prosperous life.
During functioning, our Life Force &Life Energy generator Equipments [powered with & boosted by integrated -genuine!- Welz Generators; (vital / Vitality Generators: Chi Generators & Prana Generators & Orgone Generators)] generates and emanates -continuosly- positive & creative Life Energy & Life Force !
Perceive, take-over and use it -consciously! in any (every!) desired action- for personal development and growing, to achieve -faster & easier- your programmed goals, to reach your -programmed- targets, to -energetically- protect yourself and your family, and raise your energy level and vitality.
- the benefical & mystical power of the Universe !
Harness- and use -consciously!- this mystical and creative energy (the Life Energy& Life Force)
in every of your activities, to have more vitality and to reach -quicker and easier- your targets and to achieve your -programmed- goals for your -desired- success.
With the help of our Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipments powered by genuine -integrated- Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators® now you have more- and better chance to do it !
RAD 2400 HD Power Radionic (& Chi Mind Machine)LifeForce & LifeEnergy generator Equipment
There is a mystical -subtle- energy that fill-in every particle of the Univers and -permanently- surrounds us, which is the basis of life from which all was emanated.
We are surrounded constantly by invisible energies (EMF, gravity, etc.), including an omnipresent, creative and mystical one, from which all was emanated and -among others- can assure (physical and mental) health, personal development, happiness, inner peace, balance, harmony and wellbeing.
This is the Life Energy (Life Force, Chi / Qi, Prana, Mana, Od, Magnetic Fluid, Solar-Ether, Orgon / Orgone, etc.). Life Energy is- and means life and vitality.
To -consciously- perceive and take-on this energy-form, could represent -a real- help & -effective- support, and may offer also many advantages and benefits, beside others, -all the persons- who do not know about- and do not use this energy.
So, the conclusion by now is obvious...
(!) How-, for what purpose and with what efficiency this energy is used -and implicitly the used of the LifeEnergy Equipments- is in totally user's responsibility- and duty.
We are also energy beings. Life is energy, projected and received in many various ways.
As you -probably already- know, your Power is -always- dependent on your available Life Force & Life Energy.
Using the technology to which we are introducing you here, you will be able to have much more life energy available. Consequently, by now, you are -or, should be- able to control it where and when you want to do so.
Obviously, to have more life-energy & life-force available means that you have more Power and consequently you have more control of your reality than others around you.
This is the Power to control and to manifest your reality with overwhelming success!
Life Force & Life Energy GeneratorEquipments® Energy & Vitality for your Success!
So, now you know that it is your Power that carries your decision, and obeys your command.
This Power is a manifestation of the life-force & life-energy (chi, qi, prana, od, orgone, bioenergy, etc.) that you have available.
Now, imagine that you can project a large amount of continuous life-force & life-energy to any one or more of the areas in your life or goals that you like to improve and strengthen.
Naturally, with added life force & life energy you significantly reduce the time and the effort it would normally tak,e and -of course- you can have much more control over these areas. (!)
ATG 12 Astro-Trend Generator | Life Force & Life Energy generator Equipment powered by Vital / Vitality Generators; Chi Generators & Prana Generators & Orgone Generators (with frequency meter displays) energizing and charging with beneficial Life Energy & Life Force (Chi & Kí & Prana & Mana & Od & Orgone, etc.) and optimizing one bottle of tasty apple juice (the 7th Generator oscillates on 497.2 Hz) | Powerful Chi Technology; now into your service and support (!)
That's the reason why the Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipments powered with- & boosted by -integrated- Vital / Vitality Generators; Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator® (invented by Karl Hans Welz in 1991, and made with the most performant special material mixture; Super-Orgonite® - discovered also by Mr. Welz one year later-), which continuosly generates- and emanates beneficial Life Energy& Life Force (chi, qi, prana, orgone, bioenergy, etc.) what -with adequate 'Structural Links'™- can be transferred at any distance without loss, can be perceived and can be used in any activities -no matter if they are physical or mental- to help you achieve more quicker and more easier your assured success!
Generating -continuosly- Vital Life Energy& Life Force
Our performant Life Force &Life Energy generator Equipments with integrated Vitality Generators; the -genuine- Chi & Prana & Orgone Generators; generates- and emanates continuosly(!) Life Force & Life Energy (Chi & Prana & Orgone) which can be used for any purpose and in every of your action, doesn't matter if they are mental- or physical ones.
The big "SECRET" (the real one, now finally revealed ;-)) is; to takeover consciously the generated- and emanated Life Energy & Life Force flux- and quantity -from your Equipment-, and use it creatively, intelligently and CONSTIOUSLY(!) in every- and in any of your -desired- action !!
Drink -only- energized Living Water -saturated and optimized with Life Energy & Life Force!
Taste much better and -beside that- it's healthy and refresher!
Use it, and... change your life style!
Have a better, prosperous and successful LIFE with the help of Life Force & Life Energy generator Equipments with integrated Vitality Generators; Orgone Generators® & Prana Generators® &
...and a scientific approach to Chi-energy, at last !
Qi = Chí = Chi Energy = Life Force & Life Energy (ki, prana, shakti, ka, pneuma, mana, ha, ashe, animal-magnetism, od, orgone, elan-vital, x-energy, bioenergy, etc.). (Ch'i is usually mispelled chi, notation that has been left.)
Transferring to other places via structural links(!), Life Force, Chi or Qi, carries with it characteristics - often "trend energies" - of its original position.
This is a characteristic of Chi-energy and Qi, which is similar to EMF transfer, where, for instance light is reflected in specific colors, shapes, etc., before reaching the eye of the observer.
This characteristic is an explanation of "remote viewing" and other perceptions at a distance.
It is a characteristic of all living beings and it can be regarded as a fundamental characteristic of life itself.
You can use the same methods of connection with specific targets not only for receiving characteristics of the target, but also to actively project characteristics of your location - or, when double-targeting, any other location of your choice, thus influencing the environment of the targeted area/living being.
Again, you are using structural links and with the same methods you establish linkage to specific characteristics / properties.
A short history of life energy & life force;
chi / qi, prana, od / odic force, orgone or bio-energy
As the name implies, life energy is the energy of life (!), i.e., the energy, which we can notice as being accumulated in massive amounts especially in living organisms.
On the other hand, life-energy is a universal energy.
This means, no more and no less, that there is virtually no space, no object in space, where we would not find this energy and observe its effects. (!)
In many of the ancient human cultures, there have been people who were well aware of this fact.
They feltlife-force& life-energy, they used it in many ways, and they needed no "scientific proof" to "work" with it.
Throughout history, life-energy & life-force has received many names.
People of ancient India called it PRANA.
The practices of pranayama and yoga evolved from the knowledge of prana.
The ancient Chinese called it CHI or Qi.
The practices of Tai Chi and Chi Kung developed from this knowledge.
The Polynesians called the mysterious life force MANA.
They derived from it the practices of Kahuna.
In the living organism, this energy is Chi, Ki, Od, Bio-Energy, Prana, Life Energy, Life Force, etc., etc. (every culture and language has its own name for the -basically- same energy).
In many cultures, they also noticed that life-force & life-energy & orgone-energy (chi & kí & prana & od) can be directed.
The practices of Yoga and Chi Gong / chi kung, and tai-chi chuan emerged from such knowledge.
Also, throughout history, humans have used life energy, life force or orgone energy for many purposes.
This use of life-force & life-energy (orgone-energy), was always the result of practical experience.
With the establishment of scientific principles and scientific thinking, many researchers examined the phenomena of life-force, life-energy, chi-energy and orgone-energy, and they developed specific theories with which they explained their observations and practical applications.
Belonging to the first technologies of humankind, methods of applying life-force & life-energy (naturally became part of humans’ religious belief systems, very similar to the use of fire, the making of metals, and natural phenomena, most of which they experienced without understanding their causes.
This "life-force & life-energy technology" has been used widely and consciously for the benefit of humankind possibly for as long as humankind has been roaming this planet.
Therefore, much of the time the practical application of life-force & life-energy (chi-, khi / ki, prana, od, bioenergy or orgone-energy) was linked closely to the religious creed of the culture where it was used.
Moreover, whenever an application of this universal energy was successful, such a success was considered to be proof of the religious creed of the practitioner and his or her piety or "righteousness" as many of today's religionists prefer to call it.
Most of the ancient healing practices, shamanism, religious miracles and special power of the spiritual work, are unthinkable without the use of life-force and orgone-energy.
This widespread use of life-force & life-energy, chi, orgone, mana, od, magnetic fluid, animal magnetism, personal magnetism or prana has existed for as long as humankind roamed this planet.
Moreover, such uses almost always have been making use of the fact that life force & life energy can be directed with the human mind and that it can be transferred at a distance.
In fact, life-force & life-energy can be transferred at any distance, no matter how far away the 'target of the operation' may be.
Early humans simply knew of this fact, and this knowledge was based on their experiences with this energy and the applications and technologies that they derived from this knowledge and their previous experiences.
Therefore, you can find out soon the following important fact:
When we are talking of action at a distance that is based on the transfer of life-force & life-energy by means of structural links, we are dealing with science and we are going to show you the "how"- and "why" in the following.
Franz Anton Mesmer: "animal magnetism" and "magnetic fluid"
One of the most important pioneers of life-force & life-energy, chi-, prana- and orgone-technology was Franz Anton Mesmer.
He gave life-force & life-energy the label "animal magnetism" and "magnetic fluid", and he built the first accumulators of this energy.
Since he was a medical doctor, he used his life-force (orgone) accumulators for healing purposes.
He also developed methods to magnetize ("mesmerize") people for healing.
In our days, his followers use the word "personal magnetism".
He conducted thousands of tests with more than hundred sensitive people who could see and feel this mystical energy (lifeenergy & lifeforce, chi, prana, orgone and bioenergy), and whose descriptions were practically identical.and he developed a comprehensive theory concerning this energy.
Korschelt: "Solar Ether"
Around 1900, Oskar Korschelt succeeded in building a "Solar Ether Radiation Apparatus", which, when analyzed more closely and tested, turned out to be a life-force & life-energyaccumulator (i.e. an orgone accumulator).
Wilhelm Reich: "Orgone-energy"
Having been a disciple of Sigmund Freud, Dr. Wilhelm Reich examined the physical energy that is released during sexual activity and consequently he discovered that life force, which he called "orgone", is this energy. Reich used the term "Orgone" for life energy and -after several scientific research- invented the orgone accumulator (orac).
He used this device to charge people with lifeforce & lifeenergies for a healing.
His scientific theory was the most advanced model of life-force & life-energy (until the development of "hyper space mathematics" by Karl Hans Welz - who invented the Orgone Generators® & Prana Generators® & Chi Generators®).
Coming from an entirely new angle and living in a scientifically more advanced era than his predecessors, Reich was capable to formulate a significantly more modern approach to life-force & life-energy, or orgone-energy, which was as extensive as the research that Karl von Reichenbach had published.
Wilhelm Reich observed orgone energy and used it for many purposes.
As a first, he showed that orgone energy followed the principle of negative energy, i.e., that the stronger potential of orgone energy is drawing energy from the weaker potential, and he showed how this negative entropy was the motor of many biological, meteorological and other processes in nature.
Although Reich apparently was the first scientist to recognize that orgone energy (life force) follows the principle of negative entropy, he was entirely unaware of its transfer at any distance.
Furthermore, Wilhelm Reich was the first person to be aware of the existence of "DOR," or Deadly ORgone energy, as he called it.
DOR, according to Reich, is a stale form of orgone energy, which can cause serious health problems in humans.
With his Oranur experiment, massive amounts of this DOR developed, which made necessary a temporary abandoning of his facilities and the dismantling of the orgone accumulators in that area.
Karl Hans Welz: Orgonite®
Karl Welz and his results of scientific research; the invention of the Chi Generator & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator®
Soon after having started his own research of lifeenergy (orgone energy & life force), he recognized that the principle or negative entropy and transfer at any distance, when seen within the space that is defined by electromagnetic energies (the "visual" space), are two modes of expression of one and the same characteristic of lifeenergy & lifeforce.
