Motto / Quote
"Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal."
Henry Ford
LifeForce & LifeEnergy Equipments
& the Performer 2300 / Sport Performer 2300
Chi Mind Machine :: Neuro-Technology™ | Power Radionics :: Permanent Abstraction Technology
This extra powerful Life Force- & Life Energy Generator Equipment -boosted by integrated Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator®- for -mainly- Sports is a dual HD (Heavy Duty) orgone & prana & chi generator, with a 12 position rotary switch for pre-set special sports related frquencies and a set of three dials and external frequency meter, to set precision frequencies in the second generator, which are ranging between 0.5 and 500 Hz.
Sports Performance Enhancement that Spells Success!
Some people are inclined to call this exceptionally powerful device an energetic steroid, which is perfectly legal and which at the same time defies detection !!
The Performer 2300 is a Top of the Line Special Heavy Duty Chi Generator® & Orgone Generator® that is specifically designed to meet the requirements of persons who are active in martial arts, competitive sports, fitness training, and body building.
You can use it to help boost your performance, and, above all, unlike other performance enhancing methods, it is perfectly legal, it defies detection and it spells success!
There are some folks who call this exceptional tool of power the ultimate unfair advantage!
The Performer 2300 features a built-in Frequency Module that has been designed for twelve precision low pulse settings.
Each of these frequencies has a special purpose that is important for your power performance.
The Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators®
The purpose of the Chi Generator® & Orgone Generator® is to energize yourself and to add power to all of your actions -also-at a distance (any distance!), such as in combination with a "Manifestation Program" or with an older-type manifestation or -traditional- radionics device, i.e., any device without a built-in Chi Generator® & Orgone Generators®.
All radionics devices from us (HSCTI & BEC) have built-in generators of lifeforce & lifeenergy (Chi Generators® & Orgone Generator®), being a Power Chi Radionic™ Device.
The Performer 2300 is a Top of the Line Heavy Duty device with built-in & integrated Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator®.
Initially this extra powerful dual-HD device has been specifically designed to meet the requirements of persons who are active in martial arts, and naturally the performer is extremely useful in all types of physical-mental activity, for competitive sports, fitness training, and body building, as well as in any other field of physical-mental activity such as yoga, weight loss, tai chi, etc.
You can use it to help boost your performance, and, above all, unlike other performance enhancing methods, it is perfectly legal, it defies detection and, most importantly, it spells success!
There are some folks who call this exceptional tool of power the ultimate unfair advantage, and naturally they are also using it!
On the other hand, you can use this extremely powerful Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipment (with integrated -genuine- Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator®) as well for any other type of manifestation work, be it in career, business, relationships, sex, etc., and its dual HD power comes as a decisive advantage.
Furthermore, like all other HD(Heavy Duty) devices, the Performer has the capability to produce living water the same way as the AO 1100, the AO 2000, the RAD 2400 HD, ATG 5 / RAD 5 and the ATG 12 / ATG 12000.
One of the Chi Generators® & Orgone Generator® of the Performer 2300 features a built-in & integrated Frequency Module that has been designed for twelve precision low pulse settings.
Each of these frequencies has a special purpose that is important for your power performance - see below next to the image of the frequency dial.
The other built-in & -fully- integrated- Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator® can be set to any frequency of your choice, ranging between 0.5 and 500 Hz.
Complimentary Frequency Meter is included.(!)
Both internal Chi Generators® & Prana Generator®& Orgone Generator® can also be driven by exterior frequency input:
use one or both mono-audio inputs (see below) for specific frequency sequences, which can be generated by your PC or MAC - simply plug into the sound output of your computer while you are running one of the Manifestation Programs and your performer generates orgone energy (chi, prana, orgone, lifeforce and life-energy) in the same frequency, this way boosting significantly the trend energies that your manifestation program is broadcasting.
The corresponding power switch can be in the "off" position during this operation.
Both, the precision settings with the frequency meter and the frequency input from your PC, MAC or from a CD player (see our Specific Special Frequencies or you can make your own) provide this powerful Life Force & Life Energy Equipment (i.e. Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator®) with a versatility, which is appreciated especially by persons whose goal is maximum improvement of their performance power.