Welz discovered the scientific basis for the transfer of life-force & life-energy (chi-, prana-, and orgone energy) at any distance, years before he invented the Orgone Generator®, Prana Generators® or Chi Generator®, in 1991.
This was the first Vital / Vitality Generator; Orgone Generator® & Prana Generator® & Chi Generator® on this planet.
After his invention of the chi generator® & prana generator® & orgone generator®, still during the same year and before he began to market the first Vital / Vitality Generators; orgone generators® & prana generator® & chi generators®, he was capable of establishing proof of this transfer by succeeding in a signal transfer from machine-to-machine.
The principle that he formulated (chi- & prana- & orgone energytransfer at any distance):
'the shortest distance between two points in the respective spaces is a structural link'™.
Karl Hans Welz and the invention of Orgonite®
Less than one year after he invented the Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator®, in 1992, Karl invented a much more effective life-force & life-energy(orgone-energy) accumulating material, which he gave the name "orgonite®".
With time, he added more and more materials to this basic mixture, making orgonite® increasingly effective, which eventually evolved into today's super-orgonite®.
Transfer at a Distance;
the 'Structural Link' & the 'Structural Linkage Theory'
Before Karl invented the orgone generator® (chi generator® & prana generator®), he was aware of the transfer of life energy & life force, or orgone energy, at any distance.
Life Force, Life Energy and electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) can be viewed as being integral parts of a continuum that encompassed both.
With either energy, we can define distance as a result of structural differences.
While EMF based energies follow the principle of entropy, LF & LE (life-force & life-energy) based energies follow the principle of negative entropy.
From that difference, the other characteristics of these two polarities of energies follow naturally.
For orgone energy(life-force & life-energy, chi, prana, bio-energy, od, etc.) "structural links" are either near-identical or equivalent.
Marketing slogan »
What?! Continuous flow of (Life)energy from a piece of paper or from an image?? Unbelievable!!
Yes! We can do it and we can -proudly- provide it to you! Try it now for free!
Life Force & Life Energy (Chi & Prana & Orgone) as integral part of our Universe
Chi Energy = Life Force. Life Force is Life Energy, and is also named chi-, ki-, prana-, mana-, magnetic fluid, od / odic force-, solar ether-, orgone-energy, bioenergy, etc.etc.
Life Force& Life Energy, same as gravity, is invisible to humans, but it is felt and perceived.
Life Force and EMF's (electromagnetic frequencies) are the two forms of energy that was- and are "known" by humans, i.e., humans can consciously perceive these energies.
Humans are forming a multitude of abstractions from these perceptions and, based on these abstractions, they interact with their perceived (and likely non-consciously/perceived) environment.
RAD 1000 Power Radionics Device with integrated Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator® + 'Structural Link' PBT 2400 Power Booster with -unique- transfer disc
Life Force & Life Energy transfers at any distance(!) via "structural links", which is similar to the way EMF's transfer.
Due to the different type "entropy" valid for these energy forms, different categories of structural linkages are functional for either of these energy forms, and what is a huge distance for one of these two energy forms can be proximity for the other.
Transferring to other places via "structural links",Life Energy& Life Force carries with it characteristics - often "trend energies" - of its original position.
This type of transfer can also be used as an explanation of perceptions at a distance.
In fact, this transfer is also a characteristic of all living beings, and it can be regarded as likely a fundamental characteristic of life itself.
'The shortest distance between two points is a structural link'™ This natural law is at the basis of our new Life Force & Life Energy Technology !
Motto / Quote
“Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence”.
Helen Keller
The cheapest, safest and -at the same time- the most easy and elegant way for a -continuous- supply of Life Energy(Life Force, Chi / Qi, Prana, Od, Orgon / Orgone, etc.).
Energy & Vitality for you and your beloveds for less then a quarter per day!
Try it now for free, and -right after that- order it / buy it to take advantage of all the offered benefits !
Structural Links are established by objects (=> structures) that are either identical or equivalent.
Identical or equivalent structures allow life force & life energy transfer from one point to another (bridge any distance!) without significant loss of energy. (!)
With the help of identical or equivalent structural linksLife Force & Life Energy can be transferred at any distance without loss of energy!
The three basic factors of any successful action at a distance are:
The Trend Link (representing the planned effect), The Target-Link (representing the target), ...and -the most important one!- LifeEnergy & LifeForce!
An operation (any operation!) at a distance that neglects any one of these three basic factors is doomed to fail, regardless of intent, traditionalist connection, spiritual training, and what not!
The Trend-Link
Trend-Links are structural representations connect with the programmed trend of the specific action at a distance.
Being representatives of desires, the trend-links are viewed somethimes as modulators of lifefore & lifeenergy (orgone, chi, prana), so that the projected life energy field gives inclination to a specific action.
The Target-Link
The Target-Link (often also called “psychic link”) is also a structural representation, that connects with the target of your operation.
This target can be another person or you.
Naturally, the target-link causes a direct flow of lifeforce & lifeenergy (with an attached effect) to the target that it represents. (!)
Both, the target-link and the trend-link are structural representations of either trends (desired change) or targets of your action.
Actually, when you focus mentally on a person, location, desired effect, etc., your brain establishes a structural link.
Naturally, such focusing can be a real challenge for you: namely that you cannot keep your focus with one and the same thing at all times.
This is so, because “moving around” is one of the characteristics of our brain.
Long time ago, therefore, practitioners developed methods to “freeze” these structural links.
Objects that are prepared with the intent to connect to a specific target, or trend, are such links.
The characteristics and function ofstructural links are easy to understand.
For life force & life energy, "distance is result of structural differences".
Of Life Force & Life Energy we know that...
(1) it flows freely without significant loss of energy between identical structures, and
(2) it follows the principle of negative entropy, i.e., from the weaker potential to the stronger one until the stronger potential is saturated.
The second characteristic of life energy can establish linkage if the connection is not exactly identical, even to the point of being pure abstractions. Life Force & Life Energy automatically searches out the final target for which such an “abstraction” has been established originally with help of the human brain.
Structural Links and... the Life Force &Life Energy
- just to sum it all up -
The preceding theory oflife-force & life-energy and action at a distance is solely based on the proven characteristics of structural linkage and negative entropy of life energy.
(For more insight, please read- and study the "Magick of the Future" course.)
Our principal approach in establishing any mapping, or theory, has always been to "keep it simple!"
Structural linkage: TC 99structural link transfer couple made with Super-Orgonite®
Motto / Quote
"Everyone visualizes whether he/she knows it or not. Visualizing is the great secret of success."
Genevieve Behrend
What can do for You
a performant Life Force & Life Energy (Orgone & Prana & Chi Energy) Technology,
and the efficient Life Force&Life Energy Generator Equipments ?
. .
With the use of the life force & life energy technology (orgone chi technology and Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipments), you can open the door to a new, successful and happy life!
. .
Life can be truly successful and enjoying as long as you seize the opportunities it offers.
. . .
Now, certainly is the time to start something that can be the greatest adventure in your successful life with the technology of chi & orgone boosted techniques of manifestation !
By itself, you can use it as a mind machine (Chi Mind Machine & Mind Trainer) and as a power source for operations at a distance (at any distance!) that include special attachments such as filters, -magickal- symbols, Manifestation Programs, or your individual set-ups (self-improvement, personal development & growing, and -manifestation- techniques, to achieve positive permanent change, are examples of such setups).
Among other things,
the Life Force &Life Energy Generator Equipments™, powered with- and boosted by -genuine- Vitality Generators; Vitality Generators; Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators®, integrated in the Life Energy & Life Force Equipments, are uniquely designed for
. .
Enhancement -- Greatly improve and enhance your life Trend Management -- Powerful help for positive permanent change Instant Control -- Take instant control of your life - in all areas of desired change and improvement Peak Performance -- Attain peak performance in work, studies, and, of course, in sports.
Build confidence and reach top level performance in many areas of your life. In Sports, you can use the mind machine & radionics option for Top Performance.
It is Enhancement that Defies Detection! Balance and Relaxation -- Experience stress relief, increase relaxation and boost your energy levels !
Yes !
With the new Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipments, with the integrated Vitality Generators; Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators® and Power Radionics™ Devices, you can have now a very performant tool that gives you the cutting edge on your path to a happy, meaningful, and fulfilled life in abundanceand to gain a significant advantage in your personal matters, business dealings, prosperity, sport achievements, relationships, love and sex!
Therefore, the Life Force &Life Energy Generator Equipment, the Vitality Generators; Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator® is certainly the most important technological advance in Mind Machine & Orgone boosted ChiRadionics & Life Force- and Life Energy Technology in the past 40 years and definitely the greatest yet for self-help, personal growing, mind-control, and, of course, for powerful work to naturally improve your life and the life of others!
We recommend to
use it !
It could bring to you Positive Permanent Changes !
Performer 2400 HD | Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipment with the buit-in & integrated Vitality Generators; Chi Generator & Prana Generator & Orgone Generator for Sports, -physical- exercises and fitness
Now is the time when reaching your goals is closer than ever before!
It is obvious, because life force & life energy is the driving force, or source of power, of all kind of manifestations. (!)
In fact, with your Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipment, powered with & boosted by the integrated Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator® you have now a decisive advantage over any person, who does not own- and operate this technology.
This is so, 1. because, the new LifeForce- & LifeEnergy Equipment, with the Vitality Generators; Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator® generates lifeforce & lifeenergy (chi-energy & orgone-energy) continuously, and
2. because the LifeForce & LifeEnergy Generator Equipment, with built-in the Vitality Generators; Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator® has a much stronger output of life-force & life-energy (chi, qi, prana, od & orgone-energy) than any 'professionals' can ever produce, even when working in groups.
Acquiring the new LifeForce- & LifeEnergy Generator Equipment, with built-in Vitality Generators; Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator®, is definitely the best investment by far that anyone can make in a lifetim,e as our Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators® already produce spectacular results, as experienced by tens of thousands of users of LifeForce- & LifeEnergy Equipment, with built-in Chi Generator® & Orgone Generators® worldwide!
PFC 2000 & PFC 2400 HD | Precision Frequency LifeEnergy & LifeForce Equipment with built-in Vitality Generators; Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator® with Frequency Display
The Universal Manual that can be read online and/or can be downloaded (in .pdf format), and that you will receive with your Life Force & Life Energy Equipment has easy-to-follow, step by step instructions that will lead you from very simple applications to increasingly complex uses of this extraordinary equipment.
With simple attachments to the Vitality Generators; Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator® such as the various filter & symbols packs (the Alphabet of Desire, Sex Pack, Stress Zapper, Sports Pack, and many others) you can now harness life-force & life-energy much easier for any purpose you desire.
It is the "Theory of the Structural Linkage" which explain the transfer of the Life Force Energy at any distance and without any -significant- loss !
This easily we can prove it (and only we can prove it this way!), by offering to you the possibility to perform our free 'Transfer Test'!
Feel now consciently and become aware of the Life Force Energy and gain evidence by this mind boggling fact!
The Life Force &Life Energy Generator Equipment, with the built-in Vitality Generators; Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator®, will project this life-force & life-energy boosted trend to any target of your choosing, and it will do so continuously. (!)
That's why, the LifeForce & LifeEnergy Generator Equipment, and the Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator®, is the ideal tool for you to increase your personal energy levels, personal power, prosperity, performance, and success !!
Among the many uses of this exciting new technology
Self-Improvement & Self-Help
Personal development & personal growing Energy and vitality - energize yourself (and/or others) Relaxation and stress reduction Aid meditation & relaxation
Build confidence Help develop -new & desirable- skills Added energy for workouts Help weight loss and weight control Enhance supplements
Your environment
Energize drinking water, juices and food (Special devices: the AO, HD and CE-Series) Energize plants - house plants and garden, or agriculture Energize cosmetics and supplements Provide your pets with energy and vitality Influence others, with- or without their knowledge Energize (or relax) others Influence the outcome of challenging situations Charge personal jewels and talismans Energize your action at a distance -at any distance!-
Above all; the Life Force Technology & the Life Energy Generator Equipments (with built-in & integrated Vitality Generators; Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators® made with Orgonite™ & SuperOrgonite™) - bring this "extra magick" into your life!
Be wise and careful with yourself: Use it!
Feel the subtle energy & take control on your life!
Before placing your order, to have an inexhaustible source of life energy & life force right of your own, maybe you would like to perceive and to feel -consciously!- the Life Energy & Life Force and to get proof of the existence of this subtle energy & universal power, generated also by our genuine equipments. You can do this easily by
performing our freeLifeEnergy& LifeForce Transfer Test at the distance -in fact; at any distance! and without any loss!-, what -presently- only we can offer- and only we can provide it for you!
Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipments powered with- and boosted by Vital / Vitality Welz Generators; the Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators® handmade with Orgonite® & Super Orgonite®
Testimonials The sky is the limit!
Thank you for your great advice: beside of a chi mind machine (JU 1000), having also the 'Manifestation Program' we can use it also as a virtual power radionics device too.
Beth & Tom (Toronto, Canada)
~ .
#1World LeadingLife Force&Life Energy Technology
Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipments powered with and boosted by genuine -integrated-Vital / Vitality Welz Generators;Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators®
Recommended Accessories
The complete CATALOG with -actual-Prices
Please select / choose according to the 'Delivery / Shipping Address' of the ordered package
There is a mystical energy that fill-in every particle of the Univers and /permanently- surrounds us.
It is the basis of life from which all was emanated.
We are surrounded constantly by invisible energy (EMF, gravity), including an omnipresent, creative and mystical one, which is the root of all, from which all was emanated and -among others- can assure (physical and mental) health, personal development, inner peace, peace of mind, happiness, balance, harmony and wellbeing.
RAD 2000Life Force & Life Energy generator Equipment Chi Power Radionic & Manifestation Device; with one knob for the integrated Vitality Generators; Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator® internal frequency (ELF) setting, 3 knobs for setting & adjust the radionics rates, with silver pipe output and Super-Orgonite® stick pad
This is the Vital Life Force & Life Energy(someones call it Life Force Energy).
Life Energy & Life Force (or; many people call it 'life force energy') is the essence of life that flows through all living things.
To -consciously- perceive, harness and take-on this energy-form, could present a real help-, and may offer also many advantages and benefits, beside others -persons- who do not know about- and do not use this energy.
Our Life Force Energy generator Equipments
(powered with- and boosted by Vitality Generators; Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators®) -during function- generates- and emanates (continuosly!) Life Force & Life Energy
So, the conclusion by now is obvious... How-, for what purpose and with what efficiency this energy is used -and implicitly the use of the Equipments- is totally Customer's responsibility and duty.
Throughout history, humans have used life force & life energy for several many purposes.
This use of life force & life energy was always the result of practical experience.
Wise people in the Far East called- and used this life force & life energy, or subtle power, in many ways: chinese called it "chi" or "qi"and they developed many techniques of self-improvement from this knowledge such as Tai Chi and Chi Gong /qi qong.
Japanese / Nippons named it "ki" or "khí".
People of ancient India called it "prana".
The practices of pranayama and yoga evolved from the knowledge of prana.
In Polynesia, this mystical energy was called "mana", in many cultures it was perceived as "psychic power" and -as well- life force.
ATG 12 / ATGS 12000 Astro-Trend Generator, with an exterior Frequency Meter, and the twelve -exterior- very powerful(!) Vitality Generators; Chi & Prana & Orgone Generators -made with Super-Orgonite®, charging, energizing and optimising a big bottle of tasty apple juice, modulated and charged with astrological trends using the Astro-Dynamic Manifestation method
With the establishment of scientific principles and scientific thinking, many researchers examined the phenomena of life-energy & life-force, chi-energy and orgone energy, and they developed specific theories with which they explained their observations and practical applications.
Modern Western terms for life force & life energy are -among others- "orgone", "animal magnetism", "magnetic fluid", "od / odic force", "Solar ether", "élan vital", "bio-energy", "vril", "eloptic energy", "x-energy" and -many, many- ohers.
This vital energy in the living organism: Chi-Energy, Qi, Ki, Od, Bio-Energy, Prana, Life Energy, Life Force, etc., etc. (every culture and language has its own name for the -basically- same energy).
The concept of Chi is used in many martial arts and in many medicinal practices including acupunture. Reiki is another alternative medical practice which also relies on the concept of universal life force.
Being one of the first technologies of humankind, it naturally became part of humans' religious belief systems, very similar to the use of fire, the making of metals, and natural phenomena, all of which eventually became part of science.
Therefore, most of the time the practical application of life energy, chi / qi or orgone, was linked closely to the religious creed of the culture where it was used.
This universal life force energy was believed by many philosophers, researchers and scientists throughout history to permeate the entire universe and everyone and everything in it, but the proposition of a superfluidic primordial life force energy has always remained a controversial topic within the 'scientific' community.
Wilhelm Reich, inventor of the modern orgone accumulator, has shown that Orgone -as he called the life force energy -, is a primordial cosmic energy.
It is universally present and it can be demonstrated visually, thermically, electroscopically and by means of Geiger-Mueller counters.
is -always- dependent on your available Life Force & Life Energy.
Using the technology to which we are introducing you here, you will be able to have much more life energy & life force available. Consequently, by now, you are able to control it where and when you want to do so.
Obviously, to have more life energy available means that you have more Power and consequently you have more control of your reality than others around you.
This is the Power to control and to manifest your reality with overwhelming success!
Life Energy & Life Force is the carrier of though, wishes, desires, intensions, and so on... Thoughts are energy, and energy carries information, have vibration and frequency.
Emotions and feelings are energy too, intentions are energy as well, and they all vibrate at a -certain-frequency / frequencies. Life Force Energy it’s capable of transporting and amplifying human thoughts, statements, feelings, intentions and so much more.
This means that in any spiritual or visualization work, with the intention to manifest or to attract something into persons lives, while relaxing & meditating and using a LifeEnergy & LifeForce Equipment with -integrated- Chi & Prana & Orgone Generator, this same pulsation of Life Force Energy is capable of transporting the desires, amplify them and send them towards the Universe so they can manifest successfully.
To understand the advantage that this Power, i.e., life energy & life force (chi, ki, prana, orgone energy) can give you, imagine the following:
Bring a native in from a remote jungle to a city. The electricity will not work for him until he realizes that this button turns on that light and that switch turns on this radio or tv.
Naturally, for him the effects of electricity are "magic."
His friends who never learned how to flip a switch have no access to this magic whatsoever.
By now, most certainly you know that it is your Power that carries your decision, obeys your command.
This Power is a manifestation of the life force & life energy (chi, qi, orgone) that you have available.
The Life Energy & Life Force (chi / qi, prana, mana, od, orgone, bio-energy, etc.) generated, radiated and emanated from the -integrated- Chi & Prana & Orgone Generators is pulsating and dynamic, so when this subtle energy is being pulsated, it has several positive and outstanding attributes, just a few ones to mentione here:
- It Amplifies thoughts
- It Amplifies emotions
- It Amplifies intentions and desires
- It can be sent at a distance (at any distance!) instantly (in realtime)
and w/o loss!
Now, imagine
that you can project a large amount of continuous life energy & life force to any one or more of the areas in your life or goals that you like to improve and strengthen.
Naturally, with added life force & life energy you significantly reduce the time and the effort it would normally take and, of course, you can have much more control over these areas.
The ring with the twelve powerful Vitality Generators; Chi & Prana & Orgone Generators -made with Super-Orgonite®- of the Astro-Trend Generator ATG 12 / ATGS 12000, with a 'structural linkage' the RAOPTC transfer couple, energizing and optimising a cup of fresh water , modulated and charged with astrological trends using the Astro-Dynamic Manifestation method
You want to know, by now, how this all is possible.
You will find the answer when you think of people whom you know.
Some of them are radiating energy wherever they are and it is obvious that they are successful in just about everything they initiate. Others toil, their noses to the grindstone, to get the bare necessities for life.
The difference between these two extremes is in the energy levels of each person and in the ability to generate and use life force & life energy.
Usually generated subconsciously, life energy & life force (chi / qi & prana & orgone energy), and the vitality and the stamina coming with it, can be decisive when it comes to achieving success.
Until now, the knowledge of how to generate this subtle energy (life energy & life force, chi / qi, prana, od, orgone energy, etc.) and how to consciously harness it for success was kept from the common people.
Every shepherd's intent was to have as large a flock of sheep as possible.
So,... Life energy, also known as prana, chi, or ki, is a concept found in many Eastern spiritual and healing traditions. It is believed to be the force that animates all living things and gives them vitality and resilience.
According to these traditions, life energy flows through channels in the body called meridians or nadis, and can be affected by various factors such as diet, exercise, meditation, and emotional states. When the flow of life energy is balanced and harmonious, a person is said to be healthy and vibrant. When the flow is disrupted or blocked, illness and fatigue can result.
While the existence of life energy is not recognized by Western science -yet!-, some of its principles have been incorporated into complementary and alternative medicine practices such as acupuncture, qigong, and reiki. These practices aim to restore the balance and flow of life energy in the body to promote healing and well-being.
In addition to physical practices, cultivating positive emotions, thoughts, and intentions is also believed to enhance the flow of life energy. Practices such as gratitude, forgiveness, and compassion are thought to generate positive vibrations that can benefit both the individual and the surrounding environment.
Ultimately, the concept of life energy encourages us to see ourselves as interconnected beings, intimately connected to the natural world and the universal forces that sustain us.
By tuning into the subtle rhythms of life energy, we can cultivate greater awareness, vitality, and resilience in our daily lives.
The cheapest, safest and -at the same time- the most elegant way for a -continuous- supply of Life Energy(Life Force, Chi / Qi, Prana, Od, Orgon / Orgone, etc.). Try it now for free!
Qi = Chí = Chi Energy = Life Force & Life Energy (ki, prana, shakti, ka, pneuma, mana, ha, ashe, animal-magnetism, od, orgone, elan-vital, x-energy, bioenergy, etc.). (Ch'i is usually mispelled chi, notation that has been left.)
Transferring to other places via structural links(!), Life Force, Chi or Qi, carries with it characteristics - often "trend energies" - of its original position.
This is a characteristic of Chi-energy and Qi, which is similar to EMF transfer, where, for instance light is reflected in specific colors, shapes, etc., before reaching the eye of the observer.
This characteristic is an explanation of "remote viewing" and other perceptions at a distance.
It is a characteristic of all living beings and it can be regarded as a fundamental characteristic of life itself.
Conscious remote viewing and other perceptions at a distance are a result of a conscious focus of a living being to a distant object, which establishes a structural link - structural connection - with that object or with a set of objects.
To actually gain the perceptions, a linkage has to be determined with the appropriate sensory organs, mostly with the part operating in the brain and connecting this organ to consciousness/language.
Without that, remote viewing will remain to be "hunches" at best.
This semantic connection has to be established by training.
RAD 1000 Power Radionic & Manifestation Device with Super-Orgonite® stick pad and 3 knobs for radionics rates + 'Structural Linkage' PBT 2400 with -unique- Transfer Disk
There is much reason to assume that such connections can reach as well into the time dimensions.
Presently, relying on evidence of how human brains are organizing their perceptions into time, we can speak of time as being mathematically represented by a four dimensional Gaussian space (time-lines, time/planes, ...).
Functionally identical with this mathematical-semantic uncertainly is the fact that with any present act we impact the realities that we -as humans- perceive as future as well as past.
You can use the same methods of connection with specific targets not only for receiving characteristics of the target, but also to actively project characteristics of your location - or, when double-targeting, any other location of your choice, thus influencing the environment of the targeted area/living being.
Again, you are using structural links and with the same methods you establish linkage to specific characteristics / properties.
Chi (or Qi) is the “life’s breath” or energy that binds life together. Chi is a primal substance that animates the universe, a mysterious -life-force.
Chi is the invisible energy of life that flows in and around us throughout the universe. Used skillfully, it can have a remarkable effect on health and vitality — to the degree that you’d be tempted to call it magical, if it weren’t so completely natural.
Waysun Liao: "Chi: Discovering Your Life Energy"
Chi, (pronounced chee), also known as Ki, Qi, or Prana, is the general term for the life force energy that flows through every living thing. Chi is present in every cell, throughout our mind, body, and soul. Chi energy flowing in you is what gives you vitality, and fullness of life. A person with balanced chi will feel full of energy, joy, and zest for life.