Your choice of precision frequency settings:
1. Very relaxing ("Endorphin frequency"), strengthens lower back, positive organ-muscle resonances,
2. "HGH-frequency", helps develop muscle in general, rejuvenation effects, rapid recovery
3. Reduces exhaustion, additional energy for extra reps
4. Concentration and Precision, especially for golf, target practice, etc., reduces fear
5. Vitality, focus on Arms, Shoulders, Upper Back, Chest
6. Vitality, focus on: Abs, Legs, Glutes
7. Grounding, anti-mind control, improved stress tolerance; feeling revitalized like you have spent a day in the country; enhanced learning and acquiring of routines, mind-body coordination
8. Coordination, mood elevator, sense of well-being & decreased pain, especially for hangover & jet lag, improved learning, centering, increase physical strength, especially for weak muscle groups
9. Mind/body unity, enhancing and activating supplements
10. Energy, vitality, good to impose subconscious commands on another (body language that projects confidence of winning, etc.), therefore good to win competitions, rejuvenation effects, enhances muscle builders
11. Confidence of victory in sports, increased aggression, “energetic steroid”
12. Desensitizer; enhanced vigor & alertness, more reps, stamina and endurance.
With the Output of the PCHD 2400 plugged into it, you can upgrade your Performer 2300.
Like other HD devices, it features an option of audio input. With this setup, you can work with two precision settings, for instance one for stamina and the other one to make you immune to negative outside influences, plus you can operate with three to four times the power!
(1) Transfer Couple (TC 99) for smooth and continuous supply of powerful life-force & life-energy.
(2) For added power, use a Power Booster with Transfer Disk (PBT 2400) or a RAOPTC power coaster transfer.
Of course, you can use the Performer 2300 the same way as you use any other Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator®, in conjunction with the Manifestation Program or SuperManifestation Program or with any filters of your choice!
In fact, with the Manifestation Radionics Program, you have added versatiliy, which can be of a decisive help especially in competition.
About Low Frequencies, Chi MindMachines, and the Performer 2400, see the description of the Chi Mindmachines & the LPOG Series!
The manual that comes with your Performer 2300 HD will tell you how to use this exceptional device for success in sports competitions, and then some!
Coaches who are serious about the success of their team can contact us or any one of our distributors.
(3) PBT 2400Power Booster with Transfer Couple.
With this accessory, you can add to the power of the Performer's Chi Generator®.
You can slide one part of your PBT 2400 over the output pipe of your Performer 2300 and carry the small disk on you.
Ideally, attach it to your key chain. This will provide you with a continuous boost to your energy levels.
Both parts are made of Super Orgonite®.
You can put the transfer disk on a key ring, of course.
(4) The PBTBH 2400Potency Booster (in the picture connected to the performer 2400, with additional supplements) is made of a very special Super-Orgonite® composite material that has been specifically formulated for the purpose of sexual energy enhancement.
This device carries an unconditional one-month money back guarantee.
The PBTBH 2400 can provide you with massive lifeforce & lifeenergy that is enhanced with specific sexual/performance boosting energies!
You can slide one part of your PBTBH over the output pipe of your Performer 2400 and carry the transfer disk on you.
With this simple transfer arrangement, you can carry the energy of your LifeForce & LifeEnergy Equipment(Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator®) with you and you can enjoy its exciting effects any place in the Universe!
The large transfer allows you to charge water, food and supplements with this sex enhancing energy. (!)
Important: The PBTBH it is NOT a medical device.
Therefore it cannot be used to heal any disease.
The Performer 2300 HD -presently- is available only for Customers with delivery address inside EU (European Union)!
ONLY for Customers with delivery address inside EU!
RAOPTC(Round Aqua Optimizer Power Transfer Couple)
With this accessory, you can boost the power of the Sport Performer.
Keep the small disk on the device and use the larger disk to charge water, food, drinks and supplements (at a distance, in fact, at any distance!) anywhere or simply carry it on yourself to give a continuous boost to your energy levels.