Chi is the force that sets the world and everything in it into motion, and -also- is the force that sustains all things once they are created.
Chi-energy animates matter, infusing it with life.
Often described as the "life force", and symbolize the meaning of the vitality.
In terms of the body, chi is that which differentiates a corpse from a live human being.
The concept of chi / qi also extends beyond the physical body, to the subtle energies that activate all human functions, including emotions and thought.
Chi refers to the energy that everything around us has and gives off.
It flows around us, emitting a positive or negative vibe. The flow of energy has direct effects on the mood and well-being of people.
According to Wikipedia; in traditional Chinese culture, qi or ch'i (chi) is believed to be a vital force forming part of any living entity. Qi, or Chi translates as "air" and figuratively as "material energy", "life force", or "energy flow". Qi / chi is the central underlying principle in Chinese traditional medicine and in Chinese martial arts. The practice of cultivating and balancing qi / chi is called qigong / chi kung.
It is the all-encompassing, all-permeating, unifying force which flows through all things, animate and inanimate.
The atmosphere is filled with qi and chi-energy, and people possess chi, which is the source of each individual's unique presence.
Qi / chi is describe it as a vital energy, the flow of which must be unimpeded for health.
Qi- or Chi energy is the essence used in acupuncture, qigong, taiji, and reiki, as well as many other traditional-martial- arts.
Chi or qi, was considered to be "the source of vitality, harmony, creativity, and moral courage.
Known generally as the "universal life force" this energy is also known as "bioenergy", "vital energy", "vital force", or, most commonly in the United States, the "life force", or / and "life energy".
Manipulating, harnessing, channeling, and balancing the universal life force is the basis of many alternative healing methods.
The Oxford English Dictionary entry gives the etymology from Chinese qì "air; breath", and a definition of "The physical life-force postulated by certain Chinese philosophers; the material principle."
Chi is universal primordial energy - the life-giving, vital energy that unites body, mind and spirit.
Unbalanced chi can cause emotions to become agitated, distressed or erratic, on the contrary, balanced chi can cause emotions to become more smooth, more balanced, and stable.
When your chi is strong, balanced, flowing and focused you exude energy and good health.
Good health and strong, balanced chi are almost one and the same.
Mental chi, one can enhance clarity of thought. Whether working for long periods of time, or in distracting environments, focus can be maintained on the task at hand.
Spiritual chi makes it more possible for humans to enter higher states of consciousness, which lie at the heart of religious experience.
Energy Arts: / taoist-eight-energy-body-theory
Important notice:
during function, our -genuine- new & performant Life Energy & Life Force Equipmentsgenerates and emanates continuously Qi or Chi-energy, which can be overtaken and used for many purpose and many goals, and can be directed and transferred to any person and/or any location. (!)
Before we are going to introduce you into some of the brand new applications of life force& life energy that are available to you by now, as a result of the new technology of generating lifeforce & lifeenergy, we are going to explain how this energy has been used throughout human history.
We are going to tell you what we know of life force & life energy (soemeone call it: life force energy) in our time, and also a brief history of the more recent scientific approach to this extremely important energy factor of human life and of human interaction with the environment.
Now, let's start out with the earliest beginnings of the use of life force & life energy.
As the name implies, life energy is the energy of life (!), i.e., the energy, which we can notice as being accumulated in massive amounts especially in living organisms.
On the other hand, life energy is a universal energy.
This means -no more and no less- that there is virtually no space, no object in space, where we would not find this energy and observe its effects.
In many of the ancient human cultures, there have been people who were well aware of this fact.
They felt the life energy and life force, they used it in many ways, and they needed no "scientific proof" to "work" with it.
This is so, because they had direct evidence and because they saw it working over and over again.
We like to compare this to the use of fire.
Ancient folks had no idea of oxygen and of the chemical principles of combustion and, of course, they had no science explaining that. They had the evidence that they could warm up their dwellings and make their food more palatable.
That's all they needed.
Back then, some people wanted to explain the "why and how" of fire, and they relegated these explanations to the field of mythology, and the same thing happened with life energy & life force, of course.
As far as the use of fire is concerned, think of the story of Prometheus in Greek mythology!
He was the god who brought fire to the humans and he was punished by the gods for that.
Throughout human history, Life Energy & Life Force has received many names
People of ancient India called it Prana. Prana means the vital energy.
In India, the word for life force & life energy was "Prana" or "shakti".
The practices of pranayama and yoga evolved from the knowledge of prana.
How your body, your mind, and your whole system function in life, is ultimately determined by your prana because is an intelligent energy.
Chi (Qi)
The ancient Chinese called it Chi.
The practices of Tai Chi and Chi Kung developed from this knowledge. As we wrote, wise people in the Far East (chinese) called this life-force & life-energy, or lifepower, "chi" and they developed many techniques of self-improvement from this knowledge (such as Tai Chi and Chi Gong).
Chi is used in many martial arts and in many medicinal practices including acupunture.
The Chinese use 'chi' to describe the life force that animates everything – which makes it casually comparable to words used around the world, 'prana' in Hindu, 'ruach in Hebrew, 'pneuma' in Greek, 'spirit' and its different variations in the West, and they say that "Chi follows Yi," where "Yi" is the mind or intention/attention.
In traditional Chinese culture, qi or ch'i is believed to be a vital force forming part of any living entity (Wikipedia).
Kí (Khi)
Japanese named it Kí, or "Khí".
This Vital Force is an intangible energy that flows through every living thing.
This life-power was widely used also in their martial arts (karate, jiu-jitsu and/or judo).
The Polynesians called the mysterious life force:Mana.
In Polynesia, this mystical energy was called "mana" or "ha".
They derived from it the practices of Kahuna.
In the living organism: Chi-Energy, Ki, Od, Bio-Energy, Prana, Life Energy, Life Force (or; Life Force Energy), etc., etc. (every culture and language has its own name for the -basically- same energy).
In many cultures it was perceived as "psychic power" and, as well, life force, and they also noticed that life force & life energy (orgone-energy) can be directed.
The practices of Yoga and Chi Gong / chi kung emerged from such knowledge.
Modern Western terms for life force & life energy are; "orgone", "animal magnetism", "magnetic fluid", "odic force", "Solar ether", "bio-energy" and others.
Some people realized in our days soon, that it was this life-force & life-energy, which Wilhelm Reich called orgone (orgone energy), which was the "motor" of anything that is called "paranormal" in our otherwise "enlightened" times.
In fact, nothing that is the result of appplied orgone-energy is "para" (beyond) normal.
Throughout history, humans have widely used life force & life energy for many purposes
We can safely assume that early humans felt life force & life energy or orgone energy, just as most humans of our days can feel orgone-energy, once they have been made aware of its existence.
With the establishment of scientific principles and scientific thinking, many researchers examined the phenomena of life force, chi-energy and orgone energy, and they developed specific theories with which they explained their observations and practical applications.
We have mentioned before the practices of yoga and chi gong.
In Polynesia, orgone energy was called "mana", in many cultures it was perceived as "psychic power" and -as well- life force.
This life force & life energytechnology has been used widely and consciously for the benefit of humankind possibly for as long as humankind has been roaming this planet.
In fact, after our research, we can now safely assume, that all of these phenomena belong to the natural interaction of humans, if not all living beings that we know of, with their environments. We will show evidence of this point later.
Belonging to the first technologies of humankind, methods of applying life force & life energy or orgone energy naturally became part of humans’ religious belief systems, very similar to the use of fire, the making of metals, and natural phenomena, most of which they experienced without understanding their causes.
Therefore, much of the time, the practical application of orgone energy was linked closely to the religious creed of the culture where it was used.
Moreover, whenever an application of life force & life energy or orgone energy was successful, such a success was considered to be proof of the religious creed of the practitioner and his or her piety or "righteousness" as many of today's religionists prefer to call it.
Here we certainly cannot give you a comprehensive history of life energy & life force, or orgone energy, just some pointers and ideas of how it has been used.
In fact, most of the ancient healing practices, shamanism, religious miracles, special power of priests and their spiritual work, are unthinkable without the use of life energy & life force, or orgone energy.
This is so, because, as we are going to show you later, any action at a distance is based on the use of "structural links" in combination with life force & life energy, or orgone energy.
In fact, the proof of this fundamentalcommon functional principle(CFP) of any action at a distance (call it shamanism, spiritual work, healing at a distance, or whatever you like) is extremely simple and you will gain the evidence of this with the life force & life energy, or orgone energyTransfer Test and, especially, with the water optimizer test.
This latter test will be a demonstration, a direct evidence and proof of the transfer of specific characteristics, not just of orgone energy (life energy & life force) itself.
Now, let's explore academic sciences and their relation to mythological approaches.
As we mentioned before, widespread use of life force & life energy, chi, ki, prana, mana, animal magnetism, personal magnetism, orgone-energy, or bio-energy, etc., has existed for as long as humankind roamed this planet.
Moreover, such uses almost always have been making use of the fact that life energy & life force can directed with the human mind and that it can be transferred at a distance.
In fact, life force & life energy can be transferred at any distance(!), no matter how far away the target of the operation may be.
Early humans simply knew of this fact, and this knowledge was based on their experiences with this energy and the applications and technologies that they derived from this knowledge and their previous experiences.
Motto / Quote:
“You can not entertain weak, harmful, negative thoughts ten hours a day and expect to bring about beautiful, strong and harmonious conditions by ten minutes of strong, positive, creative thought.” Charles F. Haanel - The Master Key System
Pioneers of Life Force & Life Energy Technology and Science
Today's situation concerning a more widely accepted approach to life force & life energytechnology is not unlike some of the problems that pioneers of sciences -such as the transfer with electromagnetic signals- had to experience in the past as a result of prejudices from the scientific as well as religious communities.
Guglielmo Marconi, was the assistant of Nicola Tesla, who was credited as the inventor of wireless signal transfer, and who was at the brink of being put into the mental asylum, he used a form- and a kind of "structural link" to achieve results.
Much earlier than Marconi, Samuel Morse's invention of the telegraph, where he used wires to transfer signals at a distance rather than the "thin air" of Marconi, was widely rejected at first by just about any monarch and industrialist with whom he discussed his invention.
Only the Russian Tsar had the foresight to build a telegraphic line. Since the Russian church saw a threat to their authority if the tsar had better means of communication that they did, they mobilized mobs of the Russian population to tear down that "outcropping of ideas of the devil."
We call this type attitude "vested interests" in our otherwise so enlightened times.
To come closer to our times, think of the internet.
Some 30-35 years ago, anybody who may have dared to tell others about a reality of connecting with people directly at no cost across continents and getting masses of information at the click of a mouse, may have been considered a "crackpot."
The old broadcasts of "beyond 2000" were basically all about cars and a couple of other technologies.
Nobody back then thought of the internet.
Therefore, let's not forget, that most of these controversial things that have been practiced since the dawn of humankind, and of which we are going to speak in the following, are based on scientific principles, plain and simple.
We have demonstrated these principles and elaborated on them in our web site and our courses.
These ancient methods are science that has been mythologized for a long time, for way too long(!), and they have been mythologized by people who either had a vested interest in doing so or who simply were not capable of developing a scientific model of action at a distance.
Think of what we said about the internet, about Samuel Morse and about Marconi, and we don't forgot neither Tesla.
Therefore, you can find out soon the following important fact:
When we are talking of action at a distance that is based on the transfer of life force & life energyby means of structural links, we are dealing with science and we are going to show you the "how"- and "why" in the following.
In addition to this, you will be able to perform a series of tests that will provide you with direct evidence.
Such evidence is worth more than a thousand words.
In other words, such "Action At a Distance - AAD" is scientific, not mythological.
It is part of the basic principles of lifeforce & lifeenergy, and it is based on a set of technologies that have been derived from these principles.
Franz Anton Mesmer and his "animal magnetism" and/or "magnetic fluid"
One of the most important pioneers of life energy & life force (chi-, prana and orgone-energy) technology was Mesmer who lived some 200 years ago. Franz Anton Mesmer (1734 - 1815) is a prominent figure from the 18th century who believed he had discovered what he called 'Animal Magnetism'.
Mesmer gave of this subtle energy the label "animal magnetism" and "magnetic fluid", and he built the first accumulators of this energy.
In our days, his followers use the word "personal magnetism."
Since he was a medical doctor, he used his lifeenergy & lifeforceaccumulators -mainly- for healing purposes. (!)
Mesmer treated his patients using magnets and oak tubs part filled with iron filings and this may be an important key point. His life force & life energy ("animal magnetism" or "magnetic fluid"; or 'orgone energy') accumulators were wooden barrels that he filled with iron filings.
He developed methods to magnetize ("mesmerize") people for healing.
He also set up devices that seemed to cause a healing. These devices were wooden barrels that he had filled with iron filings and that had iron rods sticking out.
People who wanted a healing held these rods in their hands.
Without being aware of the actual principles that made these devices life force & life energy (or; orgone) accumulators (Wilhelm Reich established the corresponding theories some 150 years after Mesmer, when he built his orgone accumulators that were structurally very similar to Mesmer's barrels), Mesmer succeeded in making very powerful lifeforce & lifeenergy accumulators that worked well; a success that was possibly achieved by trial and error in conjunction with some very intelligent guesses.
Baron Karl von Reichenbach and his "Od" / "Odic Force'"
Very interesting was the research of Baron Karl von Reichenbach during the first part of the 19th century.
Reichenbach (called life energy "Odic Force." Von Reichenbach coined the name from that of the Norse god Odin in 1845.
He conducted thousands of tests with more than hundred sensitive people and he developed a comprehensive theory concerning this energy. He associated Odic force with biological electromagnetic fields. It was belived and proposed that Odic force permeated all forms of life and that it is somehow related or similar to electricity, magnetism and heat. Reichenback also believed that Odic force was radiated by most substances.
Karl von Reichenbach limited himself to describing this energy and the observed effects of lifeforce & lifeenergy (chi-, prana & orgone-energy), which he labeled "Od."
He secured the help of more than 120 "sensitive persons" who could see and feel orgone energy, and whose descriptions were practically identical.
Von Reichenbach hoped to develop scientific proof for a universal life force / od; however, his experiments relied on perceptions reported by individuals who claimed to be "sensitive", as he himself could not observe any of the reported phenomena. The "sensitives" had to work in total or near-total darkness to be able to observe the phenomena.
This proponents of Odic force claimed that it could be seen surrounding magnets, crystals and living beings as auras but that only sensitive people are able to see it, often after spending several hours in thedark (sensory deprivation).
Baron Karl von Reichenbach was careful not to tell them what they were supposed to "see" or "feel".
According to a lengthy article (almost book-length article - Researches on Magnetism, Electricity, Heat and Light in their Relations to Vital Forces), which Reichenbach had published in the scientific journal, Annalen der Chemie und Physik: - Odic force had a positive and negative flux, and a light and dark side. - Individuals could forcefully "emanate" it, particularly from the hands, mouth, and forehead. - The Odic force had many possible applications.
While humankind readily accepted his inventions of creosote, formaldehyde and special procedures in manufacturing steel, his research of OD, life force & life energy (chi /qi-, prana & orgone energy) was rejected by the "scientific" community, of course.
Like in our enlightened times, this was a community which certainly excelled in making untenable and unprovable statements such as that "the laws of physics are the same everywhere in the universe" -- hmmm (??!) - interestingly enough, that ludicrous and totally unprovable assumption is still the "scientific" dogma in our otherwise enlightened times.
Let's face it: humans barely left the stratosphere of their own planet - how can some folks claim to know all about the vast universe? - very scientific thinking, indeed!
Recommendation of KHW: Von Reichenbach's books certainly are worth reading!
Korschelt and his "Solar Ether"
Around 1900, Korschelt succeeded in building a "Solar Ether Radiation Apparatus", which, when analyzed more closely and tested, turned out to be an orgone accumulator.
The addition of a battery current turned out to be irrelevant in our experiments with the device.
Electricity, during those times, had often the function of being a catch word just as are "quantum mechanics, relativity" and of recent "nanotechnology" in our days:
words that are used liberally by marketers of crystal powders and other New-Age products; words that are misdefined to fit their specific products more often than not.
Lakhovsky believed that all organisms acted as receivers and transmitters of high frequency oscillations and built several devices based on this principle, including oscillating circuits and the Multi-Wave Oscillator.
He carried out an experiment on plants using a simple open-ended copper coil 30-cm in diameter which he placed around the stem of one of the plants. The one plant with the antenna went on to grow healthier and more robust than the others A total of ten geranium plants were used in the experiment with only one plant having a coil attached to it.
Lakhovsky's theory was that the oscillating circuits captured sympathetic waves from the cosmos which resonate at the same frequency as the harmonics of the frequency that weak cells oscillate. The concept became popular with people who wore necklaces and bracelets which utilized oscillating coils.
Lakhovsky came to the conclusion that these sympathetic waves are bombarding the Earth from space and that some are also produced by the Earth itself. Essentially, Lakhovsky demonstrated that cells emit and receive electromagnetic radiations at their own high frequencies. Lahovsky used his multi-wave oscillator to treat many patients. Many people today still use Multi-Wave Oscillators as a form of alternative therapy.
Wilhelm Reich and his "Orgone"
Dr. Wilhelm Reich used the term "Orgone" for life force energy.
His scientific theory was the most advanced model of life force & life energy, until the development of hyper space mathematics by Karl Hans Welz.
Wilhelm Reich invented the orgone accumulator.
He used this device to charge people with life energies for a healing.
He expanded on describing the characteristics of life energy or orgone.
Having been a disciple of Sigmund Freud, Wilhelm Reich examined the physical energy that is released during sexual activity and consequently he discovered that life force, which he called orgone, is this energy.
We cannot know how much Mesmer's research and inventions influenced Reich's work.
Both being austrian physicians and Reich having studied Hypnosis under Freud, he certainly was thoroughly familiar with Mesmer's work.
In fact, in European literature about hypnosis, Mesmer and his accumulators of "animal magnetism" and "magnetic fluid" are common knowledge, and Franz Anton Mesmer is mentioned as an important pioneer of hypnosis in practically all introductory works on the subject.
Having studied in Vienna with Freud and his studies included hypnotism, Wilhelm Reich certainly knew the work of Mesmer, of course, whose name appeared as one of its pioneers in practically all publications and books in German language concerning hypnotism!
Reich may have considered it necessary not to mention Mesmer's name anywhere in his works, because Mesmer was widely considered as having been a quack who promoted "animal magnetism" and even showed how to feel it.
Interesting enough, in Reich's works there is also absolutely no mention of Karl von Reichenbach and his research of life energy & life force. Reichenbach and his extensive work about life force, which he called "Od," has also been widely known among students of hypnosis in Vienna, where Reich studied under Freud, and hypnosis was one of the subjects he studied.
Coming from an entirely new angle and living in a scientifically more advanced era than his predecessors, Reich was capable to formulate a significantly more modern approach to orgone energy, which was as extensive as the research that Karl von Reichenbach had published.
Wilhelm Reich observed orgone energy and used it for many purposes.
As a first, he showed that orgone energy followed the principle of negative energy, i.e., that the stronger potential of orgone energy is drawing energy from the weaker potential, and he showed how this negative entropy was the motor of many biological, meteorological and other processes in nature.
Furthermore, Wilhelm Reich was the first person to be aware of the existence of "DOR," or Deadly Orgone energy, as he called it. DOR, according to Reich, is a stale form of orgone energy, which can cause serious health problems in humans.
With his Oranur experiment, massive amounts of this DOR developed, which made necessary a temporary abandoning of his facilities and the dismantling of the orgone accumulators in that area.
Although Reich apparently was the first scientist to recognize that orgone energy (life force & life energy) follows the principle of negative entropy, he was entirely unaware of its transfer at any distance.
A closer examination of the processes involved in his "cloud busting" techniques (devices for cloudbusting was also an invention by Reich) could have led him to this conclusion, as would have a deeper scientific approach of the characteristic of negative entropy.
Karl Hans Welz: Orgonite®
Welz and his scientific research in fields of Life Energy& Life Force The WelzChi & Prana & OrgoneGenerator
Soon after having started his own research of orgone energy -life force & life energy- more than 30 years ago, he recognized that the principle of negative entropy and transfer at any distance, when seen within the space that is defined by electromagnetic energies (the "visual" space), are two modes of expression of one and the same characteristic of life energy & life force, just as the principle of entropy and the distance-characteristics of the "visual" space can be viewed as two modes of expression of one and the same principle.
Similar to space-time (indicating that these two principles are inseparable), we can hyphenate the term "negative entropy - transfer at any distance".
Karl Welz discovered the scientific basis for the transfer of life energy & life force (orgone energy) at any distance, years before he invented the orgone generator® or chi generator®, or prana generator®, in 1991.
After his invention of the orgone generator®, still during the same year and before he began to market the first orgone generators® & prana generator® & chi generators®, he was capable of establishing proof of this transfer by succeeding in a signal transfer from machine-to-machine.
Witch doctors and/or shamans of the old, of course, knew about this and used it in their practices for tens of thousands of years.
They needed no scientific proof, since they have had immediate evidence of this characteristic of life force/orgone energy on a daily basis, whenever they did (and still do) their "spiritual" work.
One way of mapping this situation is to view it as being expressed by simple coordinate tranformations:
when the space of electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) is set up as continuous, then the space of orgone energy becomes "choppy," non-continuous, and vice versa.
In either case the principle counts that he formulated:
the "shortest distance between two points in the respective spaces is a structural link".
"Structural link" is another term that he coined when referring to life force & life energy (chi, prana, magnetic fluidum, od or orgone), and this is as valid for the space of electromagnetic frequencies as it is for the space that is defined by orgone -chi & prana- energy.
Karl Hans Welz and hisinvention of the Orgone Generator®, Prana Generator® and Chi Generator®
Although he introduced new scientific concepts to explain orgone energy, as he called it, Wilhelm Reich had no idea that orgone energy can be -not only acumulated, but also- generated.
For the invention of the orgone generator® & prana generator® and chi generator®, Karl Welz have to give credit to three persons:
Franz Anton Mesmer, Baron Karl von Reichenbach and Wilhelm Reich, of course.
When examining Franz Anton Mesmer's "magnetizing" methods, he realized that this method does not transfer "magnetic fluid" or "animal magnetism" from the magnetiseur (the person practicing the Mesmer passés, i.e., moving the hands along the body, about one inch distant).
In fact, with this practice new orgone energy is generated.
He was also aware that since ancient times some shamans, magicians or spiritual workers generated orgone energy by rotating their hands relative to each other.
Karl von Reichenbach's work in which he examined the connections between magnetism and life energy (Od- or orgone) was a crucial help as was the structure of the Reichian orgone accumulator, which was more evolved than Mesmer's barrels that were filled with iron filings.
In his work at a distance -at any distance!- (some call it magic - or "magick"), Karl realized that such action was possible as a result of the creation of a strong field of orgone energy (Chi, Od, Mana, Prana, Life Energy & Life Force, etc.) and its sudden shift.
Spiritual workers and magicians of the old, shamans, priests, etc., achieved this with the help of a wide variety of methods: at first methods are used to accumulating orgone energy; either by drawing it in one's body, generating it by dancing or with high emotional outbursts,
with methods of sexual magic, all the way to killing animals.
The next step was always to direct this orgone energy - consciously or non-consciously (following some "ritual" that works, and the function of which the practitionner does not necessarily need to understand) and directing the orgone that has been generated towards the envisioned goal.
This gave the idea of building a device that accumulates orgone energy and -after- shifts it.
The next step was to build a device in which these orgone fileds are shifted, so new orgone (orgone-energy) was generated.
He finally had a device that was independent from the amount of orgone energy in the surrounding atmospehre and which, in fact, generated new /powerful flux and field of- orgone energy.
This was the first orgone generator® & chi generator® & prana generator® on our planet. (!)
The stronger the supplying orgone accumulators are, the stronger is the output of the orgone generator, of which they are part.