Both parts are made of super orgonite®.
Power Booster with Transfer Disk (Power Transfer Couple) | PBT 2400
For added power, use a Power Booster with Transfer Disk (PBT 2300) or a RAOPTC power coaster transfer.
Of course, you can use the Performer 2300 the same way as you use any other Life Force & Life Energy generator Equipment with Vitality Generators; Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator®, in conjunction with the Manifestation Program or Super Manifestation Program or with any filters / -magickal- symbols of your choice!
The Universal Manual that comes with your Performer 2300 HD will tell you how to use this exceptional device for success in sports competitions, and then some!
Coaches who are serious about the success of their team can contact us (or any one of our distributors).
With this accessory, you can add to the power of the Life Force & Life Energy generator EquipmentPerformer's Vitality Generators; Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator®.
You can slide one part of your PBT 2400 over the output pipe of your Performer 2300 and carry the small disk on you.
Ideally, attach it to your key chain. This will provide you with a continuous boost to your energy levels.
The PBTBH 2300Potency Booster (in the picture connected to the Performer 2300,with additional supplements) is made of a very special Super-Orgonite® composite material that has been specifically formulated for the purpose of sexual energy enhancement.
The PBTBH 2300 can provide you with massive lifeforce & lifeenergy (chi-energy & orgone-energy) that is enhanced with specific sexual/performance boosting energies!
You can slide one part of your PBTBH over the output pipe of your Performer 2300 and carry the transfer disk on you.
The Performer 2300 Life Force & Life Energy generator Equipment with the PBTBH (boosting the subtle energies -LifeEnergy & LifeForce- generated by the -integrated- Vitality Generators; Chi & Prana & Orgone Generators into the Equipment, made with the special material matrix; Super-Orgonite, energizing a coup of fresh and tasty water
With this simple transfer arrangement, you can carry the energy of your Life Force & Life Energy EquipmentVitality Generators; (Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator®) with you and you can enjoy its exciting effects any place in the Universe!
The large transfer allows you to charge water, food and supplements with this sex enhancing energy. (!)
Important: The PBTBH is NOT a medical device.
Therefore it cannot be used to heal any disease.
The Life Force & Life Energy Equipment boosted by -integrated- Vitality Generators; (Chi Mind Machine & Mind Trainer) with the life energy transfer card, which connects it with the Manifestation Radionics Program™.
The Manifestation Programs™:
Basic Manifestation Program and the Manifestation Program for Weight Management
The purpose of the Manifestation Programs is to establish structural links to targets of your operations such as to other persons or to yourself on the one hand, and to specific actions on the other, which you coordinate in the program.
The purpose of the Vitality Generators; Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator® (LifeForce & LifeEnergy Equipments) is the generating of life-force, life-energy, bioenergy, orgone or Chi-energy.
This extremely versatile new method evolved as a result of the capability to "solidify" the structural connections (structural links) that you can establish with your inherent powers of abstraction, and it is exactly this capability to solidify the abstractions of your desires, which helps you achieve positive permanent solutions and change.
This means that you can harness continuous power driving towards the results that you programmed into your computer.
This continuous flow of life-force & life-energy is made possible with a special structural link that connects your Orgone & Prana & Chi Generator®; your Vitality Generators; integrated into your Life Force & Life Energy Equipments), the Manifestation Program™ and the target of your operation:
To make this possible, each program comes with a fully individualized transfer card and the corresponding file on your program that connect your Life-Force & Life-Energy Equipment (with integrated Vitality Generators; chi generator® & prana generator® & orgone generator®) directly with the functions in your Manifestation program™.
The New Manifestation Program™ and The Manifestation Program for Fitness & Weight Loss
As is the case with the Radionics Device, the purpose of the Manifestation Program is to establish -long lasting- structural links.
The purpose of the integrated Vitality Generators; Chi Generator® & Orgone Generator® into your Life Force & Life Energy Equipment is the generating of life-force, life-energy, orgone or chi-energy.