The first orgone generator on the market (in 1992) was a cylinder, about 4 inches diameter and 12 inches long, with a pipe going through it.
Karl Hans Welz & the invention of Orgonite®
Less than one year after he invented the orgone generator®, in 1992, Karl invented a much more effective orgone accumulating material, which he gave the name "orgonite®".
With time, he added more and more -different- materials to this basic mixture, making orgonite® increasingly effective, which eventually evolved into today's super-orgonite® (SuperOrgonite®).
Karl affirmed once:
"The formulas of these mixtures remain proprietary and I certainly enjoyed giving -some- false information to people who, faking an attitude of "being nice," made every attempt to pry this secret from me".
Before Karl Hans Welz invented the orgone generator® (chi generator® & prana generator®), he was aware of the transfer of life energy & life force, or orgone energy, at any distance.
This insight was a natural consequence of his dual background, mathematics and physics as well as practice of so-called "meta-physical" disciplines, where action at a distance has been an integral part for millennia.
Soon, he recognized that such action is not "meta" at all, and that it, in fact, is purely physical and scientific.
Life Energy & Life Force and electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) can be viewed as being integral parts of a continuum that encompassed both.
With either energy, we can define 'distance as a result of structural differences'. (!)
While EMF based energies follow the principle of entropy, Life Energy& Life Force (LE & LF) based energies follow the principle of negative entropy.
From that difference, the other characteristics of these two polarities of energies follow naturally.
For orgone energy (life energy & life force), structural links are either near-identical or equivalent.
This knowledge of structural links, besides being of use in work at a distance, led to another "first."
This was the first signal transmission machine to machine, using life force & life energy (orgone energy) instead of radio waves (electromagnetic energy).
He succeeded in such transmission a few weeks after he invented the orgone generator® (chi generator® & prana generator®).
The receiving equipment is relatively simple, and for very obvious reasons he is refraining from describing it.
In all, this transmission, later, at Christmas 1997, across the Atlantic, where he needed no amplifiers at all, was proof for the validity of what he called "structural links".
'Structural link™' is another term that ripoff artists are using liberally without giving him the credit for it.
Motto / Quote
"The upholder of the cycles which sustain all Life is water. In every drop of water dwells a deity whom indeed we all serve. There also dwells Life, the soul of the primal substance - water - whose boundaries and banks are the capillaries that guide it, and in which it circulates. Every pulse beat arising through the interaction of will and resistance is indicative of creative work and urges us to care for those vessels, those primary and most vital structures, in which throbs the product of a dualistic power - Life." Viktor Schauberger
Life Energy & Life Force | Chi & Prana & Orgone
Characteristics & Properties
Summary of characteristics of
Life Force& Life Energy(Chi & Prana & Orgone-energy) as part of our Universe
- the scientific approach -at last!- by Karl Hans Welz; Inventor of Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator® and Orgonite™ & Super Orgonite™
When Reich discovered orgone energy, he claimed to have discovered cosmic life energy!
He believed that it is an omnipresent and spiritual energy that it is just too subtle for anything or anybody to measure it with regular instruments at his time.
Dr. Wilhelm Reich believed that traumatic experiences blocked the natural flow of life-energy in the body, leading to physical and mental disease.
He also tried to summed up the properties of orgone energy:
Orgone is accumulated or collected naturally in every living organism through their skin, breathing, and ingesting foods.
Orgone is attracted to water and has a very strong affinity to it.
It is measurable, observable, and it pulsates as well.
Orgone penetrates every matter, but it penetrates different matter at different speeds.
Orgone is mass free and is a cosmic energy and is the primordial energy as well.
It is everywhere and fills every space.
Orgone is attracted by every organic material and they hold the energy of orgone.
Orgone is also attracted by every non-organic metal material and then repels it fast.
Orgone / orgone-energy is considered as an omnipresent and massless subtle substance associated closely with the living energy. It is capable of creating organization on every scale, from the tiniest microscopic units to macroscopic bodies or entities such as clouds, organisms, or galaxies!
Of orgone, life force & life energy (chi, kí, prana, mana , od, magnetic fluid, vril, bio-energy, etc.) we know that
(1) it flows freely without significant loss of energy between identical structures, and
(2) it follows the principle of negative entropy, or reversed entropy, i.e., from the weaker potential to the stronger one until the stronger potential is saturated.
1. Chi Energy = Life Force = Orgone.
Life Force is Life Energy, and is also named chi, ki, prana, mana, magnetic fluid, od / odic force, solar ether, orgone-energy, bioenergy, etc., etc.
LifeForce& LifeEnergy, same as gravity, is invisible to humans, but it is felt and perceived.
Life Force & Life Energy and EMF's (electromagnetic frequencies) are the two forms of energy that are "known" by humans, i.e., humans can consciously perceive these energies.
Humans are forming a multitude of abstractions from these perceptions and, based on these abstractions, they interact with their perceived (and likely non-consciously/perceived) environment.
2. Life Force & Life Energy transfers at any distance via "structural links", which is similar to the way EMF's transfer.
Due to the different type "entropy" (negative entropy, or reversed entropy) valid for these energy forms, different categories of structural linkages are functional for either of these energy forms, and what is a huge distance for one of these two energy forms can be proximity for the other.
In fact, some physical subatomic "abnormalities" can be explained with ease when life force is brought into the mapping of conventional physics (a no-no for the "academic" physicists, some of whom have a few black holes too many in their brains).
(Life Energy transfer "at any distance" when related to the space related to EMF's and its characteristics have been discovered and proven by Karl Welz in 1991).
RAD 1000 Power Radionics Device with integrated Vitality Generators; Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator® + 'Structural Link' PBT 2400 Power Booster with -unique- transfer disc
3. Transferring to other places via "structural links", Life Force & Life Energy carries with it characteristics - often "trend energies" - of its original position.
This is a very similar characteristic of EMF transmission, where, for instance light is reflected in specific colors, shapes, spectral lines, etc., before reaching the eye of the observer.
4. This type transfer can also be used as an explanation of "remote viewing" and other perceptions at a distance and it can be used to enhance training and technologies of these capabilities.
In fact, this transfer is also a characteristic of all living beings, and it can be regarded as likely a fundamental characteristic of life itself.
5. Conscious remote viewing and other perceptions at a distance are a result of a conscious focus of a living being to a distant object, which establishes a structural link - structural connection - with that object or set of objects.
To actually gain a meaning of these perceptions and to consciously relate them to other conscous perceptions, a linkage has to be determined between the abstractions gained from remote perceptions and abstractions coming from other sensory organs and, especially, with the capability of conscious thinking, i.e. the capability of relating these sets of abstractions to each other and give them "meaning."
PFC 2000 & PFC 2400 HD | Precision Frequency Life Force & Life Energy generator Equipment with built-in & integrated Vitality Generators; Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator® with Frequency Display
Without that, remote viewing will remain to be "hunches" at best.
This semantic connection has to be established by training, especially by persons from which the conscious relating of such perceptions / abstractions to their conscious perception of thoughts has been "educated out" as a result of misdirected religious or other socio-economic interests.
Some persons have to use "genetic materials" and similar materials to establish such linkage.
For others a mental focus is sufficient.
A host of methods to connect has been established.
6. There is much reason to assume that such connections can reach as well into the time dimensions.
Presently, relying on evidence of how human brains are organizing their perceptions into time, we can speak of time as being mathematically represented by a four dimensional Gaussian coordinate-system (time-lines, time/planes, ...)
This mathematical - semantic structure, or mapping, possibly can account for some of the grave errors of "psychics" when their predictions of the future "do not come true" - unless such predictions are plainly dominated by financial rewards that can be gained from misinformation that the public loves to learn about (Karl Welz is referring to doomsday prophecies, conspiracy mythologies, pre-space-age visions of green-faced priestesses on Venus and the like).
Simultaneous (and functionally identical ) with this mathematical-semantic uncertainly is the fact that with any present act we -as humans- impact the realities of future as well as past.
RAD 2400 HD Power Radionics Device with TC 99 Transfer Couple Structural Link | LifeForce Technology & the LifeEnergy Equipments (with built-in & integrated Chi Generators® & Orgone Generators® made with Orgonite™ & Super Orgonite™)
7. You can use the same methods of connection with specific targets not only for receiving characteristics of the target, but also to actively project characteristics of your location - or, when double-targeting, any other location of your choice, thus influencing the environment of the targeted area/living being.
Again, you are using structural links and with the same methods you establish linkage to specific characteristics / properties.
This is the functional basis of action at a distance as we know it and which humans have practiced throughout the course of their history under the name of miracles, magic, shamanism, out-of-body projection, etc.
The three basic factors of any successful action at a distance are therefore:
The Trend Link (representing the planned effect), The Target-Link (representing the target), and Life Energy & Life Force, Chi, Prana or Orgone (providing you with the energy to succeed) !
Any 'action at a distance', setup for manifestation, or similar opweration, in which any one of these three basic factors are neglected, is doomed to fail, regardless of intent, traditionalist connection, "spiritual training," and what not!
That, and only that, is the reason why some !action at a distance! does not work, even if the would-be practitioner followed all instructions meticulously.
The Importance of Life Energy & Life Force (orgone energy, chi, prana, od, animal magnetism, magnetic fluid, solar ether, vril, bioenergy, etc.) in the Action at a Distance
For chi & prana & orgone energy (life force & life energy), 'distance is result of structural differences'.
. . .
Of orgone energy (chi, prana, od, life energy / life force, etc.) we know that
(1) it flows freely without significant loss of energy between identical structures, and
(2) it follows the principle of negative entropy, i.e., from the weaker potential to the stronger one until the stronger potential is saturated.
Characteristics of Life Energy & Life Force (chi & prana & orgone) »»
Structural Links are established by objects (=> structures) that are either identical or equivalent (such as magickal sigils, radionic rates / radionic settings, Feng Shui- & Reiki symbols, and other things representing abstractions) in nature.
A 'Structural Link' is a -direct- energetical bridge between two -given- points.
Identical or equivalent structures allow life force & life energy transfer from one point to another (bridge any distance!) without significant loss of energy. (!)
Yes, you did read correctly:
With the help of identical or equivalent structural linksLife Force & Life Energy can be transferred at any distance without loss of energy!
So, the three basic factors of any successful action at a distance are:
The Trend Link (representing the planned effect), The Target-Link (representing the target), ...and
-the most important one- LifeEnergy & LifeForce (or; chi-, ki-, prana-, mana-, od-, magnetic fluid-, solar ether-, orgone-energy, bioenergy, etc., etc.)!
An operation at a distance ('action at a distance'), that neglects any one of these three basic factors is doomed to fail, regardless of intent, traditionalist connection, spiritual training, and what not!
The Trend-Link
Trend-Links are radionic settings (“rates”), precision frequencies, symbols, sigils, frequency patterns, symbolic objects, devices, magical incenses, oils, herbs, or any other structural representations of abstractions and thoughts.
They have one thing in common:
they establish a connection with a desired effect, or with the desired solution of a challenge.
Sometimes such trend-links can refer to energies of a more metaphysical classification such as the effects ascribed to planets, elements, etc., all of which represent desired change, or effect.
Being representatives of desires, the trend-links are viewed somethimes as modulators of life energy & life force (orgone, chi, prana), so that the projected life energy & life force field gives inclination to a specific action.
The Filters & -magical- Symbols that we offer are typical Trend-Links.
One of the purposes of this practice is the generation of a thought-form that is attached to the object.
Naturally, using the Life Force &Life Energy Generator Equipments powered with & boosted byh integrated Vitality Generators; Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator®, or one of our Orgone Life Force Power Radionics™ Devices (please see the RAD series) and/or one of the Manifestation Programs optimizes the effect of the trend link, generates the correct thought form and supplies it with Life Force &Life Energy (chi, prana, orgone or bioenergy).
Such a chi- & orgone- energy boosted thought form, of course, is a living abstraction that follows subtle cybernetics towards achieving a goal, or solution. Therefore, powering up trends with theLifeForce& LifeEnergy Generator Equipments (powered with & boosted by integrated Vitality Generators; Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator®), makes the more traditional methods of involved crafting of complicated trend links unnecessary.
The Target-Link
The Target-Link (often also called “psychic link”) is an object, symbol, radionic-numeric setting, etc., that connects with the target of your operation.
This target can be another person or you.
It can also be an -abstract- entity consisting of several persons such as a business.
Naturally, the target-link causes a direct flow of life energy & life force (with an attached effect) to the target that it represents. (!)
The diagram & chi-card that you find on the test for life energy & life force transfer -at a distance- is such a target-link.
It connects with a LifeForce&LifeEnergy Generator Equipments (with powerful built-in Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator®) in our laboratories.
Some practitioners use hair, clothing, photos, etc., of persons that they target.
A radionic setting (a numeric “rate”) that you establish while focusing on the target of your operation is an “abstraction made permanent” that serves as a very effective target link, which lasts as long as the setting remains.
Both, the target-link and the trend-link are structural representations of either trends (desired change) or targets of your action.
Actually, when you focus mentally on a person, location, desired effect, etc., your brain establishes a structural link.
Naturally, such focusing can be a real challenge for you: namely that you cannot keep your focus with one and the same thing at all times.
This is so, because “moving around” is one of the characteristics of our brain.
Long time ago, therefore, practitioners developed methods to “freeze” these structural links.
Objects that are prepared with the intent to connect to a specific target, or trend, are such links. Of recent, the radionics device with its “abstract” settings (numeric “rates”) turned out to be an ideal tool for this purpose.
The Importance of Life Force&Life Energy
- chi /qi, prana, orgon-energy, orgone, mana, od, animal magnetism, solar ether, personal magnetism, x-emanation, bioenergy, etc. -
The characteristics and function of structural links are easy to understand.
Forlife force &life energy, "distance is result of structural differences".
To explain the mechanisms that cause life energy to join a target with a trend, especially with structural links that are abstractions such as the settings of the radionics device or symbols, requires knowledge of the characteristics oflife force & life energy.
Such understanding is still more important for an understanding of thought forms, how they develop and why they can continue to activate a previously set trend in a target (person) after the original operation (radionics or other action at a distance) has been discontinued.
Of Life Force & Life Energy we know that...
(1) it flows freely without significant loss of energy between identical structures, and
(2) it follows the principle of negative entropy, i.e., from the weaker potential to the stronger one until the stronger potential is saturated.
The second characteristic of life energy can establish linkage if the connection is not exactly identical, even to the point of being pure abstractions (such as radionics settings, or numeric “rates”, symbols, mantras, thoughts, or objects) that were established with the human brain while focusing on trend or target.
Life Force & Life Energy automatically searches out the final target for which such an “abstraction” has been established originally with help of the human brain.
This process is similar to heat traveling the “path of least resistance” (“preferring”, so to say, heat conducting materials) when following the law of entropy from higher potential to lower potential until a balance (equal potential) between the two is reached.
Structural Links and Life Energy& Life Force(just to sum it all up)
Structural linkage: TC 99structural link transfer couple made with Super-Orgonite®
The preceding theory oflife force & life energy and action at a distance is solely based on the proven characteristics of structural linkage and negative entropy of life energy & life force.
Therefore it makes certainly more sense when it comes to explaining the amazing results of shamanic work, magic (magick), radionics and other methods often referred to as “spiritual” than practically all explanations of our days that use unproven concepts such as non-measurable “frequencies”, various “ethers”, “higher planes or higher dimensions”, specific assumed “morphogenetic fields”, anthropomorphic “spirits” and the like.
Stable, constant & permanent 'structural linkage': PBT 2400(Power Booster with a -unique- Transfer Disk)
Our principal approach in establishing any mapping, or theory, has always been to "keep it simple!"
Give this perhaps “unorthodox” theory that is naturally based on experiments and functional thinking a chance and you will soon notice that many phenomena that were “unexplainable” up to now can be explained in quite easy terms.
Motto / Quote
"Reality is a projection of your thoughts or the things you habitually think about."
Stephen Richards
Life Force& Life Energy Equipments
powered with & boosted by Vitality Generators; Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators® Accessories
Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipments powered with- & boosted by genuine Vitality Generators; Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators® & BioEnergy Generators®
suggested & recommended ACCESSORIES
Structural Links/ Special Life Energy Accessories
Structural Links - for secured and assured -smooth- life-force & life-energy (chi, prana, od, orgone, bioenergy, etc.) transfer at a distance (at any distance!) from your Life Force& Life Energy Equipment powered with Vitality Generators; Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator®
With the help of structural links, Life Force & Life Energy (chi, prana, mana, anumal magnetism, magnetic fluid, solar-ether, od or orgone-energy, etc.) can be transferred at any distance without loss of energy!
They are stable, long lasting and very secure structural linkages which makes possible stable energetical bridges, so, you can carry with you and you can benefit of all advantahes that your Life Energy & Life Force Equipment powered with- & boosted by genuine Vitality Generators; Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators® can offer to you.
Structural Links from Super Orgonite®
TC 99(Transfer Couple with unique Transfer Disk) RAOPTC(Raound Aqua Power Transfer Couple) PBT 2400(Power Booster with unique Transfer Disk) PBTBH
(Special Power Booster)
In the territory of India, the Sanskrit word for lifeforce & lifeenergy was "Prana".
Hindus people of ancient India called this mystique subtile energy Prana.
Orgone ?
Dr. Wilhelm Reich claimed that he discovered a new form of energy which he called "Orgone".
In fact, it was the same energy-form known as "chi" (chinese), "ki" (japanese), "prana" (hindus), "mana" (polinesians), etc., and life energy & life force in western parts of the world. Baron Karl von Reichenbach called 'od' or 'odic force', Mesmer 'animal magnetism' or 'magnetic fluid', Korschelt 'solar ether', just to name a few, more well-known.
Reich build layered orgone accumulators (orac) to accumulate this energy inside them, which was used -mainly- for healing purpose.
Orgonite ?
Contrary to belive of several rip-off followers,Orgonite is not an energy-form. Orgonite™ is a special material mixture invented in 1992 by Karl Hans Welz, which is the most performant in the life energy & life force (chi- & prana- & orgone energy) accumulation, used -together with an adequate technolgy- in building the performant Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators®.
an Accumulator ?
-According to Wikipedia-, an accumulator is an energy storage device:
a device which accepts energy, stores energy, and releases energy as needed.
Some accumulators typically accept and release energy at comparable rates.
Various devices can store thermal energy, mechanical energy, and electrical energy. Energy is usually accepted and delivered in the same form, but some devices store a different form of energy than what they receive and deliver performing energy conversion on the way in and on the way out.
an Orgone Accumulator ?
A device invented by Wilhelm Reich.
An orgone accumulator, or ORAC, is a box (so called; "orgone box") with organic material lining the outside of its walls and metallic material lining the insides of its walls. Reich believed that orgone energy was attracted and absorbed by organic material, but attracted and immediately re-radiated by metallic material, and that therefore a box constructed with an outer organic shell and an inner metallic shell would absorb atmospheric orgone energy and concentrate, or "accumulate," this absorbed orgone energy in its interior.
Reich was jailed for selling the device, as it was widely believed to be useless. Modern-day "orgone accumulators" are using "orgonite".
a Generator ?
First of all: a generator is NOT an accumulator.
Maybe seems funny, but a lot of people can not make a clear distingwish between these two concepts.(!)
According to Cambridge English Dictionary: a machine or device that produces something. A Generator -usually and generally-- is a device that converts one form of energy into another form of energy.
an Orgone Generator® ?
A Device that produce and emanates Orgone / Orgone-Energy (see "orgone"); or chi, prana, od, bio-energy, etc. It was invented in 1991 by Karl Hans Welz. Karl also invented the Orgonite®.
Franz Anton Mesmer (1734 - 1815) is the father of hypnosis. In 1766 he became a doctor with his thesis 'De influxu planetarum in corpus humanum', in which he revived the ancient idea that the planets of our solar system exude invisible rays that affect our bodies. Mesmer called this effect "animal magnetism", and the rays "magnetic fluid".
He built the first LifeEnergy & LifeForce (or; Orgone) Accumulator in the second part of 18th century.
Reichenbach ?
Karl von Reichenbach (1788 - 1869) labeled "Od" the subtle LifeEnergy & LifeForce.
Later, he developed the theory of Od, or Odic Force, a form of life-energy that permeates living things.
Reich ?
Wilhelm Reich (1897-1957) was an Austrian born psychiatrist / psychoanalyst who lived in the United States; (advocated sexual freedom and believed that cosmic energy (life energy) could be concentrated in a human being), that was alleged to recharge a person’s orgone (the energy of sexual orgasm).
He build a -layered- orgone accumulator (orac), which he used -mainly- for healing purpose.
Motto / Quote
“It is the combination of thought and love which forms the irresistible force of the law of attraction.” Charles F. Haanel - The Master Key System
How can help You, and what can do for You,
a performant and efficient Life Force & Life Energy
(Orgone & Prana & Chi Energy) Technology ?
By now, you know that;
With the use of the life force & life energy technology (orgone chi technology and Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipments), you can open the door to a new, successful and happy life!
A bit of training and practice will be needed, of course. :-)
Naturally, within a relatively short time, within just a couple of weeks or -maybe- less, you will- and can be capable of achieving the success of which you perhaps never have dared to dream yet.
And, in addition to that, you can experience positive effects such as physical stamina, energy management, and relaxation, right from the beginning.
Buy now Life Force &Life Energy Generator Equipments, with integrated Vitality Generators; Chi Generator(s)® & Prana Generator(s)® &Orgone Generator(s)® to change your life in a positive way and a positive, constructive and creative manner!
And now, quite obviously there are lots of things, for which you can use our chi & prana & orgone technology to help you achieve the results you always wanted.
In fact, the sky is the limit...
... and what follows here are just a very few examples of the success waiting for you:
Money. Increase finances and achieve financial independence.
Business. Use our technology to provide your customers with an "unfair" advantage over their competitors.
Marketing. Boost your business success with raw energy flow to attract a lot more customers.
Advertising. Supercharge advertising materials with super powerful orgone energy which causes people to love and remember what you are offering.
Relationships. Improve your relationships to the levels of pure pleasure.
Love. Find new love, attract this ex lover again, make someone fall in love with you, and do it with ease.
Charisma. Radiate charisma wherever you go and make people to be aware of you.
Persuasion. Mind control people and make them accept your ideas and they love to do so with absolute ease.
Weight control. Lose or gain weight with ease.
Sports. Develop skills, aggression, precision. etc.
Gambling. Increase your chances of winning when gambling.
Speed learning. Master any subject like a pro and do so rapidly.
Computer Gaming. use the orgone shooter and point it at the character(s) of your opponents - or at the screen - defining it generates confusion at the opposing person(s) playing specific characters.
...and the list can go on and on and on.
In fact, it's anything you can possibly think of, any of your desires, which fits this list.
What our technology does: it gives you access to raw and very powerful life force and it is up to you where you direct it and what task you assign to it!
Our technology based on science - the science of life force, which explains how you can use this energy in more powerful interaction with your environments! It is a science, which is backed by research, by double-blind experimentation, and therefore by solid proof! And most importantly, it's backed up by people who successfully use it!
Life can be truly successful and enjoying as long as you seize the opportunities it offers.
. .
Now, certainly is the time to start something that can be the greatest adventure in your successful life with the technology of chi & orgone boosted techniques of manifestation !
By itself, you can use it as a mind machine (Chi Mind Machine & Mind Trainer) and as a power source for operations at a distance (at any distance!) that include special attachments such as filters, -magickal- symbols, Manifestation Programs, or your individual set-ups (self-improvement, personal development & growing, and -manifestation- techniques, to achieve positive permanent change, are examples of such setups).
Also; beside self-improvement, personal development & growing, and manifestation technics, the shamanic work, treasure mapping, techniques to achieve positive permanent change, and, more traditionally, ceremonial magic, talismanic magic and rune magic, arealso good examples of such -individual- setups.
Among other things, the
Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipments™, powered with- and boosted by -genuine- Vitality Generators; Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators® are uniquely designed for
Enhancement -- Greatly improve and enhance your life Trend Management -- Powerful help for positive permanent change Instant Control -- Take instant control of your life - in all areas of desired change and improvement Peak Performance -- Attain peak performance in work, studies, and, of course, in sports.