It is a Power Radionics™ Program, because you can connect it structurally with a performant Life Force & Life Energy generator Equipment powered with- and boosted by integrated Vitality Generators; Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator®, which adds Strenght & Power & Force to your operations for manifestation.
ManifestationPrograms are designed to help you to: Get Assured Success Faster and Easier Results are More Effective and Far Reaching than ever
Just turn the dial, set up a 'trend' and 'target' ...and go !
The Astro-Dynamic Manifestation Program™
The invention of the Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generators® (the Vitality Generators; which are integrated into all our Life Energy & Life Force Equipments!), made possible this very effective ADM (Astro-Dynamic Manifestation) technology, by far exceeding the powers of astrologers of ancient times, who were "the wise ruling the stars" !
Therefore, whenever your intention is ... to help persons who are worried about bad astrological forecasts to go beyond that which astrologers tell you is possible according to your horoscope, transcend the restrictions of the type of your personal destiny that "is written in the stars," ...
...Then ADM, or Astro-Dynamic Manifestation is right for you !!!
The Dynamic Feng Shui & Feng Shui Plus Manifestation Program
Feng Shui + Chi Energy = The Ultimate Flexibility !
Feng Shui Dynamic & Feng Shui-Plus is a New Technology, which is based on Ancient Knowledge and Wisdom.
It is a Result of the Invention of the Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator® by Karl Hans Welz.
This is extreme flexibility that allows you to project the correspondent Feng Shui Energies of your choice into whichever sector of your house you prefer it to be active. (!)
Moreover, you can carry the Feng Shui energy of your choice with you anywhere you go.
In fact, this extremely versatile technology makes you independent of any local Feng Shui energies. (!)
Easy to use, high performance!
Life Force& Life Energy Generator Equipments
powered with- & boosted by -genuine- Vitality Generators; Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators®
Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipments
powered with- & boosted by -genuine- Vitality Generators; Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators®
Chi & Prana & Orgone Boosted
Power Radionics & Permanent Abstraction Technology Manifestation Devices
Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipments powered with- and boosted by Vital / Vitality Welz Generators; the Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators® handmade with Orgonite® & Super Orgonite®
Living Water!
Me and my family now always drink energized water! With the three AO 2000 I energize not only our room and ourself, but also the water what we are drinking during the day. My wife makes the cofee also from this energized water, and not even the taste its better, but we gain more energy.
Gracias! Roberto (Sevilla, Espana)
Life Force&Life Energy GeneratorEquipments powered with & boosted by integrated Vitality Generators; -genuine- Chi Generator® & Prana Generator® & Orgone Generator® made with SuperOrgonite® and -recommended- Accessories ~ Shipping cost and offered Services ~
Chi Vitality Cards® / Chi Life Force Energy Card(s)
Powerful & continuous flow of Chi(Life)Energy & Vitality for you, -directly- in your pocket and / or billfold; at the best & lowest price! Now also available on your computer / laptop, tablet / iPad and on the mobile phone(s)!
A continouos life force energy source in your wallet not just in printed form, but -now also- on your computer / laptop, tablet / iPad and your mobile phone!
The cheapest, safest and -at the same time- the most easy and elegant way for a -continuous- supply of Life Energy(Life Force, Chi / Qi, Prana, Od, Orgon / Orgone, etc.).
We are widely open to collaborate with self development coaches who would like to help their customers with (life)energy & vitality or anybody who want to help others -and themself- for a better, meaningful and successful life.
Inquiries by emails for Chi Vitality Cards are welcome!
A very good opportunity to order(only now, but just for a limited period of time) !
A continuous Life Force Energy source plus a trend management program for the 'virtual modulation' of these benefic subtle energies for your safety and success!
Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipments
powered with & boosted by (Vital / Vitality Generators);Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators®
Life Force & Life Energy Generator Equipments powered with and boosted by genuine -integrated-Vital / Vitality Welz Generators;Chi Generators® & Prana Generators® & Orgone Generators®
Recommended Accessories
Motto / Quote
“You cannot control what happens to you, but you can control your attitude toward what happens to you, and in that, you will be mastering change rather than allowing it to master you.” Brian Tracy