Build confidence and reach top level performance in many areas of your life. In Sports, you can use the mind machine & radionics option for Top Performance.
It is Enhancement that Defies Detection! Balance and Relaxation -- Experience stress relief, increase relaxation and boost your energy levels !
Yes !
With the new Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipments, with the integrated Vitality Generators; Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators® and Power Radionics™ Devices, you can have now a very performant tool that gives you the cutting edge on your path to a happy, meaningful, and fulfilled life in abundanceand to gain a significant advantage in your personal matters, business dealings, prosperity, sport achievements, relationships, love and sex!
Therefore, the Life Force &Life Energy Generator Equipment, the Vitality Generators; Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator® is certainly the most important technological advance in Mind Machine & Orgone boosted ChiRadionics & Life Force- and Life Energy Technology in the past 40 years and definitely the greatest yet for self-help, personal growing, mind-control, and, of course, for powerful work to naturally improve your life and the life of others!
We recommend to
use it !
It could bring to you Positive Permanent Changes !
YES! Positive Permanent Changes !
The new Life Force &Life Energy Generator Equipment, and the -integrated- Vitality Generators; Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator® is/are the key component of this amazing new technology.
It is the source of power in the success-equipment from HSCTI - BEC. You can use this performant device/equipment to help yourself achieve permanent desirable solutions in your most important situations.
This exciting new technology is now yours to use to gain a significant advantage in your personal matters, business dealings, prosperity, sport achievements, relationships, love and sex!
RAD 2400 HD | This is the perfect choise for you ! | Permanent Abstarction Life Force Power Technology | Life Force & Life Energy generator Equipment boosted by built-in Vitality Generator; Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators® made with Orgonite™ & SuperOrgonite™ with 3 + 3 precision knobs for radionic rates (Trend & Target) and 1 + 1 knobs for frequency settings
Use the RAD 2400 HD Power Radionics Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipment with built-in & integrated Vitality Generators; Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator® for significant advantage in your personal matters, to boost your business dealings, prosperity, sport achievements, relationships, love and sex
With this newlife force & life energy (chi, prana & orgone) technology, you can now take your destiny into the best possible hands, which are your own, of course.
Now is the time, when reaching your goals is closer than ever before!
It is obvious, because life force & life energy is the driving force, or source of power, of all kind of manifestations and all paranormal phenomena such as telepathy, hypnosis, ESP, martial arts, and magical work. (!)
In fact, in the light of the new life force & life energy technology (orgone & prana & chi technology, that is based on orgone -life energy & life force- physics), something amazing happened:
That, which was regarded in the past as being "paranormal", even "miraculous", appears now as something entirely normal and scientific.
All these phenomena are now easily to explain as parts of a technology that uses life force & life energy.
Performer 2400 HD | Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipment with the buit-in & integrated Vitality Generators; Chi Generator & Prana Generator & Orgone Generator for Sports, -physical- exercises and fitness
It is the same process, that happens when gifted human beings use their innate psychic powers or when they generate and harness life energy by other means.
There is a difference, of course:
With the new Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipment, and the Vitality Generators; Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator® (Chi Technology® & Orgone Technology®), even an untrained person can get the same -or, better- results now, that otherwise only highly trained psychics, shamans, or other professionals can get.
In fact, with your Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipment,and Vitality Generators; the Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator® you have now a decisive advantage over any person, who does not own and operate this technology.
RAD 2400 HD | Power Chi & Prana & Orgone Boosted Power Radionics Manifestation Device
One of our Best Seller! |
The perfect choise for you !
This is so,
1. because, the new Life Force&Life Energy Generator Equipment, the Vitality Generators; Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator® generates lifeforce & lifeenergy (chi-energy & orgone-energy) continuously, and
2. because the Life Force & Life Energy Equipment, the Vitality Generators; Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator® has a much stronger output of life-force & life-energy (chi-energy & prana & orgone-energy) than most shamans, priests, magicians and other professionals can ever produce, even when working in groups.
In fact, the new Chi-Technology requires not more training than what it takes to drive a car (or ride a bike)! Maybe, it takes much less!
When you decide to use the new Vitality Generators; Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator® to help you achieve a better life, you need no involved complicated training, no creative visualization, no pep talks to yourself, no hypnosis, no self/programming techniques, and no motivational seminars.
In fact, all it takes to succeed, is the capability to flip a switch and the willingness and open mind to utilize new technology when improving your life in every aspect!
Life Energy and the Mind
Another very important advantage of having an unlimited supply of life energy, is that you can achieve more effective and more powerful mental skills.
This is so, because when your physical being, your body, is loaded with life energy & life force , you experience balance all around, and naturally you can gain a significant increase of well-being, and this in turn can have a decisive positive impact upon your mind.
Performer 2400 HD | Life Force Power Radionics & Chi Mind MachineLife Force & Life Energy Generator Equipment with the buit-in powerful Vitality Generators; Chi Generator & Prana Generator & Orgone Generator for Sports, -physical- exercises and fitness with Frequency Display
This means, no more and no less, that by now you can supercharge your self-confidence, which then increases an overall positive attitude.
As a natural consequence, all these improved mental skills, such as increased creativity, a more powerful intuition and a sharper intellect, can help you decisively when it comes to achieve manifestation of your desires.
Most importantly, these skills help you when you are in situations, in which you need to make positive decisions that can lead you then towards a reliable and continuous path to overall happiness and success and to positive permanent change.
In fact, acquiring the Vitality Generators; Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator® is definitely the best investment by far that anyone can make in a lifetime, as our Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators® already produce spectacular results, as experienced by tens of thousands of users of these Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipments with built-in Chi Generator® & Orgone Generators® worldwide!
The Universal Manual that you will receive with your diverse Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipment has easy-to-follow, step by step instructions that will lead you from very simple applications to increasingly complex uses of this extraordinary equipment.
Above all,...
It's fun, it's exciting, and you certainly can be laid back and relax while you await assured success !
With simple attachments to the Life Force &Life Energy Generator Equipments (with built-in Vitality Generators; Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator®, such as the various filter -symbols- packs (the Alphabet of Desire, Sex Pack, Stress Zapper Sports Pack, and many-many others) you can now harness life-force & life-energy much easier for any purpose you desire.
is the most efficient matherial matrix in accumulating Life Energy & Life Force (Chi / Qi / Ch'i, Prana, Mana, Od / Odic Force, Magnetic Fluid, Orgon / Orgone, Vril, X-emanation, Bio-Energy, etc.)
Marketing slogan Life Energy & Life Force (Chi, Prana & Orgon-Energy) -for you, and for your loved ones; for your benefit success and safety, with a single click!
The Life Force &Life Energy Generator Equipment,
powered with & boosted by integrated Vitality Generators; Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator®, will then project this life-force & life-energyboosted trend to any target of your choosing, and it will do so continuously. (!)
That's why, the Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipment, and the Vitality Generators; Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator® is the ideal tool for you to increase your personal energy levels, personal power, prosperity, performance, and success !
The Vitality Generators; Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator® integrated into the Life Force & Life Energy generator Equipment, when used properly, can be your powerful tool (not called "weapon") that you can aim at any person of your choosing without them having the slightest idea of why they act in some specific way – which may be the way You Want It To Happen!
Therefore the Vitality Generators; Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator® can be your decisive tool to help you make all your dreams come true.
It is a power-generator, a life-force radionics, a manifestation and a mind-machine and a creator of favorable trends in one!
Most importantly, it works at any distance!
Self-Improvement & Self-Help Personal development- & growing Energy and vitality - energize yourself Relaxation and stress reduction Build confidence Help develop -new & desirable- skills Added energy for workouts Help weight loss and weight control Enhance supplements
RAD 1000 Power Radionics Device with integrated Vitality Generators; Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator® + 'Structural Link' PBT 2400 Power Booster with -unique- transfer disc
Your environment Energize drinking water, juices and food (Special devices: the AO and CE-Series) Energize plants - house plants or garden or agriculture Energize cosmetics and supplements Provide your pets with energy and vitality Influence others, with or without their knowledge Energize others Influence the outcome of challenging situations Charge talismans Energize your action at a distance (or magick)
RAD 2400 HD Power Radionics Device with TC 99 Transfer Couple Structural Link | Life Force Technology & the Life Energy Equipments (with built-in & integrated Vitality Generators; Chi Generators® & Orgone Generators® made with Orgonite™ & Super Orgonite™)
Above all; Life Force Technology & the Life Energy Generator Equipments (Vitality Generators; Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators® made with Orgonite™ & Super-Orgonite™) - bring this extra magic(k) into your life!
Testimonials Smoother skin!
Using my PBT, I energized my bathwater. After a couple of times I noticed that my skin was smoother and softer, the blue spots from my legs disappeared much sooner than usual. I started to energize and charge my body lotions, shower gels and body creams I am using.
Lorna, Baltimore (MD), USA
Different classification &
Recommended Life Force Energy generator Equipments
powered with- & boosted by integrated Vital / Vitality Welz Generators; Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator® for
Water Optimalization & Food Energizing(Aqua Optimizers& Living Water)
The cheapest, safest and -at the same time- the most easy and elegant way for a -continuous- supply of Life Energy(Life Force, Chi / Qi, Prana, Od, Orgon / Orgone, etc.). A very special 'structural link' as a continouos life force energy source in your wallet not just in printed form, but -now also- on your computer / laptop, tablet / iPad and your mobile phone!
Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipments powered with- and boosted by Vital / Vitality Welz Generators; the Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators® handmade with Orgonite® & Super Orgonite®
Chi Vitality Cards® / Chi Life Force Energy Card(s)
Powerful & continuous flow of Chi(Life)Energy & Vitality for you, -directly- in your pocket and / or billfold; at the best & lowest price! Now also available on your computer / laptop, tablet / iPad and on the mobile phone(s)!
not just in printed form, but
now -also- on your computer, tablet & 'smart phone' / mobile phone !
Now; with -10% discount !
Continuous Life Force Energy Source for Your Protection and Success!
The cheapest, safest and -at the same time- the most easy and elegant way for a -continuous- supply of Life Energy(Life Force, Chi / Qi, Prana, Od, Orgon / Orgone, etc.).
Starting from $19 (#3ST)(payable also in other currencies too)! Activation (and handling) fee $9.99, today = $0.99 or € / £ !
Discount will be shown, applied and deducted right before the payment.
Goods will be sent in email in 24-48 hours after purchase was made.
Various validity time periods (3-, 6-, 9- and 12 months) !
Different Strenghs & Powers(ST: Standard, DL: DeLuxe, HD: Heavy Duty) !
We are widely open to collaborate with self development coaches who would like to help their customers with (life)energy & vitality or anybody who want to help others -and themself- for a better, meaningful and successful life.
Inquiries by emails for Chi Vitality Cards are welcome!
Worldwide orders accepted!
Digital KIT #A19:
Continuous & powerful Life Energy source with an easy and useful software to manage your intentions and -desired- 'trends' together with the included symbols and -special- frequencies for the virtual modulation of the Life Energy to reach your programmed goals sooner and easier!
Thumbs up! On both hands! ;-)
I really want to thank you for the equipment you sent (RAD 2400 HD) it's an excellent and a very powerful device. I had previously some experience with radionics, but this one is fabulous! Indeed, a new era in power-radionics!
Tom (Groningen, Holland / Netherlands)
Life Force&Life Energy GeneratorEquipments powered with & boosted by integrated Vitality Generators; -genuine- Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator® made with SuperOrgonite® and -recommended- Accessories ~ Shipping cost and offered Services ~
Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipments
powered with & boosted by (Vital / Vitality Generators);Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators®
Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipments powered with and boosted by genuine -integrated-Vital / Vitality Welz Generators;Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators®
Recommended Accessories
One time offer to order this special kit / item(with considerable discount):
Information regarding the download will be sent in max. 48 hours after purchasing was made, in a separate email. This unique offer will be shown only once per session. Don't loose this favorable possibility and don't waste this auspicious opportunity because afterward you will be sorry and surely will regret it! Order it now!